Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 561: Unleashing the Killing Ring

Chapter 561: Unleashing the Killing Ring (4)

The soul was suddenly wounded, the three-eyed firefox screamed in pain, and the spiritual power in his body was out of control, causing the raging flames to be like a river that had escaped from the river, and it was about to turn into a catastrophic torrent.

"I said, I want your flames!!" Tang Yan descended from the sky, and the rotating ancient saber hit the three-eyed Firefox's raised head, which was the third eye between the brows, with the force of thunder.

The saber has no edge, but it weighs a thousand catties. Coupled with the power of eight critical strikes, it blasted the three-eyed Firefox towards the hot and red mountain on the spot.

Roar! !The three-eyed Firefox was furious, and it was about to burst into a rage, but its consciousness was in a trance for a while, and it almost knelt on the ground.

"Haha, I'll give you back what you said just now—how long can you hold on!!" Tang Yan took advantage of his illness to kill him, swallowed a large amount of spiritual source liquid, and swayed his spiritual power to his heart's content. The three-eyed Firefox was beaten with the ancient saber, and before it came back to its senses, it shattered its spiritual armor and shattered all the bones in its body.

The three-eyed Firefox struggled to resist, and opened its third eye again, but Tang Yan gave it a 'head-butt-head' directly, hitting the fox's head with the bull's head, and tore the Firefox's third eye with his paw.

Tang Yan's speed combined with heavy blows, and his dragon tail combined with scale armor, made him invincible in melee combat!
The three-eyed fire fox was full of spiritual power and mysterious bloodline combat skills, but he couldn't use it at all. In just a few breaths, he was beaten unconscious by Tang Yan.

"The second one!" Tang Yan took a deep breath, put the three-eyed Firefox into the golden lock, and was about to leave, but saw a powerful evil spirit surging from Yuankong, with a faint and sharp cry.

Just in time!Tang Yan let out a cold snort, regained his momentum, and roared out with a lion's roar. "Sky Winged Monster!! A miscellaneous bird with six wings! Listen to me, first the blood leopard, then the Firefox, I will kill you all over the Southern Phoenix Wonderland! Wash your neck and wait, I will find it soon you!!"

Tang Yan was covered in blood, but his evil spirit was like a sea, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

The Sky Winged Monster was about to kill him, but he could only watch Tang Yan disappear into the depths of the mountains in a golden light, and Tang Yan's howl made the demon kings in the distance change their colors in shock, and also made the Sky Winged Monster run away. Roar like that!

"If you don't turn your Southern Phoenix Wonderland upside down, I won't be called Tang Yan!"

Tang Yan cursed bitterly, and left quickly, this time he really did what he said.All the way forward, recuperating and repairing while sneaking, swallowing the spiritual source liquid while running wildly, while throwing off the Sky Winged Demon, he ran wildly in a straight line, and even rushed towards a demon master who heard the news.

It's the Soul Eater Demon Spider!
The culprit who caused Zhaoyi's serious injury and coma that day.

Without further ado, Tang Yan rushed up and it was a fierce battle. This time it was no longer the ghost blue fire, but the domineering and frenzied battle of the seal of ten thousand Buddhas. He suppressed this soul-eating monster with absolute violence, and its strong fluctuations once again shocked the world. , but no demon king dared to provoke and stop him.

The Soul-eating Demon Spider is very powerful, and knew that he couldn't hold Tang Yan, so he chose to retreat immediately, but after all, he couldn't hold Tang Yan's perverted speed and combat power. After ten rounds of fighting, he fell down the waterfall , seriously injured and dying.

Not far away, another demon master caught a strong wave of spiritual power and rushed to rescue him, but was stopped by Tang Yan in mid-air.

This is a berserk demon ape, good at melee fighting.

It's a pity that what Tang Yan is most afraid of is melee combat. Whether it's combat skills, critical strike power, speed or defense, he dares to fight even a second-level demon master, so why be afraid of such a demon ape!

Immediately put everything aside, directly use the body destroying technique to cooperate with the demon spirit veins, and use the powerful physique to cooperate with the 'Bajiquan', and in a fierce battle that shook the mountains, the demon ape was violently killed and dragged into the new world of silence .

The demonic apes turned into nourishment for the new world, and turned into all lonely souls, floating in the boundless cold darkness.

In this short period of a few quarters of an hour, Tang Yan killed two demon venerables in a row, with a ferocious and terrifying appearance, as if he had transformed into a killing god!
Of course, while slaughtering the demon king, he also included the nearby demon kings.Bombarding everywhere, inviting battles one after another, the ghostly green flames swept across the area, and the demon spirits shrouded the mountains with fierce power, killing the demon kings one by one.

The territory with a radius of tens of kilometers is completely out of control!It's a mess!
On the battlefield left by the three-eyed Firefox, the Sky Winged Demon was venting his anger irritably.To issue an order to hunt down and kill Tang Yan, unexpectedly, Tang Yan not only did not hide when it issued the order, but also started killing in the distance, without giving it any buffer space.

"Little thief Tang Yan, you're bullying people too much!!" The Sky Winged Demon was furious.The other demon masters found that they couldn't keep up with this hateful guy's thinking, they didn't play cards according to the normal routine at all, they were unscrupulous and lawless, as if they didn't know the power of the undead phoenix in this Eternal Beast Mountain!
Tang Yan didn't pay attention to anything, and continued to hide his breath, rushing among the mountains and dense forests, no matter he encountered a demon king or a clan-level monster, he would kill all those who had any weight, and after a few days, he would kill them all in one place with blood. The words 'seraph, be careful of you little bird' were sprinkled on the cliff.

But... His indulgence only lasted for a few days, and the clouds in the sky surged again, revealing Tang Yan's monster-like appearance, straddling the sea of ​​clouds and mist tides, and existed for a long time, lasting for several hours before he eased up. Dissipate slowly.

This is an arrest warrant for the entire Nanhuang Territory!
The staying time is long enough to show the importance of this wanted mission.

This time the image is not only in a local area, but in the entire Nanhuang Wonderland. More and more demon masters are awakened from the retreat, not daring to slack off in the slightest. Manhunt.

Its formation completely treats Tang Yan as a second-rank demon master on the spot.

And I have been warned again and again, don't mess up your position, don't play tricks with Tang Yan, don't be arrogant, focus on sleepiness, supplement by disturbance, and send a signal as soon as you find out !
This series of police trainings made the demon masters who don't know the situation baffled, and they all knew... a scourge broke into the Nanhuang territory, an extremely difficult scourge!

And the public announcement of the fallen four demon venerables also made them put away all their contempt.

When the sea of ​​clouds showed the appearance of a monster, there were several "outsiders" sneaking in Nanhuang's territory. They all noticed the appearance of a monster in the sea of ​​clouds, but they didn't know that it was the monster who was wanted by Quan Nanhuang. Tang Yan they were looking for.

I didn't pay much attention to it, either stealth intensively, or continued my search.

"How did this image appear?" Tang Yan stood in a blood-stained canyon, looking in amazement at the cloud that had returned to calm.At this moment, a giant demon elephant was stepping under its feet, but it was already dying, being rapidly refined by the ghost green fire.

He wondered who and how these images were projected.

Could it be caused by the special environment of the Eternal Beast Mountain?
Tang Yan put away the spirit source liquid refined by the giant elephant, and while playing with it, he thought about countermeasures. After several days of hunting, he already felt obviously strenuous.The activities of the demon masters are very cautious, basically in groups of three, and the finished glyphs control an area.The three demon masters in a group are basically less than 5000 meters apart, visible to the naked eye, and can be reinforced at any time.

The chance of wanting to sneak attack is zero.

After several days of observation, the number of Yao Zun found must be at least fifteen. If you look at the entire Nanhuang Wonderland, there may be more than [-] Yao Zun involved in the hunt!

As expected of a monster cemetery left over from ancient times, Tang Yan felt a lot of pressure from the number of monster masters. Even if they were thrown into some ancient countries, they would still be a top overlord.

After several times of thinking, Tang Yan decided to give up the pursuit.

It is meaningless to continue to take risks, it is better to avoid the limelight first, not to mention the killing is already enjoyable.It might be a better choice to wait for the wind here to calm down and then come back and catch him by surprise.

By that time...Zhaoyi will basically be back to full strength, so I have to make a good plan to kill that mottled black bird!

After making up his mind, Tang Yan evaded numerous searches, crossed the nameless river, and ventured into Dongkui's territory.

Fortunately, the inspector Dongkui thought that he was dead and would not do any more searches. Relatively speaking, he was relatively safe here.

Tang Yan went straight back to the place agreed with the Blackwater Leech, but five or six days had passed since the agreed time limit, and the Blackwater Leech was not here.

Are you anxious because you didn't wait for yourself?Still haven't rushed back yet?
The blackwater leech and itself belong to a symbiotic contract, and they can feel their own position. If they are deliberately looking for it, they should find it soon. Now it seems... it may have encountered some kind of trouble and delayed the deadline for returning.

However, Tang Yan could feel the life breath of the blackwater leech very clearly, and there was no sign of injury, indicating that he was not in danger.

Tang Yan was not overly worried about the blackwater leech, which had unparalleled stealth ability and was cautious and unwilling to take risks.

"Is it time to release Zhaoyi?" Tang Yan squatted by the river, rolling his eyes, thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment and 'danger', and how to appease Zhaoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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