Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 566 Blood Soul Transformation

Chapter 566 Blood Soul Transformation

Where is this sound coming from?

She is also very immature, and also has joyful emotions, but for some reason, it brings Tang Yan a completely different strange feeling, giving birth to a touch of vigilance and coldness out of thin air.

Tang Yan calmed down quickly, and carefully observed the situation inside Qihai. It didn't matter if he probed it, he was stunned.

Since he was promoted to Martial Venerable Realm, he has not seriously observed the situation of Life Wuying for a long time. He has swallowed a large amount of demon king-level spirit source liquid continuously, and there are two demon masters who remember the spirit source liquid, which made Life Wuying have a very good life. change significantly.

Compared with the outline of the baby at the beginning, it is now basically in the form of a liquid, like a curled up fetus, suspended soundlessly above the air sea, emitting extremely powerful life waves.Thin mist of life is permeated, floating in the air sea, spreading towards Tang Yan's body, so that Tang Yan maintains surging life fluctuations at all times.

The current life mist baby is far from being condensed into a blood pill, and there is no sign of enlightenment.After all, its existence is equivalent to the gift of the ghost blue fire to the depositing subject, and perhaps it will never give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Tang Yan was astonished... the Blood Soul Tree! !
Tang Yan has seldom paid attention to it since it was silent that year, and even gradually forgot that the Blood Soul Tree also exists leisurely above the Qi Sea, fused with the Life Mist Baby, and connected with the Green Fire Qi Sea.

It was only at this moment that Tang Yan realized how much this thing had changed!

The rhizome of the blood soul tree extends out dense silk threads, sticking to the ocean of ghostly green fire. The silk threads are very fine and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but the number is huge; the fruit still exists in the heart of the life mist baby, absorbing the surging life fluctuations ;The snow-white branches and leaves are like the spring breeze, fluttering gently, looking leisurely.But a fine mist of white jade diffused out, and it also connected to the life Wuying.

It completely regards the life mist baby and the ghost blue fire as a nourishment pool!
It's growing!

It's changing dramatically!
It's... taking shape! !

In just a few years, the Blood Soul Tree actually had a humanoid outline!
That's right, it's the outline of a human figure!

The blood-colored fruit has roughly the appearance of a vague human face, immature and pure; the branches begin to plump, like a newborn human body; the leaves and rhizomes are clearly showing signs of changing to limbs!
At a rough glance, it looks like a thousand-year-old ginseng. Compared with the "a small tree" back then, its appearance and shape are completely two concepts!
Its body is filled with colorful luster, like a perfect dress draped on its body.

And it was basically certain that the childish laughter just now came from this transforming Blood Soul Tree.

Tang Yan was stunned for a long time, and he couldn't describe it in words.

What freaks are conceived in my body!

It was only at this moment that Tang Yan suddenly realized, no wonder the Blood Soul Tree was willing to follow him to leave the ancient underground city, no wonder it took root and grew in the sea of ​​qi!
Tang Yan had an unbelievable idea that the Blood Soul Tree might have reached the stage of metamorphosis as early as in the ancient underground city, but it just didn't find a suitable environment and didn't have enough nourishment. His own appearance brought it an opportunity just right!
Tang Yan had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell whether he should be scared or excited.

If this is a pure blood soul tree, Tang Yan can use it. When the ghost Qinghuo's spiritual wisdom matures in the future and the life fog baby condenses into a blood pill, he can swallow it in one fell swoop to help him undergo a complete transformation. .

It is the key to immortality, the transformation of the ghost green fire, and the promotion of one's own martial saint!
Tang Yan always thought so.

But turned into form before its own 'plan'.After the endless years of gestation in the underground ancient city, and the gift of blood energy from countless horrible creatures, this blood soul tree that gave birth to spiritual wisdom is itself very powerful, and its soul attack is almost terrifying.Now accepting the assistance of the ghost blue fire and the life mist baby, what kind of pervert will be born?
At the moment when it really takes shape, will it treat itself as nourishment, facing life and death?Or is he dependent on himself like a ghost, living and dying?
Tang Yan had a killing intent at this moment!
If it treats itself as food when it is mature, no one will be able to suppress it!It is more dangerous than the evil ancestor! to kill?Its roots are connected to the ghost green fire, and its main body is merging with the life mist baby. Once it is forcibly killed and awakened from its sleep, what kind of changes may happen.

Calm down! !
Tang Yan secretly reminded himself that at this time, one must not be impulsive, let alone take extreme measures because of the superficial danger.

It is best to wait quietly until the right and wrong are not determined.

What's more, the Blood Soul Tree itself has not shown a hostile attitude. If its intelligence has matured enough to distinguish right from wrong, it should be grateful for the favor it has given to it, and maybe it will become an interdependent partner.

Tang Yan was entangled in three, but he was still prepared to deal with it rationally.

Once the blood soul tree is conceived, it will definitely be a big murderous thing. Throwing it anywhere is enough to set off endless storms. It may create a blessing, or it may turn into a disaster. Tang Yan took it out of the underground ancient city, We have the responsibility to control it, at least to have some influence.

Extreme danger always corresponds to extreme reward.

If the Blood Soul Tree has a good impression of him, it will be Tang Yan's powerful assistant on the road in the future. At this moment, Tang Yan thought of the Lost Battle Realm, the Holy Spirit Hall, and finally had the confidence to challenge .

The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more determined he was. He could not disturb the Blood Soul Tree, but let it absorb nourishment, establish a good relationship, and lay a solid foundation for communication in the early stages of its formation.

In the canyon, the ghost blue fire swallowed up all the blood flames of the three-eyed firefox, and all the surging flame essence was compressed into the dantian air sea.The turbulent air sea gradually calmed down, and as Huo Ling was swallowed by a green fire and pulled into the abyss of the air sea, everything returned to tranquility.

Rumble!Without the obstruction of the flames, the upstream river surged down, running through the dry river channel, and surging waves.The canyon was in a mess, and the fire red after being scorched by flames was steaming everywhere. The magma dripping on the cliffs was also gradually cooled under the washing of the waves, but the water vapor filling the valley was still hot.

For the first time, Tang Yan truly felt the existence of the ghost green fire, it was no longer a pure cold flame, its power was destined to be abnormal to the extreme.

Maybe relying on the ghost Qinghuo alone, he can disdain the realm of the first-order martial arts.

"Blood soul tree, ghost green fire, twin babies, who can resist! You are the cornerstone for me to fight against this continent." Tang Yan sprouted indomitable tenacity and confidence in his heart.Looking around the messy environment, he quickly evacuated, came to the outside of Zhaoyi's resting valley, and began to study the Silent Eye and Body Destruction Art carefully, and also simply tried how the Tang family's martial arts could be skillfully integrated.

By the way, doing some necessary preparatory measures.

Five days later, when Tang Yan was immersed in the body destroying technique, the black water leech found him quietly and turned into a black demon flower to hide among the scales.

"What happened? Why didn't you come back until now."

Blackwater Leech said directly: "I was going to come back, but I accidentally found the trail of the tiger and ben cavalry."

"Hu Ben cavalry? They came to the Eternal Beast Mountain?" Tang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately frowned. "Nonsense!!"

The tiger and ben cavalry can show off their power in the Dayan Mountains, but they can only be reduced to food when they fall into this mountain of monsters and beasts. Who gave the order to come in?Isn't this sending you to death?
"It may be that other accidents happened after we were dragged into the Eternal Beast Mountain. It's pointless for you to be upset now. They all came in anyway."

"Where are they? You didn't bring them back?"

"You have to be mentally prepared, the not good."


"I said that I found the tiger ben cavalry because I found their corpses, a large number of corpses! There are more than 100."

Tang Yan's heart trembled, his pupils dilated slightly, and he stood up abruptly, "Where is it!! Take me to see it!"

"Scattered branches, some places have a few, some places have a dozen, some are ligers and tigers, and some are tiger cavalry. I found them by accident, and I have been searching Tracking, but... so far no living ones have been found. I have been searching for seven days.

I have two conjectures. One is that only a part of the tiger and cardinal cavalry were dragged into the Eternal Beast Mountain, and almost all of them have been killed so far.The second is that there are a lot of people coming in. They may have adapted to the environment here after sacrificing some of them and then hid. "

"Did you find Tang Hao's... body?" Tang Yan's heart trembled slightly when he asked this sentence.

"No, there are not many familiar faces, but I discovered Tang Qing's sharpening iron and breaking his knife."

(End of this chapter)

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