Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 568 Chaos in the Southern Phoenix

Chapter 568 Chaos in the Southern Phoenix (2)

On the fifth day, at Huangniwan in the south-central part of Nanhuang Wonderland, Tang Yan and Zhaoyi attacked the search team formed by the six-eared voiceless bat and the immovable King Kong bear again.

The immovable Vajra Bear is a second-tier demon master, and the six-eared voiceless bat's ability to adapt and detect is extremely abnormal, which caused a change in the sneak attack.

The immovable King Kong bear detonated the earth tide in Huangniwan, and the mud that rose from the sky disturbed the world of flowers and seas. The King Kong body, known as the most defensive, successfully resisted Zhaoyi's ultimate move, causing the sneak attack to turn into a fierce battle.

The ten peak martial kings fought against Tang Yan, interfering with the sneak attack on the six-eared voiceless bat. Although it was only a short gap, the six-eared voiceless bat still successfully seized the opportunity to escape, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

More than [-] demon kings escaped from more than [-] people.

It's time, Zhaoyi went crazy, and killed the second-level demon master Fudo Vajra Bear with six moves!Tang Yan was furious and killed fifty demon kings by himself.

But none of them can offset the hidden danger brought by the escape of the six-eared voiceless bat.

Tang Yan and Zhaoyi didn't have time to clean up the demon king's body, and fled immediately after the battle, but... the six-eared voiceless bat went back very quickly, and brought with it a third-rank demon master who also belonged to the Nanhuang patrol envoy—— The First Lie Yang Snake!

Tang Yan and the others evacuated in time, and fled into the deep mountains before they arrived, but the Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake's search ability was so strong that it quickly located their remaining aura.

A chase broke out immediately!

Tang Yan and Zhaoyi fled at full speed, followed by the Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake!Escape and chase, kill and stop, the violent offensive shook the mountains, Tang Yan tried to 'counterattack', but Zhaoyi was injured after all, the seven-headed blazing sun snake controlled the wind, rain, thunder and lightning Dozeki, the offensive was wild Domineering, balanced by the Sky Winged Demon, not only failed to counterattack, but almost suffered disaster.

The six-eared voiceless bat exerted its speed to the extreme, and passed the news to the nearby search team one after another. The four great demon masters came to help in succession, blocking Tang Yan and Zhaoyi from all directions.

Tang Yan and Zhaoyi were in crisis, fighting and retreating, crazily approaching demons.

When they were about to fall into desperation, Tang Yan and Zhaoyi rushed into an abyss gully following the guidance of the black water leech.This is a gully that has existed in the Eternal Beast Mountain since ancient times. I don't know how deep it is, and how dangerous it is. There are only rumors that it is connected to a certain void space, and any intruders will be torn into it and lost forever.

Tang Yan and Zhaoyi felt the terrible crisis emanating from inside, but faced with a large number of pursuers, they could only take risks.

After several life-and-death struggles, he narrowly escaped the tracking team.

The No. 14 day of infiltrating into Nanhuang Wonderland, that is, the second day after they threw off the tracking team, Tang Yan and Zhaoyi did not rest, but crossed mountains and ravines and moved to the western realm, and completed it again with cruelty and resentment. Sneak attack.

Killing the violent ligers of the second-level demon masters and the five poisonous eagles of the first-level demon masters, and doing so neatly, only a mere thirty demon kings escaped.

In this way, Tang Yan and Zhaoyi fought everywhere, making troubles without any scruples, and the number of monsters killed continued to increase.

Although Nanhuang Wonderland is the tyrant of the Eternal Beast Mountain and has existed here for endless years, it has never encountered a similar situation, and no one has been so crazy, bold and reckless in wanton killing.No matter how powerful they are, they are always 'unprepared' that cannot be concealed, so that the search and arrest strategies are wrong one after another, resulting in Tang Yan's frequent success.

But there is a limit to everything. When Tang Yan and Zhaoyi killed the seventh monster, an unspeakable terrifying coercion spewed out from the central fairy palace of Nanhuang Wonderland, and the entire sky of Nanhuang Wonderland was filled with colorful rays of light. , the coercion of palpitations permeated the mountains, and the entire Nanhuang Wonderland fell into deathly silence.

All monsters kneeled on the ground, and all the search teams trembled and panicked.

This came from the anger of the Immortal Phoenix. It has been in seclusion for many years, and it obviously sensed the chaos in the outside world. Its ferocity at this moment is also to deter and warn the patrol envoys in all directions.

The land of Dongkui was disturbed, and a large number of demon masters rushed to the sky, staring at the distant land of Nanhuang; The land is calm, and a cold aura permeates towards the south.

They all felt the fierce power from the undead phoenix!

Being vigilant is more depressing, who alarmed the Immortal Phoenix, and what caused the chaos in the Southern Phoenix, all three forces expelled the 'hermit' to explore.

At the same time, the appearances of Tang Yan and Zhaoyi appeared in the sky above Nanhuang Wonderland, and they will not leave for a long time!

A message came out of Nanhuang Asgard, pointing out the hiding place of the 'Wanted Criminal'!

The two inspectors, the Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake and the Sky Winged Demon, all took orders to move, and each led five demon masters to the Midwest. The lineup was unprecedented.

The mountains in the central and western regions are a gorgeous and colorful land of immortals.

High mountains rise and fall one after another, and the rushing waterfall hangs upside down like the Milky Way, slanting down from one peak after another. Looking around, the mountains and fields are full of large and small waterfalls. The magnificent and magnificent mountain waterfall garden is like a dream.

It is close to the land of Nishizawa, and there are countless small rivers, which have created criss-crossing rivers and clusters of waterfalls. The environment here is beautiful, and the spiritual power here is as thick as fog.

This is the western region of Nanhuang Wonderland, a veritable fairyland.

In a mountain stream of the waterfall group, the waterfall roars, the waves leap, there are many fish and animals, and the cranes dance.Zhaoyi is in it, like a fairy in a picture scroll, adding a touch of splendor to this wonderful wonderland.

But Zhaoyi didn't care about the beautiful scenery of the valley, and stared at the long-lasting projection in the sky: "The Nanhuang Immortal Palace is angry. It is conservatively estimated that they will send at least two inspectors and about ten demon masters."

Tang Yan said: "Nanhuang Immortal Palace can't afford to make another mistake. This time, we must be 100% sure to trap and kill us. In other words, there should be two inspectors, Tianyi Demon and Qishoulie The Yang Snake is the most likely, and there will be no less than ten other Yao Zuns."

"The Sky Winged Demon and the Seven-Headed Fierce Sun Snake are both relics from ancient times. One is good at speed and assassination, and the other is unmatched in melee combat. Together, they are enough to keep me behind. The rest of the demon masters, let alone ten, can even come to five Let you go to heaven and have nowhere to go.

According to my guess, they will quickly lock this area and launch a strong attack. What do you think, you have to stay here and wait?If you don't give me an accurate answer, I won't stay with you to die. "

Zhaoyi became more and more unable to understand the monster's purpose and thoughts.

Fighting all the way to the present, the madness continued, and the situation became more and more critical, but suddenly stopped when he knew it was dangerous, and put on a "hidden" posture, in fact, he was "fishing for the bait". Zhaoyi couldn't imagine that he had What method to resolve this crisis, and where is the confidence.

"Tang Yan will be back soon."

"you sure?"

"Very sure! Not only will Tang Yan come back, but there will also be other helpers. I can't guarantee too much. Three or four should be fine."

"I don't know where your confidence comes from, but I have to remind you that even with four or five helpers, it is very difficult for us to get a chance to come back. Nanhuang Wonderland must have made a big determination this time. A constable can put us in a corner."

"There are two things I can assure you. One is that helpers will definitely come, and the other is that even if the helpers are not strong enough, we can escape unscathed. But I prefer to believe that there will be more helpers than imagined , will also make Nanhuang Wonderland drink hatred in front of me again!"

Since Tang Yan dared to deploy traps here, he has considerable certainty and confidence. The source of them comes from the black water hyacinth!
All the blood river obtained after hunting the two-headed blood leopard was sucked into the black water hyacinth. Coupled with the continuous feeding over the years, the two black water hyacinths that Tang Yan carried with him have long since changed.As early as when discussing countermeasures with the blackwater leech, I arranged for it to go in and check the growth of the larvae. The result was very gratifying. The number of [-] blackwater leeches advancing to the next rank was very large. There are more than fifty, and there are also an astonishing number of more than [-] in the fourth-level demon sect realm.

Tang Yan has been moving around during this period of time, changing destinations drastically, successively operating in the Middle East, Central West, Central North, and now Central South.This is because expanding the scope increases the chance of a successful sneak attack, and a more important purpose is to search for Zhao Zimo and the others.

They didn't search deliberately, but every time they went to a place, they had to disperse two or three thousand blackwater leeches. After Brother Hei's detailed explanation, they were coordinated and operated by the demon king, lurking and scattered to search.

The blackwater leech family is best at sneaking and searching.

After understanding the characteristics of Zhao Zimo and other search targets, it should be easier to search.

Tang Yan believed that as long as Zhao Zimo and the others were lurking within the range of Nanhuang, they would have a great chance of finding them and then sending out the summoning command—Central South Gather!

In addition, Tang Yan has a more important thing to do: "Master Zhaoyi, please help me protect the law, I am about to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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