Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 571 Showers

Chapter 571 Showers
Tang Yan lurks on the high rock outside the waterfall, and the grand lord Zhaoyi sits cross-legged, like an eternal fairy lotus, with long hair dancing wildly and a solemn expression. .The eyes are as agile as electricity, and the spiritual power in the body is like a torrent of open gates, constantly swaying, creating an overwhelming bloody petal, each petal is like a blade, and it can swallow blood when attached to the body, so hundreds of millions of petals riot together , its ferocity can wait for terror.

Zhaoyi flicked her hair recklessly, her expression became more and more fierce, while blocking the approach of other monsters, she also kept gathering compressed petals one after another, attacking the berserk Sky Winged Monster.

Fighting against more than ten demon masters by himself, Zhaoyi's killing intent accumulated for two days was fully displayed at this moment, but he also felt the heavy oppression from the demon masters. Zun goes crazy in the sea of ​​flowers, and a timid warrior can immediately collapse.

"Hasn't it worked out yet?"

Zhaoyi also felt that it was an extremely wrong decision for Weird Little Beast to choose retreat at this juncture.

This group of monsters is too ferocious, she can't hold it for long, once any monster breaks through the sea of ​​flowers and rushes into the cave to forcefully interfere, the spiritual power in Tang Yan's body that has surged due to the breakthrough will lose control, and then explode himself.

"Thunder punishment fell from the sky! Break it for me!!" The seven blazing sun snakes suddenly burst into dazzling light, flooding the sky with spiritual power. In an instant, the power of thunder and lightning continued to skyrocket. Thousands of thunder and lightning fell like weeping willows, all blasting towards the sky The world of flowers and seas.

At the same time, Hei Mingxue Leopard and other demon masters all displayed their strongest combat skills. The blood mist evaporated and the fire was ferocious. They cleared the space within hundreds of meters around them extremely vigorously, and collapsed the petals into spiritual power that filled the sky.

Zhaoyi spit out a mouthful of blood, her face pale.

"Death to me!" The Sky Winged Demon shot towards Zhaoyi in an instant. It was so fast that it seemed to cross space. At the moment of landing, a sharp claw slashed out. the nape of the neck.

"It's too early to say that!!" Zhaoyi's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the seven-colored petals that had severely injured Gongsun Ye appeared again, blasting at the claws head-on.

Clang! !Clanging and clanging, fierce and majestic, the colorful petals burst open on the spot, and at an astonishing speed, with a sharp piercing force, they collapsed directly towards the nearby mountain. A hole was pierced, and a shrill scream resounded through the sea of ​​flowers, blasting fiercely towards the lake below like a meteor.

As if the Sky Winged Demon was struck by lightning, the sudden and tenacious impact actually shattered its sharp claws, the aftermath swept across its arms and wrists, and it was flung out viciously with the sound of bone cracking.

"You bastard! How dare you hurt my claws!" An eagle's cry mixed with severe pain and anger exploded on the tip of his tongue. The piercing sound wave not only made all the monsters in the audience churn, but also made Zhaoyi's face turn pale.

But the detonation killing didn't end there, the fastest six-eared voiceless bat seized the opportunity, passed by Zhaoyi, broke through the rushing waterfall, and rushed directly into the cave.

"Be careful!!" Zhaoyi was startled, and hastily reminded, trying to gather flowers to stop him, but at this moment, two powerful second-order monsters, Hei Ming Xue Lian Leopard and Purple Wing Unicorn, rushed towards him, and the corners of his eyes Yu Guang was even more shocked to find that the seven blazing sun snakes had rushed into the sea of ​​flowers, and were rushing to kill here with extreme speed.

The moment the six-eared voiceless bat broke through the waterfall, it immediately launched a strange sonic attack.The sound waves raged, like thousands of steel rods out of control, the whole mountain trembled suddenly, a large piece of rubble fell, and the offensive storm caused by the sound waves went straight to the figure in the deepest part.

But... At the moment of the strong attack, a black-armored monster suddenly appeared in the depths of the cave. Its size skyrocketed and directly blocked the entrance.

The six-eared voiceless bat was not reconciled, and did not attack blindly. It screamed at the entrance of the cave, and the terrifying sound wave attack wave after wave, the mountain trembled wildly, and large rocks collapsed. dust.

"If you want to enter the cave, pass me first." The blackwater leech tightly blocked the entrance of the cave. It is not good at attacking, but its defense is definitely the best among its kind.At the same time, it emitted a confusing poisonous mist and powerful blood-sucking combat skills, while resisting hard, while attacking the six-eared voiceless bat.

In this gap, a blood jade centipede actually took advantage of the cover of the chaos of the outside world, pierced through the mountain, and penetrated directly into the deepest part of the cave where Tang Yan was located from a hidden position.

Bark! !The blood jade centipede has the strongest attack and defense power. It looks like a piece of steel armor piled up. While piercing through the mountain, it rushed towards Tang Yan without even looking.

But... this inner valley is not only guarded by black water leeches, Tang Yan's already awakened ghost green fire is also released by him, allowing it to linger inside the cave, forming a green fire field.Although it doesn't have the ability to launch an attack on its own, after devouring the bloody fire of the three-eyed Firefox, its power is almost abnormal. The blood jade centipede just broke in, and the ghostly green fire filled up like a tide.

The blood jade centipede let out a shrill scream, frightened and frightened, and didn't even dare to investigate the specific situation. It hastily retreated from the dug channel, struggled and resisted in the mountain, constantly hitting the rocks, rubbing and sticking together Green fire on the body.

Outside the cave, the seven fierce yang snakes broke through the sea of ​​flowers and rushed towards Zhaoyi. The seven martial arts attacked Zhaoyi repeatedly, entangled Zhaoyi tightly.The Sky Winged Demon displayed its speed to the extreme, flying back and forth, constantly attacking Zhaoyi.

The two inspectors joined forces for the first time, a perfect combination of chaos and assassination!
"Wake up for me quickly!!" Zhaoyi fell into a hard fight, unable to stop the rest of the demon masters, and anxiously reminded Tang Yan, and concentrated all her strength to fight back against the two inspectors. They said it was a counterattack, but in fact, most of them were still tired of parrying .

Without the entanglement of the sea of ​​flowers, the purple-winged unicorn and other fierce beast monsters all rushed to the cave where Tang Yan practiced.

"It's broken!" The blackwater leech trembled when it sensed the situation outside.

Tang Yan is still immersed in the breakthrough of the realm, and is entering the most critical moment, completely ignoring the chaotic storm outside.

"Work together to destroy this mountain!" The six-eared voiceless bat knew that it could not break through the defense of the blackwater leech, and immediately withdrew, and the blood jade centipede also retreated in embarrassment, roaring, and joined forces with the other eight demon masters to display its mighty power .

Blood Refining Blades, Overturning Ancient Seals, Burning Fire, Zixuan Storm, Earth Hourglass, etc., all ten categories of inheritance records blasted towards the mountain where Tang Yan was located.

Zhaoyi's complexion changed drastically in the distance, but he was powerless to save her. Instead, because he was distracted, the Sky Winged Demon tore a bloody gash on her back, from the nape of the neck to the back of the waist, almost cutting her in half.

"Fire Sun Realm, sleep on me!!" The seven scorching sun snakes screamed together, emitting a terrifying light like a scorching sun, engulfing Zhaoyi, and the countless petals were all submerged in the light as if they were being torn apart. .

The light is so dazzling that not only can't see anything clearly in the whole world, but even the detection ability seems to be lost.

"See where you go!" The seven-headed blazing sun snake and the sky-winged monster looked at each other, and with a grin, they all rushed into the blazing sun field.

Although Zhaoyi was not afraid, she tried her best to keep calm: "Flowers lead to the sky! Ancient Nether Road!"

With a cold murmur, the dense colorful petals gathered under the feet to form steps, like a mysterious corridor, passing through endless light and extending to nothingness.

The Sky Winged Demon fluttered its wings to strike the sky, roaring proudly to fight over, however, a strange thing happened.It clearly locked on to Zhaoyi, but when it tried to kill with all its strength, it missed completely.Zhaoyi was right in front of him, but when he approached, he found that he was far away. When he attacked again, the situation was still the same.

The Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake was shocked, it had completely lost Zhaoyi's aura, it was clearly looking in front of it, but it couldn't detect its exact position.

It is like a superimposed space, each in different intervals.

Zhaoyi stepped on the steps of Huajing, step by step, climbing up the steps, but every step she took, her face turned pale, and after ten steps, the corners of her mouth were overflowing with blood.

The flower path reaches the sky, the ancient ghost road!
This is Zhaoyi's life-saving martial art, and it is also the secret skill that she suddenly realized when she was sprinting to the semi-sacred realm in recent years. With the help of Huahai's domain power, she can step into the ancient heaven-reaching realm and escape from the most dangerous environment.

It is similar to the "Yihua Dazhen" in Yuhua Palace back then.

But her comprehension is only superficial, and her strength is not even in the semi-sacred realm. This 'flower path reaching the sky' can only be used in the domain of outsiders.That is to say, when you are trapped in the domain, you can use this secret technique to break free from the shackles, and it consumes a lot of blood and spiritual power.

For Zhaoyi whose soul was traumatized, it was really a challenge to perform this combat skill.

(End of this chapter)

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