Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 573 Reversal

Chapter 573 Reversal
The Sky Winged Demon and the Seven-headed Fierce Sun Snake were startled, and the five auras that suddenly appeared were all very strong. The magnificent and ferocious stone forest, the turbulent and wild ocean, and the riot of clouds and thunder curtains all formed a terrifying death jedi , as if to include all the top ten demon venerables.

Where did the reinforcements come from?
Could it be those human warriors who disappeared after entering the Eternal Beast Mountain?
"There are still people!" The Sky Winged Demon and the Seven-headed Fierce Sun Snake were alerted at the same time, and unexpectedly found a stronger aura among the clouds in the distance.Looking from a distance, it was actually a blooming snow-white lotus, suspended in the far sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the icy cold air fell on the mountains, and it could be seen that the area was slowly freezing.

The aura emitted by the lotus is filled with a murderous aura, but it has no intention of approaching here for the time being, and stays far away in mid-air, as if observing the situation here.

But showing up on his own initiative at this time also shows that he has the intention of attacking.

What is she waiting for?
"It's her?! The second elder of the Yaochi Holy Land in Yan Country! I have fought against her, she is a third-rank Martial Venerable!" The Sky Winged Demon recognized the familiar icy aura. It was this woman who stopped him in the Black Stone Gobi.

It also stopped for nearly half an hour!

But didn't she escape in the end?Why did it appear in this Southern Phoenix Wonderland!
At this time, the doomsday knell and the tearing storm spread out after raging, leaving a huge deep pit a hundred meters deep, from which thick dust and mist gushed out, like sea tides and waves.

But as the death knell spread, a colorful boat suddenly wandered out, cutting through the billowing dust and fog, rushing to the sky like a streamer.

The boat is brightly colored, dense with fairy mist, filled with extremely surging waves.In the radiant glory, Zhaoyi is alive and well!

Except for his paler face, he was unscathed.

"How is it possible!!" The Sky Winged Demon and the Seven Headed Fierce Sun Snake finally changed their faces. What kind of freak is this girl, why can't she kill her even with her unique moves?

Zhaoyi's breath was a bit messy, but luckily he escaped again.But the embarrassment and danger of being overturned in the storm just now, as well as this life-threatening panic, made her never want to experience it again for the rest of her life.

Looking at the stone forest and Wang Yang in the distance, and the cold snow lotus in the sky, her tense mind finally eased.

The only thing that can be comfortable for half a day.

If there were no more reinforcements, he might just blow himself up.

Fortunately, the reinforcements finally came, and there was a Tier [-] Martial Lord!
Three first-tier martial masters and two second-tier monster masters are also a good lineup combination.

But what about Tang Yan?Why didn't Tang Yan come over?

"Joining hands?" Seeing Zhaoyi escape from the trap, Xuelian floated from far away.The second elder's face was cold, and he was asking Zhaoyi, but his attention was locked on the Sky Winged Demon.

After two months of recuperation and breath adjustment, more than half of the injury has recovered. Although it is impossible to confront him head-on, he should be able to forcefully entangle him.

"Join hands!" Zhaoyi didn't say much, the boat under her body gradually spread apart, splitting into countless petals, filling the messy battlefield.

The Sky Winged Demon and the Seven Headed Fiery Sun Snake made eye contact, and after a while, their expressions returned to ferocious.Although Zhaoyi showed amazing secret skills many times, she was already at the end of her strength, and the second elder of Yaochi Holy Land could tell that she was injured.

As long as they are willing to pay some price, they can completely suppress Zhaoyi and the second elder.

In the distance, six-eared voiceless bats and ten demon masters teamed up to besiege five of them, still occupying a considerable advantage.

So in this battle, they still have a pretty good chance of winning! !
"How did Zhengchou find you, and he came to the door by himself, and he wiped you all out today." Tianyi Demon is a ruthless master, so be careful, and attack immediately.

"One for each person!" The Seven-headed Fierce Sun Snake took the initiative to pounce on the second elder.

They all knew in their hearts that the two women must be separated to prevent them from parrying each other.

The Sky Winged Demon should be able to deal with Zhaoyi very soon, and then join forces to suppress the Second Elder, which will get twice the result with half the effort!
The atmosphere between the Second Elder and Zhaoyi was a little weird, no one looked at the other, and no one paid any attention to the other, they rushed towards their respective targets.And... it was like a surge of anger, the offensive was quite fierce, and it was a big move to move towards their respective opponents.

"Let's disperse, two against one, and a quick battle." The three hellhounds shook their heads, breathed out fire, and rushed towards Xuanyuan Longli.

It feels like the guy is the weakest.

"Then let's kill two one by one, and see who completes the task first." Du Yang became more ruthless and crazier, stepping into the air with one step, moving to hit the sky, leaving dense forests to wrap Tang Yan who was in retreat, while he was engulfed The swaying stone forest charged at the two first-level demon masters, the Lightning Bailong Colt and the Three-eyed Spirit Monkey.

"Okay, one person picks two, and each fights!" Zhao Zimo glanced at Du Yang, and could feel that this guy was also a ruthless master.

The stone forest rioted, and the light of petrification filled the air; the ocean was overturned, and thunder and lightning raged.

Zhao Zimo and Du Yang cooperated for the first time, and they had a tacit understanding. Wang Yang and Shi Lin jointly formed their terrible storm, which affected all the demon masters.

The three-legged toad and the little beast were also unambiguous, all showing fierce power.

"Puppy, you chose the wrong opponent." Xuanyuan Longli smiled, and the picture scroll of rivers that Nine-Tailed Dragon Li was sketching suddenly materialized, like a phantom of a mirage.

The nine-tailed fish swam indulgently, overtaking the three hellhounds killed by Zhengaoxiao, and the picture scroll fog spreading behind it completely enveloped it.

"What the hell?" The three hellhounds were startled, and they were suddenly placed in a mysterious world. Under the shock, roars resounded through the virtual world, and flames raged and sprayed, and their huge bodies were rampaging inside.

Xuanyuan dragon carp is fearless, dancing in the void with the power of Taiji, nine dragon carps are interspersed and cruising, stirring up the constant changes in the phantom of the mountains and rivers, as if they are swallowing the anger from the three hellhounds.

The three-headed hellhound became more and more irritable and frightened. No matter how powerful it was, the surroundings were safe and sound, like iron fists hitting cotton, constantly consuming spiritual power, but it had no effect.

Is this trying to exhaust myself to death?
Fantianshu wanted to attack Xuanyuan Longli, but... the picture scroll was spread high in the sky, covered with mist, submerged in three hellhounds, and wrapped around Xuanyuan Longli. It was worried that it would end up in the same way after rushing in.

correct!Dragon carp!
These nine dragon carps seem to be the foundation of Piao Miao's picture scroll!
Fan Tianshu's eyes turned hard, and he swooped towards the dragon carp that was close in front of him, but... huh... his ferocious body quietly penetrated the dragon carp directly, and it seemed that the dragon carp passed through his body without waiting for it. When he came back to his senses, as the dragon carp passed by, it was directly placed in the picture scroll.

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, surrounded by fairy mist, the scenery is beautiful, but... still, weirdly quiet, frighteningly quiet, without any sound, and can't feel the existence of any real objects, as if suddenly lost the ability to hear and detect.

The sense of panic in Fan Tianshu's heart became stronger and stronger, so that he became irritable and angry, and then... a hoarse scream resounded through the misty world, but there was no sound, only his own spiritual power was being consumed.

With a smile on his face, Xuanyuan Dragon Carp swipes his arms, evolves Tai Chi, manages the misty world, and swallows the anger from two monsters.

The three hellhounds and the warts were exhausted, but just when they wanted to stop and find another way, they suddenly found that they couldn't stop at all. With the evolution of Xuanyuan dragon carp, the momentum of mountains and rivers continued to spread, and they were like It is to become a part of this picture scroll, controlled by endless threads, to vent and display.

Xuanyuan Longli smiled very gently, and his movements were elegant and elegant, but the scene at this moment was indescribably weird. The three-headed hellhound and the wart mouse in it were furious and unwilling, and felt deep palpitations.

It wasn't until... Xuanyuan Dragon Carp's arms and wrists stopped, and the nine-tailed swimming fish scattered by themselves, wandering in the rushing ocean chasing lightning, the three hellhounds and the squirrel were forcibly bounced back, but they felt weak all over their bodies, as if they had been thrown away. Most of the spiritual power was extracted alive.

Xuanyuan Longli exhaled slowly, sitting cross-legged quietly, the spiritual power swallowed by Shanhe Huascroll, that is, the spiritual power absorbed by himself, if he couldn't hold it, he would have sucked it up.

"My mission is complete, brother Du Yang, brother Zimo, I leave it to you."

With a laugh, more than a dozen stone trees below him broke open and hit the two demon venerables on their backs. They were covered with petrified light and dense thunder and lightning.

During the heyday of the two great demon venerables, they could be easily separated, but now, all the souls of the dead are fleeing in all directions.

But the riots in the stone forest continued, a large number of stone trees broke through the ocean and rushed, and many water snakes in the ocean chased and killed them one after another.

On the other side, Du Yang and the others also had a great time fighting. Although they were not as perverted as Xuanyuan Longli, they were still quite ferocious.

The ten demon masters were ashamed and angry, ten beat five, and they fell into a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other.

Now the question of how to kill them one by one, but how to break this entanglement deadlock.

At the critical moment when the fierce battle continued to escalate, the second-tier demon venerable purple-winged unicorn, the main combat force, suddenly let out an abnormal hoarse wail, struggled like a ghost, and continued to wreak havoc like electric lights bursting all over its body.

The scene was like a sudden loss of self-control, madness and madness.

"What's going on?" The three-legged toad in charge of fighting it was puzzled.

"Paper man?!" Xuanyuan Longli opened his eyes sitting quietly in the distance, and a flash of light flashed, as if piercing through the thunder group and fixed on the body of the purple-winged unicorn. A pale paper figurine emerged. The paper figurine was so evil that it hugged its throat.

The purple-winged unicorn struggled and roared, feeling that its soul was about to leave its body, its cold eyes suddenly fixed on the distant mountain top, where a man in black robe was staring at him, with a hiss, purple wings shot out , rushed towards the top of the mountain.At the same time, the sharp horns on the forehead flickered with purple electricity, and suddenly a terrible light cluster burst out, directly blasting the white paper figurine behind him.

The strength of the second-order demon master is terrifying.

But... the dusty paper figurines slowly gathered in the void, and turned into pale paper figurines again. This time, bloody eyes flashed from their empty eyes.

"It's not in vain for me to come here and experience it." The man in black glanced across the battlefield, whispered softly, stepped forward, and killed the purple-winged unicorn.

(End of this chapter)

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