Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 577 Completely Submerged

Chapter 577 Completely Submerged
"Disgusting bedbug, move your mouth!" Du Yang's whole body was like an out-of-control boulder tumbling and falling from a high altitude. With a roar, the iron fist violently bombarded the ground, and the surging spiritual power poured into the ground like a torrent. Boom, within a kilometer The ground that was full of rubble rose up, and the densely packed stone forest seemed like ferocious tree monsters struggling to rise up, all of them blasted towards the glass crocodile.


The power of the Usagi is undoubtedly revealed!

However... the glazed crocodile bites the white panda tightly and refuses to let go. Its whole body is made up of ice crystals, freezing everything within a range of more than ten meters around its body, turning it into a hard ice ball, wrapping itself, completely ignoring Du Ocean attack frenzy.

After all, it is infinitely close to the third-order monster master. At this moment, it deliberately protects itself, and its defensive power can be imagined. It is not something that Du Yang, a first-order martial master, can easily break through.

The stone forest swayed, hitting the ice puck continuously, and the ground was shaken by the violent roar, and pieces of ice were shattered, but no matter how much they were blasted, the ice inside would continue to grow.

The scene was chaotic.

Du Yang can be proud of his peers, he can kill two first-order monster masters, and he can also resist ordinary second-order martial masters, but now he feels tricky!

Inside the hockey puck, the white panda wailed in pain and fought back fiercely. The petrified fog invaded indiscriminately, and the dense stone forest wreaked havoc out of control.It was trying to fight back, but obviously it panicked!It's messed up!Can't make a rational counterattack!

"Is it a second-level demon master?" Tang Yan fell into the stone forest and looked at the flustered and disfigured white panda inside the hockey puck strangely. This is completely different from what he just did.

"Why are you here?" Du Yang turned his head and saw that the Hei Ming Xue Lian Leopard who was fighting with him had been handed over to Xuanyuan Long Li who was full of confusion.

Xuanyuan Dragon Carp has a refined and elegant demeanor, both in temperament and fighting style.However, the Tai Chi momentum outlined by the strange dragon carp swallowed the powerful combat skills of the blood refining leopard, and directly counterattacked back, making it invincible in defense.

Before leaving, Tang Yan left behind the blackwater leech, which has already attached to its body.

The three-legged toad basically controlled the big mine scorpion, and joined forces with Zhao Zimo to participate in the battle.

The combination of the four parties is enough to trap and kill the Black Nether Blood Leopard in the shortest possible time.

"I saw that you came here when you were in trouble. What's going on?"

"It's only five years old! What are you talking about! Refining this ice layer quickly!"

The strength level of the little beast is tyrannical, but that is because it forcibly swallowed the 'remnant soul of the ancestor beast' underground in the Black Stone Gobi, and its strength was forcibly increased.But it is too young, and its IQ stays at the child stage. When it cooperates with itself in battle, it has no scruples and swipes freely, letting the remnant soul swallowed in its body dominate its actions, showing the power of a fierce beast, but once it follows it for too long If it is separated for too long, it will feel panic, gradually replace the remnant soul in the body, and regain control of the body.

The glazed crocodile can see through the weakness of the little beast!

"Let me come, at the critical moment, I have to be my brother."

"Can you die if you don't talk nonsense?"

"No, but it will be very uncomfortable." Tang Yan provoked Du Yang again, and drew out the ancient sword.Unlike other people who consumed too much spiritual power, he had just broken through, and the spiritual power in his meridians was surging. At this moment, a roar rolled in his throat, and the ghost green fire exploded all over the sky like a roar.

The blue flames flooded the sky!

"This is my martial art of the Tang family, please teach me!! Eagle Wingspan! Violence Art! Lava Art! Flames...eight strikes!" Tang Yan was not polite. attitude revealed.

The glazed crocodile sealed itself in the ice, thinking it was safe, and didn't even hide.Before Tang Yan launched the offensive, Du Yang's stone forest was also covered with layers of ice, and the large-scale attack disturbed the perception of the glazed crocodile, so as not to notice it.

In an instant, all four major martial arts of the Tang family were blasted down, and Du Yang was also dispersed at the same time!

What? !The Liuli Deinocrocodile sensed the accident, was too late! !

The ground trembled, and the ground within a range of more than [-] meters turned into magma, like a hideous beast's mouth pounced on the ice ball, and hundreds of explosive fireballs bombarded the sky and covered the sky, wrapped in unparalleled blasting power, and the shadow wings spread all over the sky. , with a piercing eagle cry, also blasted towards the ice puck.

And then... Eight Strikes of Flames!

The eight critical strikes were superimposed, and the last strike came first. Before the shadow wing spread and blasted down, it slashed on the tough ice layer.

Ka Ka Ka! !Large cracks emerged, and the Shadow Wingspan spread out.

The ghost blue fire completely engulfed this area. No matter how strong the ice layer of the glazed crocodile was, it could not withstand this level of brutal bombardment, let alone the ghost blue fire in the heaven and earth different fires.

"Standing and being beaten, where can you find such a good thing?" Tang Yan was not polite, and the burst fireball roared one after another, and the magma on the ground was also higher than the wave.

Feeling the crisis, the glazed crocodile temporarily abandoned the white panda that had swallowed a large amount of blood, roared, and violently exploded the ice puck, using the power of the explosion to soar into the sky.

But... "Where are you going!!" Du Yang yelled angrily, rushing towards the densely packed stone forests that were gathering momentum.Even though it has rough skin, thick flesh and strong defense, it was blasted back by the sudden stone forest.

"Give you a magma bath." Tang Yan grinned grimly, green flames and magma were everywhere, just as the glazed crocodile entered, the ghost green flames immediately covered the body one after another, burning it crazily.

"I'm not a three-eyed Firefox. If you want to kill me, go ahead and make your daydreams." The glazed crocodile is indeed fierce, writhing in the magma, and the biting cold wave invaded, even pouring the magma into the ice layer, carrying the ghost blue crocodile. The invasion of fire rushed up again.

"It's you who are dreaming, go down!" Tang Yan struck Lie Yan eight times in the air, and dense fireballs blasted down around the blade light.On both sides, the stone forest swept over like a giant python.

Trapped all fleeing positions.

The glazed crocodile was enraged, but it immediately defended its body, trying to block it with its body.

With a loud bang, the Glazed Deinocrocodile was blasted into the sea of ​​flames again. Its defense power was extremely abnormal, and it was surrounded by a large number of cold waves, so it was not hit too hard.

There was a tyrannical roar in the sea of ​​fire, and it charged for the third time.

"I've fallen down, but still want to stand up? Do you think it's possible?" Tang Yan and Du Yang jointly went into a frenzy, blasting down again, and continued to intensify the power of the ghost green fire.

The glazed crocodile was furious and didn't dare to stay too long. It tried its best to hold up the cold wave and resist the green fire covering the whole body. armor.

After struggling and gaining momentum, the glazed crocodile charged fourth, and it was fully prepared.

But... the moment it appeared, the eyeballs stared and almost retracted.

The surrounding bamboo forests swayed, exuding a misty petrified light. There were four relatively thick ancient trees in four directions, and four guys were squatting on the branches, staring at him murderously.

One is Tang Yan holding a saber, the saber is blazing green, extending more than ten meters, and there are a lot of fireballs wrapped around the blade, and he is about to blast down; the other is Xuanyuan dragon carp swimming around the koi, his right hand has been raised , the slender fingertips are filled with strange space ripples, as if a terrible shock wave is about to be sent out; one is Zhao Zimo, the coir raincoat squatting on the three-legged toad, the mouth of the three-legged toad is bulging, and the roaring waves echoed in the sky and the earth With a sound, Zhao Zimo raised his right hand high, fingertips mixed with thunder, as if to trigger thunder; the other, of course, was Du Yang, the owner of the stone forest, with the rescued little beast lying on top of his head, seemingly weak, but His eyes were full of anger, and he also returned to his ferocious appearance.

Why did they come here, is it possible that the entire battlefield is over?Is this the end for the other nine demon venerables?
Looks like... I'm done too! !The glazed crocodile's heart skipped a beat, and then its expression hardened, and it let out a pathetic and determined roar. The cold wave continued to surge out wantonly, and the dazzling light of the cold wave was like a sinking blazing sun, about to collapse this area.

It's a last-ditch effort.

"Send you to the west!" Tang Yan and the others all went into a rage, and the prepared offensive came down one after another.

Flame Jue, Undulating Wave, Toad Tongue, Lightning Point, Eye of Xuanming, the five attack waves penetrated the cold wave and directly hit the glazed crocodile inside!
Four great men, four perverts, the first combined attack!
The roar and cold wave of the glazed crocodile were completely drowned out!

(End of this chapter)

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