Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 59 Who is the culprit

Chapter 59 Who is the culprit
"Fat cat, kill these two little guys with me, and the rest will wrap up around that woman first!" A man's voice was slightly shrill from the nearby courtyard, and a thin figure fell out from the wall.

"Hurry up!" Elinda shouted eagerly. The old man in front of him was a Martial Ancestor, and the new person who appeared was equally strong, probably also a Martial Ancestor-level powerhouse. Tang Yan was no match at all!

"Take care of yourself!"

"The beautiful tutor of the Giant Elephant Academy, we have known you for a long time."

"Is it possible to enjoy the blessing tonight? Haha!"

"Don't talk nonsense, pester her! She is a second-rank Martial Ancestor, she may kill you at any time!" An old voice sounded, and the five people gathered together attacked with all their strength, and all kinds of moves and martial arts blasted towards Alinda .

Tang Yan and Du Yang stood back to back, looking ahead warily.It was too late to escape, the man had already locked himself in, and there was also a burly figure approaching opposite Du Yang.

"Report your registration number. By the way, let me know who is behind the scenes." While talking, Tang Yan touched Du Yang quietly, indicating that he was ready to fight back.

"He said that you are treacherous and asked for a quick decision, but you don't have to worry. After you die, I will make it clear to your body." The leading thin man walked in slowly.

"Yang Ruyan only told you this?" Tang Yan deliberately tested.

"Stop your tricks! Fat cat, start!"

"Taste my ground thorn formula!" A burly man not far away shouted fiercely. With the surge of spiritual power, with Tang Yan and Du Yang as the center, densely packed soil thorns suddenly appeared within a range of more than ten meters. No, but it was very sharp, piercing the soles of the two people's feet in an instant.

Tang Yan and Du Yang screamed and wanted to flee, but the ground was full of thorns. As long as they took a step, they would definitely be pierced again next time, and they could only be reduced to fish on a chopping board.

The thin figure struck out in an instant, and a large grid of condensed electric lights enveloped the two of them.

"Tiger Mark!" Tang Yan hissed and roared, and the Tiger Mark soared into the sky, hitting the power grid head-on.

"Sure enough! Let's continue!" The thin figure quickly retreated, condensed into a new grid, and swooped over with a weird momentum.

"Let's go" Tang Yan and Du Yang resisted the severe pain in their feet, and rushed into the air at the same time, somersaulted in the air, did not escape or dodge, but actively rushed towards the thin figure.

"Eye of Nirvana!" Tang Yan uttered, the evil aura lingered around his right eye, and a terrifying gray light beam burst out of the air, hitting the opponent in an instant.

Overbearing!There is no stopping it!
The terrible penetrating power pierced the man's chest on the spot, and a shrill scream echoed in the mist.

Pooh!Tang Yan and Du Yang landed together, and the sharp stabs pierced through the bloody soles again, but they managed to get close to each other, the soles of their feet were in unbearable pain, but the two had hideous faces, like wild beasts out of control.

"Du Yang, get ready!" Tang Yan frantically condensed the spiritual power in his body, while Du Yang blasted his hands to the ground, surging spiritual power penetrated his body, and two raised marks quickly spread towards the target that was only a few steps away.

"Tiger Seal, Burst Art!" Tang Yan issued Tiger Seal decisively, followed by three blue fireballs.

"Fat cat, what are you doing here?" The thin figure hissed and roared, a surge of lightning burst out, sweeping towards the two of them, the tiger seal was crushed on the spot, and even the fireball was greatly affected.

"Yan Lin Jue!" At the critical moment, Du Yang's two rock pillars successfully approached the thin man, broke through the ground, twisted and circled as if they had life.

Fast and tricky!
The electric glow surging around the man hadn't dissipated yet, and the two stone pillars full of spikes shattered on the spot, but still part of them touched each other, and then the touched place quickly petrified, from the skin to the Penetrate inside.

"What?" The man looked terrified, and retreated violently, desperately urging his spiritual power to dissolve his legs.

"Du Yang, stop that fat boy!" Tang Yan's expression brightened, ignoring the severe pain, he rushed straight to the retreating skinny man, and quickly approached with the help of the Shadow Shadow Martial Skill, the Eye of Nirvana erupted again, under the rapid concentration of spiritual power , Lie Yan Jue, Tiger Seal, Ecstasy Seal, almost desperately blasted out.

Tang Yan fell into a state of madness, desperately launched a mad attack, and firmly grasped this rare opportunity.He can feel it, this is definitely Wu Zong!If I don't suppress him in a short period of time, I will definitely end up miserable today.

"Ahhh!" The man let out a strange scream, and the eyes of Nirvana pierced through his own throat, eroding the blood vessels and flesh there viciously.Throat and legs were injured, causing the breath to be chaotic. Successive imprints hit the body without any suspense. Although protected by the spiritual power of the body, he was rushed more than ten meters away, far away from the soil thorn. range.

"I'll give you a chance to tell the mastermind behind the scenes!" Tang Yan came out after chasing him, and quickly approached him using his Shadow Shadow Martial Skill, violent flames swirling around his body.

The man looked a little shocked, why is this little guy so crazy?Feeling the petrification of his legs and the corrosion of his throat and chest, he didn't look back, and rushed into a nearby residential house in a panic. It was important to resolve his injuries first.

This is just a task, and there is no need to work hard.

Tang Yan wants to catch up, but has scruples.After a few seconds of hesitation, he decisively withdrew and returned, returning to the dust and mist area.

Du Yang was vomiting blood and was flying backwards. In order to achieve the effect of sneak attacking the thin man, Yanlin Jue had absorbed a lot of spiritual power. He didn't have Tang Yan's abnormal recovery ability, so he was in a bad state at the moment.

"Your boss is dead, you will be next!" Tang Yan roared, grabbed the ancient saber on the ground, frantically injected the last strand of spiritual power, and slashed at the strong man: "Two blows from Lie Yan!"

What?died?The strong man trembled, showing a touch of shock, but at a critical moment, how could he lose his mind, Tang Yan's ancient saber broke through and slashed hard on the strong man's shoulder.

With a loud bang, he went straight through and smashed into the nearby earthen wall, his entire right shoulder was bloody!
"Rock forest, surrounded by death!" Du Yang swooped away, and with the last of his spiritual power, a dense lime-gray grid trace emerged on the ground, extending towards the burly man.

"You stay too." Tang Yan shook his ancient saber, as if he was about to attack.

The burly man had a grim face, covered his broken shoulder and rolled into the courtyard behind, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Tang Yan and Du Yang did not continue to pursue. After confirming that the other party had really left, they both shook a few times and almost fell to the ground.His feet were already in tatters, and his body was almost hollowed out.The attack in just ten seconds had to go all out, and the consumption was naturally very terrifying.

Tang Yan looked at Du Yang who was panting in surprise, this is also a ruthless person!

At this time, the group of people surrounding Ailinda was also threatened, and screams rang out one after another. One first-tier Martial Ancestor and four third-tier Martial Spirits, the combination seemed powerful, but they were still no match for the second-tier Martial Ancestor!

"Teacher Alinda, we caught two alive!" Tang Yan roared, deliberately threatening them.

"You don't have to keep it anymore, kill them all!" Du Yang added immediately, and the two cooperated tacitly.

What?got caught?Sure enough, the already passive people were secretly startled, and there was obvious confusion in the offensive.They couldn't see the situation ahead because of the dust, but there was obviously no fighting there. The two little guys seemed to be alive and well, but their boss was nowhere to be seen.

Alinda's spirit was slightly shaken, and she took advantage of the situation to go into a rage, and the ice butterflies exploded densely, killing one of them in the blink of an eye.

"Mission is over, withdraw!" The old man grabbed the corpse, the surrounding dust rose loudly, and they disappeared completely with the help of smoke.

It seemed a bit anticlimactic for a well-planned assassination to end with such an ending.

"Are you all right?" Alinda rushed over quickly, and supported the two people who were tottering with concern.

"I can't die, it's this foot." Tang Yan didn't dare to touch the ground with both feet, and looked at Ailinda with a wry smile. Du Yang was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to move.

"Be honest!" Alinda naturally understood what they meant, but she couldn't care about that much anymore, she carried Tang Yan on her back with embarrassment, Tang Yan pulled Du Yang to her back again, and quickly out of here.

The fierce battle just now was quite heated, and it has already attracted the attention of the nearby patrol team. Ailinda and the others were stopped before they ran too far.Seeing that it was the Tang family and they were dying, the patrol team knew that the matter was of great importance, some of them escorted them back to the Tang residence, and some quickly went to the scene of the incident to investigate.

"Who did it! How dare you attack my Tang Mingjing's son! Search for me, seal the whole city, search!" Tang Mingjing's face was gloomy in the Tang Mansion's wing room, and the guards who screamed angrily disappeared completely. net.

"Could it be Dong Leiming's doing it?" Tang Mingzhong frowned and mused. What happened at noon today has once again become the focus of discussion in the whole city, and they, the parents, naturally know about it.Just now I was excited and happy about Tang Yan's changes and growth, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen again in the blink of an eye.

At this critical juncture, they naturally thought of Dong Leiming.

Tang Gan nodded and said in agreement: "There is this possibility. The second brother's bet this time is a bit exaggerated. Dong Leiming can't pay it at all. After returning, he may be reprimanded by President Dong, so he may make some abnormal behaviors with resentment." move."

Tang Jun, who stayed here in the name of the old man, said: "According to your description, it should be a group of hired mercenaries. As long as we can trace them, we should be able to find out the truth."

Tang Gan suddenly looked at Tang Yan with strange eyes: "Could it be Yang Ruyan? The martial art you performed today should be the shadow in the Yang family's 'Phantom Spirit'. May I know what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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