Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 601 Breakthrough

Chapter 601 Breakthrough

Tang Yan lay on his back on the bed, thinking about it, but couldn't think of a way, so he got up and left the room.

"My lord, are you going out?" Out of the three maids outside, a relatively tall fair-skinned girl with long fiery red hair walked out, with big eyes and a sweet smile.

After the other two maids nodded slightly in salute, they dispersed to the other two areas of the courtyard.

Outside the quiet courtyard, a team appeared at some point. There were human fighters, pure monsters, and some half-orcs. They looked like motley crews, but they were all fully armed and looked serious.

There are nearly half of the Martial Kings inside!
Tang Yan frowned slightly: "Who arranged them?"

"It was specially entrusted by Guo Shengzhe. From now on, they will be the guards of this courtyard."

Tang Yan was already in a bad mood: "Guards? Do you still need guards in this Eternal Beast Mountain? Guarding against thieves? Or guarding against sneak attacks?"

"My lord, you are joking. They are only responsible for some daily patrols to remind those demon masters who like to make troubles by mistake, and they are also responsible for delivering some news for you. Dongkuiling Mountain is too big, and there must be some people who serve you. Are you right? Is it?" The maid smiled and responded skillfully, her words were tight.

Tang Yan couldn't help but look at her more: "What's your name?"

"My son, the name given by my mother, Yuna."

"Yuna, good name. Are you free now?"

"Serve the young master at any time."

"Take me to the Lingshan of Dongkui."

"Please, son, do you want me to introduce you to a few places, or just take a walk?" Yuna smiled very sweetly, with fair complexion and long fiery red hair. She had a special charm, which was very attractive and heart-warming. Have a good impression.

The key is to speak softly and decently, making it difficult for Tang Yan to lose his temper.

"Just walk around and have a look." Tang Yan left the courtyard, and all the guards outside the door stood up like guns, without looking sideways.

Walking on the mountainside of Lingshan, it feels like it is not like a mountain, but a group of undulating mountains, with small valleys, rivers, cracked mountain streams, stretches of courtyards, dense forests, and booming and spectacular There are waterfalls, and there are many martial arts fields available for learning.

The courtyard area where Tang Yan lives belongs to the highest level below the high-level forbidden area. There are not many monsters here, and only a few can be seen occasionally, but they are all particularly powerful existences, and some are rare and alien. Among them were some strange half-orcs.

In fact, the more you go down, the more lively it is, but Tang Yan just wants to investigate the situation in this half-mountain area, to see if he can find some clues, how to sneak into the redwood forest.

Yuna was very attentive, explaining various aspects to Tang Yan, and also introduced the surrounding situation.Whenever passing through a special courtyard, Tang Yan would also introduce to Tang Yan who lived in it, what deeds and abilities they had, or what famous deeds they had done.

But while walking, Yuna suddenly stopped Tang Yan from moving forward: "My lord, you can't go in front."

"What's the matter? This forest is very special?" Tang Yan stood in front of a sparse bamboo forest, which was lush and quiet without wind.Through the gaps in the bamboo forest, you can see a large lake ahead, which is also very calm.

" can't enter here." Yuna lowered her voice slightly, as if she was afraid of disturbing the people inside.

"Oh." Tang Yan shrugged, not embarrassing Yuna, turned to other directions along the quiet mountain trail of Huajing, continued to walk slowly, and asked casually after walking a long way: "What kind of person lives there? If it's inconvenient Don't force it."

Yuna looked back at the quiet bamboo forest that was about to disappear from sight, her voice was still very low: "There lives the daughter of the great sage, she... um... Sometimes she likes to be lively and cheerful, and sometimes she likes to be quiet. I don't want to be disturbed."

"Great saint? Are the four saints still divided into levels?"

"The Great Sage was the first to follow the Holy Master." Yuna answered cautiously, without mentioning who was strong and who was weak, and she prevaricated with a simple and euphemistic sentence.

"What type of monster is the Great Saint?"

"The Nine Yin Tmall, like the Holy Master, was awakened in the Holy Mountain and came out of it. It is an ancient beast of pure blood. It is powerful, with nine Yin and nine lives, complementary reincarnation, and it can be called an immortal body."

"Oh? Nine Yins and Nine Fate, Complementary Reincarnation?" Tang Yan was secretly surprised that there were such other kinds of existence.Can't help but ask: "How did its daughter be born?"

"It was born of the combination of the Great Sage and the Five Sages."

"Five saints? Could it be that there are five semi-sages in East Kuiling Mountain?"

"The five sages didn't stay in Dongkui for a long time. They came to the Eternal Beast Mountain from the outside world. Later, they got acquainted with the great sage and developed a relationship. But... Later, during the pregnancy with the great sage, the five sages Those who were unfortunately killed by Zhenyao Temple."

Having said that, Yuna quickly shut up, her face turned slightly pale, and she looked around nervously. This sentence can be regarded as the most "outrageous" sentence in the entire conversation today.

Privately talk about the story of the Great Sage?This is going to be "swallowed" and eaten alive by ferocious monsters.

"The great sage is a female cat? The five sages are human?"

Yuna panicked: "Young master, don't talk nonsense in Dongkuiling Mountain, if you anger the saint..."

Tang Yan frowned slightly, and fell silent. After a long while, a faint light suddenly flashed in the depths of his dark eyes, and continued to pretend to be unintentional: "There is no one else here, so don't make a fuss. I am new here, out of curiosity It’s okay to ask casually, no one will blame you.”

Yuna said with a little deep meaning: "Young master, you're new here, you'd better be careful."

Tang Yan didn't care: "According to you, the daughter of the great sage is also a half-orc?"

"My lord, I have to remind you that Miss Yueying doesn't like this title."

Tang Yan walked along the gravel road and said, "The great sage should love his daughter Yueying very much, right?"

"Well. The Great Saint has a very good relationship with the Holy Master, and the death of the Five Saints is because of Lingshan. All along, not only the Great Saint has loved Miss Yueying, but even the Holy Master has taken good care of her."

"Is that lawless?"


"Miss Moon Shadow, you have always lived in that bamboo forest?"

"When she is quiet, she likes to be in the Moon Lake in the bamboo forest. It is the quietest place in Lingshan. She likes to rest in it. When she is in a good mood, she goes to the foot of the mountain to do some activities with those monsters. Sometimes she even visits her. Great Saint."

"Where do the four saints live? Don't be nervous. We will live in this Lingshan for a long time in the future. We would like to visit the four saints in advance, if it is convenient."

"They are all on the mangrove forest. Guo Shengzhe also mentioned that they should not be disturbed casually, so... please wait patiently, and wait for the Holy Master to come back."

"Oh, that's fine, let's continue walking, and then tell me about the situation on the south side of the mountain." Tang Yan didn't ask any more questions, and returned to his usual attitude, walking aimlessly among the mountains, asking questions one after another.

Yuna was still very attentive, and didn't care about his hideous and ugly monster appearance, and gave a detailed introduction with a smile.

Tang Yan knew that she was here to monitor him, so he couldn't help but feel good about her. It could be seen that this girl was gentle and kind, but she was only instructed by the high-level to report her daily behavior.Tang Yan didn't make things difficult for her, and also cooperated with some of her 'cowardly behaviors'.The two have been wandering around for a long time, and have been visiting all the areas halfway up the mountain. After getting acquainted with the deployment of the environment, they returned the same way and returned to the courtyard where they stayed.

Did not ask any more about Moon Shadow.

Du Yang and the others have already entered the state of retreat, carefully comprehending the gains of the recent period, and recuperating their bodies full of scars.After Tang Yan came back, no one was disturbed, and he went back to his room without eating anything, and fell asleep on the bed.

But he didn't really sleep, but secretly plotting a plan.

Yuna came in a few times during the period, delivering food and water, checking to see if Tang Yan was really asleep.

There is also no alternation of day and night in the East Kuiling Mountain, and there will inevitably be some confusion in the time cycle unconsciously.Tang Yan was tenacious, completely ignored these things, and made the plan properly in his sleepy sleep.

When she left the room again, Yuna came up to her with a smile immediately: "My lord, is there anything I can do for you? Seeing that you haven't eaten all day, why don't Yuna cook some porridge for you? Don't worry. , here are our human chefs, all of whom were invited by Guo Shengzhe from the outside world, so they should suit your tastes very well."

"No, I want to go out again. I noticed a relatively quiet place yesterday, and I want to go there to practice. The yard is too messy."

"Do you need Yuna to accompany you?"

"No, I only go to practice elsewhere if I am quiet. If my friends come to me, just say I'm out, don't worry about me."

Yuna pursed her lips lightly, and said without a trace: "Can you tell me where to go? If there is any arrangement from above, Yuna will be able to find you as soon as possible."

"It's the lush green radish that I saw yesterday."

"Young master has good eyesight, it's a good place to cultivate yourself."

"It's best not to bother me if there's nothing particularly important, do you understand what I mean?"

"Young master, don't worry, Yuna knows the seriousness."

After Tang Yan left the courtyard, he really went to the luxuriant valley of green radish, where he continued to meditate and comprehend for a long time, and he was indeed practicing the Immortal Yantian Jue, until he vaguely noticed someone appearing nearby , left soon.

It is expected that Yuna should come to confirm whether she is here.

"Moon Shadow Cat? The offspring of the two half-sages, what kind of freak should it be?" Tang Yan opened his eyes, his eyes opened and closed, and he left the valley and rushed towards the bamboo forest.

Yuna's speech was very flat and gentle, and she couldn't hear any tendencies and feelings of praise or criticism, but this couldn't interfere with the cunning Tang Yan. After careful consideration, she could vaguely imagine that this young lady should have a moody personality.If you are happy, you can torment the monsters under the Lingshan Mountain enough, if you are not happy, you will rest in the bamboo forest, and no one will be allowed to disturb you.

This is also basically in line with the usual style of some noble ladies, who are all prominent and spoiled too much since childhood.

If we can establish a good relationship with this special lady, maybe we can find out about Mu Rou's current situation, and then find a way to use her to sneak into the mangrove forest.

This is a breakthrough!

(End of this chapter)

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