Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 603 Eternal Beast Mountain

Chapter 603 Eternal Beast Mountain
Tang Yan looked around and whispered, "Can you keep such a secret for me?"

"Yeah." Yueying was very excited, nodding her head vigorously, staring straight at Tang Yan with big eyes, a long furry tail swaying unconsciously behind her.

"Come on, hook promise."

"Pull the hook?"

"It's a kind of agreement between a man and a woman. If you pull the hook, you must keep this secret for each other and never tell it. Is that okay?"

Moon Shadow felt very novel: "Yes."

"Come on, stretch out your hand, I'll teach you." Tang Yan took Yueying's little hand, and taught her very gently and carefully, little by little, both hands hooked together.

It was the first time for Yue Ying to be held by a boy, seeing the clear face in front of her eyes, and the tenderness she had never experienced before, her pretty face flushed slightly, her heartbeat accelerated slightly, and the smile on her face was even brighter.

"Good job, that's it, come, follow me. Small hands hook together, thumbs together."

"Small hands hook together, thumbs touch each other." Yueying whispered softly, seeing each other's thumbs stamped together forcefully, a slight strange feeling appeared in her heart again.

"If you pull the hook, you must keep the secret. This is our agreement. Get ready and watch carefully." Tang Yan stretched out his right hand, slowly stimulating the demon spirit veins, and the scales manifested on the back of his hand, becoming clearer and clearer. In the blink of an eye, the right hand and forearm were completely covered with scales, cold and rigid, as if covered with solid heavy armor.

Yue Ying covered her small mouth in surprise, stared at Tang Yan's right hand, tentatively wanted to touch it forward, and was worried again.

Clang! !The five fingers of Tang Yan's right hand were completely stiff and completely turned into ferocious animal claws. The five fingers were sharp and sharp, and under the reflection of the lake's waves, there was a horrific chill.

Moon Shadow dared to touch it cautiously, tapped her fingertips lightly, and let out a crisp, steel-like symphony.

"Are you a monster?" Moon Shadow woke up.

"I'm of the same kind as you." Tang Yan restrained the demon spirit veins and returned to his original appearance.

"Same kind?" Yue Ying was still surprised, and took Tang Yan's right hand to study it carefully.

"My father is a human and my mother is a monster, so I said, I'm talking about the same kind with you." Tang Yan maintained a clear and bright smile, and said, "I've heard of Miss Yueying's reputation for a long time, but I met unexpectedly today. Then, our identities are completely similar, is this a kind of fate?"

Yueying looked a little weird, just looking at him so firmly.

Tang Yan can grasp Yueying's psychology at the moment, and continue to gradually change the relationship between each other from "favorite" to "closeness": "Do you like me as a human? Or do you like me as a monster? Or... just the two of us When the time comes, I will return to my current form, and when outsiders are present, or when I am in danger, will I return to a monster?"

"I still like you the way you are now, it's pretty." Yueying smiled again, this time smiling happily, with two small dimples showing on her face.

"In this way, your mother will no longer object to our association?"

Yueying rolled her eyes wide: "Hee hee, but my mother is very fierce, don't you be afraid."

"What are you afraid of? I am a guest invited by Guo Shengzhe. I will also be a member of our Dongkuiling Mountain in the future. I will be a family in the future. It seems that there is nothing wrong with me dating you, right?"

"Huh?" Yue Ying suddenly seemed to remember something, and thought about it seriously: "You just said your name is Tang Yan?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"There was a chaos at Nanhuang. I heard that someone named Tang Yan was causing the chaos, right?"

Tang Yan smiled and said, "Don't you think I don't look like it?"

"But the image that Nanhuang sent us is a monster with a strange appearance? I have seen it with my own eyes."

Tang Yan's hands turned into sharp claws: "Isn't that what it looks like?"

Moon Shadow suddenly said: "Is it really you?"

"Otherwise, why would Guo Shengzhe personally invite me back to Lingshan?"

The smile on Yueying's face receded, and she moved back: "I heard that you killed more than a dozen demon masters in Nanhuang, countless demon kings, and even Nanhuang's patrol envoy Tianyi demon?"

Tang Yan's smile remained unchanged: "What else have you heard?"

"I heard that you are a group of wicked people, very vicious and vicious." Yue Ying was a little scared, and she barely advanced to the rank of Yaozun, and she was forcibly pulled up by her mother with spiritual power washing, but she couldn't stand such a vicious person. mutilate.

It is said that there is one of the cruelest guys in it, named Tang Yan, who even captured the three-eyed firefox alive, and later made a breakthrough on the battlefield, and advanced to the second-tier martial arts realm. The defeat of the Sky Winged Demon was facilitated by himself .

Tang Yan is not only evil, but also very powerful.

Thinking of what happened just now, and looking at the smiling face in front of her, for the first time in her life... fear!
"Look at my appearance, do I look like that kind of vicious person?" Tang Yan smiled wryly, who instilled this idea in her, is that what Dongkuiling Mountain thinks of me? "If I'm really that kind of person, Guo Shengzhe will invite me to Lingshan? Just kill me outside."

"then you……"

"I came to the Eternal Beast Mountain for the first time. Why did I kill Nanhuang's monsters for no reason? It was the Nanhuang Sky Wing Monster who chased me first. I had no choice but to fight back. Look at me carefully, I look Is it like a heinous person? I may be ruthless sometimes, but only for the enemies outside, for the people I like and are close to, I have smiles and flowers."

While speaking, Tang Yan held the flowers in front of Yueying: "Sister Yueying, think about it carefully, this is Dongkuiling Mountain, may I hurt you here?"

Yue Ying thinks about it too, and observes Tang Yan seriously, the more she looks at it, the more she looks better, it is completely different from the image of the villain in her consciousness, she hesitates a little, innocent she smiles again, and all worries disappear.

This character is really like those immature children.

Moon Shadow took the flowers: "This is the first time I receive flowers, you have to feel honored."

"Of course, I'm still the first person to sit next to Sister Yueying, and also the first person to pull the hook, right?"

"Hee hee." Yueying smiled cheerfully, smelling the fragrance of flowers vigorously, the flowers that can be seen everywhere are extraordinarily beautiful today.

"Sister Yueying, remember the agreement we just made. Only when the two of us are together, I will change into this appearance. Normally, I will change back to the appearance of a monster. You have to keep this secret. Including your mother, okay?"

"Okay, we're all hooked."

"We are good friends now. I will call you Sister Yueying, and you will call me Brother Tang Yan. How about it?" Tang Yan followed the temptation and gradually drew closer. He was very handy when dealing with such naive girls.

"Isn't brother elder brother? I don't want it." Yueying pouted.

Tang Yan was taken aback by this emotion and expression, and then said with a smile: "Brother and sister are just a relatively intimate term. In many places, brother and sister are still a term for lovers. Of course, ours is not counted, just It shows that we have a good relationship, and we have some secrets to share with each other. If the elder brother has something to do, the younger sister has to take care of it, and when the younger sister is in trouble, the older brother has to solve it." Tang Yan can be regarded as working hard to get closer.

Moon Shadow asked back: "Will you live here permanently?"

"I've already joined East Kuiling Mountain, what do you think?"

Moon Shadow clapped her hands happily: "Okay, then you will play with me in the future?"

"You can go wherever you want, even if you meet a third-order Yaozun, my brother can carry it for you."

"I'll call you Brother Tang Yan from now on?"

"Come on, my brother asked you a few things." Tang Yan leaned closer to Yueying.

Yueying naturally took Tang Yan's arm, and squeezed her two bulging breasts: "Brother, tell me."

Uh... Tang Yan vaguely felt something was wrong, but anyway, he has always been unrestrained, so he didn't care too much, and asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember Jin Yan Pengying sent a girl a month ago?"

Yue Ying hugged Tang Yan's arm, inhaled the smell on his body, closed her eyes, and took another deep breath: "Remember, Mu Rou."

Tang Yan didn't notice her subtle and ordinary movement, and didn't know what it meant, so he focused all his energy on Mu Rou: "We both entered the Eternal Beast Mountain with her, and we have a good relationship. We have been together for a month. I haven't seen her, I want to know how she is doing recently."

"She should be very good now. When she came back, she was covered in blood. She was kept in a yard for a while, and then she recovered. I went to see her. She is very good-looking, but she doesn't like to talk. She doesn't I ignored her." Yueying hugged Tang Yan's arm joyfully, and replied casually.

"and after?"

"Later, when Uncle Guo checked her, he found that she was very talented, so he brought it to Uncle Shengzhu. Uncle Shengzhu was very satisfied with it, so he stayed. I heard that he was going to accept her as a concubine."

"Was it sent by Guo Shengzhe?"


Tang Yan was annoyed for a while, this old thing who suffered a thousand knives, no wonder Lu kept reminding himself not to ask about Mu Rou, it turned out that he personally handed Mu Rou to Zhu Jian. "How long has she been sent up?"

"It's almost ten days."

Tang Yan hurriedly calculated carefully. It has been three days since the accident in the holy mountain. In other words, Zhu Qian and Mu Rou spent seven days alone together?There was a burst of impatience in my heart, but I still had to ask patiently: "Has the Holy Master accepted many concubines?"

"Well, he collected a lot. He seems to prefer human girls, and he has caught a few from the outside world, but it may be because of his special physique, and each of them died within a few days of tossing. However, a few of them were pregnant. They all died inexplicably, I was too lazy to answer his crap, I didn't ask in detail, I heard it when my mother said it casually."

Tang Yan smiled slightly and looked into Yueying's eyes: "When are we going to visit your mother? I think we hit it off very well. If we can get your mother's permission, we can play together freely in the future."

Yueying's eyes brightened: "In another three to five days, I will take you back."

Three or five days? !After three or five days, Zhu Qiang came back!I'm going to investigate the fart!Tang Yan kept smiling: "Why does it have to be a few days, can't it be over now?"

Yueying smiled happily, hugged Tang Yan's arm hard, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, mother is very busy these days, busy preparing the body quenching liquid for sister Xu Yan, and has no time to talk to us."

(End of this chapter)

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