Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 614 Tang 8 Jinzun

Chapter 614
This collective breakthrough involving 57 people went relatively smoothly. It lasted three days. The joy of Wu Zong's promotion to King Wu made them roar with excitement.

But not everything went smoothly. During the period, there were still three team members who failed to withstand the impact of the king-level spiritual source liquid. After struggling to no avail, they exploded and shook the silent valley. The team members who forcibly broke through with strength and spiritual power felt palpitations.

Although the spiritual source liquid can provide sufficient spiritual power assistance to facilitate the leap of the level, it does not have enough realm perception and tenacious meridians as the foundation, and suddenly swallows spiritual power far beyond the ability to bear, the result can only be described as miserable, but Once the spiritual power enters the body, it will be out of control. It doesn't just come out when you say it, and it doesn't stop when you stop it.

In this three-day collective breakthrough, Tang Ba and Nether Winged Tiger were the ones who attracted the most attention.

The birth of a warrior master and a monster master not only excited Tiger Ben and Iron Cavalry, but also filled Tang Yan with excitement.

For a long time, Tang Yan had considered that if the tiger and ben iron cavalry wanted to step out of the Dayan Mountains, there must be a strong leader to command. Tang Ba was more than enough in iron blood and ruthlessness, but the strength of the Wuwang class was obviously not enough. Now it's a matter of course to be promoted to Wuzun, and with the assistance of the ghost winged tiger at the level of Yaozun, it will definitely enhance the overall deterrence and combat effectiveness of the tiger and cardinal cavalry.

It will inspire all Huben players!

After all, Tang Ba and others have proved the original promise of the Tiger Ben Iron Cavalry with practical actions. As long as you are willing to work hard, as long as you are willing to be crazy, Wu Wang and even Wu Zun are not extravagant hopes. Now, Tang Ba and the others are like burning torches, illuminating everyone. The hearts of Huben players.

On the third day, the lush and quiet valley had turned into a sea of ​​boiling flames. The raging flames were burning in the air, and the waves of fire were rushing, bringing a muffled drum-like rumble.

The Huben team members all retreated outside the valley, looking at the valley of flames with excited and shocking eyes. The raging fire not only burned the sky, but also scorched their cheeks, and burned the excitement and expectation in their hearts.

Both Tang Yan and Du Yang were alarmed by the momentum and rushed over from a distance.

"Is Tang Ba all right?" Both Tang Hao and Tang Qing came to Tang Yan's side. It was the first time they saw King Wu Jinzun with their own eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry, everything is normal. Starling has worked hard for these years, and today is the time to pay back." Tang Yan poked out, controlled the group of raging fire, and the green fire circulated, wrapping them easily.

Du Yang glanced at it, and said, "It's just an ordinary flame. Tang Ba's bloodline has already determined all of this, so don't expect to mutate."

"It's an ordinary flame, but after taking the spirit source liquid essence continuously for these years, there are still some slight changes." Tang Yan can feel the slightly violent factor contained in this flame, which is suitable for Tang Ba's cruel and vicious temperament.

The tiger and cardinal cavalry is not a team for individual combat, but relies on group combat and the support of the formation.Tang Ba is proficient in the martial arts of the Tang family, and with these slight changes, it is enough.

Its future achievements will also surpass that of Tang Yanshan, the 'Spear of the Empire'.

"I'm starting to look forward to the scene when I break through in the future." Tang Qing looked at the churning flames, feeling full of emotion.Wu Zun?Don't talk about yourself, I'm afraid even Tang Ba himself has never imagined it. After all, this is the realm of the old man, a realm that they are infinitely fascinated but can only be fascinated by. did it.

Recalling the scene of the tragic battle in the Giant Elephant City, I am filled with emotion again. Life... is really full of variables. It seems that the dark escape route may even lead to a brighter trajectory.

"It's time for us to work hard. Only when the eight captains of the Huben Iron Cavalry are promoted to Wu Zunjing will they be worthy of the honor of the young master's direct army." Tang Hao looked at the thin back in front of him, with a gratified smile on his face.Tang Yan's growth rate was too fast, so fast that they could only look up to him. Tang Hao didn't even doubt that one day Tang Yan might advance to the Martial Saint Realm, the strange realm of mysterious transformation, and become Bian Nan No.1 in the epic.

At that time... some unruly warriors will be willing to follow and protect them, at least they can't lose Tang Yan's status and reputation.

The flames in the valley suddenly converged after surging to a certain limit, converging towards the depths of the valley in a vortex shape.The ancient trees had been reduced to ashes, the rocks on the mountain were red like fire, and the air in the valley was transpiring and distorting.

In the eyes of everyone expecting, a strong and thin figure came out from the depths of the valley, and the aura of the mighty venerable gradually converged, and the transformation brought about an earth-shaking change in Tang Ba's spirit. It is commensurate with "butcher", but now it can be named as "killer".

"Isn't it amazing?" Tang Yan smiled and stretched out his hand.

"I didn't disappoint the young master!!" Tang Ba stretched out his hand, and clasped his two generous palms together, looking at each other, excited and even more gratified.

"You have just advanced, and you need a quiet place to rest. Come back to Dongkuiling Mountain with me. The spiritual power there is several times stronger than outside, which is just right for you. But you must remember, don't cause trouble there .”

"Master can trust Huben's discipline!" Tang Ba was very confident.

Tang Yan looked around at the Huben team members present: "The brothers who have advanced try to consolidate their realm, so that I can see a different martial king——Hu Ben Wu Wang! Those who have not been promoted continue to work hard. I look forward to the moment when all the Huben cavalry are promoted to Wu Wang!"

"We will live up to the commander's expectations!" All the tiger and ben cavalry held their chests high, with solemn expressions and firm eyes.

"Should we go back now?" Moon Shadow hadn't enjoyed enough of the freedom outside.

Tang Yan persuaded patiently: "It's almost time for the Holy Master to come back, we have to go back to get down to business, and take me to meet your mother by the way."

As expected, Moon Shadow was 'cloudy and sunny', nodding vigorously: "Go see my mother first, and then do other things."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Tang Yan turned into a half-demon, and returned to Dongkuiling Mountain with a tiger and ben cavalry.But as soon as I approached, I felt that the atmosphere was not right. There was a depressive atmosphere on the top and bottom of Lingshan Mountain. Most of the beasts around were quiet. place.

Du Yang looked around, and then at Lingshan: "The Holy Master is back? But why do I feel a sense of tension?"

"Could it be that the Great Sage is angry?" Tang Yan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Yueying stuck out her sweet tongue and pointed to the golden lock on Tang Yan's waist, which meant that I went in to hide first.

"Young Master, is there any question?" Tang Ba walked up.

"It's okay, follow me, please remember, don't cause trouble." Tang Yan put Yueying into the golden lock, adjusted his mood, and walked towards the mountain gate.

Because his appearance was too conspicuous, the guards in front of the gate still recognized him, looked at the team behind for a while, and let him go in.

As for what happened to Lingshan, the group of guards didn't say a word.

Tang Yan was even more puzzled, and rushed towards the halfway up the mountain with the tiger and iron cavalry speeding up.Along the way, many monsters stopped to watch, wondering why so many teams came suddenly, they still looked murderous, and a demon master who was in charge of patrolling chased them himself, pretending to follow behind unintentionally, so as not to cause trouble of.

Back in the other courtyard, Zhao Zimo and others had already gathered in the courtyard to discuss something quietly.

"What's going on?" Tang Yan released Moon Shadow and signaled the Tiger and Ben cavalry to wait outside for the time being.

Zhao Zimo and the others had heavy eyes, and they didn't pay much attention to the Tiger Ben cavalry.

Zhaoyi said: "News came from the central holy mountain. The four holy beasts collided, causing all the sleeping beast souls to wake up. All of them attacked in turn, causing Zhu Qian to flee in a hurry. Dongkui's Three Saints were in charge of cutting off the rear. As a result... they were besieged and there were no bones left!

Avoiding the eyes and ears of all parties, Zhu Jian tried his best to forcibly open the entrance passage of the holy mountain, but it was only a small gap, which could only allow some people to enter and exit, and the time was limited.

It sent out two messages, one was to request Lingshan's support, and the other was to remind everyone to be vigilant against the monster masters of Nanhuang, Beiming and Nishizawa, lest they take advantage of the chaos to attack Dongkui. "

Xuanyuan Longli continued: "The idea that came out also mentioned that a very strange thing happened in the holy mountain. This is the direct cause of the awakening of the beast soul, which is also the cause of the chaos of the holy war. But Zhu Jian didn't mention it. As for what it is, maybe they haven't figured it out yet."

Zhaoyi said: "The original intention of the Four Holy Beasts is to deal with affairs, but we didn't expect it to turn into a conflict. We don't know what happened inside, but we can see it from the message sent back by Zhu Qiang. The Immortal Phoenix... is prepared. ! It has four semi-saints around it! There are two more who can perform soul skills!"

"Soul Martial Arts? Could it be the Holy Spirit Sect!" Tang Yan frowned. It must be the Sky Eagle Envoy in the Golden Tower, but how could there be two half saints, and who is the other?
Xuanyuan Longli said: "Guo Fuyao is assembling a team, and he wants to lead people to rush there. The great sage stayed behind to guard against Nanhuang Beiming and Caesar, and the four inspectors have been ordered to be on full alert. Now Dongkui is very nervous. "

"The Church of the Holy Spirit...the strange phenomenon...the black coffin..." Tang Yan murmured a few words silently, frowning, and said in a deep voice: "Zhu Qiang can't be defeated, otherwise Dongkui will lose power, and we will become the mourners of Eternal Beast Mountain again Dog, don't even try to save Ling Ruoxi and the others."

Zhaoyi and the others exchanged glances with each other, and Xuanyuan Longli said: "We also have the same opinion, and we will wait for you to come back. The icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. If we help Zhu Jian as much as possible at this time, he will definitely remember and will Make some repayments, and it will be much easier for us to demand Zhaoyi and use it to put pressure on Nanhuang."

Tang Yan made up his mind: "Where is Guo Fuyao now?"

(End of this chapter)

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