Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

The second elder had already communicated with Ren Tianzang, and speculated: "They may be the aborigines of the holy mountain."

"What aborigines?" Tang Yan continued to stretch his limbs, trying to adapt to the gravity that enveloped the world.

"The four holy beasts entered the holy mountain in a hurry, and only brought two or three semi-holy monsters. If the semi-holy were attacking, you would immediately turn into corpses, with no room for resistance. But judging from the situation you described, the group of things that just launched the attack are at most low-level demon kings, or purely peak-level demon kings. Such a level is not enough to follow the holy beasts, they can only grow in the holy mountains all the time internal."

"Can the low-level demon master and demon king make us look like this?"

"It can only show that they were born here, grew up here, fully adapted to the gravitational space here, and can be easily controlled. They are what I call the aborigines. They are strange species that were born in this forbidden land." The second elder roughly making speculations.

"It makes sense, it seems that this place is not a place of death." Tang Yan thought about it, and his face suddenly changed slightly: "No, we have to leave here as soon as possible!"

"what happened?"

"What if there are a lot of these things? I just injured two of them. What if they go back to rescue soldiers? A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves. If there are a few other perverts, how can we parry?" Tang Yan thought more and more likely.

The second elder's cold face flashed slightly solemn: "You guessed right, they are here for revenge."

"So fast?!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The subtle sound of breaking wind was found in the dense fog, in all directions, in all directions, all of which were the rapid sound of this kind of air friction.

Tang Yan and Ren Tianzang didn't dare to be careless. The third elder waved the snow lotus, and the shining light illuminated the area, dispelling the white mist, clearing a range of more than ten meters, revealing the true face of the monster.

"Hiss!! What kind of freaks are these?"

The three of Tang Yan all changed their colors. On the edge of the clearing area, more than a dozen strange-looking little monsters vaguely appeared. They were at most the size of a palm, with a body similar to a shark, but with strong and short limbs. Wearing fine but tough light blue scales, it looks like a "four-legged shark that set foot on land". The nose is particularly sharp, like a forged awl, flashing a tough cold light.

The shark monster's eyes were full of ferocity, and they all stared at Tang Yan and the others. They grinned open, revealing messy and sharp fangs.

There are all these little monsters on the edge of the clearing area, and there are an astonishing number of tiny footsteps in the depths of the thick fog, crackling, like metal claws rubbing against the stone surface.

The third elder injected spiritual power into the snow lotus, and the holy radiance shone in all directions, dispelling the thick fog and clearing out an area with a diameter of 40 meters. Shark monsters appeared in their original form, and there were nearly a hundred of them, with fierce eyes. Exuding a murderous spirit.

Under the radiance of holiness, they took a few steps back, like treasures of fearful snow lotus.

Tang Yan felt that his throat was dry, a monster tossed him enough, there were nearly a hundred hula la, how could he beat him?It can be felt that the level aura of this group of little monsters are high-level demon kings, at best they are peak demon kings, far from reaching the level of demon kings.If it was in the outside world, Tang Yan could sweep them all by himself, and kill them all in less than half an hour. But in this mysterious holy mountain, his own side is suppressed at various levels. , today can be regarded as a very serious crisis.

Tang Yan was full of ghostly green flames: "Second girl, open up a stable area, I will be in charge of cleaning up, and the boss will be responsible for the fish that slipped through the net."

The Second Elder didn't bother about the title anymore, the snow lotus shone brilliantly, illuminating a range of [-] meters, and a phantom bloomed and expanded to an area of ​​ten meters, which was the range of the Second Elder's domain.

The temperature inside dropped again and again, crossing the freezing point, down to tens of degrees below zero.

Tang Yan and Ren Tianzang, one in front of the other, were fully on guard against the shark monsters around them. One was filled with green fire, resisting the biting cold, and the other was completely made of paper, and his whole body was filled with lifeless energy, ignoring the extreme cold.

Their bodies are suppressed and their meridians are blocked, but after all, the realm of strength is placed here, surprise is surprise, not fear.

"The second girl concentrates on being in charge of the field. I'm afraid that there will be any special high-level monsters again." Tang Yan was full of worries, his body continued to tense, his vertical eyes met a shark monster directly in front of him, and he extended his middle finger by the way.

The shark monster didn't understand the chill of this special move, but it could feel Tang Yan's provocation. Its short and thick claws moved forward a few steps, and suddenly accelerated, like a blue lightning strike fiercely on Tang Yan's forehead.

hum!He rushed into the field of snow lotus with such a speed that it made one's scalp tingle.But entering the inner realm from the outer space is like teleporting from the tropics to the arctic ice, because its speed is too fast to freeze the body and blood immediately, but the extreme temperature transformation makes it sensitive and a little flustered.

It was this subtle panic and influence that Tang Yan, who had already punched out, caught it.

With a muffled roar, Tang Yan's beast fist collided head-on with the shark monster, just thirty centimeters away in front of him, which shows how terrifying its speed is.Bang, click, Tang Yan hit with anger, the power was terrifying, and the shark's steel-like body was smashed to pieces on the spot, like rotten meat and bones, thrown several meters fiercely. This time, the cold wave had already played its role, and the ice covered Its whole body landed on the edge of the field five meters away with a bang.

Tang Yan didn't take a step back, but his entire right arm showed obvious signs of rebounding!

Terrible impact power!

A roar came out from the group of beasts, sharp and ear-piercing, like the howling of a ghost, and in an instant, nearly a hundred shark monsters rushed in one after another.

"Damn! Isn't it just killing one of you, you are too vengeful!" Tang Yan's scalp was numb, and he took a few steps back. These things are too fast, and the cold wave in the field is not enough to freeze them in just a moment , once it rushes inside, it will be a disaster.

"Don't worry about me, kill!" The second elder shouted coldly, a thick layer of ice crystals spread from under her feet, and the ice cone expanded, and soon turned into a human-shaped snow lotus. She felt the threat of these things and directly frozen herself , inside to control the domain and avoid being attacked.

"Fight it!! Young master, I'm short of spirit source liquid, I'm going to die!!" Tang Yan shook his body, gathered his energy, concentrated his energy, and blatantly met him with an eight-level punch.The whole body is eyes, the whole body is hands, majestic, exerting force from all directions, three sets and six points are integrated inside and outside.

This fight was hearty and hearty, and the long-lost Level [-] fierceness was fully unfolded.

Suffer, help, squeeze, rely on, collapse, shake!

Tang Yan is like a tyrannosaurus in human form, first going to the storm-like impact.

Because the meridians are restricted, it is impossible to smoothly stimulate the ghost green fire, but it will not be defenseless, covering the whole body with the green fire, prompting the Bajiquan's offensive to stick to the strangeness of the green fire, and the shark monsters are like dozens of bullets. Coming over, this terrified posture is really shocking. Fortunately, Tang Yan's defense is strong enough. The wild collision killed seven or eight monsters on the spot, but there were still more than a dozen of them bombarded on him, causing him to writhe and retreat. There were still a few who hit their heads, dizzy, and almost fainted and fell.

On the other side, Ren Tianzang's blood curse revealed its true power, sweeping away its noble aura, and any clinging monsters screamed miserably in an instant, and the fine blood-colored curse marks spread all over the body, and in an turned into a rain of blood all over the sky , exploded to death!

But similar to Tang Yan's situation, the speed of these monsters was too fast, and the impact force was unmatched. There were more than a dozen monsters that burst his body before being eroded by the blood curse, causing a lot of paper scraps to fall.

There were also some shark monsters who aimed at the second elder, and the result was that ice chips flew, and the snow lotus ice sculptures were intact, but they were blown away by the backlash.

However, the Second Elder is a Tier [-] Martial Venerable, and the Snow Lotus Domain is not a vegetarian. Because of the extreme speed of the shark monsters, Pu Yi entered without being frozen, but after the first round of offensive, they all began to form Bing, from the body surface to the blood, a look of panic appeared in their eyes, and they all made a sharp hiss and retreated.

"Counterattack!" The second elder snorted coldly, the snow lotus ice sculptures all over his body shattered, a cold wave swept across the four directions, the domain instantly extended to a range of 50 meters, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees.

Tang Yan strode and ran wildly, like a runaway giant ape, chasing shark monsters one after another. Ren Tianzang was furious, regardless of his broken body, and attracted the soul-calling banners to sweep around, and the bloody curse seal came mercilessly.

Under their joint siege, except for a few dozen shark monsters fleeing, the attack and counterattack in just a dozen seconds caused a total of more than [-] shark monsters to die tragically. Tang Yan felt that his whole body was in severe pain, and every impact was like A few bones were broken, Ren Tianzang's body was shaking, his face made of paper was slightly hideous, although his body could heal, but it was not completely immortal, not a single part was broken, and his body could feel the real pain. Pain also requires a huge consumption of soul energy to heal.

The dozen or so shark monsters who had escaped turned their heads and stared at them fiercely for a moment, as if they were threatening, and then flew away.

Tang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, panting heavily: "Didn't these guys go to rescue soldiers again?"


Suddenly, a huge roar that made the soul tremble came from the depths of the endless fog. With this terrifying roar, the entire churning sea of ​​fog seemed to be still, and the only thing between the heaven and the earth was this roaring beast. reverberate.

Tang Yan raised his head sharply: "Is it over yet? I haven't breathed a sigh of relief yet, what kind of monster is this?"

The second elder looked solemn: "I'm afraid it will be the leader of this shark monster. If a high-ranking monster comes, we..."

While speaking, the ground shook violently, and an extremely tragic breath came from a thousand meters away, stirring in the endless sea of ​​clouds and sky, shaking the minds of Tang Yan and the others who were far away.

"This aura doesn't look like that of a demon venerable!" The three of them changed their colors all at once, and turned around to retreat, but...

"Run away! It's an awakened ancient beast soul!" Zhaoyi rushed over at this time, and Tang Yan and the others were surrounded by flying petals, resisting the pressure of [-] gravity, and fled at full speed towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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