Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 62 The Feast of Chaos

Chapter 62 The Feast of Chaos
In the border area between the Great Zhou Empire and the Delos Empire, dozens of city ruins are intertwined and connected in parallel, forming a large area of ​​ruins, dilapidated, messy, desolate and lonely, some places are engulfed by messy trees, and some places are flattened by wars. Some places have become settlements for certain monsters, and some places are full of dense cracks.

Years of continuous military campaigns have turned this once prosperous area into a place of oblivion and chaos, and it has become a paradise for some exiles.

This barren city cemetery was usually deserted and dilapidated, and no one would come here unless there were special circumstances. It can be seen that King Wu is walking in the air, and there are even huge flying monsters passing by from a high altitude, and standing on top of them is a powerful and powerful man.

Where there are many people, there will always be conflicts. In a place full of mercenaries without restraint, the so-called conflicts will be resolved in the most direct way!

Whether it is day or night, the noise will always be accompanied by screams and angry roars, and occasionally fierce fights will break out in the crowded crowd.Perhaps the blood stimulated the consciousness, or the chaotic environment affected the mind. Many mercenaries who had grievances in the past did not want to let it happen after meeting here, and it directly turned into a collision and a fight.

As night fell, the boundless cemetery of the deserted city did not quiet down. There were noises and fighting sounds one after another. This place was no longer a deserted city, but a city of chaos and a place of crime.

Somewhere in the ruins, two figures floated towards them like ghosts, coughed three times in front of a collapsed ruin, and then knocked on the collapsed beam next to it according to a specific rhythm.

After a period of oppressive silence, the wooden plank covered with thick dust on the ground suddenly cracked a gap, and a figure sprang out, looked around vigilantly, and led them into the ground after confirming that it was safe.

The crack closed immediately, and a gust of night wind blew by, sending dust flying, covering up all traces.

Underground is a wide stone cave, a dozen night pearls are dotted around, bringing a glimmer of light, in the middle there is a stone table, and a red-haired strong man with a sword and a golden horse is sitting.

"You brought what I want?" The red-haired man looked coldly at the two men in black robes who came.

"I want to confirm whether the thing is still in the hands of your 'Red God'." The man in black on the left raised his head, glanced at the dozen or so men and women present, and finally settled on the innermost end of the cave.

"Show them." The red-haired man raised his hand to signal.

Crash!The black cloth at the innermost end of the cave was torn away, revealing the statues of seven beasts inside. Under the illumination of the night pearl, the stone sculptures of beasts were hideous and terrifying, exuding a cold and murderous air. Each statue of beasts was covered with Wearing vigorous runes, it seems to be imprisoning something.

The eyes of the two men in black were suddenly hot, and they stared at the seven statues tightly, even breathing a little shortly.

"Have you seen enough? Where's the thing I want!" The red-haired burly man snorted heavily.

The man in black casually threw a quaint carved dragon ring: "These are the materials needed to lift the seal, and they are all in this ring. The process will be very cumbersome, and I hope you don't make any mistakes."

The red-haired man played with the ring, with a weird smile on his lips: "Can I know your identities? I heard that the seven statues were collected by 'Dihuang' after a lot of hard work, but they have never been found. How can you have access to the seal? How can you guarantee that it can break the seal?"

"You don't need to know our identities. As for the effect, there will definitely be no problem. The materials have been collected very early, and the most important medicine introduction is the blood purification of 88 third-tier martial artists, all of whom are teenagers who are about to be baptized. Blood is the most pure and flawless."

"Oh? I heard that a strange thing happened in the Northern Wilderness. Someone hijacked nearly a hundred young girls who were about to be baptized. It turned out that you did it!"

The man in black ignored the strong man's question and continued: "After the seal is touched, the more than ten thousand fighters in the deserted city cemetery will become their sacrifices and be sucked clean. All you have to do is to let them do everything, and you can't do anything Intervene until they are completely stabilized. According to the agreement, two of the seven monsters born will belong to you, and the remaining five will belong to us."

"We ran away with them for a few months, why only take two? You just give some suggestions and send some materials and take five"

The black-robed man coldly swept across the audience: "If you want to own them, you must have the strength of the Zun-level. If you are below the Zun-level, as long as you touch them, you will be turned into a mummy immediately. Is there a third Wu Zun among you?"

Another black-robed man said solemnly: "After this incident, you Chishen will be all wanted. Even if you have them, it is difficult to guarantee that you will be safe. Therefore, we are willing to provide Chishen with asylum for up to three years, and guarantee I will not covet what is in your hands during this period."

The red-haired burly man exchanged glances with his subordinates and remained silent for a while, reluctantly accepting these unfair conditions.

Tang Yan, Du Yang, and Ailinda, who had carefully made up, slipped out of the Elephant City in the dark, and rode unicorns straight to the cemetery in the deserted city on the border.Tang Yan and Du Yang wore coarse sackcloth and covered their faces with beards, and turned into two thin men. Alinda wrapped some cotton cloth around her chest, changed into tattered clothes, and made some bruises on her face. Hands and feet, turned into an ordinary village girl.

In fact, Elinda has been in a very messy mood lately. She has always wanted to go back to the academy, but she always has some inexplicable reluctance. She finally made up her mind to go back, but was tricked out of the city by Tang Yan's rhetoric.She always reminded herself not to fool around with this bastard anymore, but subconsciously she always followed him involuntarily, which made her very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.

The once pure and clean college "Binghua" seems to have become a "wild child" recently, fooling around with Tang Yan, a dandy, all day long.Galloping wildly on the ancient forest road, Elinda wondered how she agreed and how she left the Giant Elephant City.

Compared to Ilinda's apprehension and entanglement, Tang Yan and Du Yang were very excited.Except for pretending to be stupid when encountering certain mercenary troops or aristocratic troops on the road, they are very active at other times.

Seven days later, the three of them finally came to the cemetery in the deserted city.Looking from a distance, the eyes are dilapidated and messy, and a gust of wind blows up, rolling up dust all over the sky.In some parts of the deserted city cemetery, there is almost no trace of the city, and it is completely a gravel field. Some parts still retain their previous appearance, but they are also dilapidated. It seems that a slight vibration may destroy them all.

Exactly as expected, this place has been filled with killing and madness. Before you get close to the tombs, you can hear loud shouts and fighting with weapons, and feel the atmosphere of killing inside. Even the air is mixed with dust and The smell of blood.

"Attention, be careful, we are here to 'clean up the garbage', not to cause trouble, some things can be avoided as much as possible." Tang Yan gestured to the two of them, and entered the building in front of him from a relatively remote place. deserted city.The mercenaries who came and went noticed them, and when they saw Alinda's bloated and ugly appearance, they all showed some disgust. As for the two little old men, Tang Yan and Du Yang, they directly chose to ignore them.

The deserted city was filled with noisy noises, sharp roars, and fierce confrontations.The three of them wandered around casually, searching carefully, and soon found a battle circle, where two teams of mercenaries were fighting.

Maybe it's because I'm used to this kind of scene, no one pays attention nearby, and even hide away as soon as I see a fight, for fear of implicating myself.

The three of them hid in the corner, waiting patiently for their fight. The strength of these warriors is not too strong, there are only two or three Wuzong, and the rest are all Wuling, but for Tang Yan, it is still a great supplement. thing.

Soon, this unbalanced battle came to an end. One of the parties was completely killed, and the few surviving members of the other party also quickly left after snatching the other party's package.

"You keep watch, and remind immediately if there is any situation." Tang Yan dashed out, came to the middle of the bloody corpses, crossed his legs concentrating, and quickly condensed five cyan fireballs, and blasted at an old man first. Through the observation just now, this is an old man. A strong man at the Wu Zong level.Immediately afterwards, the fireballs condensed one by one, choosing the corpses of three high-level martial spirits, and temporarily abandoning the rest.

After all, one's strength is limited, and it is impossible to trigger unlimited ghost green fires, so one can only choose a few of them.

The ghostly blue flames enveloped the four corpses by themselves, and quickly burned and refined them. In just a few minutes, the flames dissipated, revealing four thick spirit source fluids.
"Eh?" Tang Yan picked them up one by one, and after feeling them carefully, he couldn't help frowning.

Du Yang and Ailinda came together: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"This is from Wuzong. These three belong to third-tier martial spirits. Didn't you find that the spirit source liquid is much smaller than normal?" Tang Yan already knew how much spirit source liquid can be refined by what kind of monsters and warriors. , but the four pieces of spiritual source liquid in front of him were fully doubled in size compared to the normal situation.

Alinda asked, "Is it because it's a corpse?"

Du Yang raised his brows: "You green fire is still picky about eating? Do you have to refine living things yourself?"

Tang Yan thought for a while: "There is this possibility. In the past, the monsters were basically killed with green fire, which is different from picking up corpses and refining them now. But this is too exaggerated, and it has been doubled in size?"

Du Yang was very appreciative: "Don't be dissatisfied with picking up cheap things."

"That's right, the four add up to a lot, let's continue working." Tang Yan ate one piece of spiritual source liquid to supplement the consumed spiritual power, put the other three into the jade bottle, tapped it and stared at the jade bottle in a daze little black dog.

The little black dog protested, and looked away unwillingly.

There are many fighting situations in the deserted city, and death incidents can be seen everywhere. The three of Tang Yan carefully 'walk' around, find a suitable battlefield, and then hide. When the fighting is over, they immediately pounce on refining. This scene is like When you enter the optional shopping mall, you can take whatever you like.

During the period, I encountered mercenaries going back and forth a few times, or other mercenaries passing by. If I could avoid them, I would just avoid them without making any entanglements. When encountering a particularly powerful target, they would rather give up and flee the scene decisively.

Tang Yan's Eye of Annihilation, the two types of seals, Du Yang's petrified martial arts, and Alinda, the second-rank Martial Ancestor, the three of them are simply natural partners. Tang Yan and Du Yang are playing tricks, and Ilinda is in charge The main attack has enough power to protect itself.

Anyway, there is spiritual source liquid that can replenish spiritual power at any time, they don't need to worry too much about consumption, and it can be regarded as a kind of experience to perform martial arts with all their strength.

The three of them quickly adapted to the environment of the cemetery in the deserted city, constantly wandering around in various battlefields, constantly refining and fighting, and "cleaning up the corpses" without any risk.

(End of this chapter)

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