Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 624

Chapter 624
Zhaoyi's violent sweep disturbed the sea of ​​fire forcibly, and also affected the power of the fire feathers in the cage area.

In the riot space, Qinghuo and the three fire feathers were in a confrontational situation, and they were on par with each other.The Blood Soul Tree began to throb angrily, constantly waving its elite jade-like twigs and leaves, intensifying the attack of the ghost green fire.At the critical moment, Zhaoyi swept across like a heavy hammer, bringing decisive interference, one ebbed and the other ebbed and flowed, the remaining phoenix shadow of the undead phoenix was submerged, and the three fire feathers all escaped from Yan Yuhan's body.

puff! !
The fire feather is separated!Being completely controlled by the Blood Soul Tree, it sucked and pulled towards him fiercely!
In an instant, the sea of ​​flames extending thousands of meters outside suddenly seemed to have lost its source and lost control. It rumbled and spread to the surroundings, and the area accumulated became larger.

Yan Yuhan collapsed powerlessly, Fen Tianlanyan completely retracted his body, and the narrow space suddenly shattered.


With the separation of the fire feather and the shattering of Lan Yan's space, the ghost Qinghuo completely turned into the master, with a terrifying prehistoric aura, stirring all directions, forcibly holding Zhaoyi who was moving forward.

"The blue flame? It's Tang Yan!"

Zhaoyi vibrated slightly, and moved forward facing the green fire again, but within a few steps, exclamations and confusion came from the front, back, and left side, followed by strong energy fluctuations.

Apparently, the sudden surge of flames enveloped the three forces that were approaching here, and they intercepted them in shock.

someone is coming?

The second elder in the distance didn't notice it, but Zhaoyi, as a semi-holy powerhouse, had an extremely sharp consciousness and caught these subtle breaths.With a tight heart, he immediately charged inside with the strange green fire, trying to rescue Tang Yan as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once other forces arrive, it may be difficult to be kind today.

If they could come at this time, it would most likely be the Immortal Phoenix that was alarmed by the soul formation and sea of ​​flames, and the monsters from Beiming and Caesar, none of which could be easily taken down by them.

But before she really rushed in, the ghost green flames that spread out like a torrent were suddenly collected again, gathering in front at an astonishing speed.

"Immortal Phoenix, your three bird feathers belong to my grandfather!! Skyhawk Messenger, wash your head and wait, I will take revenge for this revenge soon!" A ferocious growl rolled in front, mixed with strong resentment.

"I'll say hello in advance when I'm going to die in the future." Zhaoyi secretly let out a sigh of relief, and immediately reminded: "If you can still move about on your own, leave with me quickly, the Immortal Phoenix and the others are likely to arrive soon."

"Here you come? You came fast enough." Qing Huo retreated, and Tang Yan's figure appeared, holding the dying Yan Yuhan in his arms.

"Who is she?" Zhaoyi asked in surprise, but felt the aura approaching rapidly in the distance, before she could say more, a wave of flowers rolled up Tang Yan and retreated towards the distance: "They are coming, Walk!!"

The second elder looked back into the distance, and took Ren Tianzang, who was still unconscious, away.

When the flame storm hit the surroundings out of control, the two-headed golden lion and the little monk Wuzhen who drove it came from the north.

The right head roared anxiously: "How can there be the flame of the undead phoenix here! Tang Yan and the others are in danger?"

The left head is solemn and quiet, calm and calm: "Tang Yan is a first-rank Martial Venerable, even if he is lucky enough to be accompanied by Zhaoyi, it will not be the turn of the Immortal Phoenix to make a move in person. Seeing this wave of noise, I suspect that it is the Immortal Phoenix who followed Zhu Qiang again. Fighting started. Wuzhen, can you really find out that Tang Yan is nearby?"

Wu Zhen sat cross-legged on the broad back of the golden lion, chubby and smiling, like a Living Buddha of Maitreya, holding a purple gold bowl in his hand, swinging to detect the perception: "Yes, right in this wave of fire From the mouth, he should be right."

The left head murmured: "Tang Yan possesses countless secret treasures, and has a happy and indulgent temperament. Could it be that he really caused some trouble to anger the Immortal Phoenix?"

The right head roared ferociously, with a sound like a bell, with a fierce aura, and his expression was always ferocious: "Whatever happened to him, if we have time to reason and waste here, we have already rushed over!! Little fat monk, you Said that you are here to help him, what about your actions?!"

"Wuzhen, show the way!!" The left head is majestic and golden.

Wu Zhen probed a little: "Don't be impatient, Lion Master, Tang Yan is leaving."

"Oh? Really?!"

"The speed is very fast, not like the speed of several Martial Masters. Could it be that... he was arrested?" The smile on Wu Zhen's face subsided slightly, and he silently felt the message conveyed in the bowl.

Within the scope of this holy mountain, the level of Wuzun Yaozun is very suppressed. Even the third-level Wuzun Yaozun cannot move freely. The speed is far less than one-fifth of the outside world, but the speed at which Tang Yan left It's extremely amazing, it doesn't look like it's being suppressed.Can achieve this speed, unless it is... a semi-holy! !

Has Tang Yan been caught by a semi-holy monster?He couldn't think of any other reason than this.

The lion head on the left also became nervous: "Wuzhen, show me the way!"

The lion head on the right growled anxiously: "Zizi! Hurry up! You fat monk!"

Wuzhen smiled wryly, scratching his bare head like a corned egg: "Go straight ahead on the left. Lord Lion, little monk, I am really here to save Tang Yan, and I won't deliberately delay anything. It's just that the situation in Wangu Beast Mountain is very different. We are weak. Proceed with caution and don’t be impulsive.”

"Shut up!! If Chen Yuan Pavilion is as talkative as you are, I won't die!" Zuo Tou roared angrily.The golden lion rushed out at the first time, galloping towards the front left. The cassock on Wuzhen's body exuded a strange Buddha light, which seemed to be able to weaken the suppression here. Although it would not make the golden lion have a speed similar to the outside world, at least it would It will be much slower than the third-order Yaozun.

"The lion is joking, Chenyuan Pavilion is where your chance is, and it is also the place where you are destined to practice. You were originally a descendant of a living Buddha descendant in ancient times, and belonged to the last branch of the branch, with very little blood flowing on your body. For some unknown reason, you accidentally activated your bloodlines and obtained the inheritance of the living Buddha, but this is only a small part. Only by entering the Chenyuan Pavilion and accepting the golden light of ten thousand Buddhas can you maximize the activation of your bloodlines." Wuzhen followed the temptation.

"Shut up, noisy!!" The portrait on the right was very annoyed by the little monk.

"Wait! The left front position?" The lion head on the left suddenly realized something, and while running wildly, he tried his best to recall, and silently judged: "Oops, isn't there..."

"Huh?" Wu Zhen detected it a little bit, and his face changed slightly: "Why did they move there? Who caught them? It seems that the situation is not good, Lion Lord, speed up immediately, and try to rush into that area as much as possible. Stop ahead!!"

Not long after Tang Yan and the others left, a suffocating bloody aura surged over the area. Inside the bloody aura was an evil monster with a consonant head and a giant python body. It was a semi-holy monster from the Eternal Beast Mountain— —Reincarnation Blood Snake Rhinoceros!

On its noble and proud consonant head, a pale young man stood with his hands behind his back. His face was gloomy, his face was as pale as paper, but when his eyes opened and closed, there was a flash of brilliance like lightning.

He was thin and pale, but he couldn't have the courage to look up, his eyes swept across, as if the wild gods were staring at all directions, with a sense of ruthlessness, power, and domineering!

The reincarnated blood snake rhinoceros, which exists as a semi-holy rank, is willing to use it as a mount? !

"It's the phoenix real fire of the Immortal Phoenix, and the aura of some other strong men. It's a few warriors, and there is a semi-holy warrior." The Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros can capture the remaining aura in the air.

"How can there be Wu Zun and half saints here?" The young man's voice was clear and clear, but it sounded particularly awkward, like a dry combination of words one by one, without the slightest emotion, without a minute or a second The pause made the smell cold.

"The lineup of the Quartet territory entering the holy mountain is the strongest. Who will bring in the Zun class? Or Wu Zun? Could it be..." The blood was surging, and the Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros entrenched for a while, locking on the direction Tang Yan and others left: " They left soon, shall we catch up?"

"The Immortal Phoenix shouldn't appear in this area, why is it really popular here?" The white-faced boy seemed to ask, his voice and tone still so dry and weird.

"Huh? There is also some special aura, like..." The Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros came to the area where Yan Yuhan was imprisoned, after some searching, the blood eyes suddenly burst into hot blood: "Holy Master, I found two good things. "

"Follow them." The young man raised his hand to signal, but the next moment, he raised his hand again to call for a stop, his eyes turned slightly, and turned to the fog behind him.

With the passing of the sea of ​​fire, the white mist shrouded the scene again. Except for the blood lingering around the blood snake rhinoceros, the rest are all thick white mist, which cannot be seen through or clearly.

The Samsara Blood Snake Rhino looked back strangely, but found nothing: "Is there anything unusual?"

(End of this chapter)

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