Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 634 Holy War

Chapter 634 Holy War
At this time, the bone sea world has been shrouded by the monstrous power of the holy beast.

The Immortal Phoenix rushed into the sea of ​​bones following Zhu Jian's aura, the flames were radiant, and the high temperature burned the world, the mist evaporated, and the bones melted. Along the way, the sky and the earth were clear, and only this fierce flame was burning.

Wutu Thunderworm and Abyss Demon Flood Dragon rushed into the sea of ​​bones from the other two directions, advancing in a similarly destructive manner, destroying the world of bones in pieces, and replacing part of the sea of ​​bones with their own domain of beasts.

The three holy beasts were unparalleled, sweeping across the area, making the world of bones tremble and the entire holy mountain throbbing.

With the previous defeat, none of the three holy beasts acted rashly, they all had their own preparations!

Aww! !Aww! !
Not long after they rushed into the bone sea world, a terrible roar came from the depths of the thick sea of ​​fog, like a cry from hell, the billowing evil spirit flooded the sea of ​​fog, and a tragic killing atmosphere permeated the world.

The roars were heavy and chaotic, coming from different directions, all rushing towards the bone sea world, the number was nearly ten.

Boom boom boom!
The murderous attack disturbed the already chaotic bone sea world, and the evil spirit rolled, and a strange beast with "one head and two tails" appeared, which turned out to be the "killing soul" of the holy beast!
And all the beast souls that appeared in the other directions were awakened beast souls from the holy mountain!
Although they are beast souls, due to the strange power of the holy mountain, the remnant souls retain a considerable part of their fierce power. At this moment, they are furious and mad, making the world tremble.

Ka Ka Ka! !

A large number of bone beasts struggled and crawled out from the pile of bones, screaming like ghosts, and rushed towards the beast souls. This is the voluntary resistance of the domain world, and this is the anger of this bone sea world!
Roar! !

The bone monkey was furious, and left the central area with the rolling evil energy, rushing towards the raging beast souls; the human warriors with big iron swords moved at the same time, like a thunderbolt tearing the sky, and the endless sword energy splitting the fog.

With the fury of the two guarding evil spirits, all the silent skeleton guards struggled to crawl out, screamed sharply, and started a wild collision. Even the tamed shark monsters showed fierce power, like thunder and lightning tore apart Cracking the mist, impacting the ferocity of the beast soul.

All of a sudden, the entire world of bones was boiling like a riot.

Taking advantage of this chaos, the three holy beasts of Immortal Phoenix, Wutu Thunderworm, and Abyssal Demon Dragon led their semi-jihad generals to gather in the core area, separated into three directions, and confronted the Zhu Qiang who had been waiting here for a long time. He wanted to shatter the world of this domain.

Zhaoyi and the second elder were on full alert, their expressions were as solemn as water, and now they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to. The four holy beasts gathered together, and the ferocity emitted made their hearts tremble involuntarily.

Zhu Qiang stood firmly on the top of the blood snake rhinoceros, with an indifferent expression and fierce killing power: "This holy mountain is the root of the eternal beast mountain, and the accusation of the four of us is also to protect the holy mountain. Now the threat of the holy mountain is imminent, you Do you want to fight internally, or solve hidden threats?"

The fire was burning in the south, and a cold female voice came out: "This threat is no longer a threat. When we retreated that day, it was also severely injured. Now all the beast souls of the holy mountain are gathered here, which will help us eliminate the threat." .It is not necessary for all four Holy Masters to take action, it is enough to kill it."

The black tide was raging in the west, and a giant whale was looming, and a strong man with a gloomy body could be seen sitting cross-legged on top of it, saying, "We don't need four, three Holy Masters are enough to solve this matter. "

"You belonged to a remnant corpse in the holy mountain, and you should stay here." Due north, the manic thunder and lightning became the only existence, as if countless thunder snakes were surging, and the cold voice was full of cruel murderous intent.

Zhu Jian's face did not change, and he was happy and fearless: "It seems that you have all discussed and redistributed the territory of the Eternal Beast Mountain. It is good, it has been quiet for thousands of years, and it is time to make some adjustments. Are you coming together? Or alone?" on each one?"

The big landslide is in front of you, and you will stand still!
This courage alone is enough to counter the monstrous killing and cruelty emanating from the three holy beasts.

The abyssal dragon snorted coldly: "Put away your disguise, you are seriously injured, and you can't resist any of us at all."

"Really? You can be the first one, please?" Zhu Qian raised his hand and pointed at the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon as an invitation.A simple word of 'please' made the atmosphere freeze suddenly.

The Eternal Beast Mountain was once occupied by the Immortal Phoenix. Later, Zhu Qiang woke up unexpectedly, defeated the Immortal Phoenix in a head-to-head confrontation, and became the strongest in the Eternal Beast Mountain. Over the years, Zhu Qiang has been occupying the entrance of the holy mountain, and he is also the strongest saint in the world. beast.

Although the Abyss Demon Jiao and the Wutu Thunderworm are both holy beasts, they are both transformed by devouring the holy soul. Whether it is inheriting combat skills or their own physique, they are not as good as Zhu Qian, the ancient sage who has dominated one side since ancient times. beast.

Therefore, even though Zhuqian was seriously injured by repeated sneak attacks and their strength was greatly weakened, their long-term accumulated power still weighed on their hearts.And no one knows whether Zhu Jian has any other killer moves to save his life.If the three holy beasts acted together, it would be easy enough to defeat Zhu Qiang until he was killed, but if they were dispatched alone... Even if they could kill Zhu Jian, even the Undying Phoenix would not be able to guarantee a complete retreat.

What's more, the three holy beasts have their own ideas, and they didn't really reach a cooperation agreement. The main reason is that Zhu Qian was seriously injured, so they joined forces to get rid of it. pounce on.

"Why, don't you dare? Is it just so courageous? Is it because I'm afraid that the Undead Phoenix and Lei Chong will be behind the scenes?" Zhu Qian's cold face showed an unprecedented smile, a strange smile, and a sinister smile: "Don't be afraid, they I don't have this chance, because... if you dare to take a step forward, I will guarantee you a miserable death!"

"If you are in full bloom, you can still say this lie. Now... just dream!" The abyssal dragon showed killing intent, and the two half-holy monsters under its command also showed fighting intent, and they were respectively set in the blood snake of reincarnation. On Xi and Zhaoyi, as for Bao Yanhu and the second elder, just ignore it.

"What about you? Do you want to watch it die, or come together?" Zhu Qian raised his right hand towards Immortal Phoenix and Wutu Thunderworm in turn.

Wutu Thunderworm said: "Don't delay the time, the beast souls are very irritable. Once the bone beast's block is broken, they may take us as a new target. Before they come over, let's get rid of the bullocks together, and then go Deal with the monsters inside. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

With a gloomy sneer on the corners of Zhu Qian's mouth, he turned towards Undead Phoenix, who had never spoken. "That's right, the longer the time, the more unfavorable it will be. Let's do it, Undead Phoenix! You two will be at ease if you start first."

"Aren't you afraid of death? The Holy Mountain can wake you up once, and it won't wake you up a second time. If you kill you this time, you will be a lonely soul in this Holy Mountain forever." Be cautious, Zhu Jian's performance made her feel a little strange.

"I died tens of thousands of years ago, and am I still afraid of death? If you want to fight, you can fight, what's the point, just let the horse come over, a bunch of rubbish who don't know what to do!" The smile on Zhu Jian's face gradually faded, revealing a cold killer meaning.

"I've endured you for a long time." The abyssal dragon was the first to strike, and the black black tide seemed to pass across the sky from the ocean, sweeping up with an earth-shattering roar, stepping into the air, the tide surged up, and turned into a terrifying monster. Jiao, blast towards Zhu Qiang and kill them.

Two horns are dragons, one horns are jiao, and no horns are chi.

This is a real dragon, a demon dragon that swallowed the holy soul!
"Immortal Phoenix, don't hesitate any longer, everyone is just bluffing, let's go together." The Wutu Thunderworm stepped out of the thunder nest, attracted a group of animated thunders, and poured down rumblingly, all of them hit the boiling black tide. The water helps Lei Wei, the thunder and water combine, and the murderous intent soars, just like a boundless thunder wall that covers the sky, collapsing towards Zhu Qiang with a bang.

Accompanied by the full attack of the two holy beasts, the four semi-sacred beasts under their command showed their ferocious power. With this thunder wall covering the sky and the sun, they locked Zhaoyi and Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros respectively.

The thunder wall came fiercely, stirring up chaos in the space, forming countless terrifying whirlwinds. Before the thunder wall arrived, the storm struck first.Zhu Qiang's long hair fluttered and his clothes roared, but he still stood proudly in the sky, happy and fearless. Just before Lei Qiang saw his arrival, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly roared: "Undead Phoenix, why don't you make a move?! I If you die, you will be buried with me, and Beast Mountain will perish!"

A phoenix cry pierces gold and cracks rocks, and the terrifying sound waves sweep across the world. The high-frequency ripples arouse the fierce spatial wind blade, sweeping almost everything, shaking the world, and also bombarding the collapsed black water and sky thunder wall. At the same time, the phoenix The shadow crossed the sky, engulfed by billowing flames, and attacked the abyssal dragon that came across the sky.

It was the Undead Phoenix who made the move, but instead of attacking Zhu Qiang, it was attacking Lord Caesar.

The corners of Zhu Jian's mouth curled up into an evil arc, and a roar exploded on the tip of his tongue. His thin body suddenly swelled, and his terrifying and fierce power swept all directions like a substance, turning into a strange monster like a centaur, covered with scales. The armor-like iron fist slammed head-on, filled with hurricane-like qi, and blasted towards the Wutu Thunderworm that came across the thunder group.

boom! !

The sky trembled, the earth cracked, and the entire world of bones was shaken. The shock waves of the collision were mixed with thunder, qi, flames, etc., sweeping across all directions, the bones turned into dust, huge bone beasts rose from the sky, and even many The beast souls were all blown back, and the bone monkey a few kilometers away let out a furious roar, venting its fierce power towards the sweeping storm, but it was submerged without a trace in an instant.

The terrifying tremor lasted for several minutes, and most of the saints in the central collision area were strongly affected.

The sudden intervention of the Immortal Phoenix completely disrupted the entire offensive layout, so that each half-saint was defenseless and received a very serious blow.

"Undead Phoenix, you stinky bitch, you're crazy!!" The abyssal dragon roared, and the single horn on its forehead erupted with a black glow, pushing back the surrounding light, as if it wanted to return the world to darkness.

"You are the ones who are crazy." Feng Ming yelled, and the covered flames suddenly exploded, dispelling a large area of ​​darkness, fighting against the abyssal dragon, and his phoenix eyes stared at it coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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