Chapter 64
For Tang Yan, all of this had nothing to do with him. The three of them continued to act as vulnerable groups, walking cautiously among the ruins of various towns, changing places every day, and gaining something every day.

Refining at night and fighting during the day; absorbing at night and strengthening during the day.

In the battles and fights, the cooperation between the three became more and more tacit, and the strength of the three of them was steadily improving in the refining experience.

In this kind of crazy and selfless training, Tang Yan steadily rose to the peak of martial arts, Du Yang made a breakthrough again and stepped into the realm of third-level martial arts, and Ailinda reached the barrier of second-level martial arts. It is a little black dog.

Every time when the spirit source liquid was distributed at night, Tang Yan would always give Xiao Hei some 'semi-finished products', sometimes two or three, sometimes six or seven, and Xiao Hei always swallowed them all.Although the pain is like a bone cramp every time, I can survive the next day every time.In the uninterrupted self-destruction, Xiao Hei's "eat appetite" became bigger and bigger, his endurance became stronger and stronger, and his body size fully doubled.

Tang Yan recently gave it a cute name Hei Niu!
Du Yang and Ailinda were quite speechless about the name, but Xiao Hei seemed very satisfied, and followed Tang Yan in a desperate manner.

boom!The ruins of the city were wiped out, and fierce fighting broke out.

"Yanlin, stab!" A roar rolled in his throat, Du Yang rolled and fell, and he clenched his fist violently and hit the ground, a rolling trace spread forward quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a stone pillar full of thorns and thorns broke through the ground, It twisted like a giant python and blasted out.

"You bastards, do you know who I am? I want you to die!" A burly man covered in blood roared angrily, dodging in embarrassment.

"You can survive today, Ice Butterfly Storm!" A shriek resounded in the air, and in an instant, a biting cold fell from the sky, and the dense ice butterflies exploded, completely covering the retreating strong man, and the shrill screams echoed in the alley.

Du Yang's gaze was like a torch, and under the urging of his thoughts, the stone python pounced silently and tore past the strong man's shoulder.

Tang Yan, who had just been defeated, rushed out from behind and slashed in the air with his ancient saber: "Two blows from the flames!"

boom!Click!The ancient saber hit the petrified shoulder of the brawny man in an instant, and the small half of his body shattered. At the moment of impact, the ghostly green fire on the ancient saber spread up.

"Violent Jue!" Tang Yan tumbled to the ground, and the seven fireballs lingering around his body exploded and shot away, instantly submerging the Wuzong-level powerhouse, and was swallowed by the strong green fire without even screaming.

Whoosh!Tang Yan and Du Yang supported their bodies and panted violently. This was the first time they had taken the initiative to kill Wu Zong since they entered the deserted city. They were still level [-] Wu Zong. Although the three cooperated closely, they still paid a huge amount of effort.

"Are you all right?" Elinda's mouth was bloodstained, and she was coldly wary of the nearby mercenaries. The surging spiritual power deliberately released brought a lot of oppression to these troublemakers, and no one dared to provoke them.

"It's okay, whoever dares to take half a step forward, don't be polite!" Tang Yan and Du Yang stood in front of the burning corpse, blocking the eyes of these people, waiting for the green fire to smelt.

They never thought of actively provoking the mercenaries here, but the guy who killed them just now took a fancy to Tang Yan's ancient saber and insisted on taking it. Although the three of them kept a low profile, they were not easy to provoke, so they joined forces to kill them!


Xiao Hei suddenly jumped down from Tang Yan's shoulders, his hair was standing on end, black electric light wrapped around his body, and he was wary towards the ruins around him.

Tang Yan wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, and looked there with a frown. This is a collapsed restaurant, with stones and wood criss-crossing, buried by dust and messy things.At first glance, he didn't find anything, but after observing carefully for a while, Tang Yan actually saw someone inside.

In the collapsed space, there was a man covered in dust sitting cross-legged, with blank eyes and a dull expression, smoking a pipe unconsciously. If it wasn't for the reddish light on the end of the pipe, no one would have noticed that there was still water inside. one person.

"What's the matter?" Ailinda and Du Yang walked over, picked up the spirit source liquid that had just been refined on the ground, and put it into a jade bottle.

The spiritual source liquid of the second-rank Wuzong!Definitely a precious supplement!
"Look inside, there is an old man smoking." Tang Yan looked inside strangely, the old man didn't notice it, he was still sluggish, smoking a pipe unconsciously.

"Huh? How did he get in?" Du Yang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Old man? Do you need us to get you out?" Tang Yan called inside, but the old man didn't respond.

Alinda whispered: "I didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power from him, he may be an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people? Can ordinary people live here?" Du Yang pouted.

"Old man, do you want to come out?" Tang Yan continued to call, wanting to move the collapsed beam, but worried that once he touched this side, the narrow space inside would collapse immediately and bury him alive.

After calling many times in a row, the old man inside was still smoking his pipe in a daze, as if he didn't respond stupidly, but Xiao Hei stared at him with bared teeth, as if he was going to jump in, but felt threatened again.

"This old man is a bit weird. We'd better keep our minds alone." Du Yang reminded in a low voice. covered with dust, as if it had existed for a long time.

Is it possible for an ordinary person without spiritual power to survive in it?
no problem?I don't believe it!
Tang Yan observed again for a while, but the old man still didn't respond, so he stopped talking: "Where's the spiritual source liquid?"

"It's put away."

"Black girl, let's go." The city is getting more and more chaotic, and they can't stay in one place for long.

Not long after they left, the old man in the ruins raised his head slightly, his dull eyes flickered slightly, and looked in the direction Tang Yan left, but he didn't pay much attention, and continued to smoke cigarettes dully.But there was an undetectable gleam in his eyes, the time is coming!
Tang Yan continued the work of 'cleaning up' and wandering among the ruined cities. Although the current deserted city cemetery has divided many spheres of influence and restricted each other from crossing borders, no one cared about the 'weak people' like the three of them.They just took advantage of this opportunity and stayed in each city for a while to find some suitable targets to shoot.

In the control area of ​​the Great Zhou Empire, Tang Yan has seen several princes of the royal family, family members such as the Tang family, strong men from various colleges, and princes such as the Lingwang Mansion and the Zhenguo Mansion; Within the scope of the area, I saw their royal family members and noble forces, and also saw many king-level powerhouses with special martial arts; in some mercenary settlements, I saw the largest mercenary organizations in the Southern Empire. I felt their chaos and madness; in the control area of ​​some Central Plains forces, I saw the super characters from these most prosperous areas, and felt the shocking power.

The others are all looking for treasures. Tang Yan and the others are right to see the world. While secretly collecting the spiritual source liquid, they are curiously observing these forces, whether it is the Delos and Salo Empires that are as famous as the Great Zhou Empire, or the Great Zhou Empire. The huge mercenary strength, and more importantly, the ancient forces from the Central Plains, made Tang Yan look at it with great interest.

Although Aileinda is the tutor of the academy, at most she can introduce some characters of the Great Zhou Empire, and she is equally interested in knowing nothing about others.

But after looking around for a long time, they couldn't find any powers like Chenyuan Pavilion. In Alinda's words, these so-called ancient empires and holy places should not be real old empires and holy places.Huge monsters like Chenyuan Pavilion are located in the middle of the vast expanse. They stand above the crowd and overlook the whole area. The earth-level martial arts developed by 'Dihuang' can't arouse their interest, not to mention the distance between Biannan and Central Plains. It is difficult to spread the news there, even if you know it, it will take four to five months to get there.

In other words, the ancient empires and holy lands that appeared in the cemetery of the deserted city should be forces between the Central Plains and the borderlands. It means that the domination of this deserted city belongs to them!

(End of this chapter)

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