Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 640

Chapter 640
Tang Yan and Zhaoyi looked at each other for a long time, and finally understood: "You mean, Yan Yuhan's soul no longer belongs to this body, but to Fen Tian Lan Yan?"

"That's right, that's it."

Tang Yan frowned: "Fen Tian Lanyan will temporarily use this body to survive and maintain the vitality of the body, which is similar to a coma state, but will not hurt her?"


"Until a certain day in the future, the original consciousness in the Fire Spirit and Yan Yuhan's soul merge into one, but this fusion is not coexistence, but one destroys the other. Either Yan Yuhan's soul replaces the original consciousness in the Fire Spirit And to become the new Fire Spirit and dominate Fentian Lanyan, or is the consciousness in the Fire Spirit suppressing Yan Yuhan's soul until it disappears forever, and the Fire Spirit regains control of Fentian Lanyan?"

Wu Zhen nodded again: "That's the case."

"How could this happen?" The Second Elder was stunned, didn't he say... Yan Yuhan will die after all?Being swallowed by a fire spirit is equivalent to annihilation, and swallowing a fire spirit's thoughts is equivalent to turning into a ball of fire?

"My guess may not be too comprehensive, but her situation is very similar to what I have seen from the history books, so it is almost like this."

Tang Yan looked at the cold and delicate face in front of him in a daze, and continued to ask: "When the condition of the fire spirit stabilizes, will it incinerate this body?"

"This should be."

"If Yan Yuhan becomes the fire spirit in the end, will she still burn this body? This is her own body."

"It's just a body, without a soul. It can only lie on the bed, which is equivalent to a container. Fen Tianlanyan basically can't play a role in it, and can't grow. He can only burn it and get out of control, looking for a better place. Habitat. Yan Yuhan is a well-known butcher in both Yan Kingdom and Canglan, she is ruthless, and she will definitely burn the body that binds her as soon as she controls the Fire Spirit."

"Is there a way to find the best of both worlds, let Yan Yuhan's soul win, become the new fire spirit, and keep this body by the way?"

"According to historical records, a saint once did a similar rescue, but it turned out to be self-defeating, and both of them were destroyed. Yan Yuhan's situation is quite special. Fen Tianlanyan is a different fire from heaven and earth, and the fire spirit originally wanted to save her. Before this, the two sides also lived in harmony. According to my personal point of view, the possibility of Yan Yuhan becoming the spirit of fire is still relatively high. But the process of this struggle will be very painful, and it will be a long and arduous battle. Any accident may cause her soul to be annihilated."

Tang Yan sat on the ground slumped, and carefully picked up Yan Yuhan.How did things become like this?Although it is much better than originally expected, but it is still inevitable that he will die in the future, even if he becomes a fire spirit, it will be a pain for Yan Yuhan himself.

God, heaven, are you so willing to torture me?Is it fun?
The Golden Lion was rather surprised, why did he have this expression?It's not like Tang Yan's style.Who is this woman?Tang Yan would be in a daze.

Wu Zhen said: "I suggest that you better keep this secret and don't let too many people know about it, otherwise, when this body is incinerated, Fen Tian Lanyan will be able to break away from the existence of flames, and will be coveted and hunted by all parties. "

"Yan Yuhan's status is special, and her significance to the country of Yan is extraordinary, and the news of her death cannot be revealed easily." The second elder was silent for a while, and said, "When I leave the Eternal Beast Mountain, I will bring Yan Yuhan to the Holy Land of Yaochi. The saint provided the cold pool to preserve her body. The cold pool contains some cold star energy, which can not only ensure Yan Yuhan's physical vitality, but also slightly suppress the strange fire, which may bring some benefits to Yan Yuhan's seizure of control over the fire spirit. Help. Then send someone to secretly contact the ancestors of the royal family of Yan Kingdom to see if there is any way to help Yan Yuhan."

"If..." Tang Yan's eyes suddenly regained some brilliance, and he thought: "I have an idea, is it possible to transplant another soul to make this body truly resurrected, in that case, Fen Tian Lanyan can continue to stay in the body soon? in there?"

Zhaoyi said unhappily: "Do you think this is transferring flowers and fruits? Souls can be transferred to strange bodies at will? They are not born with each other, they will restrain each other, and it is impossible to blend easily. Besides, where do you go to get a new soul? What kind of soul can control a strange body and control the fire spirit of Fen Tian Lanyan."

"Didn't it say that some weapons can be melted with some kind of beast soul?"

"Weapons that can have a weapon soul are all spiritual weapons. The materials forged are special, and the souls selected are also special, and they have to go through a lot of tempering before they can be successfully integrated. But can the body be the same as a weapon? You can throw the body into the furnace and temper it ?”

"Who said that fusion has to be tempered like a weapon, not to mention that some powerful fighters can exist in the form of soul for a period of time after their bodies are destroyed, and they will find new bodies to be reborn? You can open your mind from this."

Tang Yan remembered that a similar situation was mentioned in the Undead Yantian Jue, and he had also heard that a very powerful warrior could be reborn after his body was broken.

Zhaoyi was a little helpless: "Anyone who can occupy a new body in the state of soul and obtain a new life must be at least a semi-holy existence, and the so-called new life is to find a very pure baby body. This body must be very talented. The physique is special, has a certain degree of fit, and can accept the fusion of this soul. Only in this way can the original soul in the body be taken away, occupy the body, grow again, and be reborn.

Moreover, the process of seizing the house is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you may become a captive of the baby and be trapped in its Qihai body for the rest of its life. "

The second elder said: "I understand your feelings, even if your thinking is correct, you can still succeed, but... no matter who controls Yan Yuhan's body, she is no longer Yan Yuhan, but will Become another person, have a completely different thinking, and may control Fen Tian Lanyan and become our enemy.

And Yan Yuhan, who is the spirit of fire, will not allow his body to be occupied by another soul, and it will inevitably be another struggle.In short... to say something hurtful, you are fooling around, it is a bad idea. "

crunch!Tang Yan clenched his sharp claws tightly, his shaking eyes turned gloomy little by little, and his teeth creaked: "Immortal Phoenix, you stinky bitch, one day I will let you suffer double the pain of Yan Yuhan! Let you The undead phoenix cannot die again!"

Zhaoyi was worried about Tang Yan's impulsiveness: "We can take revenge, but now is not the time and we don't have the ability. A man can bend and stretch, revenge is not in a hurry."

Ling Ruoxi and the golden monkey were still in Nanhuang Wonderland, Tang Yan wanted to visit by himself another day.I have already experienced the power of the Immortal Phoenix before, and the situation will definitely be very dangerous. Tang Yan must keep calm, otherwise it will be difficult to escape if there is a mess.

Besides Ling Ruoxi and Jin Hou, there was also Mu Rou who didn't know the specific situation.It seems that it can be rescued easily, but... there is a problem that has to be faced squarely, whether Mu Rou is still innocent.

Zhaoyi could tell that Tang Yan had thought of this possibility a long time ago, but had been deliberately avoiding it.Just now he greeted Zhu Qian with a smile and called him uncle, which made Zhaoyi admire Tang Yan's endurance, but if he really found out that Mu Rou had been insulted, Tang Yan's smiling face would definitely turn into a hideous face immediately.

In short, it seems that the crisis has been resolved now, but in fact there are still many unknown factors waiting ahead, which require Tang Yan to deal with it calmly, and they need to deal with it together.

"Why did you think of changing the soul for this body?" The Second Elder suddenly asked strangely. With Tang Yan's shrewdness, how could he not have thought that changing the soul is equivalent to changing the person?Did he really think of it by accident, or did he have other ideas?
Tang Yan hugged Yan Yuhan, his eyes were out of focus, and he shook his head unconsciously.

Zhaoyi also took advantage of the situation and asked something strange for a long time: "What is your relationship with Yan Yuhan? She saved your life? Or did you fall in love at first sight? Why do I feel that you are always weird."

Tang Yan was still in a daze, as if in a daze, or thinking about something silently.

Wu Zhen laughed silently: "It's all about seeing things and thinking about people."

"What do you see, who do you think about?" Zhaoyi and the second elder said in unison, looking at Wuzhen together.

"It's good, it's good, you can't say it." Wu Zhen hurriedly avoided their 'sharp' gazes.

"Tang Yan?" A slightly hoarse voice came from the depths of the bones, click, a figure in golden armor stepped out of the mist on the broken bones.

(End of this chapter)

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