Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 642 The Ancient Altar

Chapter 642 The Ancient Altar
The holy master Zhu Jian returned to the bone sea world, and he saw the changes in Xu Yan at a glance, and took the initiative to thank: "Thanks to this friend for your generosity, Dongkuilingshan welcomes you!"

"No need, I'll go back to Dongkui with you guys, and leave after pretending." The Bone Race senior said indifferently.

"Oh?" Zhu Jian was a little surprised, but obviously there was no look of disappointment, but there was still a glimmer of light in the bottom of his eyes.

"I still have things to do." The Bone Race senior was very indifferent.

Xu Yan looked disappointed and secretly sad, but he didn't persuade him any more.I have already said a lot in the sea of ​​bones just now. According to the senior, the Bone Race accident involved too many layers. He himself is like a bomb. And very special, destined to attract attention.

In order to hide their secrets and survive better, they can only choose a dead end.

Zhu Qian led the people to leave the holy mountain and return to Dongkuiling Mountain all the way.Xu Yan is not a sentimental person, and he didn't want to make the parting atmosphere heavy, so he took the initiative to stand side by side with Tang Yan, so as to understand Tang Yan's experiences over the years and his deeds after entering the Eternal Beast Mountain.

After chatting for a while, Xu Yan found out about the changes in Delos and the Rao family, and the chaos experienced by Bian Nan, so he couldn't help feeling guilty that he hadn't been able to show up when the Rao family was in crisis.

I also know the various life and death experiences that Tang Yan has experienced in these years, and the unparalleled richness and splendor behind it!
Xu Yan is militant by nature, yearns for blood and change, and what he yearns for the most is to venture into the world.After some chatting, I was even a little envious of Tang Yan, sighing secretly that this is life, this is growth, and this is the real "road of warriors stepping into the sky".

Of course, more than emotion is helplessness.Tang Yan has grown up, but this guy's nature has not changed. He is a full-fledged warmonger, no matter Dayan or Biannan, whether Canglan or Eternal Beast Mountain, wherever he goes, he is like a manic beast raging across the border, triggering Storm after storm.

The "enthusiasm" that Tang Yan and Xu Yan showed during their communication became "intimacy" in the eyes of outsiders. The two of them don't care about the "difference between men and women", but outsiders can't forget "whether to give or not to kiss".This 'intimacy' surprised Zhu Qian, it was rare to see Xu Yan, who was as cold as an iron rod, be so 'intimate' with a man, and confirmed the truth of the sworn relationship between the two parties.

Back at East Kuiling Mountain, Zhu Jian led them directly to the high top area above the mangrove forest.

Guo Fuyao and the second elder Jiuwei Tmall had been waiting for a long time.

Tmall is shaped like a white fox, and its whole body is as white as snow without any blemishes. Its nine velvet tails are swaying, and it is indescribably luxurious and elegant.

When Tang Yan saw the Nine-tailed Tmall, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times. It was really beautiful. Although it was a monster, it brought a strange sense of charm. No wonder there were human warriors who would marry and give birth to it.

"Brother Tang Yan? I'm here." Yueying smiled and waved from a distance, looking very happy.He was just worried about the mother beside him, so he didn't rush over directly.

Nine-tailed Tmall's black jewel-like eyes flashed sharply, and coldly passed Tang Yan, implying a slight warning.But he didn't show too much resistance, and he didn't deliberately pay attention to it, he and Guo Fuyao faced Zhu Jian and Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros together.

"I'm leaving now, Holy Lords, take a step to speak." The Bone Race senior walked to the top of the mountain alone, waving his hands to reject Xu Yan and Tang Yan's send-off.

Tang Yan patted Xu Yan on the shoulder: "Don't worry, You Ye Forest should just imprison him. When we grow up in the future, we will go to You Ye Forest to discuss an explanation."

Zhu Jian signaled Guo Fuyao to take Xu Yan and the others back to rest, and followed the senior Bone Race towards the top of the mountain: "Senior, you really don't plan to stay here for a few more days? The environment of the Eternal Beast Mountain is quiet, and the spiritual power of my spiritual mountain can be called a beast." It is the best in the mountain, and it will be very helpful for your injury recovery."

"Good intentions, no need." The Bone Race senior walked forward, looking up at the thick mist on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back: "Holy Masters, do you still remember the Lost Battle Realm?"

"Huh? Lost Battle Realm... seems a little familiar..." Zhu Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was struck by a certain heartstring in a trance: "I fell in ancient times, and lost a lot of memory because of the rebirth of the Holy Mountain .”

"The Immortal Phoenix is ​​the heir of the ancient demon emperor Phoenix, and it came from the Forgotten Battle Realm. It should know something about it. Hasn't it communicated with you?"

"The Immortal Phoenix showed rebellion back then, angered the Demon Emperor, and was demoted to the Eternal Beast Mountain to guard the cemetery. At first, it guarded the holy land with a seal posture. Later, the Eternal Beast Mountain broke away from its native land and went into exile in the void world, so it was able to wake up and get out of trouble. After waking up Later, I found that part of my memory had been erased. At first, I tried hard to explore the various secret places in the Eternal Beast Mountain, hoping to retrieve the fragments of my memory, but I found nothing, and I forgot it over time."

Zhu Jian paused for a while when he said this, wondering that he had said so much in one breath.

"Do you know why you woke up?"

"Soul Reshaping."

"Why is the soul reshaped? All lonely souls, one remnant soul, why do they reunite, gather three souls and seven souls? Resurrected from death, so awakened. This kind of mighty power can be called reversing the cycle of yin and yang. If you can't achieve the peak power of the clan, could it be because of a few coincidences?"

"You know why?"

"Eternal Beast Mountain is the place where the demon clan's souls are buried and conceived. According to historical records, when the great powers of the monster race jointly built the Beast Mountain Cemetery, the fundamental purpose was to gather many buried souls to conceive the evil supreme! That is, Gather the souls of all beasts, conceive new soul species, and awaken a certain fallen demon emperor."

"Oh?" Zhu Jian was startled.

"All the tombs buried in the Eternal Beast Mountain are set up in specific directions. Tens of thousands of beast souls are scattered around the periphery, guarding the central holy mountain with all kinds of super souls. They are well prepared, even smelting the entire mountain range, and taking the undead phoenix. Living body seal holy mountain. Originally planned carefully, everything was carried out in secret, but as a result... the secret was unfortunately lost, causing many accidents.

The powers of the monster clan had no choice but to abandon the emperor-building plan, and joined hands to tear apart the space, throwing the entire mountain range into the void.After countless years, the Beast Mountain Mausoleum evolved into today's Everlasting Beast Mountain.In fact, in the final analysis, this is the altar for awakening the Demon Emperor. "

Zhu Jian stopped in his footsteps, his expression solemn: "How do you know? Who are you?"

"I come from the same place as the Eternal Beast Mountain, and the same place as you. It's called the Lost Battle Realm, your former home." The Bone Race seniors climbed the mountain step by step, and climbed up the steps: "You don't have to think about other things, Eternal Beast The mountain lost part of its potential after it entered the void space. After countless years of damage and excavation, countless animal souls and animal bones were destroyed or reborn. An abandoned wasteland, leaving your homeland to fend for itself."

Zhu Jian looked at the figure of the Bone Race senior gradually disappearing into the mist, his eyes changed, and he followed him again: "What do you want to say?"

"You are some abandoned creatures, you can continue to live peacefully in this mountain range, and become a forbidden land in the Qitian Continent under the name of 'Eternal Beast Mountain'. This place is peaceful and quiet, with abundant spiritual power, and there are many kinds of monsters. Enough for you to last forever."

"Don't hide the words, just say it!!"

"With all due respect, ease and tranquility are not suitable for monsters, nor do they belong to monsters. You can choose to grow up here. This is your own choice, but... you can also find the lost track of the years, find the path to return to the old Falling into the mark of the war world, embarking on the road to heaven belonging to the monster clan.

Embracing the nine-day mad thunder to refine the body, crossing the sea of ​​calamity, the quintessential god, maybe a narrow escape, or a lot of disasters, but this is the life trajectory of the monster clan, and the passionate journey of a monster clan saint.Once you succeed in refining your body, you will transform again and move towards a higher level. "

Zhu Qian felt a blaze of enthusiasm, but it was also fleeting. It would not be overwhelmed by a few words from outsiders, not to mention...Zhu Qian felt that this old man was mysterious and unpredictable, and he could be sure that he had some kind of purpose.Continue to follow in his footsteps, but be vigilant secretly.

"Choose your own path. I'm just guiding you in a different direction. You can choose to ignore it and continue to live in peace here, or you can tell the rest of the Holy Masters to discuss the future of Eternal Beast Mountain together. But..." The Bone Race senior paused, and changed the topic. "You must protect the safety of Tang Yan and Xu Yan, and do everything you can to protect their growth."

Zhu Jian still didn't speak, but looked at his back coldly.

"Xu Yan and Tang Yan are also from the Forgotten War Realm, but because of some kind of secret, they don't know their past, and they are forced to go into exile and fight alone. But fate and fate dictate, they will return one day In the war world, chasing their own martial arts career.

I can use my life to assert that their achievements in the future will far exceed yours, and they will also create their own world in the war world. If you can protect them carefully, you will surely have endless blessings in the future.

Your dedication and sincerity will determine your future harvest and growth. "

"Xu Yan is my adopted daughter, and I will definitely protect her with all my strength." Zhu Jian only mentioned Xu Yan, and deliberately avoided the words of the Bone Clan elder.

"You can treat me as just a lie, ignore it, and don't think about it, but my words are left here, and you can decide what to do, it's all up to you." The elder of the Bone Race looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: "Actually, in many After Yan and Tang Yan entered the Eternal Beast Mountain one after another, you are destined to start the mission of endless years of silence, the Eternal Beast Mountain... the Cemetery of Ten Thousand Beasts... the Altar of the Demon Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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