Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 652 Chapter 5

Chapter 652

Tang Yan left the Holy Lord's palace and rushed towards the passage of the mangrove forest.

The dryads in the mangrove forest have no human feelings, let alone accommodating. When the time comes, they will really close the passage, and then they will not be able to leave even if they want to.

But... just as Tang Yan was about to approach the passage, his footsteps stopped suddenly and he almost fell over.

Moon Shadow? !
At the entrance of the passage, Yueying was hopping on tiptoe, as if waiting for someone bored. Behind her, two old tree demons were bowing their heads respectfully.

"Did the tree demons inform Moon Shadow? These damn firewood!" Tang Yan cursed inwardly, took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his state, and walked towards the passage as if nothing had happened.

"Miss, he's here." The tree demons reminded Yueying who was having a great time playing.

"Brother, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yueying kicked away the gravel, jumped over and hung his arms around his body.

"Are you waiting for me? How do you know I'm coming?"

"I told them to remind me when you will come here. I thought you were going to retreat for half a month, and you came before a day? What gift did you bring for my mother?"

Tang Yan suddenly realized that she had come to propose marriage by herself. "I just brought some small gifts. I've been wandering around here for a long time, and there's not even a patrol here, so I haven't found your place."

"Let's go, mother knows you're here, and she's waiting at home."

Tang Yan bit the bullet and smiled, deliberately said: "I hope your mother will like me, if it is not willing to accept our marriage, don't be too sad, I will deal with it then."

Yue Ying giggled, and winked playfully at Tang Yan: "I tell you good news, mother has agreed to our marriage."

"Oh, ah? What? Agree?" Tang Yan almost howled.

"Giggle, your expression is so cute. I was scared. I didn't expect my mother to agree. I just said that I like to be with you. My mother asked me if I would like to get married. Of course I nodded, and then my mother said Pick a good day together when you pass by." Yue Ying was very happy, swinging on Tang Yan, like a cheerful kitten.

Tang Yan's brain was buzzing, and it was completely messed up.playing me?What's up with Nine Tails Tmall?Moon Shadow is its precious daughter, but she doesn't even look at the important matters of marriage, she just gets married when she says she will marry?Nima is selling cabbage!

Yue Ying touched the two horns on top of Tang Yan's head: "Brother, are you happy? Or are you really scared?"

"I...I'm happy..." Tang Yan almost cried.

"Let's go, let's go, mother has just finished examining sister Xu Yan's body, and is waiting for you to go over. Let's hurry up, don't make mother wait." Yueying took Tang Yan's paw and rushed towards the other courtyard in front.

Nine-tailed Tmall lived on the other side of the mountain, in a relatively dark area, filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, and as far as the eye could see, there were gardens with different appearances, in which a large number of precious medicinal materials were planted.

The spiritual power here is very strong, and there are different specially created environments, so many priceless medicines can naturally be bred.

Tang Yan even saw many human-shaped ginsengs growing in the garden like big radishes, and some exotic fruits with colorful halos hanging all over the branches. The land was dug up and moved away.

In the depths of many gardens, there is a hot spring steaming with mist, which exudes a strong medicinal fragrance, which makes people want to be intoxicated.A snow-white shadow the size of a fox was standing in the mist of the hot spring, randomly picking up herbs from the garden and throwing them into the hot spring.

Yue Ying held Tang Yan's arm affectionately: "Mother, I brought him here."

"Junior Tang Yan, I have seen the Great Sage." Tang Yan saluted respectfully.

"Yueying, you wait outside first, I have a few words to say to Tang Yan." Nine-tailed Tmall's voice was very calm, without the slightest emotional tendency.

"Mother is very optimistic about you, come on, Yueying is waiting for you outside." Yueying stuck out her sweet tongue and left the garden wagging her tail.

Tang Yan waited for Yueying to go far away, and took a few steps forward: "Great Sage, do you really agree with my marriage with Yueying?"

"I don't want to." Nine-tailed Tmall's tone was still calm.

Tang Yan let out a long breath: "Let me just say, you haven't met me yet, how could you agree to get married directly. Are you staying with me to discuss how to explain to Yueying? Actually... I have a solution."

"Oh?" Nine-tailed Tmall no longer attracted the precious medicine, and turned to face Tang Yan.The jewel-like eyes shone with a creepy green light in the mist, as if there was a bit of chill.

"As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. I will leave Dongkui directly after a while, and come back after ten or eight years. By then, Yueying may have forgotten who I am."

"Continue." Nine-tailed Tmall frowned obviously, looking at Tang Yan through the mist.

"Moon Shadow has been pampered by you since she was a child. She has never experienced anything particularly novel. When she suddenly saw me one day, she felt amusing and happy again. That's why she insisted on getting married when she didn't understand the relationship for the first time. But wait for this enthusiasm After that, everything will be normal. You think so too, don't you?"

Nine-tailed Lynx looked at Tang Yan, remained silent for a long time, and walked out of the mist step by step, with nine snow-white cat tails swaying behind her, her demeanor was luxurious and elegant, like a graceful and luxurious woman, only her eyes Slightly cold: "I don't want Yueying to marry you because you are not my ideal son-in-law. Except that you are a monster and brave and good at fighting, other things don't meet my conditions. Before I met you, I Very dissatisfied, and even more dissatisfied after meeting today."

"So I put aside my marriage with Yueying for the time being, and wait for the future..." Before Tang Yan finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the eyes of Tmall with Nine Tails were not quite right.Based on his years of experience, this look seems to be... killing intent.

"Uh...did I say the wrong thing just now?"

Nine-tailed Tmall stood in front of Tang Yan, staring at him for a moment: "Do you want to leave Eternal Beast Mountain?"

"Of course. I don't want to leave all the time." Tang Yan said frankly.Nine-tailed Lynx is not Moon Shadow, and its eyes are not the purity and prayer of Moon Shadow, so there is no need to hide it.

"Since you want to leave, why bother with Moon Shadow?"

"There may be some misunderstandings inside. I just wanted to treat her as a friend, but I didn't expect..." Tang Yan didn't finish speaking halfway, and he shut his mouth decisively, because just a moment ago, he felt a clear killing intent, which came from The nine-tailed lynx in front of him.

What is this mother and daughter doing?Just now you said that you don't want our marriage, why is it like this again?Could it be that he was just probing?

"I don't care if you provoke Yueying, and I don't care if you want to leave. No matter what you do, it has nothing to do with me. I have never regarded you, a murderer, as a guest of Dongkuiling Mountain."

Nine-tailed Tmall's voice cooled down, his eyes were as sharp as needles, and as cold as wheat light.

"But you should never let Yueying fall in love with you. The moment Yueying likes you, the entire Dongkuiling Mountain will stand by her side and act according to her will. She let you die, no one can save you You, she wants to marry you, you must not say a word of no, the entire Dongkuiling Mountain cannot say a word of no. I really don't want Yueying to marry you, but I can't make her sad, I can only rely on her. "

"Great Sage, you are a bit difficult to force others." Tang Yan frowned, and his face also sank.Nine-tailed Tmall is domineering and powerful, and he is also not easy to mess with.

Nine-tailed Tmall said coldly: "I can tell you clearly that Moon Shadow inherits my bloodline, but the degree of awakening is far beyond mine. She is the most complete bloodline of reincarnation. It can accommodate nine generations of reincarnation and nine kinds of reincarnation. Destiny, first turn into a spirit, second turn into a sect, third turn into a Jin king, fourth turn a broken venerable, fifth turn become a semi-sage, sixth turn a true saint, seventh turn eighth turn nine, help her reach the pinnacle of the holy realm and become The real nine-tailed lynx!

Moon Shadow has endured four rounds of reincarnation and four different fates. Each reincarnation is a hundred years old, and after one reincarnation, everything will be forgotten and a new life will begin.

We have accompanied her through the fourth round of reincarnation, and now is the beginning of the fifth round.In this life, she will forget the suffering and pain of the previous four lives, and enjoy a rare hundred years of joy. This is the most peaceful moment before she welcomes the sixth reincarnation and the adversity and nightmare of the remaining three reincarnations.

In this life, she wants to be happy, smile, and never be sad, disappointed, or cry.

You should be very grateful that you brought her happiness, you will accompany her through the fifth reincarnation, and you must do everything you can to make her happy.Because you can't destroy her, you can't destroy the hope that Dongkuiling Mountain has been suffering for 400 years.If you make Moon Shadow sad, you will cut off the hope of the entire Dongkuiling Mountain, and you will kill the hope of my Nine-Tailed Lynx. We will definitely use the most severe and cruel methods to repay you! "

Tang Yan froze in place, shocked by these inexplicable words for a long time, speechless.

Nine rounds of reincarnation?Nine fates?Aspire to the pinnacle of the Holy Realm after the ninth turn?

Eternal Beast Mountain actually has such a secret?Dongkuiling Mountain actually hides such a secret!
No wonder Zhu Qian had no fear of the Bone Race senior joining Lingshan, no wonder the entire Dongkuiling Mountain was afraid of this lovely girl.

"I have told you the secret of Lingshan, you have absolutely no room for repentance, you must stay and accompany Yueying to complete this reincarnation, and accompany her through the only hundred years of happiness in her life.

Tang Yan, you heard me clearly, if you ruin her, you ruin me, Dongkui, the can't afford it! "

Nine-tailed Tmall gave him a cold look, then turned and walked towards the hot spring: "Just follow Yue Ying's instructions, wait for the Holy Master to leave the customs, and hold a wedding ceremony for you."

(End of this chapter)

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