Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 663

Chapter 663
"Is this finally qualified to be your adoptive son? Then these three phoenix feathers are my mother's meeting gift?" Tang Yan's heart fell heavily, and cold sweat broke out on his back. People with a bad heart really can't play this kind of thing. Stimulate.

"Where is Yan Yuhan?"

"Throw it back to the country of Yan from the Dongkui altar."

"She's dying, you didn't swallow her? The ghost green fire is the sky fire, and the burning sky blue flame is the earth fire. If you can swallow it, it will be a big breakthrough."

"That..." Tang Yan scratched his head and said with a smile: "Mother doesn't know something. When I escaped from my hometown, there was a sister who did not hesitate to blow herself up to create a chance for me. Yan Yuhan and her... look very similar... I really can’t let go.”

"Being tempted?" Immortal Phoenix looked at Tang Yan, his eyes flashed with a little strangeness: "You are really brave, you used the word 'recognize your mother' to venture into Nanhuang, what if I don't accept it?"

"My outstanding breakthrough is unique in the world, and no one can refuse." Tang Yan wanted to smile, but actually forced a wry smile, because... cold sweat was already dripping from his forehead.

"It's a good thing you can figure it out. I recognize you as a child. But..." Undead Phoenix changed the subject and resumed his cold and arrogant posture: "If you think that you can rely on me, you can be lawless and give up training. It is possible to sever the relationship, once the relationship is severed, I will never miss it."

"Mother, don't worry, I won't stay in the Eternal Beast Mountain for too long. At most one year, I will leave and continue to travel the world, and I will definitely not use the name of my mother to blatantly go around. When I advance to the semi-sacred realm, I will I will come back to see you with a generous gift. At that time... I will face the entire Eternal Beast Mountain to formally pay homage to you and admit my mother.

All in all, I will not let you down, I will never shame you, and I will not bring you anything but glory and pride. "

"Where did you get the ghost green fire, I don't think it's mature yet."

"An accidental chance. When I got it, it was only in its original form. It may have been very severely traumatized. I have been carrying it for 16 years, and it is finally about to produce wisdom."

"If I remember correctly, the last time Ghost Green Fire appeared was 600 years ago. A demon named Xiezu appeared in the Central Plains. He claimed to have Ghost Blue Fire, and founded an evil organization, causing massacres everywhere, which once caused chaos. Storm, Xie Zu's strength has improved very quickly, and he has entered the Martial Saint Realm in just a hundred years, and has made breakthroughs in succession.

But just when he was about to reach the pinnacle of glory, he disappeared inexplicably, and was never seen again for hundreds of years, and his ghost Qinghuo also disappeared along with him. "

Immortal Phoenix walked slowly towards the main entrance of the palace, gazed at the magnificent wonderland, and muttered: "It is a great chance for you to get the ghost green fire. But the ghost green fire has been regarded as a symbol of disaster since ancient times, and it is also a The most catastrophic sky fire.

In my ten thousand years of memory alone, it has experienced three times of destruction and rebirth, and each time it was destroyed before it fully matured, and the people and forces that accompanied it also ended in misery.

But the ghost green fire is a sky fire after all, and every time it is displayed, it appears in a childish posture, and it will be scrambled for very frantically. Even the holy lands, ancient empires, and forbidden lands in the Central Plains cannot resist the temptation it brings.

Back then, Xie Zu once had a bloody battle with Kui Bing Lou, one of the Seven Forbidden Grounds. Xie Zu fought against the three martial saints of Kui Bing Lou with his own strength and finally retreated unscathed. He also led an evil organization to invade the ancient empire.

Your current strength is too weak to protect the ghost Qinghuo.Or stay in the Beast Mountain and continue to cultivate quietly until you are promoted to a semi-sage before going out for a living. "

"Mother, don't worry, I went out of Biannan, entered Dayan, and fought against Canglan again. I have experienced life and death dangers dozens of times, if not hundreds of times. I know how to protect myself."

"Understood?" Undead Phoenix looked back at him, but responded with a cold snort: "All I see is your continuous troubles and embarrassing remedies, as well as some luck and luck. When a person lives only by luck, It indicates that it is not far from destruction."

Immortal Phoenix's sharp evaluation made his cheeks feel hot.Looking back objectively on my various actions in the Eternal Beast Mountain, there is really not much to boast about, and it is far worse than what I did in the Dayan Mountains.

"Only through experience can you grow. Eternal Beast Mountain is really not suitable for you. You can stay here for a year to consolidate your martial skills and reflect on your temperament. After that, I will send you away from Eternal Beast Mountain.

Remember my words, what kind of height you stand at, you are destined to face what kind of situation and meet the same challenges.Unless you want to be ordinary for a lifetime, you have to be brave to challenge, and you are destined to face many tests.

I don't know how you persisted in the past, but based on my observation of you, you are not ready to meet higher challenges, neither in terms of intelligence nor strength. "

Immortal Phoenix and Zhu Qian belong to the same holy beast, and they are also the same shrewd city, but comparing some words and deeds of the two, we can see the difference between the two.The sternness of Immortal Phoenix and the attitude of encouraging Tang Yan to leave are completely different from Zhu Qiang's way of "raising children" that Xu Yan left behind.

The Immortal Phoenix said again: "The fire source power contained in the phoenix feather is very domineering, enough for the ghost green fire to undergo a transformation, that is, a deep sleep. The time may be one year, or four or five years, or even longer. During this period, no Some people will discover the existence of the ghost blue fire, but after that, the ghost blue fire will give birth to wisdom and show its domineering power. Once you use it in the Central Plains, you will definitely be discovered. At that time... you may face the entire Central Plains. Tiger Vision."

"I would like to follow my mother's teachings, and I will try my best to correct it." Tang Yan was surprisingly not disgusted by the severe accusations, but instead had a strange feeling, just like when he was a child in the previous life, standing in front of his mother to receive teachings.

"I don't know what your relationship with Chenyuan Pavilion is, but there are no shortage of bad guys among those bald donkeys. The number of pure land monasteries is huge. Although Chenyuan Pavilion is the only one, it is not enough to command all parties. Once the ghost green fire appears in the world, it will be very difficult. Guarantee that they will not be selfish. My suggestion is that it is not too late to go to Chenyuan Pavilion after you are promoted to semi-saint. If you really want to advance, you must have a Buddhist master to lead you personally."

Tang Yan fell silent, and has been eagerly thinking about going to Chenyuan Pavilion, but after thinking about it carefully, his understanding of Chenyuan Pavilion and Pure Land is only a few words left by Du Kong.Jiang is still old and hot, and what Undead Phoenix said... made Tang Yan feel that he might really want to be simple.

"Ming Huangxiong, go and bring Ling Ruoxi." Immortal Phoenix ordered Minghuang Xiong, who was waiting respectfully outside the palace gate.

"Holy Master, he..." Fudo Minghuangxiong didn't dare to look up at Undead Phoenix, but he could feel that Tang Yan was still alive and well.

"I declare to Nanhuang that Tang Yan will be the young master of Nanhuang Immortal Palace from now on." Immortal Phoenix's cold and majestic voice spread throughout the misty halls of Nanhuang Immortal Palace.

"What??" Fudo Minghuang raised his head fiercely, and the three half-sages, including Skylark and Skylark, all rushed towards the lightning phoenix palace, looking at the luxurious figure in astonishment, but when they saw the undead phoenix, they actually appeared. Behind him, he hurriedly lowered his eyes, not daring to take another look.

"Bring Ling Ruoxi over here." Immortal Phoenix turned and entered the hall expressionlessly, leaving behind a group of half-sages who were stunned and inexplicably staring.

Tang Yan stood in front of the temple gate, winked at the four semi-sages, and made a victorious 'V' hand.

"The golden monkey stays in Nanhuang. Its bones are rare, and its bloodline contains some strange blood essence of ancient beasts. It is very pure. It is good to hone it. It may become some climate. Give it a few hundred years and have a chance to be promoted. Half holy."

"Mother, I have something else to trouble you." Tang Yan chased into the hall. "You took two treasures from the Black Stone Appraisal Conference, one is Bai Zeyu, and the other is the blood essence of Wusheng, can you..."

"Martial Sage Essence Blood is too domineering for you, it's not something you can bear now, Bai Zeyu is used to become a saint, do you need them?"

"I practice a martial skill, and I may feel a little familiar from the essence of the martial arts. Bai Zeyu is for your future daughter-in-law, to be more precise, it is for the master of the daughter-in-law."

"I used four to recover from my injuries, and there is one left. It contains some evil aura. Be careful when you use it. Who is your little daughter-in-law?" The Immortal Phoenix walked through the hall and entered the inner hall.

Tang Yan followed him in: "Yaochi, the Holy Land of Yan Kingdom in Canglan Ancient Land, the little saint inside is named Mu Rou, she is a very kind little girl with good talent."

The Immortal Phoenix walked into the inner hall, passed through many arches, and turned to a luxurious door: "Wait outside."

Tang Yan quickly stopped, looked inside through the crack of the door, and asked the two maids who were already kneeling in front of the door: "What's in here? Boudoir? Or a treasure house?"

The two maids knelt on the ground like puppets, motionless and silent.

Hierarchy is strict!

Not long after, the Immortal Phoenix came out again and handed Tang Yan two brocade boxes and a jade bottle: "The jade bottle contains the essence blood of a martial saint. I left some kindling in it to clean up the evil aura in the blood essence. You If you want to take it, you have to use it after 81 days of Jiujiu. Inside the red brocade box is one of my phoenix feathers. It is not for you to refine. It contains my breath. Open it in a dangerous moment, you can show Use part of my power to carry a blow for you. The blue brocade box is connected to the space power of the Eternal Beast Mountain, you can open it when you want to come back, and it will connect you to the Nanhuang Altar."

"I'm not being polite." Tang Yan put it away carefully, and couldn't help feeling that it's better to have a background. The starting point and treatment are simply two extremes.

Like this kind of treasure, I may not be able to get it after more than ten years of fighting alone.

"Don't open the red brocade box unless it's absolutely necessary, and don't open it when you meet someone from the Demon Town Temple."


(End of this chapter)

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