Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 666 Meeting of the Four Saints

Chapter 666 Meeting of the Four Saints
Zhu Jian took a deep look at Tang Yan, and said a special comment: "Crazy."

"How did you do it?" Xu Yan walked over, full of emotion in his heart.

"I'm afraid that the Immortal Phoenix will swallow me, and I'm afraid that there will be no dead body after returning to Dongkui, and I won't be able to open the altar if I run away, so...a dog jumps over a wall in a hurry, a rabbit bites a person in a hurry, and people can do it in a hurry A miracle." Tang Yan's unabashed words made everyone in Dongkui look weird, and each one was more exciting than the other.

Some people's faces are uglier than eating dead rats, such as Guo Fuyao, the Four Saints.

Originally, I expected Tang Yan to torture him after being 'tired' by Yueying, but who would have thought that Tang Yan would turn over like a salted fish and become the adopted son of the Immortal Phoenix, ranking among Nanhuang's [-] people? above.Immortal Phoenix is ​​notoriously ruthless, since she publicly recognized her son Tang Yan, she would definitely not allow anyone to bully her.

Now it's not a question of how they persecute Tang Yan, but how to handle the relationship well. I'm afraid even Zhu Jian and Nine-tailed Tmall have to adjust their mood and attitude.

"Holy Master Zhu Qiang, the Great Holy One." Tang Yan bowed slightly to Zhu Qiang and Nine-Tailed Tmall, and said with a smile, "I'm going back to the Immortal Palace first, and tomorrow I will take someone to Dongkui to marry Yueying. Don't worry, I will marry you." I will take good care of Yueying and accompany her through this reincarnation happily."

"Remember what you said today, you must give Yueying happiness and make her happy every day. If you dare to bully Yueying, I would rather give up this body and make you pay the price." Nine-tailed Tmall had no choice but to Make some serious threats.

Who would have thought that Tang Yan could make such a move, ascending to the sky and sitting on Nanhuang in one step.

Tang Yan glanced at Guo Fuyao, smiled and said, "Holy Lords, can I make a request?"

"Yes." Zhu Qian wisely forgot Tang Yan's crimes in Dongkui, at least the alliance between Dongkui and Nanhuang needed his existence.Moreover, the sudden alliance of the Immortal Phoenix made it feel a bit strange. I am afraid that things will not be as simple as they appear on the surface. Tang Yan and Yueying's wedding can be used to carry out the alliance of the four holy beasts.

"Marriage requires a dowry and a dowry. My dowry is to promise Yueying a hundred years of happiness and let her go through reincarnation safely. This is what you most hope and want to see the most. Shouldn't you also bring some dowry?"

"What do you want? Dongkui has spiritual essence, you can take whatever you want."

"I remember I mentioned it some time ago. I want...Guo Fuyao!" Tang Yan was a vengeful master, and after consolidating security, he directly slashed at Guo Fuyao with his 'first strike'!

"Tang Yan, you're just one person!" Guo Fuyao's face turned blue with anger.

"If you want to complain, blame you for not killing me that day." Tang Yan's eyes flashed coldly, it was Guo Fuyao who threw Du Yang and the others into the black pool, and this revenge must be avenged.Of course, Tang Yan didn't expect Zhu Jianzhen to hand over Guo Fuyao, so let's scare him for the time being, and if he has the opportunity to do him himself in the future!

Zhu Qiandao: "Everyone is at fault for what happened in Lingshan, and everyone is responsible. I will be the master. From now on, I will forget all the unpleasantness at that time, pretend that nothing happened, and write off all blame. We will treat you kindly. You, admitting that you are Dongkui's son-in-law, you must not only treat Yueying kindly, but also treat all Dongkui's creatures kindly. As for Yueying's dowry, I will prepare a rich treasure spirit."

"Holy Master took the initiative to lower his stance, and don't make matters worse. This is not good for anyone." Xu Yan reminded Tang Yan in a low voice, secretly thinking that this guy is really ruthless. If Fuyao couldn't get off the stage, it was more uncomfortable than giving him a knife.

Tang Yan pointed at Guo Fuyao through the crowd, and didn't speak any more, but the evil arc on the corner of his mouth was more terrifying than any vicious curse, Guo Fuyao dared not speak out, and could only stand beside him with a gloomy face.

The 'murderer' Tang Yan confessed to his mother, Undead Phoenix, Tang Yan married the daughter of the Great Sage Dongkui, Nanhuang and Dongkui formed a family ally, the serial release of the three news was like a bombshell bombarding the already unsettled Eternal Age Beast Mountain was filled with astonishment all of a sudden, and even the monsters of Nanhuang couldn't figure it out. How could Undead Phoenix recognize Tang Yan?Have you forgotten the murder he made in Nanhuang?
Caesar and Beiming were the most alarmed. The two feuds were about to form an alliance?

Still form alliances in the weird way of sons, daughters and relatives.

Immortal Phoenix and Zhu Qiang join forces, isn't the entire Eternal Beast Mountain dominated by them?Even if Caesar and Bei Ming united, they would not be able to resist each other in terms of intimacy and strength.

The Wutu Thunderworm and the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon had no contact with each other very tacitly, and they secretly speculated that there must be another triggering factor, otherwise the Immortal Phoenix would not let go of its arrogance and marry Dongkui, and Dongkui would not give up the feud and marry a daughter Nanhuang!

After careful preparation, the two holy beasts entered Nanhuang Wonderland with their generals and gifts.

When the whole Nanhuang was immersed in busyness and festivities, the arrival of the two monster saints Wutu Thunderworm and Abyss Demon Dragon added a touch of weirdness to the atmosphere. The four holy beasts have been fighting for thousands of years, and they are gathering again today!

In the second main hall of Nanhuang Immortal Palace, majestic thrones are arranged in four directions in the magnificent hall, and four domineering rays of light pervade it.

Immortal Phoenix, Zhu Qiang, Wutu Lei Chong and Abyss Demon Jiao took their seats respectively.

"There is a secret organization in the outside world called the Temple of the Holy Spirit. It has been secretly developed for hundreds of years, and its branch halls are spread all over the area. So far, the southern wasteland, the extreme northern snowfield, the western wild swamp, and the East Asian mountains are all located on the edge of the continent. Turbulence has already appeared in the backward areas, especially the fierce battle of the Border South Empire. Chaotic areas also appeared in the Canglan ancient land, and the signs are not so obvious compared with the frontier barren land. Forbidden lands, mountains, dangerous lands, ancient countries and holy places in the Central Plains, etc. Keep it as it is for the time being, but it has been discovered that the branch of the Holy Spirit Temple exists."

The undead phoenix's cold voice echoed in the hall, the sharpness of its voice was in extreme contrast with the heat of the flames, and it exuded a terrifying and ominous power.

"There is the shadow of the Holy Spirit Hall behind all these chaos?" Zhu Qian did not expect that the Undead Phoenix would open today's meeting of the Four Saints with such a topic, and he also immediately communicated why the Undying Phoenix would accept the "Southeast Alliance" calmly. There must be some special secrets.

Wutu Thunderworm and Abyss Demon Flood Dragon remained silent, waiting for Undead Phoenix's explanation.

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit is a new organization, but it has a deep foundation and found it very fast. The main direction of infiltration is the villains in certain forces. Most of their branch halls are in the frontier and Canglan Ancient Land, and there are few branches in certain areas of the Central Plains. , but their strength is impressive. Their purpose is to cause a world-class chaos and achieve some kind of unknown secret.

I still remember the two soul-like semi-sages who appeared in Nanhuang some time ago. They came from the Holy Spirit Temple and intended to give me support. Attack the Town Demon Temple. "

"Oh?" The tone of Wutu Thunderworm and Abyss Demon Jiao changed slightly.

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit intends to use the Eternal Beast Mountain to cause chaos in the Central Plains. First, the frontiers, then the Canglan, and then infiltrate the Central Plains. What exactly do they want to do? Is there a larger force behind them, otherwise how to declare war on all parties? "

Wutu Thunderworm asked, "Where are those two half-sages now?"

The abyssal dragon said: "Do you hope that we can unite and participate?"

"All of them were disposed of by Tang Yan. Although our Eternal Beast Mountain has some background, it is not enough to fully compete with the Demon Town Temple. Once we step into this chaos, we will be lost forever. I think you all know this.

But the Temple of the Holy Spirit has locked us in the Eternal Beast Mountain, intending to use us to declare war on the demon temple. "

Immortal Phoenix looked at the problem very clearly, and his words were basically similar to what Tang Yan said.

Zhu Jian said, "Is this why you are willing to form an alliance with Dongkui?"

"I hope that our four parties can form an all-round alliance to make the Eternal Beast Mountain a unified whole. We can face the provocations and threats that may arise from the Holy Spirit Temple together. You may not know the threat of the Holy Spirit Temple, but I can tell you clearly that the Eternal Beast If the mountains do not act together, they will eventually face the threat of destruction within a hundred years."

Both the Wutu Thunderworm and the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon fell silent. Since they can transform into saints, their resourcefulness and vision are naturally good, and they have fought against the Undead Phoenix for many years, so they know who this character is best. With such a serious situation, things will definitely not be simple.

Wutu Leichong said: "What is unity? Can there be a master and an assistant?"

"Without the master and assistant, the Quartet Realm will continue to exist in the current situation. You can continue to keep the dividing line, or you can fight with each other, but you can no longer stick to the limit of the dividing line, let alone turn the discussion into a life-and-death struggle. We don't need to waste energy anymore Be wary of the opponent and concentrate on better developing your own strength."

Zhu Jian was the first to express his opinion: "For thousands of years, the beasts have fought against each other for thousands of years, and they have been in chaos for thousands of years. It is time to unify."

Wutu Thunderworm said: "If it is true as you said, there should be a very large force behind the Holy Spirit Palace, and it also has some kind of terrible purpose. They want to use the Eternal Beast Mountain to open a breakthrough, and they will not give up easily , I... agree with the alliance."

The Abyssal Demon Flood Dragon was silent for a while, and said worriedly: "We are floating in the void, and there is a holy mountain sitting in the city. The Holy Spirit Hall dare not come here presumptuously, for fear that they will play tricks."

The Immortal Phoenix agreed with the concerns of the abyssal dragon, saying: "Although we have a holy mountain as a town, we may not be safe from the invasion of high-level martial saints. Although we are floating in the turbulent void, if there are martial saint-level space warriors It is also possible to find our traces in the void trace.

Since the Temple of the Holy Spirit has the courage to cause large-scale chaos, there will inevitably be superpowers sitting in it, developing in secret for hundreds of years, and it is also possible to find hidden space-like saints, and then search for the trajectory of our existence. "

(End of this chapter)

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