Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 678 Awakening the Evil Beast

Chapter 678 Awakening the Evil Beast
"Slay the soul! Break!" A strange muffled roar suddenly appeared, and a strange rippling knife light swept across the sky, like a twisted hollow vortex, forcibly tearing open the death domain of the mother-in-law of life and death.

The mother-in-law of life and death, as if struck by lightning, spurted blood and retreated, and blasted fiercely towards the sand screen in the distance.

The two killers who retreated before struggled to get up, all showing ferocious expressions, as if they were about to pounce on them again.

However, the dead breath dissipated quietly, revealing Tang Yan's frail figure. The body below the throat is completely human-like, but the head has turned into a ferocious animal head, with a jade-like white knife between his sharp fangs. .

It may be that the knife was too terrifying, the teeth were dislocated in large areas, and scarlet blood oozes out.

"It's such a flying knife, it can even hurt me. It seems that your status is really not low." Tang Yan was a little shocked. This knife is absolutely domineering. Even if there is no interference from the life and death mother-in-law, it is difficult for him to remove it safely.

What is the identity of this woman?It can even threaten the second-order Wu Zun.

"You... who the hell are you?" Su Qianluo's face was terrified, and he fled back.

Is it a human or a monster?The two killers also changed their colors, and their bodies that had already jumped into the sky suddenly turned and retreated in different directions.

"I want to leave now, it's too late! I'm a monkey when I'm a young master?" Tang Yan showed the extreme speed of the eight-phase thunder seal, which appeared on the trajectories of the two killers, and the domineering fourteen fearless seals were used to disturb the thunder. Bombard them all.

His realm and combat power have already reached the point of ignoring the first-order honorable realm, and the life and death experience of Eternal Beast Mountain is no joke.

Tang Yan was not in a hurry to chase Su Qianluo, but his eyes were directly fixed on the life and death mother-in-law who was about to run away.She had a very strong killing intent towards herself, and it would be a disaster if she put it back. Now she was hit by the soul beheading, and her soul was traumatized, so she must be taken down.

Among the mountains not far away, the second-rank Wu Zun of Prince Jing's Mansion was in crisis.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, his whole body was filled with biting cold air, freezing his body, the cold wave was raging, the ground and the yellow sand were all frozen, and there was azure blue ice within a radius of hundreds of meters.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a strange black spot on the back of his neck, which is spreading slowly and powerfully inside the frozen tough rock formation, squeezing towards his neck spine.

Blackwater leech!

It was ordered by Tang Yan to lock on this second-rank Martial Lord, and it didn't want to kill him, at least it could entangle him.

But he never expected that this person had a very strong detection ability. When he just sucked blood, he directly launched a counterattack, freezing his body with ice, and wanted to fight it hard.

After some confrontation, half of the blackwater leech sneaked into his body, releasing powerful toxins and souls to interfere and destroy. The exposed half of the body was frozen, but with its powerful armor-piercing ability, it could barely move.

A Tier [-] Martial Venerable and a Tier [-] Demon Venerable.

Caught in a sticky tug of war.

One of the strange abilities of the Blackwater Leech comes from the Guardian of Nightmare, which can release interference poisons, and the other is from the Half-Holy Eagle Envoy, which can carry out soul erosion, both of which are very domineering.

Venerable Guishui came from Prince Jing's mansion, and he was equally powerful. Although he was eroded and relatively exposed, he also relied on the ice to trap the blackwater leech. As long as the reinforcements arrived, they could join forces to subdue it.

Su Qianluo tracked him down: "Honor Guishui, what are you dawdling here? Hurry up and help Granny Life and Death, she can't hold on any longer. Tang Yan has been promoted to the second rank, so he must send the news back to the palace and ask the third rank martial artist Your support!"

Venerable Guishui was trying his best to resist the invasion of the black water leech, and the icy energy was blocked at the back of his neck, showing the subtlety of martial arts to the fullest, not daring to relax for a moment.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" Su Qianluo noticed the abnormality of Venerable Guishui and the black spots on his neck, his eyes froze, and a delicate short knife appeared on his fingertips again.

"Kill it!" Venerable Guishui suddenly strengthened his offensive. While blocking the blackwater leech, he also created a defense on his neck to meet Su Qianluo's attack.

The blackwater leech realized the crisis, and frantically stepped up its offensive, but layers of cold ice completely prevented it from leaving.

"Hold on, I'll destroy it!" Su Qian slammed his hand extremely hard, locked on the black water leech and let go of the saber, and when the jade saber came out, ghosts and gods howled.

Clang!The ice layer shattered, the ice chips flew, and the jade knife pierced through the ice layer and the body of the black water leech, and also inserted into the back of Venerable Guishui's neck.

The murderous aura of the jade knife is sharp, with a terrifying fine knife aura, like thousands of steel needles sweeping across the body of the black water leech in an instant.

The blackwater leech let out a piercing scream. Even though it was a second-level demon master, it would definitely not feel good to be attacked like a living target. It forcibly broke the ice layer and fell to the ground.

A thousand meters away, Tang Yan had just dragged his mother-in-law into the Eye of Mie, and his head was stabbed. As a symbiont, the severe injury of the blackwater leech would also implicate him to a certain extent.

"You bastard, you dare to suck my blood!" Venerable Guishui escaped, the world was frozen by a cold wave, and all within hundreds of meters were frozen, and they gathered towards the black water leech.

The biting low temperature forced Su Qianhou to retreat hundreds of meters: "What is this? Yaozun? How did you provoke such a monster?"

Blackwater leeches are not good at attacking, but their defense is good, and they are both at the second level, so it doesn't mean that they can be killed if they are killed.There was a sharp hiss, showing a ferocious appearance covered in armor, and a bang sound, shaking off the glaring bloody fog, forcibly resisting the cold wave and freezing.

"I still want to know what this thing is! Come on, kill it." The venerable Guishui was still in shock, his arms and wrists shook suddenly, and the raging cold wave shattered into pieces, turning into pieces of ice mirrors. Arranged in an area of ​​hundreds of meters, it seems to form a special formation.

But... when the bloody mist dissipated, the blackwater leech disappeared.

"Where did you go?" Venerable Guishui suffered unbearable pain in his head, paralyzed his whole body, lost a lot of blood, and his whole body seemed to be disobedient, and Su Qianluo's knife on his neck didn't feel good either.

"Don't dawdle, and don't mess with Qiuling's Yaozun. Hurry up and deal with Tang Yan, rescue the life-and-death mother-in-law, sure to catch Tang Yan's traces, and don't let him disappear." Su Qianluo ordered , Turn around and leave here, she wants to spread the news as soon as possible.

In order to avoid inaccurate information and cause greater casualties.

The first-order Wu Zun and the second-level Wu Zun are completely different concepts.

"Damn it, don't let this deity meet you again." Venerable Guishui shook his head weakly, cursed the black water leech, and forcibly cheered himself up to find the battlefield of life and death mother-in-law.

But... a figure slowly walked out of the billowing sand curtain in front of him: "You hurt my Brother Hei just now?"

"You are Tang Yan? Where is the life-and-death mother-in-law?" Venerable Guishui recognized Tang Yan at a glance, the dark spots on his face disappeared, and his appearance was exactly the same as the information showed.

"How many venerables are there in Prince Jing's mansion? Eight? Ten? Twelve? Counting the two that were slaughtered just now, I've cleaned up five before and after, and counting you... the sixth! I'd like to see Let's see how much is left in Prince Jing's Mansion." Tang Yan snorted and snorted coldly, and took the Guishui Venerable directly in the soul-slaying pose.

"Proud junior!" Venerable Guishui snorted coldly, but chose to retreat as his gaze changed.I was too seriously injured to confront Tang Yan head-on, so I retreated for the time being and waited for reinforcements.

"Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, and retreating means death. Do you think you can escape?" Tang Yan had the eight-phase thunder seal as his support, and a teleportation appeared in front of Venerable Guishui. Before he could react, the ancient sword was facing him The door slammed hard.

On the other side, Su Qianluo tried his best to escape, and rushed out of the yellow sand area in just one stick of incense.

The town of grace with sporadic lights appeared vaguely in sight, but gradually, the brain felt drowsy, as if poisoned by some kind of psychedelic poison, the body became heavy, and the spiritual power in the body also showed some signs of confusion.

The situation is not good!

As a top killer, Su Qianluo was keenly aware that something was wrong, so she endured the growing drowsiness and quickly fell from a high altitude, hiding in a bush behind a sand dune.

"What's the matter? Are you poisoned?" Su Qianluo's breathing began to be heavy, and her feeling of weakness became stronger. She raised her spirits, and tremblingly took out treasures that could hide and defend, as well as things that sent signals from the space ring.

But... the thing had just been summoned, his drowsy consciousness reached the limit, his head tilted, and he fell unconscious in the messy bushes.At this time, the position of her vest slowly separated from a black mass, which was the black water leech that had separated from Venerable Guishui but secretly attached to her body.

After coming back for a few minutes, a thin figure descended from the sky above the hill, with a pair of gloomy green eyes flickering.After a little observation of the surrounding situation, he went straight to the place where Su Qianluo was hiding. It was Tang Yan who was fighting decisively.

He holds the ancient sword in his left hand, and the blood-drenched Venerable Guishui in his right hand.

Kill the Six Martial Lords in one battle!

Tyrant, brutal!Definitely kill!Clean and neat!

Today's Tang Yan has truly possessed the qualifications to stand out from the crowd!
Like an awakened wild beast!
(End of this chapter)

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