Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 695

Chapter 695

Tang Yan left the sixth princess's team and returned to the Sandfall area with the Sandfall mercenary group. After half a month of rest, he left for Hanyue Academy alone.

Hanyue Academy is the dream sanctuary of the entire wind-eroded hills and even the majority of young warriors in the southern part of the empire.

As one of the top academies in the empire, it has always maintained its transcendent status, and it is also constantly cultivating outstanding students to defend its heritage and abilities.

Its dean, Venerable Haitian, has been famous for more than a thousand years, and has been consolidated in the third-order state for more than five hundred years. His strength is extraordinary, and he is famous in the empire.

At the same time Tang Yan was leaving for Hanyue Academy, all the Sandfall mercenary regiments who had received instructions pulled out of camp, and followed his steps to move in the direction of Hanyue City.

During this stage, the Sixth Princess is about to complete the inspection of the last ancient city, and also sends trusted and respectable experts to the Holy Land of Yaochi to send Tang Yan's request for instructions; the search team of Prince Jing's Mansion ended their meaningless search and returned to the wind-eroded hills to continue searching clue.

Prince Jing's Mansion!
"How is Venerable Asura's recovery?" Prince Jing sat in the study and flipped through the ancient books. The ancient well was calm, but he was not angry, so that Wang Ziwei, who was walking in quickly, could not help restraining all his aura and arrogance, and saluted respectfully.

"My lord, the body has almost been reshaped, and the elixir medicine purchased from various places has been sent there, but the injury is too serious, and it will take some time to fully recover."

"Have you found out the identity of that person?"

"Forgive me, my lord. This person appeared very mysteriously, and was taken away by the sixth princess afterwards. We don't have any clues. But... the old slave has a few inferences." Wang Ziwei hesitated.


"Madame and Venerable Guishui have disappeared since they disappeared, and they have never appeared again, and no news has been sent back, including the life and death of the mother-in-law. The old slave thinks that they are not actually chasing Tang Yan, but... killed.

We subconsciously think that Tang Yan is only a first-level Martial Venerable Realm, unable to withstand the joint siege of Venerable Guishui and other Venerables, we will not think of it, and we are unwilling to accept the possibility of their being killed.But what if Tang Yan broke through to the second level?Or is there a strong person to help? "

The prince put down the ancient scroll in his hand, his eyes opened and closed, and a bright light suddenly appeared.

"About Tang Yan, we don't know much about him. The identity of this person is always a mystery. But what is certain is that this person has many methods and secret methods, and he is shrewd and cunning. If he really gets an opportunity in the Eternal Beast Mountain Breakthrough, possessing the realm of the second-rank Martial Venerable, and with the help of many Martial Venerables, it will make sense for Guishui Venerable and the others to be caught off guard."

"You mean...the person who seriously injured Tang Yan?"

"This is the conjecture of my subordinates. After the defeat, Shura mentioned that he suddenly saw the Venerable Guishui, so that the offensive made a mistake and was seized by the opponent. Although he later thought about it, he dared not Too sure, I suspect it is a hallucination that occurs in a trance state.

But thinking about it carefully, the possibility that this person is Tang Yan is not ruled out. His assistants when he attacked Venerable Guishui were the three Cang family brothers who assisted him in attacking Shura this time.

Although my conjecture has many doubts and cannot withstand too detailed speculation, my subordinates... are willing to stick to this conjecture! "

Prince Jing casually gave Wang Ziwei a card: "This is the secret information that Qian Luo sent back to me before she disappeared. It contains all the information she has found. Pay attention to the third item. Tang Yan is looking for nine Buddha statues. The location is In Hanyue Academy."

"It turns out that the prince has already planned." Wang Ziwei reviewed it repeatedly, and his spirit lifted slightly: "If that person is really Tang Yan, he will definitely go to Hanyue Academy. The old slave suggested..."

Prince Jing got up before he finished speaking, and said solemnly, "It's not if, it's Tang Yan! This time, I'll go there personally!"

"The lord will come forward in person, and Venerable Tianhai of Hanyue Academy will definitely give face. However, Tang Yan has already reconciled with the sixth princess. This old slave suggests bringing more guards."

"So what about the sixth princess? Even if King En comes, I'll take him Tang Yan! You follow me and leave tonight. Another [-] elite soldiers from the palace will be gathered, and we can set off after dawn to surround Cold Moon City for me. Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy!"

"Old slave obey!"

... Hanyue City is full of the charm of an ancient city, with elegant bells, pavilions, pavilions, bridges and ancient roads, like a quiet garden away from the hustle and bustle.

It is far away from sand and dust, the sky and water are the same color, and the scenery is extraordinarily quiet and charming.

Because of the existence of Hanyue Academy, the ancient city is full of scholarly atmosphere, and most warriors are more elegant or brave, without the arrogance and extremes that are common in other regions.

"That's right, it's here." Tang Yan walked into the ancient city, and the heart of Qihai Buddha pulsated powerfully, his forehead was gentle, and the swastika-shaped Buddha seal seemed to be manifested autonomously.

You can clearly feel that the new Buddha seal is in this ancient city, and you can faintly hear the roar of the Buddha's voice, like the clang of gold and stone, and a great righteousness and majestic rigidity reverberate between the heaven and the earth.

It is the induction from the Buddha's heart!

Tang Yan has refined hundreds of Buddha statues so far, but he has never felt such a strong and powerful Buddhist breath, so it can be seen that the nine Buddha statues must be extraordinary.

"Please inform Zheng Jianghe that it is an old friend Yan Tang who is visiting." Tang Yan walked around the ancient city a few times before arriving at the main entrance of the academy.

He didn't mention Jia Jin's name because Zheng Jianghe's status is not only more convenient, but also easier to fool. Relatively speaking, Jia Jin is more shrewd and cautious in handling things, which is not conducive to his activities in the academy.

"Please wait a moment." The guards of the academy responded politely.

Tang Yan waited outside the gate of the academy, leaning against the shade of a tree with an ancient saber in his hand, admiring the simple yet majestic appearance of the academy and the quality of its students.

It was evening at this moment, the academy finished its day of practice, and men and women came out together. As one of the top academies in the empire, the students in it were not only talented, but also good-looking, and they were all in the Mood for Love, youthful and beautiful, and looked very seductive .

"Brother Hei? Are you still asleep? There are many beauties, let's enjoy together." Tang Yan looked at the students passing by, feeling the youthful beauty and vigor, and couldn't help but recall the scene in the university in his previous life.

The blackwater leech was severely injured and still closed himself, ignoring Tang Yan's provocation.

"...Hiss...Look at that girl, her skin is so white and tender..."

"Look, look quickly, another one, oops, big watery eyes are exciting to look at."

"Hehe, and *, it should be the tutor, hehe, I like it."

"Tsk tsk, Brother Hei, wake up quickly and take a look, that girl has dark skin, she is very suitable for you, why don't you match up with you? Deduce a love between man and beast."

"Wow wow, look at the girl in the purple dress in front of you, her legs are long and thin, look at her twisted waist, she is so enchanting at a young age, how can she grow up?"

The more Tang Yan looked at it, the more vigorous he became, and he felt that he was much younger and energetic.Looking at it, suddenly her eyes were fixed on a girl in a pink dress. She didn't apply any makeup on her flimsy face, but she still couldn't hide her beauty. Simple and simple clothes, standing there will make any man feel four words in his heart - natural beauty.

Surrounding the girl were seven or eight handsome young men, serving them attentively.

Tang Yan tapped his lips and nodded secretly, yes yes yes.After watching for a while, his eyes lit up again, and a group of beautiful girls walked out of the academy head-on, like butterflies, attracting the attention of the surroundings.

This group of girls is all beautiful, the most dazzling one is a girl in a sky blue dress, presumably because of long-term exercise, her figure has a kind of overall upward and straight, just right breasts and buttocks, it is a girl of the right age who is well developed the most appropriate template for .

Long legs and thin waist, if you gain one point, you will get fat, and if you lose one point, you will lose weight.

Coupled with a figure of about 1.7 meters eight, she is particularly tall and charming.

Noticing Tang Yan's fiery eyes, which were very different from ordinary people, the girl in blue looked obviously cold, and glanced in his direction, with aggressive and sharp eyes.

Especially after noticing Tang Yan's crude attire and the strange black lines covering half of his face, his coldness and fierceness became a little more serious.

Tang Yan was purely for appreciation. He was thick-skinned and didn't care about anyone's eyes. When he saw the girl looking over, he had the time to blink and respond to a frivolous gesture.

The girl stopped, her gaze turned cold, and she fixed on Tang Yan, who was a hundred meters away, across the crowd.

"What's wrong with my sister?" The female students around her also stopped and followed her gaze curiously.

The girl snorted coldly: "There is a disciple who doesn't know what to do."

"Where is where? My aunt is panicking." Among the female students, a pretty girl hurried to the front, looking around with great interest, which attracted the coquettish smiles of the female companions around her.

"Don't cause trouble, maybe it's just an ordinary mercenary." The girl in blue stopped her, not out of being generous, but because she felt that fighting with some poor mercenaries would be demeaning.

"How can I take advantage of him, the one who has to make troubles is called grandma." The girl broke away from the obstruction of her sisters and rushed over excitedly.

Tang Yanzheng watched with interest, and also noticed this delicate girl.

But when they met each other's eyes, they were all stunned, "Huh? Why does this guy look familiar?"

"Why is this aunt in Hanyue Academy?"

Tang Yan secretly thought something was wrong, turned around and was about to run, but the girl was stunned for a moment, and screamed: "Ah! Stop for my old lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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