Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 704 Yan Kingdom Shock

Chapter 704 Yan Kingdom Shock (2)

Yan Kingdom Palace!

"Who is this Tang Yan, who can make the saint so determined that she will not hesitate to fight against Prince Jing's mansion and Heavenly Demon Holy Land." The imperial emperor received the current prime minister in the garden, who was also his confidant counselor.

"The relationship between Tang Yan and Yaochi should have started at the Black Rock Ridge. According to the secret report at that time, Tang Yan was somewhat ambiguous with the little saint of Yaochi." The prime minister accompanied the emperor to visit the bustling garden.

The emperor smiled: "What's the matter? Is the saint of Yaochi ready to save her son-in-law?"

"Your Majesty was joking. Mu Rou's martial arts skills and the traditions of the Holy Land will not allow her to have an emotional relationship with Tang Yan. From the perspective of the Holy Land, it is no less than rebellion. I think the saint is obsessed with saving Tang Yan. It's not Mu Rou's pleading, it's probably because of another reason, a reason that is as important as Yaochi Holy Land's face."

"The sixth princess also wants to get involved?"

The prime minister bowed his head and said: "His Royal Highness the Sixth Princess only brought three Martial Venerables back to Wangcheng in the early morning, and persuaded Prince En to intervene in this matter. According to the report from our eyeliner placed next to King En, King En has already started preparations. We can leave in the afternoon. It seems that Prince Jing's Mansion is going to be lively again."

The emperor leisurely admired the beautiful scenery of the garden: "Where is the old marshal?"

"Your Majesty thinks the old marshal will watch the show honestly?"

The emperor smiled silently: "Ever since Prince Jing began to intervene in the officers of the border regiment to accept their fate ten years ago, the old marshal has begun to dislike Prince Jing, and he could barely restrain himself a few years ago. But since Prince Jing took the initiative to provoke and deal with Yan last time, Luo, the old marshal has finally found a vent. This time, I'm afraid he's gearing up for it."

"That's an old fox who knows how to use force best. If he only wanted to use Tang Yan's incident to stimulate Prince Jing, then the saint made it clear that King En also decided to take this opportunity to show off his reputation as the 'new king'. The old marshal might It’s going to be a big game.”

"Prince Jing is not so easy to mess with. He has been very close to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land recently, and the rest of the White Horse Villa and other five parties have made good friends with him. Once things get serious, all of them will be involved, and I'm afraid it will not end well."

"Your Majesty means... that the royal family intervene?"

"Don't worry. What Prince Jing has done in recent years has been a bit excessive, but after all, he is my younger brother with the same father and mother. If the royal family intervenes again, it will greatly stimulate him, and it will also cause too much speculation from other forces. This time let the old marshal kill his arrogance first, let's watch the show.

The old marshal has endured it for a long time, the saint has not shown up for many years, King En has just been crowned king, and the three parties join forces, this scene must be wonderful. "

The prime minister suddenly asked: "What if King Jing wins in the end? After all, he is killing his son and enemy, and Prince Jing is strong and arrogant. Unless the old marshal has absolute suppression power, it will be difficult to force him to bow his head. And, don't forget there are Wang Ziwei, he is the ancestor's assistant to King Jing, he has a special status, he is shrewd and resourceful, and he is not so easy to deal with."

The emperor glanced at him, smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"The Sixth Princess once entrusted the Royal Special Forces Team to investigate Tang Yan's identity. The information has been compiled and reported half a year ago, and His Majesty has read it. Tang Yan's influence in Dayan is not weak, and in the past year, Dayan's The changes can be described as earth-shaking.

Tang Yan is the nominal head of the Wagang Village, and is called the "Second Master of Dayan" by other sects, and his influence is second only to the head of the Yuhua Palace.

When Qiu Futu disseminated the news to all parties, one of the key points was the Dayan Mountain Group. He sent someone to inform Wu Zun of the General's Mansion who was stationed at Jiuchongtian, and personally delivered a letter to Yuhua Palace.

According to our information, Tang Yan has great influence in Wagangzhai, and has a great relationship with the masters of Yuhua Palace. I think they will definitely try to rescue them after they get the news.

The combination of Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace is enough to surpass the Holy Land of the Empire, and there are millions of monsters. Once they take extreme measures, Jiuzhongtian will not be able to withstand their impact, and the Southern Guard Corps will also suffer. The southern disaster of 900 years ago will be repeated. "

A trace of worry flashed across the emperor's brows: "Is the news that the master of the Yuhua Palace was promoted to a semi-sage true?"

"I'm afraid there will be no fakes, otherwise the Dayan Mountain Range would not stop fighting in such a short period of time, and the Jiantai Mountain and other forces would not swallow their anger and retreat back to their lair."

"Your consciousness is..."

"Take mitigating measures, give them hope, and avoid extreme measures."

The emperor paused to ponder, and after a long while, nodded slightly: "Pass me a secret order, Jiuchongtian will release Wagang Village, allowing the strong Dayan to set foot on Canglan, but the limited number is only five people, who will be secretly monitored by the strong Jiuchongtian."

The name 'Tang Yan' caused a sensation in Yan State two years ago, and was sought after by countless crazy and extremists, as well as hated by countless sectarian forces. The news from the Zhen Guo General's Mansion pushed it to a peak again.

Tang Yan escaped from the Eternal Beast Mountain and appeared in the wind-eroded hills in the south; subdued the Shapu mercenary group and attacked the Venerable Shura of Prince Jing's Mansion; , broke into the Gobi Desert.

However, facing the pursuit of two superpowers, Haitian Venerable and Wang Ziwei, Tang Yan could not escape the bad luck of being arrested in the end.Prince Jing's Mansion mobilized all forces to search for the escaped Shapu mercenary group, and Prince Jing personally escorted Tang Yan back to Sansheng Ancient City.

The news spread across the vast ancient country at an astonishing speed, bringing enough passionate topics to this land that had been peaceful for too long.

A small town on the western border of the Empire.

This is the trade channel between the Yan Kingdom and the Tianyuan Empire. It is also a thousand-year-old town with mixed fish and dragons, and it belongs to the military control zone.

Gathered businessmen, travelers, expeditionary mercenaries and organizations, and a large number of patrolling troops.Standing at the top of the city, you can look up at the vast and endless southern border, hoard endless tents, and look back at the territory of Yan Kingdom, where the beautiful mountains and rivers are full of flowers.

A hotel in a small town, noisy and noisy, mixed with a strong smell of alcohol and sweat.

"Do you all know that something big is going to happen in Sansheng City?"

"It's not a rare thing for a long time. Isn't it just that Prince Jing caught the murderer of the son? There was already a commotion a few days ago. It is said that the General Zhen Guo's residence intends to take action."

"Old Marshal and Prince Jing have fought more than once, but this time it's about an outsider, will the General's Mansion really fight?"

"Hey, this Tang Yan is really a ruthless person. He has already offended Prince Jing's Mansion and Heavenly Demon Holy Land, yet he still dares to show his face in Yan Country and go to provoke Hanyue Academy."

"I've never heard of anyone more ruthless than him in my life."

"I got the news about Prince Jing's Mansion, and blocked him in Cold Moon City. It is said that the scene was very spectacular at that time. The dean of the academy and Wang Ziwei of the palace personally arrested him, but he escaped."

"Haven't been caught yet."

"This time, Tang Yan may not live long. Prince Jing must be tortured if he is taken back. If he wants to survive, he must die."

"Hey, hey, you say... will the sixth princess go to rescue Tang Yan? It is said that the two had an affair at Black Rock Ridge, and she has always supported Tang Yan behind her back. Also, Tang Yan showed up in Yan Kingdom The first stop was the wind-eroded hills, which happened to be the Sixth Princess's inspection of the territory, when Tang Yan took the risk to attack Shura, it was because of her, right?"

The commotion in the hotel fell silent for a while, and most eyes were focused on the fair middle-aged man.

Seeing that a sentence received attention, the man puffed up his chest slightly, and coughed a few times: "I guess the sixth princess is probably tempted. This time the little lover died, she will stand by and watch? Besides, Prince Jing's residence is the person who most opposes the establishment of Prince En's residence." , the relationship between the two sides is very tense.”

"The analysis is good, this time you really guessed it right." A clear voice sounded, it was a man in a fancy dress sitting by the window.

"Third Master, is there any latest news?" Everyone immediately showed attention, and it could be seen that this gorgeous man is a relatively influential person in the local area.

The man known as the third master straightened his clothes, first coughed dryly, accepted everyone's attention, took a sip of tea, and said in a leisurely way: "Enwang's mansion has already responded, and Tang Yan is a close friend of Enwang. The first-class priests of the imperial family asked Prince Jing’s mansion to release them. Prince En and the Sixth Princess have already set off in person, and are rushing to the ancient city of Sansheng with two third-rank Martial Venerables and three thousand armored guards.”

"Oh?" The atmosphere in the room suddenly became hot, even the waiter in the shop stopped his work and looked at 'Third Master' with great interest.

"The news is [-]% accurate. I'm afraid our sixth princess, who is well-known in the empire, is really tempted. Lord En also wants to take this opportunity to show the majesty of the new king. No matter whether he succeeds in the end, at least let the empire see that he is very strong. , not a soft persimmon to be pinched casually."

"What about the General Zhenguo's Mansion? Is there any movement?"

"The old marshal didn't express his opinion, but it is said that he secretly searched the southern army, and restricted the number of troops they searched for the Sandfall Mercenary Corps on the grounds that the border defense affairs are serious. Anyway, Sansheng Ancient City is going to be lively again."

While they were talking enthusiastically, a woman in a red cloak and a red gauze cloak in the corner of the second floor put down the teacup in her hand, got up and left the restaurant.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the eastern part of the town, the girl in red started to brush and brush, and the colorful spiritual power was like a mist, and a huge colorful winged tiger rushed out as if across the space. Town tremors.

Under the astonished and dull eyes of everyone, the girl in red rode a Maverick straight into the sky, turned into a sky like a streamer, and galloped towards the interior of the empire at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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