Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 706 Blood dripping

Chapter 706 Blood dripping
Rumors spread everywhere outside the empire, and Tang Yan, who was the focus, lived leisurely in the prison of the palace.He was not worried about his own dangerous situation, nor was he worried about the prince's angry punishment, nor was he worried about the situation of the Sandfall Mercenary Group.

Because he concluded that the prince cared about his face and dared not ignore his threat about Su Qianluo.

Because he didn't expect Sandfall to escape for a lifetime, it only took a few days.

It only takes a few days for things to turn around!

Because since he dared to come in, he had calculated, calculated the turning point that would inevitably happen.

The prison where Tang Yan is located is located in the underground of the palace. The whole is like a 200-meter-high square solid iron block, with a square space of more than ten meters dug out in the middle. The material is the toughest black gold black iron in Canglan Ancient Land. Very precious.

It is said that a thickness of ten meters can withstand the attack of a first-order Martial Lord. The prison in Prince Jing's Mansion is surrounded by a thickness of [-] meters, and its toughness can be imagined.

Moreover, the wall is engraved with strange prohibitions, or a formation, which emphasizes the tenacity of the prison.

It is no problem to use it to bet on a Tier [-] Wuzun.

Tang Yan was sent here as soon as he was deposited into the palace, but he was not the only one inside.There was also an old man with disheveled hair, tattered clothes, and heavy chains wrapped around his body, sitting cross-legged in the corner like a corpse, even breathing from time to time, every time he exhaled was very heavy.

He seemed to have been imprisoned for countless years, scabbed dirt could be seen through the holes in his clothes, messy hair hung down to his waist, and his nails were black and slender.

The whole gives people an indescribable weird feeling.

Like a beast?

The cage space is only a dozen meters long and wide, not narrow, but definitely not spacious.

Tang Yan chose another corner, stared at the old man for a long time, and whistled a few times: "Hi, hello, make a friend?"

The old man ignored it, as if it was a real dead body, and he didn't seem to care that there was another person in the room at all.

Tang Yan has been vigilant against him for a long time, and repeatedly probed, but the strange thing is that he can't find out his strength, or he is more like an ordinary old man.

This unusual gradually aroused Tang Yan's vigilance.

Could it be...a certain strong man?But why do you have to wear chains all over your body?

According to Su Qianluo's memory, there are four superpowers in Prince Jing's Mansion, the strongest of which is a certain ancestor from the royal family, named Yan Xinghan, who is the younger brother of the ancestor of the Martial Saint of the royal family of Yan Kingdom today. Together with the Saintess of the Yaochi, the Patriarch of the Heavenly Demon, the Patriarch of the Great Witch, and the old Marshal of the Zhenguo General's Mansion, he is also known as the Five Patriarchs of the Empire.

Could this guy be Yan Xinghan?

But if you feel carefully, it doesn't reach the level of semi-holy, and this image and situation seem to be inconsistent with the treatment of the legendary ancestor.

In addition to Yan Xinghan, the other three top powerhouses in Prince Jing's Mansion are three third-tier Martial Venerables, one is Shura, the other is Wang Ziwei, and the other's information is locked in Su Qianluo's memory cage, and there is only one name—— Battle Bear.

"War Bear? Your Excellency is Zhan Bear Venerable?" Tang Yan called out tentatively. This weird name was awkward.

The sound echoed in the closed space for a long time, but what was obtained was still silence.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Yan felt a bit of danger from this person after a long period of vigilance. He looked like an old man, but he gave him an aura similar to animal nature.

Neither of the two parties took the initiative to provoke anyone, and they lived in peace with each other.

Tang Yan didn't dare to relax his vigilance, leaned back against the corner, secretly looked at the strange old man, and silently pondered the next strategy.Now in Prince Jing's mansion, all kinds of dangers exist at any time, although he can't think of everything, at least he can deal with all kinds of dangers.

But... the cage was too quiet, except for the occasional breathing sound from the opposite side, there was not a single sound, it was as quiet as being in an endless abyss.There are lead-colored walls in all directions, and even the runes are the same color, and there are fluctuations like fish scales leisurely, which is weird and unpredictable.

The luminous stone above the head exudes a faint brilliance, adding to the depression.

Tang Yan's mind is very tough and can withstand all kinds of torture.But... one day passed, two days passed, three days passed, four days... five days... more than 100 hours passed, and the key to time, voice and language were forgotten, but the environment here severely damaged his spirit , first the inexplicable irritability, then the body gradually became hot, and then the head became dizzy.

Like a frog boiled in warm water, by the time he realized the problem, it was already too late, his consciousness was drowsy, his pulse was messy, and the spiritual power in his meridians was silently dissipating, as if he was being sucked by the runes on the surface of the cage.

"The runes are weird." Tang Yan's vision was blurred, and he felt that the messy lead-colored runes on the wall were like countless eyes, staring at him flickeringly.Quietly stimulate the Buddha's heart, a sense of coolness pervades the whole body, infiltrating the restless emotions, and silently operates the Immortal Yantian Art to control the spiritual power that is about to slacken.

But his heart moved slightly, and a bold plan came to mind.

His head tilted, his body went limp, and he collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

The weird old man in the corner remained indifferent, and the room continued to be eerily silent.

But not long after, buzzing, the runes on the wall gave out strange twisted waves, converging into the outline of a door directly in front, the door fluctuated like a space barrier, and Wang Ziwei led two old men with gloomy eyes. came in.

Tang Yan frowned as if nothing seemed to move.

"Look at his situation." Wang Ziwei raised his right hand, a needle-like light exuded an extremely sharp aura, locked on Tang Yan, and was on guard at any time.

Two gloomy old men with similar appearance bent their bodies and came to Tang Yan. They opened the iron box in their hands expressionlessly and took out a sharp iron awl. His thighs were inserted.

Pooh!Blood splashes!

There is a strange blessing power on the iron cone, which easily penetrates Tang Yan's flesh.

Severe stinging pain flowed through the whole body like an electric current.

But Tang Yan was so 'comatose' that he didn't even move his fingers.

The two old men didn't pay attention, didn't observe, and didn't wait, they pulled out the iron awls and stabbed Tang Yan's body randomly, the awls saw blood, and some awls hit bones.

Tang Yan deliberately spread his defensive power, but after all, he has a special physique. Ordinary blades can't pierce the skin at all, but iron cones are easy to do. It can be seen that they should be good treasures, with special piercing power.

In a blink of an eye, the two old men left thirty bloody holes on Tang Yan's body, and all of them were acupoints with severe pain, which could stimulate the pain the most.

After doing this, the two gloomy old men with facial paralysis began to look at Tang Yan's face and limbs. Based on their experience, unless they were eroded by the curse seal and fell into a severe coma, it was impossible to bear such severe pain without noticing. reaction.

They have done experiments on Shura, and they can resist up to 24 penetrations, but they can no longer resist the severe pain.

In view of Tang Yan's importance, they filled six more holes.

But they underestimated Tang Yan's ability to endure, and they didn't know the pain he had endured to hone his body. It was difficult for him to respond to pure physical torture.

"He's unconscious." The two old men made unanimous judgments.

"Torture me severely, use your best abilities, and use your most cruel means." Wang Ziwei's tone was ruthless, and he searched for six consecutive days, but failed to round up the Sandfall Mercenary Group. They escaped, and no suspicious person was found in the imperial city.

Prince Jing had already grown impatient. If they hadn't worried that Shapu was really imprisoning Su Qianluo, they would have hung Tang Yan up in the king's city long ago to humiliate and torture him in full view.

They couldn't bear it anymore, and their mood became more and more unhappy.So Wang Ziwei brought two perverted executioners from the palace to the prison.Before Su Qianluo was rescued, he could not torture publicly for the time being, lest the news spread and irritate Shapu, but it was perfectly fine to torture Tang Yan in private.

The two old men nodded briefly, lifted Tang Yan to the corner, and snatched out four chains with iron hooks from the wall full of runes, pierced through his shoulder blades and leg bones, and hung them in mid-air .

It seems that what he is serving is not a human being, but a dead pig or a sheep, every move is full of poison and fierceness, and his shots are precise and ruthless.

Wang Ziwei stood beside him, watching Tang Yan being tortured with his own eyes: "What's the difference between this and torturing a dead body? Is there a way to wake him up? Semi-conscious, awake but unable to resist."

"Yes, not only can I feel it, but it's also very sensitive." The two old men took out some black pills and stuffed them into Tang Yan's mouth.

Tang Yan, who was pretending to be unconscious, suddenly felt a sulfuric acid-like thing rolling from his throat into his abdominal cavity, and a hot tingling sensation swept his whole body, as if festering from the inside out.If the piercing by the 'Thirty Iron Cone' was done with superman's will, this time...he really couldn't bear it, his brows furrowed, and a hoarse moan came out of his throat.

"He's waking up?" Wang Ziwei was on guard secretly, the light spots before his fingertips locked onto Tang Yan's head, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't worry, please trust our poison. He only has feelings now, and his consciousness is very fuzzy, and he can't just match his own body." An old man raised his hand and swung a knife, drawing a bloody wound on Tang Yan's face. "Look, he's like a dead pig."

Tang Yan let out a hoarse and dull scream, and twisted his body unconsciously, but he didn't make any strong resistance.

Wang Ziwei said, "Chop off two of his fingers."

The two pinched the fingers of Tang Yan's right hand, took out the hammer and the awl, and pounded and thumped, as if they were chiseling a rock, two of them were carved alive, dripping with blood and filled with white bones.

In fact, they can cut it directly, but this method is more cruel and painful.

A strong smell of blood filled the narrow space.

Tang Yan tried his best to endure, the anger in his heart had reached the extreme, and the tragic resentment was destroying his consciousness like ants.

Boom!Boom!The heart beat violently, and the killing intent was almost uncontrollable.

Wang Ziwei showed a satisfied smile, but with his bloody fingers, he tore off a piece of cloth from Tang Yan's body and hugged his horrified fingers. "You torture slowly, no matter what means, as long as it can make him suffer, physically and mentally."

"Don't worry, we'll make him unforgettable."

Wang Ziwei glanced at the old man in the corner: "He is Tang Yan, the murderer who killed the little prince. If something unexpected happens later, you are allowed to eat half of his body."

The old man in the corner was indifferent.

"Everyone, enjoy it slowly, you have plenty of time." Weird runes appeared on the wall again, forming an iron door-like passage, and Wang Ziwei walked through it and disappeared into the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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