Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 716: A 3-Year Covenant

Chapter 716 The Three-Year Covenant
" you still remember Thundercloud Mountains?" Tang Yan tried to keep his voice down, faltering and organizing words.

"Someone abducted a little girl to hide XZ, I chased half a mountain range."

"Ah, I still remember." Tang Yan smiled mischievously.

"and then?"

"It's not...that...the little girl." Tang Yan felt depressed, why his special skill of "sharp teeth and sharp mouth" failed.

"Go on and listen."

"not ready yet."

"Do you still need to prepare? Tell the truth."

Mu Rou finally plucked up the courage, blushed and said, "Sister, I..."

Niya slightly raised her hand, motioning her to wait first: "Does someone have anything to say?"

Du Yang and the others all kept their mouths shut and turned their faces away. No one came forward to help, and they really didn't dare to help indiscriminately, for fear of getting burned if they didn't pay attention.Not to mention Tang Yan, even they felt that Niya had a sense of oppression.Sitting there casually, the aura is enough to compete with the semi-holy Zhaoyi and the saint.

With a bitter face, Tang Yan muttered, "I just like it, and that's it."

"It's that simple?"

"It's not complicated at all. I've always wanted to explain it to you, but you didn't give me a chance when we got together less often. Things are too hasty today. How about...change the time and place, and I'll give you the details Explain?" Tang Yan lowered his voice and secretly stared at Du Yang and the others with hatred.

If you don't give a notice in advance for such a big event, you are sincerely laughing at me.

Niya didn't pursue further, said: "Everyone laughed, let's get down to business."

Mu Rou pursed her lips lightly, she looked like a little girl caught cheating, waiting to be judged.

Zhaoyi broke the awkward atmosphere and rescued Tang Yan: "The situation in the Dayan Mountains is basically stable now. Yuhua Palace and Wagangzhai occupy the central mountain area, and they have influence on the attitudes and decisions of the various sects in Dayan. I hope they can With the help of the Holy Maiden, Dayan is willing to coexist peacefully with the Kingdom of Yan. During a certain period of time each year, Jiuchongtian in the south of the Kingdom of Yan is open to the sects of Dayan, allowing them to enter the Kingdom of Yan for transactions. The northern part of the Kingdom of Dayan can also be used as a The place where the young generation of Yan Kingdom practiced."

"If this retreat is successful, Yaochi's right to speak in Yan Kingdom will be improved. I can make a guarantee that as long as Yaochi exists for a day, Yan Kingdom will not invade Dayan. I also hope that the other sects of Dayan can take Yan into consideration." Don't affect the safety of the southern territories. If this intention can be achieved, I think the royal family will be very willing to coexist peacefully with Dayan."

Tang Yan was finally relieved, and said: "We only need a place to live in Dayan, and we never thought about expanding the sphere of influence to the ancient land of Canglan."

"If you need anything in the future, you can come to Yaochi Holy Land at any time."

"I wish the saintess a successful retreat and be promoted to a martial saint as soon as possible."

"Thank you again, Bai Zeyu. From today onwards, I will take Mu Rou to retreat. If Mr. Tang has anything to say, I will mention it during the next visit."

"Retire today? Don't wait a few more days?" Tang Yan got up and saw him off. He said he was going to retreat, and he was still thinking about how to adjust the relationship between Mu Rou and Niya behind him.

"Mu Rou is practicing the secret book of saints in Yaochi. Before becoming a saint, she was not easy to be emotional. In view of Bai Zeyu's affection and your performance in the Eternal Beast Mountain, I allow you to associate, but not now."

The saint's voice was a little harsh, but the meaning in her words did not object to their communication, and she also left a long-term agreement-promotion.

Mu Rou stuck out her sweet tongue, didn't say much, just said goodbye to Tang Yan.

The saint left the main hall, and the rest of the elders got up one after another, leaving one by one.

Soon, only Tang Yan's party was left in the hall, and the atmosphere became weird again.But Niya didn't have any intention of pursuing it, let alone scolding Tang Yan, and behaved very calmly, as if it was all unimportant things.

Du Yang and other "children" once again lamented Niya's generosity and understanding, and she deserves to be a lady of every family.

"I'll settle the score with you later." Tang Yan cast a ferocious look at Du Yang and the others, but all he got was a schadenfreude smirk.

Chocolate embraced the fat and tender Lulu, and made a very clear mouth shape - it deserves it!
"Tell me about the situation in the Eternal Beast Mountain? You stayed there for more than a year, how did you persuade the Immortal Phoenix?" Xuanyuan Longli was most interested in this question.

"There have been some changes in the Eternal Beast Mountain. I don't want to say more now. You will know when you go back when you are interested in the future."

Odin frowned and looked at him: "How do you arrange the Sandfall Mercenary Group? Bring them into Wagang Village?"

"The three commanders of Shapu are all Wu Zunjing. They have a total of [-] troops under their command. They are all wild bandits, and they are not afraid of death. They can become a strong soldier in Wagang Village."

"But as far as we know, the Sandfall mercenary group has a bad reputation in the country of Yan. They will sincerely surrender? You also said that the group of mercenaries are bandits. Wouldn't it be more difficult to control them if they entered the Wagang village? Bring wolves into the house." Odin has already regarded Wagang Village as his new home, and he hopes that Wagang Village can independently train troops instead of bringing in from outside, not to mention the nearly [-] 'wolves'.

"You can rest assured about this issue. I will personally do the work for them. Don't worry about the rebellion. Although the mercenary group acts wildly, it is brave and good at fighting. The key depends on how you use it."

Tang Yan took down this army with great difficulty, but he couldn't waste it on the country of Yan.

Forty-six thousand troops is not a small number. The melee martial arts of the three commanders are very suitable for the battlefield, not to mention that Cang Hong and others are all mercenaries who lick blood at the edge of their swords and can adapt to any environment. After several years of development by Dayan, maybe will be even stronger.

The point is... Tang Yan has been away from Dayan for a long time, and he doesn't know what's going on inside, and he doesn't plan to go back to control it.Now they will know their name and know that the owner of Wagang Village is Tang Yan, but a few years later, decades later, what will happen?

It's not that I suspect that there will be chaos inside. There are two old people Tang Yanshan and Odin sitting in the town, with the assistance of Isaac, Tang Mingjing, Dou Niang and others. It will always be my home, but as the nominal controller of Wagang Village, I need to have Several powerful and completely subordinate to their own troops.

At present, the tiger and ben cavalry have been shaped, but they are the elite soldiers among the elite soldiers, and they are expected to lead them into the world of the lost war in the future, so it is imperative to shape another army.

The Sandfall Mercenary Group is undoubtedly the best choice!

The key is how to control the three wolves.

Zhaoyi said: "This time the incident was a big one, but it was safe and sound. Are you going to stay in Yan Country, or go back to Wagang Village?"

"Prince Jing and Patriarch Tianmo don't know what to do in the open, and they might play tricks in the dark. I don't plan to stay in Yan Country anymore. After a few days of recuperation... I'm going to go to other places."

Odin said: "Aren't you planning to go back to Wagang Village? Now all the sects in Dayan are quiet, Wagang Village and Yuhua Palace have built new buildings in the middle of the mountain range, no one dares to provoke again. You ran outside After all these years, you should be tired, go back and have a look."

"Don't worry, go back in three years."

"Why does it have to be three years?"

Tang Yan silently calculated the time: "Wagang Village and Yuhua Palace have just stabilized, and it will take some time to develop. My current strength is not strong enough, and it will take some time to grow. Three years... three years will be about the same."

"Your current strength is not strong enough?" These words drew contempt from everyone.The incident at Prince Jing's Mansion has spread throughout the empire. Tang Yan destroyed the dungeon of the mansion in one fell swoop, and almost turned Prince Wei, who was once famous in the empire, into scum.With the appearance of the powerful men of Dayan, all the forces were suppressed, and even the sects who clamored for revenge shut their mouths rationally.

"What do you want to do in three years?" Zhaoyi could hear something in Tang Yan's words.

"Revenge, I have been waiting for 15 years."

"Vengeance? Vengeance for what?"

"Old friend, King Zhou Ling!"

"King Zhou Ling?" A name that everyone had almost forgotten rang out.

"Back then, I wanted to go back to take revenge within ten years when I escaped from the Giant Elephant City. But who would have thought that such an accident would happen to Bian Nan? King Ling of Zhou not only had millions of troops, but also more than a dozen warriors. The Hall of the Holy Spirit values ​​Bian Nan very much. The turmoil in the past may place one or two half saints in the past."

Tang Yan wished he could go back now, but although Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace were strong, they had just regained their stability, and they were far from being able to compete with King Zhou Ling. The number of superpowers was even more insufficient, and there were too many variables when going back now.

Either don't go back, and once they go back, they will never stay alive again. Tang Yan wants to destroy Lingwang Mansion and Zhou Lingwang with his own hands, so that they will never be able to turn around.

"Three years... almost..." Du Yang estimated the time.

Refining the entire Black Rock Gobi will benefit immensely, but it will take a long time, and three years is barely enough.At that time, the Stone Forest Domain will become a nightmare for all the heroes in the south.

"Let's go back and prepare." Odin didn't persuade him much. Since Tang Yan wants to take revenge, Wagang Village will definitely support it with all his strength, especially the intelligence system, which will start to operate now.

"Are you interested in coming back after three years?" Tang Yan looked at Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli.

Xuanyuan Longli shook the jade tablet in his hand, smiled and said, "Contact anytime."

"Knowing you is the sin I committed in my previous life. I will try my best to come back, but don't hold out too much hope. Maybe I will be in Beihuang in three years." Zhao Zimo still looked the same.

Zhaoyi signaled to Odin, and said, "We won't stay any longer, and we will leave for Dayan today. By the way, I want to tell you good news, Tang Qiong has started to recover, and everything is going well, and it is estimated that it will be back to normal in half a year at the most."

Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "Where's the Skyhawk envoy?"

"It's frozen in the underground of Yuhua Palace. When you go back in the future, you can refine it as a tonic." Zhaoyi rarely joked.

"Let's part now, everyone, three years, please." Tang Yan said seriously, bowing slightly to everyone.

Three years later, when the seals of the Ten Thousand Buddhas gather and the ghost Qinghuo wakes up, and invite the heroes to reunite in Biannan, they will surely avenge their blood.

"Remember to prepare presents, I am not free labor." Zhao Zimo tidied up his hat, waved and left the hall, and the rest of Odin, Xuanyuan Longli and others bid farewell in turn.

"Come on! I'll be waiting for you in Wagang Village in three years!" Du Yang shook hands with Tang Yan heavily.

"Thank you for saving my sister. She has always wanted to thank you in person. Now it seems that it will be another three years." Nalantu, who was naturally shy, took the initiative to hug Tang Yan tightly.

"In three years, I will surpass you!" Matthews was as cold as a piece of iron, and left without saying a word.

After everyone left, Tang Yan saw that Niya showed no sign of leaving, and asked tentatively, "You...won't go back?"

"Where are you going? Can't wait for me to leave?"

"Where is it, I wish you would stay. We both have engagements, and we are considered a normal couple, but we are not a couple. How about we find a time and get the business done?" Tang Yan wanted to control the situation. I want to tease Niya.

"Follow me back to the room." Niya stood up gracefully and walked out of the hall.

"Ah? Go back to the room?" Tang Yan almost couldn't hold back, he stared fixedly at Niya's enchanting figure leaving, and his heart burst into explosive heat, but a chill came down Shi Shiran's back.

(End of this chapter)

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