Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 724 Forbidden Demon Ring

Chapter 724 Forbidden Demon Ring

In the early morning of the second day of the magic ring, the chirping and crisp birdsong woke up the sleeping lover.

Niya woke up leisurely, Tang Yan's gentle smiling face met her eyes, and she blinked mischievously when she saw her wake up.

The warmth and lingering last night passed through each other's hearts like a picture scroll. Scene after scene, Tang Yan's heart was throbbing, and Niya, who was aloof and glamorous, was tainted with shyness.

Delicate and charming, charming and seductive.

Tang Yan couldn't help embracing Niya, kissed her rosy lips, stretched her left hand under her neck, embracing Niya's fragrant shoulders, stroking her delicate cheeks and smooth hair, and caressing the snow-white plump hair with her right hand obsessively and tirelessly. The enchanting body.

As if enjoying a wonderful treasure, Tang Yan couldn't bear to use force, could not bear to be abrupt, cautious, full of warmth and greed.

Niya did not refuse, and naturally lay on the soft couch, with her white wrists and snow arms wrapped around Tang Yan's neck.

The two snow-white bodies are extremely lingering, and they rub their ears and temples together, savoring the sweetness of wet kisses and enjoying the intoxication of intertwined skin.

A sinking almost caused the infatuated man and woman to wipe their guns and go off.

But in the last hurdle, Tang Yan didn't break through after all. He didn't want to lose what Niya cherished most here. He had to wait, and he was willing to wait, until the most beautiful picture and the most beautiful warmth.

Niya stood up gracefully, putting on her obscene clothes and clothes.

The delicate body is tall and slender, plump and enchanting, with snow-white and delicate skin, like a newborn baby, with perfect proportions, perfect figure, every inch of the ground, without flaws, it makes people's blood spurt.

Her waist-length hair is like a waterfall like silk, coupled with her cold and slightly warm oval face, she looks like a jade doll carved with jade bracelets, making people want to hold her in her arms and play with it carefully.

The glamorous temperament is like an iceberg snow lotus, and the charming is like a fragrant tulip. The perfect fusion of the two temperaments, like a high queen, is enough to arouse any man's fanatical desire to conquer.

Tang Yan was fascinated, and his eyes were hot and lingering on Niya's beauty-like snow-white body, back and forth, not even letting go of the smooth feet.

"Have you seen enough?" Niya couldn't help him, and carefully arranged his clothes.

She is a woman who is very particular about life. Whether it is the maintenance of her delicate skin or her decorations, she is neat and orderly and meticulous.

She was already enchanting and charming, but after some teasing, she became even more thrilling.

"I can't see enough in a lifetime." Tang Yan got up and put on his clothes: "Go shopping today?"

"Don't worry, I thought of a way last night to suppress the demonic nature in your body." Niya carefully arranged the patterned neckline and sideburns.Take out a lush bamboo from the interspatial ring of Taizu's relic.

Bamboo is very small and looks very delicate, like a small ornament.

With its appearance, a fresh breath immediately spread in the room, as if you were suddenly in a sea of ​​bamboos thousands of miles away, with swaying bamboo forests and lush bamboo shoots, making you feel relaxed and happy.

Tang Yan looked at it in surprise: "What kind of treasure is this?"

"The bamboo heart of the ten thousand-year-old bamboo has some wisdom. I found it from the Taizu's relics. I put it in front of me when I comprehend the spell. It is because he has a strong purifying effect, which can suppress your demonic nature."

"There is no need to be nervous anymore. I feel very normal physically and emotionally calm now."

"in case."

"Uh... If I continue to purify like this, I will almost not be me anymore. Maybe one day I will suddenly realize it, and then I will abandon the mundane world, abandon my family and son, and become a monk."

"It has no side effects, and it won't affect your temperament. It just calms your mind when you're irritable, and helps you restrain your impulse." Niya said, using ten fingers as pens and spiritual power to paint different characters on the green bamboo. The spell, bit by bit, fine and neat.

"Aren't all the charms you left on me meticulous? There's no need to use green bamboo anymore." Tang Yan was a little helpless. Magic at any time.Niya has purified herself to be "compassionate and compassionate" like the Buddha. She has a good temper and doesn't even know herself.If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that I will suddenly become enlightened and convert to Buddhism.

"After all, it is a real thing. It is more domineering than the spell on your body. Don't talk nonsense, be honest." After Niya carved the spell, the small green bamboo slowly bent into a circle and put it around Tang Yan's neck.

Fluorescence was dim, and the green bamboo turned into dense green light spots like steaming, like countless green bamboo elves, floating around Tang Yan's neck for several times, hiding in his body bit by bit.

In the end, it turned into a green bamboo tattoo, which was wrapped around the neck.

As the green bamboo entered his body, the charms that Niya carved on his body also turned into strips of light and shadow, and all of them entered the green bamboo tattoo.

Tang Yan touched his neck, feeling refreshed all over his body, as if he was in a verdant natural world: "Tell me the truth, what does it do?"

"Forbidden Demon!" Niya brushed Tang Yan's neck with her fingertips, and smiled sweetly: "Not bad."

"What forbidden demon?"

"It can absorb the negative emotions in your body and adjust your temperament. For example, if you are angry, it will absorb the 'anger' in your emotions, and when you are resentful, it will also absorb the 'resentment'. , keep you in a happy mood all the time. All in all, with it, you won't be angry, angry, or resentful."

"Ah?! You really want to train me as a monk? If I really become a monk, you will be a widow in your next life."

"Everything has advantages and disadvantages. It just absorbs, not dissolves, that is to say... it temporarily stores all your negative emotions. It also has a saturation, not infinite absorption. In other words, when I forcibly The moment the magic ring is lifted, or the moment it reaches saturation and shatters, all the negative emotions absorbed in the past will be poured into your body in an instant.

If you can control it, everything will be fine. If you can't control it, these extremely strong negative emotions will drive you crazy in a blink of an eye. "

Tang Yan panicked more and more as he listened, and looked at Niya strangely: "Where did you get all these weird things?"

Niya carefully inspected Tang Yan's neck and body, and said, "I didn't dare to use it before. It was because you used to lose control of your emotions, get angry from time to time, and constantly appear to be possessed. It's different now. Your emotions have disappeared. It has basically stabilized, and some ordinary anger is not a big problem. If there are no other circumstances, this ring of forbidden magic is enough to last until you enter the Chenyuan Pavilion. When you arrive in the Chenyuan Pavilion, even if you become a demon, they can suppress it for you. "

"But what if there is an accident on the road? If you suddenly relieve it, wouldn't I be 90.00% lost in myself?"

"It depends on how much negative emotion it absorbs for you. If it's only a small part, even if I forcibly relieve it, they won't be able to affect you in a short time."

Tang Yan showed a wicked smile, and hugged Niya and pressed it to his lap: "You mean... you will treat me well for the rest of the journey? Try to meet my requirements?"

Niya smiled charmingly, tapped Tang Yan's forehead, and pushed away little by little: "The key lies in how you control your emotions. Although the magic ring is good, it comes with greater danger. You must treat it with caution."

"From now on, I'll be in a good mood when I hug her to sleep every day." Tang Yan hugged Niya tightly, and kissed her red lips again.

Niya let him indulge for a while, got up and said: "Give me your hand, I will touch the mark on the back of the hand first, it may hurt a little, bear with it."

At the gate of the fortress, the giant map suddenly shivered, and the two light spots inside dissipated.

The three warriors guarding the map were shocked and hurriedly reported to Venerable White Snake on the wall.

"The imprint was erased, and it was forcibly removed unilaterally." The three guards looked dignified.

Venerable White Snake carefully inspected the situation of the glass ball, his face darkened slightly: "The map was refined by the ancestors of our clan, it can imprison the blood essence of any warrior, and even the third-rank Martial Venerable cannot be released, how did they do it? What's the origin?"

"Do you want your subordinates to inform the city lord?"

Venerable White Snake frowned more and more tightly: "Green Sea has been very unstable recently, and the family has been preparing for a long time. There must be no accidents at this juncture. There is no need to alarm the city lord for the time being, but you must inform the steward, and arrange a powerful shadow to search secretly and find it as soon as possible. These two people were watching secretly.

Before they show hostility, they must not be disturbed.It is definitely not an ordinary person who can easily remove the curse seal, so don't cause trouble because of misunderstanding. "

(End of this chapter)

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