Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 731 Human Palace

Chapter 731 Human Palace

Tang Yan took Xiahoucha to trek through the vast green sea forest, because Xiahoucha was seriously injured, they did not move fast.And since the third day, they have been harassed by various monsters one after another, sometimes it is a huge group, and sometimes it is a monster-level green sea overlord. It is always very troublesome to appear one after another, and sometimes you can't walk a hundred kilometers in a day.

However, the continuous attacks of monsters and beasts brought Tang Yan a chance to hunt.Every day for dinner, there will always be a head of demon kings grilling on the fire grill. For Xiahou tea, which is only in the martial spirit realm, the nutrition contained in it far exceeds some of the treasures of heaven and earth. After one or two bites of meat, I feel burning hot all over.

The 'useless' precious medicines in Tang Yan's golden lock, which were about to be cleaned up, also became the treasures of Xia Hou tea's recovery. He boiled soup and ground medicine every day, and it was a joy to eat.

After four or five days of intensive supplementation, Xia Houcha's injury has healed completely, as if he has been tempered inside and out, and looks radiant.

For ten years, the skin that had been sallow began to have a little luster.

Tang Yan was a little jealous, thinking back when he first stepped into the martial arts.Seeing the monsters at the level of Wuwang are all running away with their lives, and I have to thank Buddha for picking up the corpse of a monster king.It's good now... Xiahou tea uses the demon king to make up his body every day, and he doesn't bring heavy samples every day.

This is the main reason why the young masters and young ladies of various ancient families have improved by leaps and bounds.

Innate talent is one aspect, and treasure medicine and martial arts are another aspect.

Unlike myself, everything has to be fought for with both hands, and you have to fight with your life.

On this day, night falls, stars hang in the sky, and the night is like ink, splashing on the boundless green sea jungle.The diurnal monsters hibernate and sleep one after another, and the nocturnal monsters gradually wake up, baring their fangs.

In the ancient wolf forest, towering giant trees cover the sky and cover the sun; apes cry and tigers howl, and ferocious monsters prey on the forest.

Render a bloody and cruel jungle picture.

But... as the night deepened, an inexplicable restlessness began to emerge in the depths of the green sea forest. A large number of nocturnal monsters became restless, and daytime monsters woke up from their deep sleep.

Ow! !
A giant silver wolf stood on the top of an ancient tree, howling at the moon with a high-pitched voice; a giant demon ape roared, beating its chest wildly and roaring like a war drum.

In a deep pool, fish monsters churned in groups, setting off waves, making strange noises, and a strange banshee with a human body and a fish tail rushed out of the deep pool, raised its ear-piercing screams to the sky, rolled the sound waves, and shattered ancient trees into pieces; the green sea In the depths, a mound suddenly collapsed, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the ground trembled wildly. A strange giant beast covered with moss and gravel struggled out.

...In the boundless green sea, all kinds of monsters appeared one after another, and even the hidden old monsters were restless. The scope of chaos was expanding, wider and wider, spreading across the entire green sea at an astonishing speed.

The restless evil spirit pervades the world, and the dangerous atmosphere circulates in the green sea.

The warriors who were searching for the treasure in the jungle were stunned and on alert.

In the distant Green Sea Fortress, warriors kept waking up from their slumbers, opened the windows and looked strangely at the dark Green Sea, and they all noticed the abnormal restlessness there.

The stars disappeared, the sound of the wind stopped, and the air was suppressed. Only the chaotic roar of beasts surged like a tidal wave, which lasted for a long time.

What happened?What is going to happen?

People felt a throbbing, a chill, and involuntarily clenched their weapons.Ordinary people all hid in the cellar, husband and wife embraced each other, and hugged their children tremblingly.

The restlessness in the green sea continued, and the momentum was getting louder and louder. The inexplicable mania stimulated the bloodiness of the monsters, and the lowly beasts crawled on the ground.

Tang Yan and Niya were also startled by the weird atmosphere in the dense forest. They all rushed to the top of the tree to overlook the mountains. They saw all kinds of animal shadows and felt all kinds of rage.

"What's wrong with him?" Niya was surprised to find that Xia Houcha was standing not far away, like a body that had lost its soul, staring blankly at the distant sky.

In the depths of the Green Sea, an inaccessible forbidden place.

It is more than a thousand miles away from Green Sea Fortress.

The ancient trees are towering, and the old trees are hundreds of meters high, covering the sky and the sun, and the vines are as thick as water tanks, entwined with giant old trees. There are looming beasts and treasures here, which is the most primitive style and extremely beautiful. A deep forbidden place that few people can break into.

At the moment when the boundless green sea fell into a strange restlessness, a thin brilliance appeared in the forest, like countless fireflies waking up, and gradually spread to the surroundings.

It is also like a giant picture scroll that spreads silently.

In front of the world is a... dilapidated ancient city... like a mirage, as if it came across time and space.

In the depths of the phantom, a huge broken stone stands proudly, inserted straight into the ruins, with a few very vigorous ancient characters engraved on it, exuding a force, a force, it is a place that has been accumulated for countless years. breath.

The ancient characters are vague and difficult to understand, as if they originated from the ancient times.

The fog is spreading, and the picture scroll is spreading, stirring up a majestic general trend of heaven and earth.

Finally...a small floating island appeared, immersed in the misty mist, like a dream, like a shadow, seemingly real and unreal, mysterious and unpredictable.

It's only five or six square kilometers in size, and it hangs abruptly in the primitive mountains like this. The dilapidated and illusory atmosphere is incompatible with the lush and vibrant green sea.

The lower part of the suspension is messy, like the roots of a giant tree, which are pulled up abruptly, and gravels are constantly falling; the upper part is full of gray-brown tone, full of ruins and ruins, a desolate ruin, It seems that it used to be a majestic palace not long ago, but after the war and years of trampling, it has changed beyond recognition.

The warriors wandering nearby were the first to discover its existence, and in astonishment, they all looked around in the air, wondering at the sudden levitation.

Some daring fighters tried to move forward.


A chilling sense of horror shook the whole body from the heels, it was the trembling from the soul.

Abrupt and scary!Happened in an instant!
Someone frightened Yu Tui, but in the end... ah! !The shrill screams echoed in the night, like the screams of evil spirits, and everyone who approached was shattered, as if they were pierced by countless steel blades in an instant, turning into broken flesh and bones.

But when the dismembered corpse fell to the ground, it didn't spill any blood, and it didn't have the slightest vitality, as if it had been sucked into a mummy alive.

The weird scene made the people who were investigating from a distance chill all over, and they fled towards the sky.

However... the screams rang out intensively, and all warriors and monsters within a radius of four to five kilometers were affected, and a similar scene appeared, the body shattered, and all the energy and blood disappeared strangely, turning into shriveled pieces and falling , a gust of night wind blows through, turning into dust and dissipating space.

The distant green sea fortress!The city mansion suddenly bloomed with five colors of brilliance, like a waterfall hanging upside down in the sky, soaring into the sky, spreading silently, illuminating the entire fortress, and figures rushed out of the city mansion, filled with terrifying power, making the fortress tremble, the sky and the earth trembled, towards Rush away from the depths of the green sea.

The coercion of the great earth enveloped the world, the entire fortress was silent, and countless monsters prostrated and knelt down.

But as they left, after a long silence, an old voice appeared somewhere in the fortress: "Three Martial Saints? There are three Martial Saints lurking in the Green Sea Fortress! Could it be that there are treasures coming to the world?!"

This is an old white-haired old man, with a cane in his hand, his left eye is sunken, dull, and his right eye is bright, standing in the air at this moment, exuding a terrifying power, he is actually a third-rank Martial Master!
"The green sea is abnormal tonight, something big must happen!"

"Why are there three Martial Saints in the city mansion? Could it be that the ancestors of the Bach family and the Gu family are all here?"

"It's just a marriage between the children, how could the ancestors come?"

"Could it be..."

"Enter the Green Sea!"

"The treasure is here! The three Martial Saints will lead us in the right direction!"

In an instant, the entire Green Sea Fortress boiled completely, like a basin of ice water being poured into a hot oil pan, the sound of boiling disturbed the sky, one figure after another shot into the sky, shouts mixed with excitement, densely packed, like Thousands of arrows are fired.

Even the monsters in the depths of the Green Sea and the defenders of the Green Sea Fortress couldn't hold back the temptation.

The three martial sages are lurking secretly, just to make a surprise move tonight. There must be a peerless treasure in the depths of the green sea, and the Yakoran family must have been planning for a long time.

Stimulated by the fiery atmosphere, their heads turned quickly.

The temptation brought by the treasure is enough to make any warrior risk his life.

Hundreds of thousands of warriors rushed out of the fortress, and thousands of martial kings, demon kings, and demon kings showed their ferocious power, and rushed towards the depths of the green sea following the colorful divine light.

(End of this chapter)

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