Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 741 Unmatched

Chapter 741 Unmatched
Tang Yan looks like he is facing a big enemy, if he unsheaths his domineering soldiers, his fighting spirit is soaring, and he is ready to fight.

The purple-haired boy gave him a very strange feeling, too calm, as if he had no soul and no emotion, not only was his speed as lightning, but his body was so tough that he couldn't imagine it, it was comparable to black iron and extremely steel.

Tang Yan has never seen anyone who can resist the power of Bengtian's ancient battle technique. With his current perverted state, if he slashes out with this knife, even the powerful third-tier demon master will give in. Did not show any impacting injuries.

"Brother Hei, look for an opportunity to sneak up on him, and cooperate with me at the right time." Tang Yan felt a great crisis, and could also sense the murderous intent contained in the purple-haired boy's gaze.

Blackwater leech reminded Tang Yan: "Don't be careless, this person is too fast, try not to use the seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas. If it doesn't work, lead him to Niya and join forces to fight against him."

Although the Wanfo Gangyin is powerful and domineering, the speed of forming the seal is relatively slow, at least much slower than the Lie Yan Jue. With the terrifying speed of the purple-haired boy, it is very likely that Tang Yan will be hit in the middle of the assembly of the Buddha Seal, causing the body to be injured. The accumulated spiritual power collapses out of control, which will definitely cause unimaginable damage.

"You are also careful." Tang Yan clenched the ancient saber tightly, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his fighting spirit was like a tide.

"Try to avoid a deadly battle, the most urgent thing is to break through the human palace." The blackwater leech detached from his wrist without a sound.

Originally it was just a normal parting, but no one expected that this time the separation of master and servant... would be permanent... the separation between life and death... click!
The purple-haired boy slightly twisted his lower neck, making a crisp sound of joints rubbing against each other. The cracks all over his body were slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to his original pale and stiff appearance.

Tang Yan took a step forward and shot into the sky. Facing a strong enemy, he took the initiative to attack!

Fanying martial arts flashed to the extreme, leaving afterimages all over the sky, disrupting the visual coherence of everyone, superimposing eight layers of flaming saber power halfway, and directly attacking the purple-haired boy.

The fierce Gang Qi set off a whirlwind all over the sky, curling up the boy's purple hair and flying.

Ah ah!A roar exploded on the tip of his tongue, and Tang Yan's blade slashed through the air, striking violently.

The purple-haired boy raised his head slightly, facing the terrifying sword light, and moved his body slightly for the last moment.Although it was only an extremely slight deviation, it narrowly avoided the blade light.

The knife light struck violently, rubbing against his left shoulder and falling, the fierce knife smashed the clothes and flesh on the left side, but the purple-haired boy raised his right hand at the same time, and greeted Tang Yan's throat with the power of lightning.

Cruel actions, cruel killing methods, ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself.

Tang Yan frowned slightly, and at the moment of a moment, his waist suddenly exerted force, and he blocked the attack with his shoulders.

Bang, a powerful collision exploded at high altitude, shoulder to palm, a purely physical collision, arousing a terrifying counterattack force, and a strong rebound at the point of impact.

The two hummed in a low voice, and were bounced tens of meters away at the same time.

Tang Yan's right shoulder was dripping with blood, exposing thick bones, and the left palm and left arm of the purple-haired boy had a large crack.

The eyes of the four intertwined, and a blazing fighting intent collided like lightning across the air. After a short silence, the two of them shot up into the sky at the same time.

Bang bang bang!
Fierce bells exploded in the sky, and Tang Yan set off a wild melee storm, confronting the purple-haired boy head-on.A stream of energy rays splashed high in the sky, like hundreds of lightning bolts dancing wildly.

The extreme speed and hammer-like clatter attracted more and more attention.

Tang Yan thinks that he is powerful in combat, invincible in melee combat, and his saber skills tempered in life and death are enough to kill all directions. However... dozens of rounds passed in an instant, and he did not gain the upper hand at all. His hands were bloody.

Ho! !The purple-haired boy snorted and snorted coldly. The moment he met the attack, he swung his tail like a fish and shot high into the air. In an instant, he tossed in the air, and swung down in the air with a sweep of his legs, blasting towards Tang Yan's head.Flowing clouds and flowing water, smooth and free, under the extreme speed, it shows unparalleled power of domination.

A violent collision exploded in the air, and Tang Yan crashed to the ground like a cannonball, shattering large pieces of rubble and setting off a strong wave of dust.

In the distance, Kate and the others were full of solemn faces. It was precisely because they had experienced Tang Yan's strength that they were shocked at this moment. They slowly raised their heads and stared at the sky.

The purple-haired boy stood tall coldly, with long hair dancing lightly, still without any emotional fluctuations, only the purple pupils of his eyes had strange fluctuations.

next moment.

Stab it!Two glaring rays of light flashed in the purple eyes, crossing the sky as if tearing apart the space, and directly aimed at Tang Yan who was submerged in the dust. The purple light was sharp and swift, mixed with the breath of death that deprived him of life, and it was filled with terror like the scythe of death breath.

A streak of purple light directly hit Tang Yan's eyebrows, and one twisted suddenly in mid-air, and even threw a terrifying arc, attacking from the side.

Tang Yan broke through the ruins of the deep pit violently, and let out a long cry: "Ancient battle, collapse the sky!"

The ancient sword swept forward, and the bright light of the sword rolled out like a torrential river, colliding with the dazzling purple light of destruction, precise strikes, loud noises shaking the sky, a little silence, and a terrifying wave of energy violently The ground surged and swept in all directions.

The pale sky is like a piece of boiling water splashed with oil, violently churning, interpreting what it means to shake the earth and the mountains with the ultimate picture!
The powerful wave of energy also swallowed Tang Yan and the purple-haired boy abruptly, and the shock wave bombarded them head-on, forcing them to retreat repeatedly.

But the purple-haired boy was able to retreat, but Tang Yan absolutely could not retreat. After three steps, he forcibly resisted the shock wave and turned to the right, where...the second destructive purple beam of light had struck.

"Light of Annihilation!" Tang Yan looked like a god of war, with a fierce fighting spirit, and the light of annihilation shot out from his left eye, hitting the beam of destruction head-on.

The collision of two beams of the same kind is like melting ice and snow, eroding each other in the distortion, but there is a gap the size of a fist in the space, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, and a terrifying energy storm sweeps across the sky.

The impact of the beam of death light, Tang Yan's collapse and extinction are all extremely terrifying moves, and the roar caused by it shocked most of the imperial city.

On the battlefield, dust billowed like waves hitting the sky, and the gravel cracked, sweeping in all directions.

The purple-haired boy's zombie face changed slightly.

"The skills stop here? It's time for me to fight back!" Tang Yan was soaked in blood, broke through all obstacles, passed through the waves of energy, shot high into the sky, and shot straight at the purple-haired boy. , The gorgeous sword glow from the chopping is like the Milky Way falling nine days, and a huge and bright horse is hanging down.

The blade slashed down, cutting towards the purple-haired boy's head, with a determined killing intent, without any mercy, as if he wanted to split him in half.

"You are very strong. You are at the second level, showing the power of the third level. It is rare and unique." The young man said coldly, dry and blunt, but he was obviously praising. Facing Tang Yan's strong attack, he turned and retreated again , the light of destruction rushed out, and a strong breath of death spread.

This time, the threat of death was particularly terrifying. The entire sky seemed to be in a sticky dead puddle. Even Kate and others in the distance retreated repeatedly, for fear of being affected.

They have a bit of fighting spirit, and it is rare to meet opponents in the same level. They are arrogant, but they also have not lost their killing and fighting spirit.

Tang Yan was happy and fearless, with a fierce fighting spirit, the ancient sword swept across all directions, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and wherever the brilliant horse training passed, all the lights of death collapsed. "Take out your true skills and want the emperor's bereaved son, these are not enough!"

This domineering roar once again attracted strange gazes. They could clearly feel Tang Yan's strength. Compared with the holy and calm Buddha that day, he looked like a fierce general on the battlefield at this moment, unrivaled. Indomitable.

Feeling the terrifying majesty of the sword, all the generals from the Marquis of Beijiang and the thirteen kings showed strange lights. If this son joins the battlefield, he must be a fierce general.

The purple-haired boy was still terrifyingly calm, without any mood swings.But... in the face of Tang Yan's more and more violent attacks, the purple eyes flashed a subtle blood-red light unknowingly, penetrated into the purple pupils, and revealed two terrifying red lights, which looked very special The strange and terrible.

"Come on, don't you dare?" Tang Yan charged forward, and the ancient sword rolled up a terrible storm of swords.

The purple-haired boy backed away, with the corners of his mouth twitching, as if he was muttering something silently, very dull and weird, as if reverberating in a ghostly hell, unspeakably eerie.

Just when Tang Yan attacked again, a weird gray mist suddenly filled the world, it was still very light, but it was surging from all directions, surrounding him heavily, only the deep purple eyes mixed with strange red were shining through. out.

He stared at Tang Yan coldly, without any human emotion.

There is only the breath of destruction and death.

It seems that they are no longer human eyes, but a pair of eyes of death from hell!

The breath of the purple-haired boy was colder and lifeless, like an evil corpse without life.

Tang Yan's mad sword struck, and the bright light of the sword shone in the sky.

Bang bang bang!
Clanking and clanging, sparks splashing, the young man stood firmly in the sky, standing still, just raising his hand casually, seemingly slow, but extremely fast, intercepting Tang Yan's sword light, his body was stronger than fine steel, as if He was no longer a body of flesh and blood, and when his arm collided with the broken knife in Tang Yan's hand, there was a sound like metal clashing.

The breath of death was surging, sticking to the ancient saber.

This scene is very strange, Tang Yan can't feel any life fluctuations in the other party.

It seemed to be just a cold corpse, an evil corpse from hell!

"Clang clang!"

The sky-shattering knife kept ringing, and the purple-haired boy's icy-cold arm continued to accurately intercept the side of the broken knife. Tang Yan's speed was extremely fast, and his counterattack was also extremely fast.

The faces of the people in Yuankong have completely changed. What kind of monsters are these two?

One looks like a humanoid monster, and the other is a defense that cannot be broken at all.

(End of this chapter)

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