Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 745

Chapter 745
"The humble reptile is quite capable, but it's far behind me!"

Yazi was circling and swinging in the magic cloud, although he was underage, he had the power of contempt, the remnant sword was controlled, and once again threw out the lingering sword light, blasting towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan looked like a madman, swinging the ancient saber to strike wildly.

Clang clang!
The terrifying clashing sound pierced the gold and cracked rocks, shaking the sky, forming an overwhelming storm of swords, covering the front of the statue of the Emperor and the sky, stirring up terrifying power.Shocked all the strong.

No one dared to take half a step forward, for fear of being smashed into pieces by the violent blade light, or becoming Tang Yan's second killing target.

So far, Tang Yan's performance has completely stunned everyone. He was able to defeat Gu Lingfeng before, which was beyond everyone's expectations, but now he is fighting to the death with Yazi, who is in the third-level Demon Venerable Realm.Pure blood Yazi, the real legacy of an ancient beast, is this fucking human?Even the peerless geniuses of the ancient country are probably no more than this!

"Arrogance!!" Yazi was aroused, spewed blood, and sprinkled the ancient sword.

hum! !

Can Jian seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and the sword glow became more intense, as if it had turned into a round of scorching sun, and the sword energy was so strong that it gushed out the sky like a sea, drowning Tang Yan.

Yazi has a violent temper and is also extremely arrogant. The most unacceptable thing is who dares to act presumptuously in front of her, especially a human being!

But... a strange wave of demon roar sounded in the light of the blade, like a cry from ancient times, and like a drum on an ancient battlefield. In an instant, a terrifying blade burst out, shattering the wave of light from the sword , tearing apart the high altitude, straight for Yazi.

Yazi finally changed color, and the magic flames all over his body were raging, and he shook the blade with his body.

Pooh! !The blade was so sharp that it shattered the scales, and split between the flesh and blood. A bloody wound appeared on the back, reaching deep into the bone, and the blood flowed across the sky.

"You dare to hurt me! I'm going to eat you!" Yazi screamed in pain, the voice was sharp and sorrowful, which made many Yaozun's blood boil.

Several spectators risked their lives to rush over to take away the blood that it spilled. This is the blood of Yazi, the blood of ancient beasts, and it still contains part of the essence of dragons.

Tang Yan was like an ancient demon god, the power of killing filled the sky, rushed out of the light curtain of the blade, appeared in front of Yazi like lightning, and slashed at his head.

It's just now... the golden Buddha's light wrapped around his body has disappeared, and even the giant Buddha statue no longer exists. What's left is only the raging black evil spirit around him, and even his appearance has changed a little, as if he was bent over by some kind of weird energy !
Shocked, Yazi backed away.

The more Tang Yan fought, the more courageous he became. The more he fought, the more frenzied he became. His desire to kill became more and more terrifying. In his consciousness, there were all scenes of war demons killing wildly.

They seem to be one with each other!
Endless years ago, War Demon itself was the incarnation of "War and Demon", a synonym for killing and a symbol of terror. The ancient war knife as a personal weapon was also infiltrated by the endless desire to kill. At this moment, Tang Yan escaped into the Mo Dao naturally awakened the thoughts in the sword and endowed Tang Yan with terrifying power of destruction.

"Just relying on these powers that do not belong to you at all, you want to take my pure-blooded ancient beast? Delusion!" Yaziao roared angrily, and opened his mouth to spew out a golden light. It turned out to be a golden scissors. The afterimage slashed towards Tang Yan's throat.

Tang Yan suddenly turned around and waved his knife to intercept.

Yazi spat out again, and a black hammer turned into a mountain and fell towards Tang Yan with a bang.

Melt soldiers, refine soldiers, hide soldiers in the belly; swallow soldiers, spit them out, spit out all the soldiers in the world! !

It's... the power of blood... the power of inheritance... Loud noises all day long, sparks splashed, Tang Yan blocked the golden scissors forcefully, but was blown away by the terrifying impact, and was hit by a heavy hammer in an instant, shaking his whole body to pieces The scene was like a black steel mountain falling, it was extremely shocking, and the people watching the battle from a distance gasped.

Yazi is worthy of being a pure-blooded ancient beast, and worthy of being guarded and grown up by an ancestor with two demon saints. Although he is not yet a full-grown adult, he already has such a strong strength.

Even the elders of the third-order realm felt deeply afraid.

"You are robbing your treasure, this human... belongs to me..." Yazi's ferocious eyes looked around, intimidating all the strong men. Today, it would rather give up the treasure of the Emperor of the Emperor, and it will fix Tang Yan.

Gu Lingfeng frowned slightly, looking at the gleaming black mountain with a complicated expression.He doesn't dislike Tang Yan in his heart. He has been honored since he was a child, with countless halos. He has fought bloody battles for many years, but he rarely meets difficult enemies among his peers. Tang Yan is the first one who can defeat him. People, this made him feel a little sympathetic, and couldn't bear to watch him fall.

But Yazi is too strong, unless many strong people join forces, don't try to suppress it.

In the distant void, the purple-haired boy stood silently, quietly staring at the distant battlefield, and never made a move from the beginning to the end, only an inexplicable expression shone in the depths of his evil purple eyes.

In the distance, the statue of the Emperor is still silent, only the terrifying coercion pervades the world, and nine stone figurines of generals riding earth dragons are scattered around, threatening everyone.But no one saw Xia Houcha again, as if he disappeared out of thin air, or was beheaded by a stone statue.

"Steal the Supreme Treasure of the Human Emperor!" Not only someone roared, but all the strong men who were ready to move threw off the entangled stone figurines and rushed towards the statue of the Human Emperor. Even Gu Lingfeng and others could not calm down.

In an instant, nearly [-] terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from all over the ruins of the Human Emperor's palace group. As many as thirty warriors and monsters all destroyed the surrounding stone figurines, and rushed towards the Human Emperor's Palace with terrifying pressure.

Tang Yan was crushed in the ruins and was struggling frantically.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to break free from the oppression of this giant mountain.

The lack of spiritual power, the successive heavy injuries, and the loss of consciousness, all hidden dangers began to emerge at this time, destroying the body and making his crazy consciousness more and more drowsy.

The sea of ​​air in the world has completely turned into a boiling ocean. The golden light mixed with the blood-colored mist, set off a puffy wave, and hit the golden Buddha statue.

The blood baby seized the opportunity, frantically swiped his brush, and tried his best to infuse evil energy into Tang Yan's body.

But... I don't know when, there was a trace of coolness in the boiling sea of ​​air, soaked in the violent waves, and finally gathered into a vague phantom.The phoenix crown and xiapei, peerless elegance, gradually took shape, gradually manifested, with a glamorous appearance, noble and powerful, looking coldly at Ao Xiao's blood doll.

Her brilliance is very faint, but it supports a clear and peaceful area, resisting the boiling blood around it, and is also pushing back the vast golden light, stabilizing above the sea of ​​​​qi.As it took shape, the nearly destroyed runes on Tang Yan's body surface revived, speeding up the repair of Tang Yan's body, restraining demonic and evil nature.

"You are Tang Yan's little daughter-in-law? How did you get in here!" Xie Zu noticed the phantom, and looked at her in surprise. The next moment, he shot suddenly without warning, and the boundless blood turned into an evil dragon snake. Swept towards the phantom.

Although Xuying was very weak, he was not wiped out by the bloody wave. He still held on to a narrow area, his cold eyes flickering coldly: "You are the one who has been controlling Tang Yan's body for a long time? Seize the house and rebirth? The vicious one Behavior! As long as I'm here, don't try to succeed."

"Huh? The breath on your body is not right." Xie Zu was surprised, how could the blood mist not destroy her?There is also a weird smell.

"I live the same life as the blue sky, and the same life as the mother of the earth, and the little clown is also worthy of madness?" The phantom's voice suddenly changed, with a false echo, and even more terrifying power, the long hair was automatic without wind, and the phantom was radiant. , without any energy fluctuations, but in an instant, half of the sea of ​​qi was enveloped, and even the Buddha's light and blood qi were washed away.

"Who are you?!" Xiezu was alarmed, it was obviously Tang Yan's young daughter-in-law Niya, how could she have such a terrifying aura.

Live the same life as the blue sky, like the mother of the earth, what an arrogant tone!

"Leave his identity immediately, or you will be wiped out, and you will never be reincarnated." Phantom's voice was slightly sharp, and the terrifying majesty mixed with Sen Leng's murderous intent completely solidified the area covered by the light.

"Pretend to be a ghost, don't think you can scare me away with some weird power, die!!" The blood doll is an extremely ruthless character, and at this moment, his limbs shattered with a loud roar, turning into boundless blood.

Boom boom boom!The blood mist in the sea of ​​qi was replenished, and suddenly became as thick as a tide, converging into a rushing blood river, rushing towards the green fire ocean, where...the green fire seeds were sleeping.

ah! ! !The evil ancestor let out a shrill scream, and his limbs were completely destroyed, which is equivalent to dissipating most of his blood energy and essence, so the pain can be imagined!

Just to wake up the sleeping ghost Qing Huo!
Everything doesn't matter now, as long as Tang Yan's soul can be captured, she will have a brand new life and even more terrifying demon spirit abilities.Xiezu is confident that he can control this perfect demon spirit body and strange fire body better than Tang Yan.

As soon as the rushing rivers of blood approached the barrier around the green fire seeds, they dissipated silently, as if they had been evaporated, and only traces of unusually pure power penetrated in.That scene is like a pond condensed into a needle thread, it is the purest source of spiritual power!
Buzzing, buzzing, the endless river of blood gathered into dense pure power, all of which poured into the seeds of the ghost green fire.

The existence form of Xie Zu itself is similar to the blood-colored mist baby in Tang Yan's body. In short, it is a blood-colored source pool with spiritual wisdom.It is full of the essence that the evil ancestors have painstakingly preserved until now, and it contains an endless source of life.

For the developing seeds of the ghost green fire, it is simply a catalyst and will bring unimaginable benefits.

Contribute to its growth and the birth of wisdom!

Xu Ying intended to stop him, but was stopped by Xie Zu, their eyes met each other, and their killing intent burst forth.

"Step aside!!"


...Giggle... An extremely immature laughter appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​​​qi, and the area surrounded by the blue halo was shining brightly, and then, a tender thing slowly stretched out.It turned out to be...fingers...arms...calf...delicate as water, white as jade, small and charming.

Then... a puppet as brilliant as jade appeared in the sea of ​​air, its pink and tender fists clenched tightly, its small body curled up, it was crystal clear, immature and pure, its pair of emerald green eyes were extremely agile, like a perfect girl from heaven artwork.

A newborn baby observes the world around him with pure eyes.

Just at this moment... following its appearance... the sea of ​​air world that had been silent for three years... rioted... a breath that seemed to be ancient was gushing out...

(End of this chapter)

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