Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 750

Chapter 750
Li Zige led his clansmen to gallop across the snowfield, searching for traces of prey as best they could. Of course, the most important thing was to avoid the monster king-level monsters that were also preying everywhere, or some special snowfield groups.

In this vast, boundless and harsh snowfield, these villagers are actually some low-level 'prey', the most delicious prey in the eyes of some powerful ethnic groups or monsters.For thousands of years, their lives have continued to go back and forth between "hunting prey" and "being hunted". Sometimes the snowfield environment is harsh, or powerful monsters sweep around. They either hide in the village and starve, or take risks. Go out and become the food in the mouth of monsters.

But this time the adventurous outing is quite lucky. It has been three days since I went deep into the snow field, and caught seven snow rabbits and three snow foxes. What made them proud was that they caught the first level [-] monster ice horse, which is strong enough Their village was fed for three days.Although it is not a big harvest, at least it is not nothing. The most fortunate thing is that there are no casualties.

But these are far from enough. They consume the food of the whole village, bring the expectations of many children, and vow to rush into the snowfield, and need a greater harvest.

"Brother, do you want to continue walking inside?" A one-eyed burly man descended from the sky riding a icy golden-headed crane. The icy golden-headed crane is a third-level monster. Detecting the surrounding situation is the main combat force in the team.

Li Zige was holding a big knife, straddling the two-headed wolf, his face was full of tenacity and fortitude, exuding a savage murderous look, and he looked at the front of the cold wind from a distance.

The more than 50 young and middle-aged men in the village also straightened their waists, their eyes were bright, and they were not afraid. But when they looked at the front and at Li Zige, they did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

The valley under their feet is the furthest boundary line that has been hunted all the time. For Shicun, there are some taboo areas in the snow mountain. Monster, that is the territory of the demon kings, if they are not careful, more than 50 of them will all be buried in the ice and snow.

"There are obviously fewer prey in the periphery. It may be that they fled to other areas after being frightened. We don't have time to sweep those directions. Maybe... we can take the risk and try to go forward." Li Zige held the sword, his voice was rare, deep, like Is talking to myself.

"Brother, let's try, we can't afford to delay. I will scout ahead, and if something goes wrong, I will turn around and run away immediately." The one-eyed strong man on the ice golden-headed crane is Li Zijian, Li Zige's younger brother, with a wild temperament. The biggest advantage is that he is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of anything, and he only wants to help his elder brother protect the village.

Li Zige seems to have made a lot of determination: "Bury the prey nearby and remove unnecessary burdens. We will go into battle lightly and go 1000 meters deep in front. If we find the prey, we will hunt and kill the prey immediately. If there is no harvest, we will return the same way." Stop, no one is allowed to act without permission."

"Brother, brothers..." Li Zijian looked hesitantly at the villagers behind him.

"Don't worry, we can persevere!!" All the young and middle-aged adults gritted their teeth, but...they haven't eaten for a day. Although they have enough rations, life in the mountains is hard, and every penny that can be saved is a penny. It is not a last resort. , no one wants to waste.

Li Zige said: "Slaughter a snow fox, everyone will eat a mouthful of meat, drink a mouthful of warm blood, and feed the internal organs to their mounts."

A snow fox is small in size, and each person can only take one bite, but it is an unprecedented time to eat prey during hunting. In the past, it was brought back to the village for distribution.

"Eat, I'll go ahead to investigate." Li Zijian rushed to the snowy field ahead despite his hunger, and was soon submerged in the strong wind and snow.

"Ancestors and martyrs, bless us to come back safely, and bless us to catch more prey." Li Zige closed his eyes, hugged the handle of the knife, and prayed silently.

But soon... A faint cry came along the strong wind, alerting the villagers who were disembowelling the snow fox. They stopped their work in unison, frowned and stared at the distance. The direction of the sound was quickly identified based on the wind direction and the strength of the sound.

At this moment, the sound of cranes was heard in a hurry, and the ice-snow golden-headed crane almost escaped from the depths of the snowy field almost desperately, and it was very frightening to see.

But there is no Li Zijian on it!
"No, something happened! Ten people came out and followed me, and the rest immediately returned to the village with gifts. No one is allowed to turn back!" Li Zige roared, stepped on the two-headed wolf, and ran towards the depths of the snowfield.

The ten strongest fighters automatically came out of the team, and they resolutely rushed out following Li Zige.Without hesitation, the rest dug out the prey they had just buried, and fled away towards Shicun.

Having lived in the snowy field for a long time, they are used to seeing life and death, and they also understand the seriousness. Every move is smooth and natural, but there is a bit of sadness.

But... it didn't go very far, all the *monsters stopped without warning, Li Zige and the others above were caught off guard, and were thrown directly into the snowdrift, rolling out a long distance.

The monsters seemed to have sensed some kind of terrifying aura, restless, howling in a low voice, staring at the front, retreating step by step, before Li Zige and others crawled out, they turned their heads and fled towards the distance.

"Come back! Come back to me!!" Li Zige roared, his white pupils glowed with a strange brilliance, and the escaped two-headed wolf was immediately affected.The rest of the villagers all squatted in place, their white pupils getting paler, staring straight at the monsters fleeing in panic.

All the monsters stopped one after another, as if being pulled by some kind of force, they howled and wanted to go back, but the fear on their bodies made them struggle desperately.

The situation quickly became a stalemate, but... ah! !
A villager screamed, blood oozed out of his pale pupils, and the monster under his control seemed to have suddenly untied its rope and fled away into the distance.

One after another, all the villagers had blood oozing from their eyes and screamed incessantly. The monsters broke free one after another and fled far away. Even Li Zige couldn't control the two-headed wolf.

"Brother, let's retreat! Something terrible must have happened inside, otherwise the mounts wouldn't be so terrified."

"Zijian, I'm afraid there will be more bad luck than good luck!"

Everyone was terrified. They had never seen monsters so frightened that they were completely out of control.

"You guys wait here, I'll go in and have a look." Li Zige raised his steel knife and charged into the snow field. He could not give up on his clan brothers, or never gave up on anyone easily, which is why he was widely loved in the village.

As soon as the rest of the people gritted their teeth, they also struggled to get up one after another, and rushed in after him.

Hundreds of meters away, the ice and snow melted, revealing a tough mountain road that hadn't been exposed for thousands of years, as if being scorched by flames, the melting area was very large, and the melting road stretched from the deepest part of the snowfield.

This piece of heaven and earth is silent, the wind has calmed down, the snow has stopped, everything around is completely silent, not even the roar of beasts.

The overlord demon kings of the two snowfields died in pain, as if they were wiped out by some force if they failed to escape in time.

Li Zijian was still in shock, his eyes widened in horror, and he stared at the front. On the road of melting, a figure was walking forward unsteadily, staggering, as if he might fall down at any time.

He felt an unspeakable sense of fear, like an ancient beast walking towards him.

There was only panic left in the whole body, the brain went blank, and the body lost consciousness.

"Zijian!!" Li Zige and others called anxiously from behind.

"No... don't... come..." Li Zijian trembled, trying to remind his elder brother, but his teeth were chattering, and his voice was so soft that he seemed to be muttering.

"Zijian!! Zijian!! Answer?" Li Zige's powerful and anxious voice was getting closer, and there were hurried and chaotic footsteps.

"Don't...don't come here..." Li Zijian tremblingly looked at the approaching 'devil' in front of him, and finally shouted with all his strength: "Run away!!"

Li Zige and the others paused and saw Li Zige's figure clearly in the snow ahead, but they also noticed the weird environment ahead and the shaky figure.

"Escape!!" Li Zijian struggled to get up, and fled towards the distance.He boasted that he was not afraid of death, that he was tough and strong, but now he seemed to be soaked in ice water from head to toe, and the unspeakable fear seemed to swallow it whole.

He once escaped under the fangs of the ice crocodile, once danced with the god of death among the wolves, and once faced the violent storm caused by the demon king with a smile, but now the feeling is completely different, it is a sense of fear that he has never experienced in his life.

Li Zige and the others all froze in place, their pale pupils full of panic, staring at the quiet area in front of them, the sky and the earth were filled with a green mist, looking from a distance, it looked like a giant monster slowly moving towards the place. Moving forward, it brings a sense of terror and oppression like mountains and oceans.

"Flee, flee, flee!" Li Zijian rushed over like a madman, awakening the sluggish Li Zige, a jolt, like a basin of cold water being poured on him, they all turned around and ran.

(End of this chapter)

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