Chapter 76
"You! You bastard!" Zhou Linglu's pretty face was cold.

"Tang Yan's mouth is really hateful!" Yang Ruyan and others scolded secretly, Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai smiled wryly and sighed, the boss is the boss, and they dare to humiliate the princess on such an occasion.

"I'll give you a chance, kneel in front of me now, kowtow for mercy, and be my contracted guard from now on!" Zhou Linglu raised her voice slightly, the so-called contracted guard is a slave in the usual sense, and everything belongs to the master, the master Your request is an order, even if you kneel and roll, you must execute it meticulously.

Tang Yan ignored Zhou Linglu, didn't care about everyone's eyes, and turned towards the closed door of the Tang Mansion, with mixed emotions in his heart. He didn't live here for a long time, and he didn't have much time to communicate with Tang Mingjing and others, but because Tang Er In the young master's memory, he can clearly feel their love and care, which is a luxury that he never had in his previous life.

It is impossible for the Tang family to abandon themselves for no reason, there is only one possibility, the Lingwang Palace puts pressure on the Tang family!Threatening them to abandon themselves with the life and death of the family.

When 'survival of the family' and 'individual' are placed in the same position, everyone will choose the family and abandon the individual.

Tang Yan is not a three-year-old child, he understands the truth, he does not blame them, and he can understand the helplessness and guilt of the Tang family across the gate.Looking at it, Tang Yan's eyes flashed dimly, and he suddenly grinned: "Grandpa, father, uncle, and girl Ying, I know you are all in there, um, huh, huh, I'm going on a long trip, maybe I won't be here for a long time." Will be back, you guys take care of yourselves.

Grandpa, thank you for pampering and pampering me for the past 16 years, father, thank you for your constant care, these years, I have caused you trouble, now it’s all right, everything is clean, I’m leaving and you take care”

Tang Yan's voice was very soft and calm, but it made the eyes of Tang Mingjing and others behind the gate flushed, and they stared fixedly at the closed gate, feeling an unconcealable sense of tearing in their hearts.

Tang Ying hugged Tang Mingzhong tightly, bit her lips tightly, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Tang Mingjing took a deep breath, wanting to smile, not wanting to blur his eyes with tears: "Yan'er, good job, I've never been so proud of you like today!"

In the corner of the Tang family, Tang Ba and the others were a little absent-minded. They were so cold-blooded and cruel that their hearts were blocked.Tang Hao smiled slightly, and said softly: "When you grow up, you will be a man."

The priests and guards of the Tang family all had a strange feeling in their hearts. They thought that the second young master would be hysterical, that he would yell and scold, and that there would be begging, but who would want to comfort such a generous man with a whisper? Tolerance, but makes everyone's eyes dim
Is this still the dandy young master?This is the Tang family!The young master of the Tang family!
They have never recognized Tang Yan so firmly as today!
"Father! Please!" Tang Ying cried hoarsely, struggling to kneel on the ground.

Tang Mingzhong's eyes were hazy, and he hugged Tang Ying tightly.

"It's a little girl? Hehe, don't cry, I'm fine, your little brother is too fated to die. You stay at home and take you out to play when I come back later." Tang Yan grinned and walked towards the door again Bowing deeply, he said freely, "Grandpa, father, uncles, take care of me after I leave."

"Take care." Everyone in the Tang family's compound separated by a wall murmured softly, with moist eyes.

Tang Yan quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. When he stood up again, his eyes were as bright as stars, and the hot breath circulated throughout his body.The next road can only be relied on by oneself, can today's calamity be avoided?

"Princess, be careful, there is something wrong with Tang Yan's breath." Two strong men stopped Zhou Linglu.

"Don't be nervous, he will never escape from the Giant Elephant City this time!" Zhou Linglu raised her hand to the top ten Wu Zong, ready to make a move at any time.

Tang Yan picked up the ancient sword and strode forward to meet everyone's eyes: "You all want to watch a good show? I can guarantee that you will make a worthwhile trip today. Watch it and see how I, Tang Yan, kill today! This giant elephant city!"

"Arrogant boy!" Ten Martial Sects tumbled down from the stone wall one by one, and stood staggered on the spacious avenue.

"Master, I have the capital of arrogance. If you and I are of the same generation, I will kill you like a dog! If you give me another ten years, I can even slaughter the Lingwang Palace!" Tang Yan's eyes became sharper and sharper. , the ancient sword pointed obliquely in the air, blue veins spread across his arms and wrists, and a surge of spiritual power surged towards the pitch-black sword.

"Arrogance!" The top ten Wuzong snorted at the same time.

"I'll meet you and give you an arm, don't say that our Lingwang Mansion bullies people!" A burly and strong man stepped out, carrying a scarred giant sword on his shoulder.

"This is a first-rank Martial Ancestor!" In the restaurant in the distance, the elders of the aristocratic family could clearly distinguish the strength of this person.

Tang Yan disdained: "Just you?"



"Start!" The strong man roared, the giant sword turned over, and the sword light burst out, like a howling beast, and instantly blasted towards Tang Yan who was walking towards him, and the gorgeous brilliance completely overwhelmed him.

The brilliance was so dazzling that everyone couldn't open their eyes, and the sharp sword light made people feel the deep cold.

clang clang clang!The dense impact sounds exploded one after another, as if they were chopping on some kind of hard metal.Before everyone could come to their senses, a golden figure burst out, and the slashing sword light was hard to hurt at all. It rushed towards the strong man head-on, the green light raged, and the long knife pierced through the air.

"Blaze, triple strike!"


The ancient sword was unrivaled in strength, and a thick wave of snow rose into the sky, throwing a ferocious head down.

Tang Yan's whole body shone with a golden light, which was the power of the golden elephant's protective body. At this moment, his eyes were like torches, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming. A loud roar shook the sky: "Next!"

The audience was silent, staring dumbfounded at the headless corpse lying on its back in a pool of blood, a chill swept through the whole body.

This is Wu Zong, first-rank Wu Zong!
Beheaded by Tang Yan in the blink of an eye?Even with the triple blow of Lie Yan, the power of chopping and slashing has been superimposed three times, but Tang Yan is only a martial spirit after all, wait a minute, martial spirit?
"He's advanced? He's Wu Zong!" The face of the aristocratic family members in the restaurant changed drastically, and their hearts were full of turmoil. In a year, from martial arts master to Wu Ling, and then to Wu Zong, even the world-shattering wizards did not lose their strength. There may be such a terrifying growth rate!

Could it be that some kind of secret method was used to forcibly increase the strength?
Dong Leiming's eyes shook with shock and humiliation. Tang Yan actually practiced the Golden Elephant Body Guard and displayed it in front of him wantonly. This is a naked provocation!

Swish, the Tang family appeared on the top of the building one after another, staring at the scene in front of them. Tang Yan pointed his sword at the sky, looking down on the nine great martial sects. The corpses on the ground were silent, and the scarlet blood exaggerated the shock at this moment.

How domineering to kill a first-rank Wu Zong with a single blow!Flame Triple Strike?In just one year, the strength has been tripled, which even Tang Mingjing has never done!
"What are you doing in a daze, kill him!" Zhou Linglu suddenly recovered, and was protected by two strong men and quickly retreated.

"Little brat, you are really surprising, but" the Nine Great Martial Sects restrained their minds at the same time, striding forward.


"Rock forest, death sways!"

Du Yang, who was quietly avoiding among the martial sects, suddenly let out a loud roar, and the surging spiritual power poured into the ground. In an instant, the entire avenue trembled, and dense stone forests rose into the sky, thick as trees, covered with stone branches, flashing pale petrification. Guanghua, every stone forest is like a revived giant python, whistling and wreaking havoc, stirring up dust all over the sky.

The false retreat is a shot at a critical moment.

At this moment, there is no turning back!
reason?There is no reason!
He, Du Yang, never needs a reason to do things, even if he knows that he will die today!
"Du Yang, you don't want to live anymore?" The Nine Great Martial Sects were unprepared, and the violent rock forest instantly flooded the entire avenue, like a large number of stone pythons covered in thorns bombarding this area wantonly, crazy and domineering, the scene is shocking .

"Ah..." The screams resounded through the chaotic stone forest, a first-order Wu Zong was pierced through his body, and the surging petrification brilliance immediately petrified most of his body.The other Wu Zong who were touched all changed their faces. This stone forest is too weird, even if it touches the clothes, it will quickly petrify.

"Wu Zong? Du Yang is also Wu Zong? Impossible!" Feeling the terrifying power of this all-out blow, everyone including the Tang family changed their expressions, their eyes trembling with unconcealable horror.

(End of this chapter)

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