Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 760 Porcelain Doll

Chapter 760 Porcelain Doll (1)

"You mean the guest who came yesterday?"

The old man glanced at the old woman, and a flash of coldness flashed: "Is there anyone else willing to live in this broken shop of yours?"

The old woman's heart trembled, she hurriedly hugged Tingting tightly, and took a few steps back: "My lord, we are just running the shop, we are in charge of food and control, and we dare not ask the identity of the customers."

"He is a high-ranking Martial Lord, and he will live in this poor place like yours? I don't want to talk nonsense with you, what should I say, what do you answer?"

"My lord, we really don't know anything. He just walked here to stay in the hotel, we cooked and arranged the guest room, and we haven't talked."

"He came here by himself?" The coldness in the old man's eyes became heavier and heavier. This place is located in a corner, and even he almost lost his way. How could a stranger come here, let alone someone whose strength he couldn't figure out? Wu Zun!

"We don't know either. He came here on his own." The old woman was afraid of implicating Tingting, and hurriedly protected her behind her, but the panic in her eyes sent a wrong message to the old man in front of her—she was lying , hiding!
The old man's eyes were cold, and an invisible pressure filled the space, including the old and the young.

The old woman and Tingting felt as if they were being squeezed into the bottom of the lake, there was pressure in all directions, and there was a strong sense of suffocation. The two of them were terrified. They wanted to struggle but couldn't move an inch, and they couldn't make a sound even if they wanted to shout.

The space seemed to freeze suddenly.

They had never experienced such a thing before, their pupils dilated, and they were horrified to death.

Little Tingting was only four and a half years old, how could she resist this kind of torture? Her already emaciated body began to distort, her expression was in agony, her eyes began to turn white, and strange blood-colored spots appeared on her body surface. due to broken blood vessels.

"My lord! My lord!!" The grandfather rushed out of the room in a hurry, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed his head like crazy: "I beg you, my lord, please spare them."

"Don't want them to die, tell me all I want to know."

"You say, you say." Grandpa was trembling in fear, his head kept spraying on the cold ground, and his head was bleeding. Although he didn't know what happened, his instinct drove him to bow his head humbly.

"What is the origin of the people who live in the store, why do they come here, and what is the purpose of coming here."

"Ah?" Grandpa raised his head, with blood running down his cheeks, he stumbled and said, "We don't know him, he just came to stay in the hotel and gave us a gold coin, saying that he would stay for a while. Goodbye people."

"Who brought him here?"

"Yes... yes..." Like his wife, he was unwilling to implicate Tingting.

"What are you hiding?" The old man's expression became ruthless, and the pervasive coercion suddenly increased, trapping grandma and Tingting tightly, as if an invisible big hand wanted to crush them alive.

"No!" Grandpa cried.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time, say it!!" The old man's eyes were full of evil.

"I... I am..."

"Let them go!" A cold voice suddenly appeared behind the mysterious old man, and the temperature between the sky and the earth dropped sharply.In an instant, golden light flooded the surroundings, glaring and sharp, with a raging killing intent, a golden scissors quickly cut towards the back of his neck, like lightning and thunder, it was extremely frightening.

The old man's complexion changed suddenly, he reached out to block, his right hand turned dull, like tough black iron.As a result... Puff, the muscles and bones broke neatly, blood spattered, and the golden light was like a rushing ocean, wildly impacting his body and directly flying high into the sky.

The golden scissors are determined to cut through all obstacles.

A sharp scream resounded high in the sky. The old man's right hand was cut off at the root, bleeding profusely and trembling. No matter how hard he looked to calm down, he looked at the narrow alley in surprise.

"It surprised you." Tang Yan hugged the unconscious little Tingting and approached the overly frightened grandpa.

Grandpa's eyes were wide open, only terrified, and he didn't dare to pick it up, but moved back tremblingly, while grandma passed out on the ground, motionless.

Tang Yan closed his eyes, calming down the murderous intentions that almost skyrocketed.Carefully put Tingting on the ground, leaving some medicinal materials and gold coins behind, bowed slightly to the old man, and apologized: "Sorry, I shouldn't have come here."

"Who are you?" The mysterious old man is the close figure of the old lord of the city lord's mansion. His face is gloomy like water, and the spiritual power in his body surges wildly, arousing terrifying power. A big green vat appears in his left hand, gradually enlarged, simple and simple , filled with traces of vicissitudes left over from the years.

A puff of green mist was pervasively transpiring in the tank, there was the faint sound of rolling waves and howling wind and thunder.

Tang Yan put down some precious medicinal materials and gold coins beside Tingting, stepped up step by step, and looked at the old man expressionlessly: "Who are you? A dignified third-tier martial artist, no matter what the reason is, it's hard to explain Your despicable behavior of bullying ordinary poor people."

"No matter who you are, you can't offset your wrong behavior of disposing of my right hand." The old man confronted each other and refuted with the same words. The big green tank came out of his hand, straddling the sky, spraying out a surging blue mist, like a blue blazing sun, Hanging above the ancient city, the terrifying coercion engulfed half of the city.

A coldness flashed in Tang Yan's eyes, and he approached step by step, without deliberate aura, but like a wolf preying on his head, filled with a sense of danger.

The old man has no fear, only hatred and murderous intent: "Answer me three questions, who are you, why did you come to Agong City, and why did you spy on the City Lord's Mansion."

"Are you following me?" Tang Yan frowned slightly, guessing the identity of the old man: "Are you an old slave of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Answer my question!" The old slave couldn't figure out Tang Yan's strength, but he was sure that he was not a semi-saint. As long as he wasn't in that terrible state, he would have no fear at all.He has stayed in the third-order Martial Venerable Realm for a thousand years, and his attainments in all aspects have entered the hall, how can he lose to a little doll.

Tang Yan was silent for a while, swallowed the golden scissors, and slightly suppressed the killing intent in his heart: "Removing one of your hands can be regarded as repayment for your sin of disturbing this family. Take me to see your old master, I happen to have something to visit."

"Answer my question!" The old slave's eyes were gloomy, how could he just let go of the hatred of losing his hand, Tang Yan's retreat actually aroused his hatred.

"No name, no surname, a porcelain doll." Tang Yan said an inexplicable name.

"What bullshit title, are you kidding me? If I don't teach you a lesson, I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth." The old slave screamed with his tongue open, and his arrogance soared, like a rushing river sweeping the sky, attracting tens of thousands of horrified eyes around him.

The arms were pushed forward with a mighty force, and the big green vat above the head was suddenly full of brilliance, and the terrifying aura was powerful, very frightening. There was a blue mist in the big green vat, and the strange sound was loud, and the clouds were pushed back, covering the sky.

"I don't want to have a grudge against your city. I advise you not to cause trouble." Tang Yan's clothes and long hair roared against the strong wind, his voice raised slightly, and his killing intent appeared again.

Because the momentum was too terrifying, the people all over the city were alarmed one after another. Looking from afar, a few old men rushed out from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, exchanging suspicious glances, they were rushing towards here at full speed.

"Arrogance!!" The old slave was furious, and forced to move the big green tank. The sound inside was loud and loud, like an ocean rushing. The cracks on the simple surface were like strange runes, and the brilliance was inextricably intertwined and flickering.The strange green aura coming out of the gallop became more and more intense, almost drowning the big green tank.

The green vat is like a huge well, constantly gushing out the tide, trying to submerge the entire sky; it also seems to be connected to a certain world, a brand new chaotic world, with hazy mist and lightning intertwined!

"Who dares to act presumptuously in Agung City!"

"In a decisive battle at high altitude, destroying the city is punishable by death!"

"That is the personal slave of the old master of the city, a third-rank Martial Venerable, who has not appeared in the world for a thousand years. The big green tank is a spiritual weapon, obtained from a mysterious ruin somewhere."

"Hiss! A spiritual weapon?"

"It is said that it was owned by a saint ten thousand years ago. When it is in good condition, it swallows rivers and seas, mountains and cities. Once it is swallowed, it will be forever turned into a green vat with all the remnants of souls in it. It is extremely terrifying."

"The green vat has been broken, but its power is still there. It is the spiritual weapon of swallowing, and it is actually a natural prison of the city! It is said that all the sinners of the city were swallowed by it, and they were tortured to death in it. The old slave also followed him back then. When the old lord went to war on the territory, he swallowed a hundred thousand soldiers alive with this big green vat!"

"My God, what else is going on? Who pissed off this old thing?"

This terrifying momentum aroused everyone's astonishment. At first, they were only curious, but now they are all terrified. They all retreated towards the distance, for fear of being affected.

"I don't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble. Old man, you are old and dim-sighted. You have chosen the wrong person. Enough is enough!" Tang Yan faced the strong wind with eyes full of fear, making the final reminder.

(End of this chapter)

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