Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 777

Chapter 777
Tang Yan lowered his head and closed his eyes, without any movement, only his lips began to move faster, his hands danced like flying, and he made handprints one after another. Yan is the strongest Buddha seal series so far.

A total of one hundred!
When the Aquarius Seal was formed, Tang Yan's cheeks were drained of blood, and the spiritual power in his body was exhausted, even the golden light around him began to dim.

The branch of Baidao Foyin is high in the sky, each of which is lifelike, radiant and bright, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere, like a true Buddha standing there.

The road of capital has been extended to Tang Yan's feet.

The surrounding void completely changed, as if being in the endless void, or falling into the boundless battlefield of killing.

A stalwart figure is about to descend.

"Buddhist...Hundred Buddha seals..." Tang Yan had been accumulating momentum for a long time. At this moment, he slowly raised his head, even his eyes turned golden, his hands flipped like flying, and all the hundred Buddha seals were condensed. Suddenly, the golden Buddha light that swept across the sky suddenly With one inhalation, all of them gathered in front of him, forming a solid golden palm. It was very quiet and small, but contained the power that even Tang Yan himself felt palpitating.

Gathering the strongest hundred Buddhist seals, I am afraid it can be regarded as Tang Yan's strongest martial skill at present, which is enough to balance the Qinghuo domain and the ancient war.

At the moment when the Zijin Avenue extended to Tang Yan's feet, the outside crowd could no longer see the situation at high altitude clearly, only the boundless light, like an ocean hanging upside down in the void.

They vaguely saw the arrival of Brooklyn, saw the sudden dissipation of the Buddha's light, and also saw two palms touching in mid-air, and then...the avenue of purple-golden light trembled, and an unparalleled explosion erupted in the direction where Tang Yan disappeared. Guanghua illuminates the world, mountains and rivers.

A terrifyingly strong shock wave swept through the sky at a height of a thousand meters, all clouds were annihilated, all thunderclouds dissipated, the shock wave swept across the sky and covered the vast land, the mountains collapsed, the earth shattered, and the crowd turned into a rain of blood.

And then... the light disappeared, the shock wave rushed to the distance, the earth-shattering explosion roared in the sky, and a more terrifying energy storm enveloped the world.

That scene was like the end of the world, clearing up the range of thousands of meters, and turning the vertical and horizontal mountain groups into huge deep pits.

Everything within its range, including a few conceited Martial Lords, all turned into dust, with no bones left, and souls disappeared.

The power of destruction is terrifying.

Wait until the light is gone, wait until the storm stops, and the world is silent.

The surviving people were in shock, staring blankly at the huge deep pit, feeling a chill in their hearts, swallowing with difficulty, and staring at the distant sky with shaking eyes.

There, a stalwart man in a purple-gold armor stood with his hands behind his back. The light was dazzling, and he couldn't see clearly. It was the half-saint Brooklyn, the leader of the Janissaries.

He seemed to be safe and sound, but Tang Yan...had disappeared...was killed by the bomb, turned into trash?
The explosion destroyed a considerable number of spectators, but the number of surviving peripheral spectators was still huge, with nearly [-]. Before the storm swept past, they fell like ears of wheat, and now they all stood up.

Sparsely scattered among the mountains and valleys, and in the ancient towns on the hills.

The scene was surprisingly quiet, and no one spoke.

It seems to be searching, trying to search for Tang Yan's body; it seems to be reminiscing, reminiscing about the horror of the bloody bloody battle before; it seems to be waiting, waiting for who will announce the end and ending of the war.

In a broken mountain, nearly a thousand warriors struggled to get up. They are only less than a hundred meters away from the edge of destruction. If the destruction storm extends here, maybe they will all be destroyed.

They seemed to have escaped from the mouth of the god of death, each of them was pale, secretly exclaiming luck, and thanking God.

In the crowd, there was a man with a pale face and a thin figure, who also looked at the front in 'fear', which was completely similar to the behavior of the surrounding crowd.But... Inside the dusty clothes, a large number of wounds are healing at an alarming speed.He deliberately wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sent in a few blue droplets without any trace. After a while, his heaving chest began to calm down, and his pale cheeks became flushed.

This person is Tang Yan, and at this moment, everything is over.

Today's killing ring is not only to deter the Arbitration Kingdom, but also to make a bad name, let them know their strength and cruelty, and let the rest of the trackers retreat.It was also to replenish the spiritual source liquid, slaughtered frantically, and collected nearly [-] supreme-level spiritual source liquids.

The most important purpose is to use today's adventure as an exquisite disguise.

That is to say, using the opportunity of confronting a certain half-sage head-on, triggering a huge explosion, taking the opportunity to retreat and hide in the crowd, and using the stone frog seal to seal his strength until he is under Wu Zun, so that people think they are dead.Or if anyone doesn't believe it, it will be difficult to determine their own position.

It is equivalent to cutting off the clues of all tracers.

He successfully hid himself.

Although such a move is risky and crazy, it is far better than rushing left and right in the Weeping Blood Lakes, and finally being locked by some strong people with strange tracking abilities, and they will never be able to get rid of it.

After all, the Lake of Weeping Blood is too huge. Before he escapes, the powerful from various countries in all directions will form a defense circle with copper walls and iron walls. At that time, there will be no way to heaven or earth.

Brooklyn was proud of the sky, and did not immediately announce Tang Yan's death.He was reminiscing about this sudden collision. Tang Yan's strength confirmed the evaluation of the old master of Agung City—this son had already fused with the ghost Qinghuo, and could withstand the blow of the semi-saint.

However, the offensive he just launched was his most powerful martial arts secret, and he didn't hold back anything. Moreover, Tang Yan's bloody battle should be the end of his battle, and it is very possible to directly blast him into scum.

It's just how he feels weird no matter how he thinks about it. As the leader of the kingdom's imperial guards, he is not a reckless brute.

The thought was like a tide, covering the thousand-meter deep pit left by the expansion, and then overflowing the surrounding crowd, searching for every breath.

Tang Yan was very calm. While healing his injuries, he quietly stimulated the demon spirit veins, causing his own bones to change locally. It was very subtle, but it could affect the overall situation. The changes in appearance one by one became ordinary. He couldn't be more ordinary, even his height was six or seven centimeters taller, and his body was much more majestic. At first glance, he looked like a rough and strong man of Wuwang level, completely different from Tang Yan's delicate and thin appearance before.

What's more, the aura is only high-ranking Martial King, no matter how powerful Brooks is, he would not expect that he has the ability to seal the strength.

Brooks' thoughts turned into a purple-gold light, covering an area of ​​several kilometers, including all the spectators. He searched very carefully and did not miss any clues.

More than [-] people are divided into different areas like an ant colony, and they are surprisingly quiet. No one is too loud and noisy, for fear of becoming a young bird and being taken care of.

There are still strong people approaching from different directions in all directions, joining the battlefield area that has ended, looking at the quiet scene blankly and strangely.

Some royal venerables dispersed quickly after arriving, each responsible for an area, using their own secret methods to search for suspicious persons.

Not long after, the old master of the ancient city of Agung arrived, communicated with Brooks in the high altitude covered by light, and began to concentrate on feeling the situation on the battlefield.

Tang Yan was calm, but his heart was in his throat.The ghost knows what special detection methods these old guys have. The Central Plains is different from other places. Weird martial arts emerge in endlessly. Only you can't think of it, but they can't do it.

A high-level Martial Venerable landed in the sky above Tang Yan's area, his cold eyes swept over everyone, including Tang Yan, but he didn't stop there.This person checked back and forth three or four times, and left the place after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.

But... just when Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, his heart skipped a beat and his brows frowned slightly. He felt... a pair of eyes were staring at him, as if they were coming from the back area.

Surprised, Tang Yan turned his head and looked over a few hills to meet a pair of clear eyes. It turned out to be the girl in Tsing Yi from Tianji Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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