Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 782

Chapter 782
Huo Ling squatted on Tang Yan's head, looked at Xie Zu curiously, then stuck out his tongue playfully in a blink of an eye, ignored him, rolled onto Tang Yan's shoulder, and continued playing around by pulling his ear.

Xie Zu looked at Tang Yan's back with a complex expression. I don't know if it was the influence of Tang Yan's calm tone, or the memory brought by Huo Ling's pure and strange eyes. His resentment unexpectedly calmed down unconsciously. .

In fact, he still has many ways to regain this body, but the failure of Xueshan to seize the body is not just a mental blow, nor is it just the loss of the blood doll, but an opportunity. Tang Yan was promoted to the third level and stimulated the demon spirit , Awakening the fire spirit is equivalent to a comprehensive transformation and growth.

Many of my methods need time to arrange, at least two or three years, but... within two or three years, with Tang Yan's current situation, he is like a wild horse that has completely run wild, and no one can restrain his growth. There is enough time to make a breakthrough and be promoted to the semi-sacred realm, beyond the limit of his control; within two or three years, Tang Yan will go to the Chenyuan Pavilion, and his fate will be suppressed besides being refined.

Xie Zu didn't expect Tang Yan to let him go. If he really had a chance to be reborn, he would certainly wish for it. He would leave this body that could no longer be occupied to find a new host.

The big deal is to start all over again, start from a small baby, and return to the peak step by step.

But Xie Zu hesitated and remained silent.

Just as Tang Yan showed that he didn't even know about peace, Xie Zu also had a silence that he didn't even notice at the moment, and he gradually calmed down.

"You have changed." Xie Zu finally spoke, and when Tang Yan was about to disappear from sight, his voice was very calm, like the silence of the abyss in the sea of ​​qi.

"Everyone will grow up, right?" Tang Yan stopped, smiled, and looked back at Xiezu: "Have you decided? Before you speak, I still want to fight for it.

You have accompanied me through the most basic stage of the martial arts journey, which is also the most difficult stage, and I have accompanied you through the special stage of your life.

With suspicion aside, we can better trust.

You used to be Qinghuo's previous master, and I am Qinghuo's partner in this life.If we face it calmly, it will be a strong combination.

Since ancient times, the ghost green fire has appeared in the world many times, but it has disappeared in a tragic way. No matter how powerful it has grown to, it has always caused disasters because of its unique devouring and refining power, and it was destroyed in chaos.

It was originally the emperor of fire, but it was named the fire of calamity.You have also used your short-lived one to add a touch to its "misfortune" name.In my generation, I... don't want the tragedy to happen again.

I think you don't want it to continue in the constant destruction and rebirth. It has recently exhausted its luck and disappeared from this world.

So, I sincerely beg you, I have the demon spirit vein, I have the Buddhist seal, and I have the foundation to protect it to the peak. If we have the guidance of you, the previous life, we may go far, maybe we will be true! There will be a day when you can reach the top. "

Xie Zu looked at Tang Yan: "You have indeed changed a lot, you are no longer the naughty boy I knew."

Tang Yan smiled: "So, are you willing to stay?"

"Stay? I don't trust myself."


Xie Zu shook his head: "If I stay here, guarding the spirit of fire every day, watching your deeds outside, I... can't bear it. One day I will have the thought of taking this body back. I don't believe me Myself, I don't know how long I will be calm."

Tang Yan felt a little lost. He really hoped to get the help of the evil ancestors, whether it was to protect the growth of Qinghuo, or to study the art of immortality, or even to understand the overall situation of the Central Plains, as well as the development of Youye Forest. The situation is not one that one can easily face.

Now that the news of Ghost Blue Fire has leaked out, I am facing an unprecedented life-and-death challenge, and I urgently need someone who can guide me and assist me when necessary.

"But...after leaving here, how can I return to the top?" Xiezu seemed to be narrating, but also seemed to be asking himself. "Without the ghost green fire, Immortal Evolution Art cannot be practiced normally. Although the world is big, where can I find a bloodline owner who can meet my requirements. After leaving here, it is difficult for me to even touch the realm of a saint again. "

"Stay here." Tang Yan returned to the abyss and sincerely invited.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll play tricks?"

Tang Yan smiled: "Go ahead, life will be fun in this way."

Xie Zu didn't smile, and looked into his eyes for a long time: "I can stay, but I won't stay in your sea of ​​Qi."

"Then where else can you go?"

"Destroy the new world."


"The original derivative martial art of Immortal Yantian Jue--Nirience Newborn Realm." Xie Zu looked at him calmly, and said: "I have told you many times that Immortal Yantian Jue is a martial skill that serves the ghost Qinghuo. The Nirvana Newborn Realm is actually a lair of the ghost green fire, a world that it evolved itself in the process of growing up.

The final form of the Nirvana New World is the real Qinghuo domain, and it is also a brand new world created by the ghost Qinghuo himself. In it, it rules everything, and any intruder will be determined to live and die with one thought.

But the ghost Qinghuo has just been born with spiritual wisdom, and it is still far away from maturity. The Nirvana New World is also the most basic embryonic form. If you trust me, I can help you take care of this world. With me here, you can open the door to welcome enemy. "

Tang Yan didn't respond immediately, but silently recalled Xiezu's meaning in his heart.

Xie Zu didn't urge, waiting for his answer.

"Yes." Tang Yan weighed the pros and cons and made a choice.Since he is willing to accept Xie Zu, he should trust him, not to mention... Huo Ling is on his side, Xie Zu is powerless.

"From now on, I will stay in the Newborn Realm of Annihilation, and I will absorb part of the soul power inside to restore my soul." Xie Zu spoke directly without avoiding taboos, but he did not say what benefits he would bring to Tang Yan after entering.

The more peaceful it was, the more relieved Tang Yan was.

Returning to reality from meditation, Li Yi was sleeping soundly on the back of the Yinhuang Tiandiao.The barbecue and spiritual essence that I left for him before meditation have been eaten up.

Tang Yan landed on the back of the Yinhuang Tiandiao, and carefully picked up Li Yi: "There are still ten days to go to the abyss of the crow's nest, so we can't delay any longer. You carry me for a while."

"Let's go now?" Seeing Tang Yan's tenderness and delicacy in caring for Li Yi, the Yinhuang Tiandiao's expression was weird, and he secretly cursed in his heart. This guy is really a complicated collection, sometimes calm and calm, sometimes turbulent, But the current performance is simply... Shameless... Li Yi is just a four-year-old doll who has been trapped in the ice and snow all year round, and has never even left the gate of Shicun. He is as pure as a snow mountain, and suddenly encountered a change in his life. All the relatives died completely, and all of them died because of themselves.

This little doll must be very scared, very panicked, like a drowning person, struggling in despair.

The care and comfort given by Tang Yan now, as well as the meticulous care and help, are enough to impress Li Yi for a lifetime, like an awl deeply chiseled into his bones.

In the future, no matter how Li Yi's heart changes and how he grows up, he will regard Tang Yan as a close relative, and even a person who swears to protect him to the death.

Especially Tang Yan repeatedly emphasized that even if the whole world abandons you, I will still stand firmly behind you.

This is simply brainwashing, cultivating dead soldiers!

The Yinhuang Tiandiao was full of emotion, this is not looking for a contracted beast for Li Yi, this is obviously looking for a guard for himself.

"Let's go now, try to raise the height as much as possible, so as not to arouse suspicion."

"I have something to remind you. When you entrusted Sky Eye to investigate Qianjie Hunhui Hua, they must have expected that you would go to the Crow's Nest Abyss. What if they sold the information to others? One is the Tiankeng and the other is the Crow's Nest The abyss may already be full of powerful enemies, wouldn't we just throw ourselves into a trap in the past?"

"Since I dare to go, I have a plan. Don't be naughty, let's go." Of course Tang Yan knew the danger, but he also had his own plan. It might be risky, but it was worth the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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