Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 785 Fire Bodhi

Chapter 785 Fire Bodhi

Tang Yan looked amused, what kind of business does this little old man do, why did he bump into him again and again?

Thinking back to the incident in the Imperial Palace back then, it seemed that he had approached the sage 'Xianggong', and he seemed to be quite familiar. Could it be... who is he from Jiulongling?

"Xiezu, where is Jiulongling?"

Tang Yan tried to contact Xie Zu again, but the old man ignored him at all.

The little old man wandered back and forth in the village, and finally lost his temper. He sat down on the ground at the corner of the street, patted his head in frustration, and rubbed the mud pill on his neck.After a while, he took out another grilled chicken from his bosom, his depression was swept away, and he gnawed on it with great interest, his eyeballs rolled around, as if he was thinking about some countermeasure.

Tang Yan couldn't see through the good and evil of the old man, and Jiulongling didn't seem like a good place, so he stopped paying attention to him after watching it for a while.

In the next few days, various forces came frequently, and they basically went to the village where Tang Yan issued the mission card to learn about the situation, leaving people to continue to pay attention, and then directly entered the Luoyue Mountain Range.

In the blink of an eye, the agreed ten-day period came, and the Xingpaihui in the village remained calm.Because none of the seven-star hunters who scattered had returned, it meant that they hadn't found the Qianjie Hunhuihua.

According to the rules of the Star Club, they either refund the bounty in full, or negotiate with the client to increase the mission level and deliver a higher reward.But these all require the client to be present in person.

The atmosphere in the village suddenly became subtle, and some forces had already lurked in the dark, ready to move.

Regardless of whether the client was Tang Yan himself, or whether he was related to Tang Yan or not, as long as he can be locked in or caught directly, everything can be easily solved. At least it can be determined whether Tang Yan is really in the Luoyue Mountains.

But... a tense day passed, and none of the clients listed that day showed up again, as if he had forgotten that he had been listed at the Star Club. Since he did not leave any contact information that day, the news was like a muddy cow.

Until late at night and early in the morning, the open gate of the Star Club did not welcome this 'honored guest'.

All parties frequently suspected whether they were played by Tang Yan?Did he leave clues here on purpose? He himself has returned to the Arbitration Kingdom to search for clues about the dragon-eating loach.Or has it been hidden altogether?
Everyone was not reconciled, and they were unwilling to give up easily. The scope of surveillance gradually expanded, and many strong men began to go deep into the mountains, but... Tang Yan has already changed his appearance. The mountains are so big, how can he find them?What's more, from the battle of the Arbitration Kingdom that day, it can be seen that Tang Yan has this special hiding method, which can even avoid the searches of half-sages such as Brooklyn!

They searched impatiently, Tang Yan was actually more anxious than these people, because the waiting people did not show up again.

Could it be that the news has not been completely disseminated, and that person has not received the news?
But logically speaking, 'he' has an extraordinary status, he should have some old friends in the Central Plains, and he has been paying attention to the clues of Qianjie Huihunhua.

Now all forces gathered in Luoyue Mountain Range to investigate Qianjie Hunhuihua. Even if he didn't get any news, his friends should inform him in time.

etc!Could it be that he had arrived a long time ago, but he didn't come to the village and went directly into the mountains?
Tang Yan suddenly had such an idea at noon the next day.

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was, I put down my wine glass and left the hotel.

But... just as he was walking out of the main entrance, a young man with a cold and handsome face walked towards him, followed by two middle-aged men, a man and a woman.

The young man in the lead has a resolute face with sharp edges and corners, narrow and deep black eyes that contain sharpness, thin and lightly pursed lips, with a hint of rebellion.

There is a kind of heroic spirit that looks down on the world.

The two people behind them are also extraordinary in appearance, the man is like a tiger, and the woman is like a phoenix, with an imposing manner.

The three of them just stepped into the store door, and Tang Yan also happened to go downstairs.

Gu Lingfeng? !

Tang Yan paused, and soon regained his composure, walked through the noisy lobby as if nothing had happened, and walked towards him.

Gu Lingfeng was just here to stay and inquire about news, and the lobby was crowded with people. It was very common for tall and mighty men like Tang Yan. He casually looked around and walked into the lobby.

Tang Yan walked by, and the two passed each other.

Originally, everything was normal, no one would notice anyone, and no one would pay attention to anyone.

But the middle-aged man and woman behind Gu Lingfeng stopped at the same time, and the invisible power suddenly surged, like a raging tide, impacting the entire lobby.

The noisy atmosphere quieted down on the spot. The diners put down their bowls and chopsticks one after another, and looked at them with frowns. Some rebellious people even clenched the weapons around them, showing a strong killing intent.

They have been in this chaotic place all year round, and their temperament is like a beast.

But after discovering the word 'Ancient' embroidered on the cuffs of the three people's clothes, everyone concealed their killing intentions very tacitly.

"He's here?" Gu Lingfeng looked around, taking in the faces and expressions of everyone in the lobby.

"Huo Bodhi seems to have reacted just now!" A man and a woman flicked away their right hands, and the blood-red Bodhi seeds were inlaid in their palms, which were emitting a radiant brilliance at the moment, very soft.

"Huo Bodhi is a rare treasure. It contains the source of surging flames, and it can also resonate with some special flames between heaven and earth. Just now... it seems..." The two looked at their respective palms, and the halo of Blood Bodhi was dissipating. Back to normal soon.

Gu Lingfeng's eyes were sharp, and he continued to detect everyone's aura.

Huo Bodhi can sense the existence of special flames, but Tian Huo is different from other fires, they are the king of fire, and Xue Bodhi may not be able to clearly feel them.Sometimes when encountering warriors with flame-like bloodlines, they will also be induced.

But I would rather miss it than let it go. As long as there are clues, they must be searched.

"Huo Bodhi manifested and returned to calm, and recovered very quickly. Either someone immediately concealed his flame power, or..."

The middle-aged men and women looked at each other and said in unison: "Escape?"

Gu Lingfeng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Someone just went out."

"It's him? Chase!!" The three of them rushed out of the hotel at an astonishing speed, and jumped onto the nearby tall restaurant. The menacing aura swept over the entire village, and this action woke up all the eyeliners lurking nearby.

Tang Yan's face was serious, he walked around the village, avoiding everyone's sight, his speed increased again and again, before Gu Lingfeng and others could react, he had already appeared at the gate of the village, following the star hunters in twos and threes towards the mountain forest go.

"Huh?" The old man who was eating roast chicken at the corner of the alley noticed this hurried figure.

Just as he was about to investigate, Tang Yan had already stepped into the forest, disappeared without a trace.

"Yeah? It's interesting." The old man chewed the roast chicken unconsciously, and then looked back at the ancient family living on the top of several restaurants, as well as the 'intelligence agents' who were vigilant for some unknown reason, rolling his eyes again and again. , with a weird smile on his face.

"Is Huo Bodhi still responding?" Gu Lingfeng realized that he had attracted attention, relaxed his breath a little, and asked the two family uncles and sisters-in-law with his eyes.

A man and a woman felt it silently, shook their heads one after another, and completely lost the clue.

Cloud Town!
One of the eight ancient towns near Luoyue Mountains.

Within the range of the Luoyue Mountains, there are eight famous ancient towns, and the strongest and oldest Star Club is located in them.

The star club in Yunzhong Town is the "wolf pack" that has existed in the Luoyue Mountains for nearly 8000 years!
It has a nine-star star hunter and five eight-star star hunters.

In the Luoyue Mountains, the 'Wolf Pack' is a transcendent existence, and only the Xingpai Clubs in the other seven ancient towns can compete with them. Even so, the Wolf Pack can rank among the top five.

Today, a special guest was ushered in the meeting room of the wolf pack, and the boss of the wolf pack personally received him.

"Everything is in here." The mysterious guest covered his face and wrapped himself in clothes, took out a ring and put it on the table.In this confidential living room, she was still dressed tightly, only showing a pair of cold eyes, her voice was hoarse and neutral, and she couldn't distinguish between men and women.

"So sure you can find him?" The boss of the wolf pack looked at it, but didn't reach out to pick him up.The boss is a rough middle-aged man, dressed in ordinary clothes, but being able to lead such a huge organization is certainly not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Tang Yan once recuperated in Xueshanshi Village on the northeastern border of the Arbitration Kingdom, and also stayed overnight in the ancient city of Agung. This ring contains the mattresses he used to sleep on and the tableware he used.

The things in the ancient city of Agung have been cleaned, and the clues are not very clear, but the stone village is located in a snow-capped mountain, and it was frozen by snow afterwards, and the smell is well preserved.

There is an eight-star hunter in your wolf pack who is good at tracking. It is said that he can lock on any target within ten kilometers just by smell, so...we decided to leave this matter to you to handle. "

"Tang Yan is not necessarily in the Luoyue Mountains."

"It's one thing whether he's around or not, and it's one thing if you don't try your best. Don't worry about the reward, even if you can't find him, it won't make your hard work in vain."

The boss smiled and put away the ring: "Your Excellency, don't worry, as long as Tang Yan is in the Luoyue Mountains, he won't be able to escape the noses of our wolves. Give me five days to give you good news."

(End of this chapter)

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