Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 788 Assassination Storm

Chapter 788 Assassination Storm (1)

"You said you have a wife? But you look cold, you don't look very good, and you still seduce girls? Could it be the baby kiss given by the family before?" Victoria lay on Tang Yan's back , tried his best to trap his words, and wanted to understand this person from different levels such as background and family.

Tang Yan laughed, for real this time, he jumped up to the thick branch in front of him and stopped: "You look down on me so much?"

"I can't imagine how you seduce a girl. I feel that you are still a little nervous now, as if you are very uncomfortable. Isn't this the first time you have physical contact with a girl?"

"Me? Haha..." Tang Yan didn't know why, but just wanted to laugh: "Do you know what it means for a prodigal son to turn his head back? I'm the kind of person who has had enough fun, is moved, and wants to calm down. If three years ago, you are now It might have been ruined."

"Really?" Victoria looked sideways at Tang Yan, coldly, with cruelty in the corners of her eyes, and a haughty hook on the corners of her mouth.In her cognition, such a guy is the most difficult to deal with, calm and ruthless, not good for money, not greedy for sex, nor greedy for babies, there is almost nothing that can make his heart move, so if you want to control through weaknesses... …Disaster!

Tang Yan looked at the ancient tropical rainforest-like forests around him, with a smile on his face, as if interested: "Do you want to hear some stories?"

"Listen to your past? I'm very interested. If you don't mind, I can say a few more."

"I'll tell you two short stories. One is about a mantis jumping at a cicada, and the other is about a mayfly shaking a tree."


"One means pretending to be smart and not knowing what to do, and the other means being conceited, stupid, and overestimated. Putting it all together is... looking for death!!" Tang Yan smiled, but as soon as he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth were filled with evil, and his right hand suddenly rose violently. The stellar energy swept across the treetops above, surging and wreaking havoc like mountains and seas.

Crashing, the messy and dense tree crowns were all shattered, turning into debris all over the sky, rushing to the sky hundreds of feet high, and a hole more than ten meters wide appeared in the dense tree crown group.

Accompanied by the raging tide of stellar energy, a figure flew high into the sky. It seemed that he had been lurking in the canopy of the tree before, but he disappeared the moment he lifted into the air.

At the same time, Tang Yan's left, front, right and rear directions suddenly showed murderous intent.

A black evil spirit roared from the left front, like a rushing waterfall, swift and vast, and a large area of ​​dense forest withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, deprived of vitality, strange and evil.

The attack on the right rear is the most concealed, it is just a ray of light, which is still integrated with the branches, as if coming across the space, when Tang Yan sensed the danger, it had already appeared on the back of the neck.It was a small dark green needle, so small that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, but it brought the bone-chilling chill and sharpness like a frozen soul.

One is evil and gloomy, and the other has murderous intent like ice.

One in front and one in the back, seal the life force.

The killing intent is overwhelming.

Tang Yan didn't rush to the sky, because the killer who suddenly disappeared was probably the new obstacle.There is no left and right dodge, because the enemy may deploy other killing moves.

More than ten years of life and death training, more than ten years of dancing with the god of death, Tang Yan has the combat experience not weaker than that of star hunters, and he can also make the most accurate judgment at this moment of sudden death and killing.

The surging force hit the branches under his feet, and fell to the ground just before the green needles and evil spirits came, and the surging spiritual power poured into the ground: "Lava Jue!"

Booming, the earth trembled, the mountain roared, and hideous cracks expanded densely.

In just a few breaths, thousands of meters of land collapsed and turned into fiery magma. Like a gust of wind sweeping down the ocean, a surging wave of magma was created, destroying indiscriminately in all directions, crushed stones melted, and towering ancient trees ignited flames.

The magma was hot and blazing, scorching the sky and the earth, and the flames were raging, shocking the vision.

It was like falling into a magma hell suddenly, and the whole scene was terrifying and shocking.

Victoria had never experienced such a killing scene in person, she hugged Tang Yan's back tightly, her cheeks were still a little pale as she tried to calm down.

Whoosh whoosh!
Four fine lights broke through the magma, and attacked Tang Yan from four directions. They were all tiny sharp needles, one pointing at the center of the eyebrows, one pointing at the throat, one pointing at the atrium, and one pointing at the dantian.

The killing intent was sharp, and the chill was piercing.

The surrounding area was filled with raging flames and magma like tides, and the arrival of the four killing needles still made the surrounding space feel chilly.

The double sky of ice and fire, the yin and yang of life and death.

Immediately after the appearance of the needle light, a shadow suddenly appeared in the magma below him, looking straight at Tang Yan in an instant, like a transparent human body, covered with hot magma, but with a stiff face, dark eyes, and a short handle The broken knife tore out sharp spatial ripples and took Tang Yan's head straight.

It was the invisible killer in the canopy of the branches before.

Above the boiling magma area, billowing black evil spirit gushes down, like a waterfall hanging in the air, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, bringing a destructive and corrosive atmosphere.

The cooperation is seamless, and the combination of killing intent is perfect and terrifying.

Tang Yan frowned deeply. This sudden attack made him feel troublesome, like being entangled by dense chains.This kind of attack is rarely encountered, it is not a pure martial skill, but a perfect coordination, as well as the grasp of timing and position, it is even more ruthless.

Victoria froze directly. The threat of death made her fall into an ice cave instead of being in a hot magma tide.


Tang Yan's combat power was fully activated, and his mind was soaring. At this moment, his body made a slight rotation, and tough scales appeared on the neck, chest, and dantian. With a sharp needle impact.

In the Nirvana Newborn World, a sharp needle descended through the air, piercing through countless "wild fires", and crossed half of the Newborn World in an instant, its sharp aura sweeping all directions awakened the evil ancestors who were in seclusion.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yan's Explosion Jue pushed open with all his strength, and hundreds of fireballs were like small hurricanes, setting off hot magma, and they all blasted high into the sky to meet the black evil spirit.

As for the transparent figure who was sneaking up... Tang Yan's left palm was tense, entangled with Qingyan, lightning strikes, imprinted on his broken knife, and at the same time spat out from the tip of his tongue, the golden scissors ruthlessly cut towards his throat.

A series of counterattacks were smooth and swift, revealing a powerful battle storm.

snort!The black baleful energy in the sky receded like a tide, and a painful muffled sound came from inside.

The transparent man who attacked Tang Yan head-on dodged Tang Yan's feigned left palm, and also avoided the surprise attack of the golden scissors. His flexibility was amazing, even horrifying.

But...he miscalculated the power of the golden scissors. The moment he successfully evaded, the golden scissors followed and cut him in half. It was devoured by the ghost green fire thrown by Tang Yan, destroying and refining the soul and flesh.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, the cold wind and rain-like offensive came suddenly, and ended suddenly.

Tang Yan stepped into the air slowly, and stood high in the air step by step, looking around at the magma and the surrounding area.

Victoria was in shock, but her eyes were bright and her face was serious: "It's a star hunter!"

Tang Yan's face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed, and a dangerous feeling ran across his body like an electric arc, because... the scales were broken? !The scales blocking the three green needles were actually full of cracks, the strong impact made the chest tight, the dantian trembled, and the throat hurt.

With his current defense power, he can almost ignore the attacks of all respectable experts, but now... this 'friend' really made Tang Yan break out in a cold sweat.

"There are eight-star hunters?! Be careful!" Victoria saw a drop of sweat on Tang Yan's forehead, and was secretly startled. "In this forest, the eight-star star hunters are the gods of death. Each of them has killed at least five third-tier demon masters, not martial masters, but ferocious demon masters!"

"I'm wondering, why did they assassinate me for no reason?" Tang Yan raised his right hand horizontally, and the raging ghost green fire refined the hunter into a spirit source liquid, and swallowed it in front of the hunters who might be lurking around. Take it.

Victoria was taken aback, and immediately explained: "It's definitely not me who leaked the news! I'm not so stupid yet! Sky Eye also... also..."

"What? You won't take action directly? Appointing other killers to assassinate the target, isn't that what your Heavenly Eyes do?" Tang Yan's eyes were gloomy, and his thoughts swept across the mountains and ravines like a tide, but strangely, he didn't find any lurking ones. trace.

"It may also be a star club appointed by other forces."

"Other forces? Who would know my existence! With all due respect, they are coming directly at me, or they are killing me, so they must know my identity. Except for Tianyan, who else has this ability?"

Tang Yan's gaze changed indefinitely, and he felt a deep crisis. Once his identity was revealed, the powerful people from the entire ancient country would flood into the Luoyue Mountain Range. If he could escape from the Arbitration Kingdom, he might not be able to escape from here.

Victoria also felt troubled, and her face sank: "Trust me, run away!! Flee in the direction of the Crow's Nest Abyss. Star card hunters dare not enter that piece of Jedi."

While speaking, two figures flashed in the magma tide in the distance, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant, but they were only less than a hundred meters away from Tang Yan. They seemed to appear deliberately, and seemed to be deliberately spying and luring.

"You enter my space container first, and the matter is settled, and I will let you out again."

"Thank you for your trust!" Victoria didn't feel Tang Yan's killing intent towards her, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and endured the sucking force from the golden lock.

"It's an honor to compete with the star hunter, please!" Tang Yan unfolded the eight-phase thunder seal and shot towards the distance at full speed.He is not afraid of challenges, but these weird offensives make him tricky, and he also worries about whether there are more killers lurking around.

(End of this chapter)

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