Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 795 The End of Life Under the Prophecy

Chapter 795 The End of Life Under the Prophecy
The two peaks piercing into the sky are closely intertwined, and the tops of the peaks touch each other with 'tilted heads', forming a dark gap that extends from the clouds to the base of the mountains.

The two high mountains were pitch-black, lifeless, without any sound. They were two dead mountains, making the narrow gap between the two mountains look eerie.

If there is a wind blowing, the humming sound echoes for a long time, like countless innocent souls crying, it sounds creepy.

No matter how sunny the other places are, the sky over these two high mountains has been drowsy for many years, covered with dark clouds and gusts of wind, so that the large area around the two dead mountains is covered with a gloomy atmosphere.

Looking down from a high altitude, this gap does not stop at the base of the mountain, but extends all the way down to the unknown underground. No matter how ghostly the mountain gap is, there is no sound from the gap below.

This is the Crow's Nest Abyss, a narrow and dark gap extending from the top of Qianren Mountain all the way down, connecting with the boundless dark prison.

"There is still no movement inside. Could it be that the people from the Temple of the Holy Spirit haven't found this place yet?" Victoria followed Tang Yan and hid in the branches of an old tree. I feel hairy.

"It's also possible that they have already gone in." Tang Yan's left eye has not yet been opened, and it seems like a fire is burning inside, and there are bursts of stinging pain like needles.Since the left eye could not be opened, Ji Mie Eye was temporarily unable to provide assistance, which also cut off Tang Yan's greatest arm, so he had to be careful in this operation.

"I very solemnly remind you that you must not confront them head-on. People in the Holy Spirit Temple can exist without their bodies. Some strong people have even given up their bodies long ago. Ordinary martial arts have no lethality against them, but they can do whatever they want. A soul attack can easily injure warriors of the same level. It is said that space warriors are the kings of the same level, but in fact, soul warriors are enough to balance them, you..."

Tang Yan interrupted her instruction: "Auntie, your mission is complete, you can go."

"Let's go? Where are we going? We agreed..." Before Victoria finished speaking, Tang Yan had already rushed out, and disappeared into the dense forest after a few flashes, never to be seen again.

Victoria clenched her teeth angrily, wishing she could kick Tang Yan over.But this is not any other place. It is the deepest part of the mountain range and the edge of the forbidden area. She is only at the Martial King Realm, and she may die if she is not careful.

He cursed a few words bitterly, and immediately retreated the same way.

Tang Yan didn't want to kill Victoria, but this woman was too scheming to be trusted, so he had to let her go.As for whether she can leave safely, it's up to her.

The spiritual power of this mountain cluster is very strong, almost catching up with the Eternal Beast Mountain. Precious and rare spiritual essences can be seen everywhere, and some even grow directly under the roots.If the herbal pickers entered here, they would faint from joy.

Tang Yan was in a hurry, but he was not in a hurry to sneak into the abyss of the crow's nest, but in a hurry to find someone, someone who had to be found, and for this reason he did not hesitate to show his true colors.

"He's coming, I can feel it."

In the dark dense forest, Jing Feiyu Qingling's eyes shone like stars, as if they had passed through the boundless darkness and extended to a certain area.

Jing Hongyu withdrew his gaze from looking at the abyss of the crow's nest, and looked at his sister in surprise: "You mean Tang Yan? He is really in the Luoyue Mountains! But didn't you say you couldn't feel his breath?"

"He deliberately leaked the breath of Tianhuo, and he deliberately attracted attention."

"There are many dangers here. If he leaked the breath of Tianhuo, isn't he throwing himself into a trap?"

"He seems to be injured, he is very weak." Jing Feiyu's beautiful willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and her star-like eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Can you determine his location?"

"You can try."

The two tower-like King Kong guards said in a deep voice: "The Temple of the Holy Spirit has already entered, and it is expected to come out soon. Let's leave now..."

"We didn't come here for Qianjie Huihuhunhua, but for Tang Yan." Jing Hongyu glanced at the two King Kong guards, his gentle expression sank slightly, and a strange sense of oppression made both of them bow their heads. Say no more. "Fei Yu, work hard, find Tang Yan as soon as possible, no matter what method you use, bring him back to Tianji Pavilion safely, this is what your mentor deliberately entrusted."

Jing Feiyu shook his head slowly: "I can't see through senior brother, I can't see through Tang Yan, these are the only two people I can't see through so far, their fortunes, their fortunes, and their past and present lives. But the teacher, he... saw it..."

"Master has deduced it?" Jing Hongyu didn't know about it.

For a long time, their mentors have refused to deduce the future of the senior brother, and they can't see through it. They just vaguely assert that the fate of the senior brother has been set by the ancients, setting a track, an uncontrollable track, is prosperity, is the future. Destruction is rising and falling. At the moment of his birth, it is like a river rushing on the wasteland, leading to an unknown journey.

"The two people who couldn't see through got together, and the mentor made a deduction."

"What's the result?" Jing Hongyu was curious.

"Very vague, not clear, but in the vague future, Tang Yan died and was killed by the elder brother."


Jing Feiyu was still shaking his head: "Their fortune-telling is very vague, and the teacher spent a lot of life beads to see that vague picture, an ancient road, a bloody battle, Tang Yan died, and the blood stained the blue sky.

But it's just this scene, when the mentor tried his best to continue to penetrate, an invisible force backlashed, causing the mentor to be injured.It's almost the same as the situation when I first met the big brother.The mentor is very curious, so he wants to meet Tang Yan in person. "

In front of his sister, Jing Feiyu didn't have any reservations.

Jing Hongyu was silent, only now did he know that there was such a secret in inviting Tang Yan.The younger sister didn't tell the truth until this moment, and there were even a few slight disguises before, it was really embarrassing for the younger sister: "I thought it was because of the ghost."

"Ghost green fire is a fire of calamity, and Tang Yan is no exception."

"Find him first, and bring him back as much as possible. Whether the mentor wants to protect him, or just wants to understand the fortune-telling, it is beyond our control."

Tang Yan was sneaking in the forest, with the two dead mountains as the center, gradually circled and deepened from the outermost, and also deliberately leaked his own breath, even leaving a trace of blue fire in some hidden places flames.

Finally, when turning to the third circle, the stealthy figure stopped, and the whole person lurked like a night owl, staring ahead through the messy gaps.

In the dark place where the rhizomes and branches were messy, an old figure sat silently, almost blending with the environment. If it wasn't for Tang Yan's very careful exploration, he might not be able to find that there would be a person inside.

"Come out, I've been waiting for you for a long time." The hoarse voice was very vicissitudes, but also very gentle. It did not bring a sense of danger, but it seemed to reveal a trace of weakness, and even coughed slightly.

"Are you...the patriarch of the royal family of Yan Kingdom?" Tang Yan asked tentatively.

"Little guy, you made a lot of noise this time. Ghost Qinghuo, hehe, no wonder you care about that girl Yuhan." The old man smiled slightly and looked up in Tang Yan's direction.

Through the dim light, what Tang Yan saw was a pale face, full of wrinkles. At first glance, it looked like a piece of crumpled white paper, very old and out of shape.

I couldn't help but feel a sudden burst in my heart, and the footsteps that were about to sell immediately stopped.

This appearance is completely different from the imaginative image of the ancestor of the Yan Kingdom, and even does not match the image of a saint. There is no majesty, no arrogance and dominance, but it looks like an old man who has exhausted the vitality of his life , dying.

"Why, did it scare you?" The old man smiled calmly, with a very gentle attitude and a bit of inexplicable loss.

"Old Ancestor, this is..." Tang Yan looked carefully, then got up and walked up, the closer he got, the more he felt something was wrong, this old age seemed very abnormal.

"Let your friends not be nervous, no one here is malicious." The old man glanced at the darkness behind Tang Yan consciously or unconsciously, and smiled kindly.

In the darkness, the pair of pitch-black eyes with no white eyes narrowed slightly, and the shadow clenched the bayonet in his hand.

"Are you hurt? Who can hurt you?"

Tang Yan has been face to face with the holy beast, and he knows the feeling of the stream watching the ocean best. Today is the first time he gets along with the holy man, but he feels as calm and kind as the grandfather next door.

Doesn't the breath leak out?Is it because the ancestor of Yan Guo deliberately restrained himself?

Even if he restrained himself deliberately, the aura possessed by the saint could not be concealed, it could only show that...he was injured, and it was very serious.

But if you think about it carefully, it must be a fierce battle to make it hurt in such a situation. A battle between saints is enough to destroy the mountains, and it must cause a lot of sensation.

How could this be?
The old man is the ancestor of the Yan Kingdom, but now he is weak and haggard, on the verge of extinction. "I came here following your news. I have been searching in the Luoyue Mountains for eight days, and I found the Crow's Nest Abyss three days ago. I speculate that the Qianjie Soul Resurrection Flower is probably inside, so... I went in... ..."

"Did the four-winged white crow hurt your soul?"

"No..." The old man shook his head slowly, his vicissitudes of eyes seemed to see the situation three days ago: "I didn't see the four-winged white crow, I didn't see anything, there was only one road, an ancient ghost road, extending into the boundless void."

"But why..." Tang Yan was strange and impatient, what happened?what's at the end of the roadWhat about the four-winged raven that Victoria spoke of?
The patriarch of Yan State was silent, recalling that the situation back then was the strangest nightmare of his life. "I walked in it for a long time, lost my direction, and lost my sense of time. It is a road, a boundless road, but it trapped me for three years. I tried all means to escape from it."

"Three years?"

"I thought I had been inside for three years, but I only found out that it was three days when I came out, but my vitality has disappeared for 3000 years." The ancestor of Yan Guo raised his hand, looked at the folds that he couldn't bear to look at, and smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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