Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 798

Chapter 798

"I'm so honored, you actually know me? Dare I ask you my name?" Tang Yan smiled, but suddenly he killed this person. The ancient sword slashed out the soul, as if there was an ancient demon roaring in the world.

Slashing the soul is like an invisible ripple in space, but it has the power to kill the soul.

"Hall of the Holy Spirit, Pei Jian!" This person pushed out his palm without fear, waves or ripples, and the black mist that permeated the surroundings suddenly spewed out, turning into countless soul threads, and then entwined into one at an astonishing speed. Only palm prints, intercepting Soul Slashing head-on.

But Tang Yan's main attack is not here. At the moment of chopping the soul, the whole body spins and shoots high into the sky. With the rapid rotation of the body, a surge of blue flames gushes and sweeps, and instantly turns into a distorted hurricane of blue flames. .

"Shadow Wings!" Deep in the vortex, Tang Yan let out a hiss, and his arms raised to the sky violently. A huge fire eagle that was tens of meters in size screamed through gold and cracked rocks, struggling to break through the vortex, as if made of strange creatures. The speed is out of control and comes across.Flying over the air, then swooped down towards the other two high-ranking Martial Masters, with a swift and fierce momentum, and the flames were soaring.

"Who can resist my ghostly blue fire!" Tang Yan danced in the sky, stirring up the twisted vortex of flames, and blasted at the fourth young master head-on with an out-of-control momentum.

A series of left-handed and right-handed attacks were completed in a blink of an eye.

The fourth young master's expression changed slightly, and he faced him across the sky, and punched out a soul punch: "The soul is cracked!"

Countless soul threads are twisted and pierced through the sky like thousands of steel bars, spreading nearly a hundred meters in an instant, shaking the whole space to pieces. Although it is a soul attack, it turns into a storm of qi, like a galloping army, like a tsunami wave sweeping away, He even faced the out-of-control green fire wave with a positive attitude.

Boom boom boom!The sky above the forbidden ground trembled wildly, and the gang energy gathered by the green fire and the space crack produced an unpredictable explosion, sweeping and collapsing with a truly out-of-control attitude.

And the other four high-ranking Martial Venerables all backed away, all swinging thousands of chains and blasting towards the ground fiercely: "Alien speed ghosts, speed attract all living beings."

Booming, a ghost gate burst out of the ground, with blue-faced fangs and ghostly roars. The strange sound waves seem to be able to crush people's souls, and behind the ghost gate fangs is like a strange space channel, connecting endless voids.

Shadow Wing Zhan dragged his long blue flames, and blasted the ghost-faced fangs tens of meters high head-on. In an instant, the ghost howled high-pitched, and the terrifying tearing force gushed out from its wide mouth, swallowing the entire Blue Fire Eagle like a whale. swallowed it.

Very scene suddenly exquisite.

The four black shadows stood up with a cold snort, and were about to look down upon the sky and mock Tang Yan, but they didn't want to... A sneer sounded from one of them, and Tang Yan's continuous offensive came again, directly attacking one of them, and surrounding them The violent fireballs roaring beside him engulfed him densely.

Three of them were shocked and tried their best to rescue them!
The strange assassination reappeared, a ghost stopped one of them head-on, and the poisoned black short knife went straight to his throat.

But this time... "Enough is enough!" The fourth son snorted coldly, and three black lines shot into the air, blasting towards the mysterious ghost with the might of steel bars piercing the air.

The person who was attacked was furious and violently struck, and the dense soul chains struck with a heavy fist.

The ghost shadow is erratic and disappears in a flash.

Whoosh whoosh.

The three surviving people all rushed to the sky, surrounded by the Fourth Young Master, their eyes under the black cloak flashed with horror and anger.

"Be careful, that ghost's speed is too fast, it's abnormally fast, I clearly saw him, but..." The black robe who escaped from the assassination felt lingering fear, but he couldn't tell what he felt.

The assassination came so suddenly that people were caught off guard. The timing was exquisite, but what surprised them most was the speed, which was a completely incomprehensible speed, as if time and space had stopped.

The black-robed man who was injured before but survived also returned to the team. He looked very weak and was affected by the toxin. He was in great pain: "The poison on the knife can even corrode the soul!"

"Sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now, what did you say is your name?" Tang Yan began to formalize the leader, resisting the soul-slashing skill with one hand, and then confronted Qinghuo head-on with weird and powerful martial arts.

It subverted Tang Yan's perception of soul warriors.

And this person's strength is definitely more than one level higher than the surrounding guards!
Who is this man?What's the background?Could it be the high-level successor of the Holy Spirit Hall?
And that 'ghost', today's performance surprised him, and secretly rejoiced that the decision in the desert was not in vain.

Pei Jian's voice was calm and gloomy: "Because of my stupid younger brother Pei Quan's mistakes, the Holy Spirit Hall always thought you were a small person and didn't pay attention to it. It's your actions since you entered the Central Plains that opened my eyes. Thinking that you carry the ancient sky fire that was left behind on your body.

Let me tell you something worthy of your pride, the Temple of the Holy Spirit has listed you as the top prey.Your treatment as a top game can make a big difference. "

"What's the difference?"

"Let you hand over Skyfire willingly."

"Haha, you are very humorous."

Pei Jian smiled speculatively: "I think so too. But my humor always has a dark taste, I hope you will like it."

"Why don't you give it a try? I have strong tastes, and I can accept any kind of humor." Tang Yan talked softly with a smile, secretly looking for opportunities, and also quietly cleaning up, preparing to unite and give him another blow, killing him. two.

"You really want to hear it?"

"bring it on."

"Are you ready?"

"You are always welcome."

Pei Jian laughed softly: "Ghost Green Fire is your treasure, and you may risk your life to protect it. But according to our investigation, especially your performance in the Dros Empire, you have something more precious , and will make you willing to risk your life to protect it.”

"Go on, I'm listening."

"These two treasures are both your treasures. If we get one of them and insist on exchanging the other with you, you say... would you be willing to exchange it?"

Tang Yan stared at him for a while, and said: "I take back what I just said. You have no sense of humor and can't tell jokes. I don't know, I don't understand what you mean."

hum! !

A strange sound shook the mountains. It wasn't grand, but it was extremely dull. It was like a drum beating. The ferocious beasts and birds entrenched were restless, and the star hunters who were exploring the mountains and plains all stayed in place, looking around vigilantly.

"Is it the road to return to the soul?! Grandfather is coming out?!" The fourth young master was startled, and all his attention was focused on the abyss of the crow's nest.

At the entrance of the dead and dark abyss, the gray lifeless energy surged and swelled, trembling almost like boiling, but it was surprisingly quiet, making one's heart chill, as if some evil ghost was about to be born.

Tang Yan withdrew temporarily and hid in the dark dense forest.

The surging dead air suddenly stopped, but the two mountains suddenly trembled. A crack as thick as a person extended vertically and horizontally from the root, reaching the top of Qianren Mountain. There was a rumble, and gravels continued to fall, but at the moment of attacking the dead air, all weathering.

"Jian'er, retreat quickly!" From the entrance of the abyss, an old voice came out, as if coming from the endless void, the voice was inexplicably old.

"Retreat!!" Pei Jian immediately retreated hundreds of meters with the guards.

A majestic black mist was like a river, like a vast ocean, breaking through the confinement wildly, piercing through the sky from the depths of the abyss, engulfing Pei Jian in an instant, and a roar came from inside: "Go!!"

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Like ten thousand babies crying, like a flock of crows contending, the sound is like a tide, followed by the mighty black mist coming from the road of returning to the soul, fluttering, countless black crows rushed out of the road of returning to the soul, overwhelming, countless, they are not real , but a strange misty phantom with a pair of evil blood-colored eyes.

The group of crows rioted and roared incessantly, flooding the sky with astonishing momentum, spreading thousands of meters into the sky, and devouring the three powerhouses who had just escaped from the Holy Spirit Hall.

"Qianjie Huihuhunhua belongs to the Nether Ghost Road, you and other thieves, stay here!"

A strange sound like rubbing sand and stones reverberated across the world. Within a radius of tens of kilometers, no matter whether it was a monster or a warrior, their whole bodies trembled slightly. It felt like their souls were about to be torn apart, and they were in sharp pain like needles.

Tang Yan was hiding in the forbidden area, and was most affected. It was as if a steel knife split him in half, and his face turned pale for a while.

In the depths of the abyss, ghostly aura lingers and black mist surges. A palm-sized crow rushes out. It looks petite, but it is pale all over. It is a kind of deathly paleness. It has four wings and a pair of green eyes like will-o'-the-wisps. .

Its appearance made the world feel cold, with gusts of gloomy wind and ghostly aura, like a ghost city descending from hell. In the area around the dead mountain, countless rocks began to shatter, countless ancient trees began to wither, and strange scenes spread rapidly to the surroundings. .

Tang Yan was startled, and immediately launched the eight-phase thunder seal and retreated at full speed until he was [-] meters away. After hesitating for only half a minute, his body showed signs of aging.

Four-winged white crow? !
Looking at the distance, the boundless black mist has enveloped the mountains and valleys, covering everything in the sky. Countless ancient trees in the sky are withering and decaying. Make dry bones.

A kind of extreme decay and death, a kind of strange death engulfing.

"Leave the Thousand Knots Returning Soul Flower!"

"Don't even think about it! The most precious treasure in the world, those who can get it!"

Two roars exploded in the area of ​​the dead city, and the dead air and black mist that enveloped the mountains swept like a hurricane, and the riots continued, and the scope obviously increased again.

It was the fierce battle between the two saints, which changed the sky in the vast Luoyue Mountain Range. Dark clouds gathered, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, as if the doomsday had come.

Tang Yan was secretly shocked, and had to retreat at full speed, for fear of being affected.Now it's not a question of whether to grab it or not. Once you rush in, you will become an old man in a short time.

No wonder the patriarchs of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom were depressed.

"Huh? Wait!" Tang Yan paused, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of five black shadows flying across the mountaintop in the distance. Is it Pei Jian? !

"The Qianjie Hunhua is likely to be in their hands!" A ghostly black figure appeared behind him, with a slightly hoarse and weak breath.

Tang Yan's eyes were cloudy and cloudy. Looking back at the situation at that time, the saints in the Holy Spirit Temple seemed to deliberately cover Pei Jian and others, and then pushed him out.

Could it be..."Old Ancestor!! Come with me!!" Tang Yan suddenly roared towards the center of the storm with a lion's roar, turned around and chased after Pei Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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