Chapter 81
Tang Yan was full of murderous aura, and the spiritual power in his body was in a riot. Struggling and howling in the cyclone.

Evil and cold!
Feeling the lock of this breath, the white-faced scholar no longer blindly dodges, and stands with a gun in his hands.At this moment, the internal and external injuries were excruciatingly painful, but he couldn't stop the aura of 'breaking the river with one shot'.

Facing each other, the breath collided!
"Sister's sacrifice, the fourth one!" A hoarse whisper, Tang Yan's blood-red eyes were cruel and crazy, and the surging cyclone instantly rioted, condensed into a silent beam, and burst out.

"Gintama!" The white-faced scholar's spear vibrated and turned into spear shadows all over the sky, but it condensed in an instant, as if piercing through space.

Clang!Two sharp energies collided in the air, and the clanging sound was like piercing gold and cracking stones. The entire space was distorted and chaotic, and the dazzling light made people dare not look directly at it.

Gintama's spear is domineering and sharp enough to kill all Wu Zong!
But today he was seriously injured, and this full-force shot was far from perfect as expected.The dying light shattered Gintama, pierced through the white-faced scholar's body, and the strong impact blasted him away head-on.

"Go to the funeral!" The cold voice sounded in the ear, and the pupils of the white-faced scholar suddenly condensed, how is it possible?too fast!

Before he could make any counterattack, Tang Yan's flaming blade pierced through the air, splitting it in half on the spot.

The last palace guard died tragically!
Du Yang entangled Liu Weihua not far away. With the continuous replenishment of spiritual source liquid, he turned the entire area into a riotous stone forest, trapping Liu Weihua in it.

The scene was chaotic, chaotic and restless, fluffy ice chips and dust rolled in all directions, mixed with Du Yang's crazy roar and Liu Weihua's miserable scream.

Rachel abandoned him at a critical moment and fled a thousand meters away to adjust her breathing in embarrassment.

"The fifth one!" Tang Yan walked slowly towards the stone forest.

"Hurry up! I can't hold on any longer!" Du Yang's body was also seriously injured due to excessive swallowing of the spiritual source liquid, and his meridians seemed to be torn apart, but he still persisted, with a ferocious face, scarlet eyes, and a loud explosion Roar, the rock forest ran wild, and all the petrified lights enveloped the center.

Liu Weihua let out a desperate scream, the way of the earth and the way of the wood collided and broke out, doing the final madness.

boom!A violent explosion broke out in the central area, the rock forest shattered, and the petrified light scattered. Liu Weihua's desperate counterattack finally achieved results, but when the dust dispersed, Tang Yan's sword was already clamped around his neck.

Liu Weihua was terrified: "Tang Yan, enough is enough, you can kill me, but you can't escape the wanted by the Great Zhou Empire"

With a swirl of the ancient saber, Liu Weihua's throat was torn open. The thick blood soaked the saber and sprinkled Tang Yan's whole body.

Tang Yan's cold eyes swept across the audience, and the young masters and ladies of the aristocratic families in the distance felt a chill in their hearts.He is just a child, how can he be so cruel?He is just a child, to what extent will his mind be distorted?
Du Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up unsteadily, and said hoarsely, "There is a sixth one."

"There!" Tang Yan saw Rachel on the wall a thousand meters away.

"It's not that simple to kill me!" Rachel's face was gloomy, her right hand slowly stretched out, her index finger and middle finger were tightly closed, and the crystal thunder knife condensed again!

"Rachel, you're the last one!" Tang Yan's mouth curled up in a cruel arc, and he stepped forward, moving forward without hesitation!

But at this moment, a vast aura enveloped suddenly.

bang bang!Tang Yan and Du Yang were caught off guard and knelt heavily on the ground.

"It's King Wu!" On the high platform in the distance, many people exclaimed in surprise. Looking at the figure coming from the sky, it was King Wu!King Ling's Mansion sent King Wu!

"Yeah!" Tang Yan and Du Yang roared and struggled crazily, but the heavy coercion permeated their whole bodies, and they slowly lowered their heads and bent their waists, their hands trembling to support the ground.

The black girl lay dead on the ground, her body almost changed shape, and she let out a low whine.

"Zhou Linglu, you son of a bitch!" Tang Yan and Du Yang hissed and roared, but the pressure on their bodies piled up sharply, and they couldn't hold on any longer. They fell on the ground with a loud bang, as if a thousand-thousand-thousand mountain fell down, almost Squeeze them into patties.

"Lingwang Mansion doesn't follow the rules!" Tang Mingjing's face darkened, and his cold gaze was directed at Zhou Linglu in the distance.

The powerhouses watching the battle from afar frowned. To deal with the two juniors, they didn't hesitate to use King Wu. What the Lingwang Mansion did was indeed a little too much.

"Kill them!" Zhou Linglu didn't care about everyone's gaze, and gave an order to Wu Wang'Uncle Hua' who was in mid-air.

"Zhou Linglu, how dare you!" Tang Mingjing finally erupted, with a violent aura rushing out. Although he kept a low profile, he was also the King of Martial Arts!

"Do you dare?" Zhou Linglu looked over coldly.

"Brother!" Tang Mingzhong quickly controlled Tang Mingjing, shaking his head slowly: "For the family, you can't!"

Tang Mingjing struggled violently in his heart, his face turned ferocious amidst the gloom.After everyone in the family shook their heads one after another, he slowly closed his eyes, clenched his hands tightly, nails digging into his flesh: "Yan'er, father is sorry for you"

"I'm really curious that you've survived until now. It's unprecedented for you to activate such a lineup in the Lingwang Mansion for the sake of two little babies." Uncle Hua stood in mid-air, stretched out his hand, and a gust of cold mist sharpened his claws. When the air buckled towards the two of them, the terrifying squeeze force immediately enveloped them.

Both Tang Yan and Du Yang's struggles were still, their entire bodies were almost buried in the ground, the bones made a crisp cracking sound, and the black girl couldn't even groan
The gap between Wu Zong and Wu Wang is like heaven and earth!

Uncle Hua let out a cold snort, clenched his sharp claws violently, and the frost in the entire area exploded on the spot.

Tang Mingjing's heart twitched for a while, but he didn't make unnecessary struggles after all.

finished?The crowd watching the battle was silent for a while. Looking at the battlefield where the ice splattered, their eyes were inexplicably complicated. A 15-year-old child, a rebellious son of a family, a talented young man who should have had a bright life, failed to resist the hegemony after all. suppression.

"Ming Zhong, help me bring Yan'er's body home." Tang Mingjing couldn't bear to take another look, sighed quietly, turned and left the roof.

Tang Mingzhong signaled the guards to accompany his elder brother, jumped off the tall building, and walked towards the ice debris alone. Today's battle is destined to cause a sensation in the Northern Wilderness, and their Tang family will not only become the laughing stock of the world, but also lose an amazing talent. offspring.

is it right or wrong
Tang Mingzhong felt inexplicable bitterness, and hoped that the matter would end like this.But within a few steps, Tang Mingzhong's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his eyes were fixed on the place filled with ice and fog.

That is
"Ah!" A shrill scream suddenly came out in the air, Uncle Hua hugged his head and screamed like a ghost, and the ice crystals around him began to become confused.

"What?" The people who were dispersing all looked into the air.

"Look below!" Someone exclaimed, following his reminder, everyone's eyes focused on the ground. In the shattered place, the cold air was spreading and the ice crystals were falling. Tang Yan, Du Yang, and Hei Niu curled up on the ground, His body was covered with ice crystals, dripping with blood, but he didn't die!The chest is still heaving!

Above them, a pale paper figurine hangs silently in the air, swaying with the wind, with its head upturned.

"That's that..." Tang Ming looked at the paper figurine firmly, feeling a kind of inexplicable horror, his eyes suddenly turned to the side, and fixed on the man in black who was slowly walking out from the entrance of the alley.

"Who is that? What an evil breath!"

"Why do I feel panicked?"

"Who is this person? Is this trying to provoke the Lingwang Palace?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, full of surprise. At this moment, they openly attacked the worshipers of the Lingwang Mansion and rescued Tang Yan under the eyes of everyone. Wouldn't it be obvious that they were against the Lingwang Mansion?

Where is another ruthless person
The man in black walked up to Tang Yan, and the paper figurine fluttered in the wind and landed on him, but the moment they touched each other, the paper figurine came alive!Limbs moved, head turned, and slowly climbed onto the man's body, cold flames jumped out of the empty eyes.

At this moment, everyone felt the coldness emanating from the bottom of their hearts, and they couldn't help taking two steps back, as if the paper figurine was some kind of evil creature.

"Ren Tianzang! It's you." Uncle Hua quickly calmed down, fixed his fierce eyes on the man in black below: "You saved Tang Yan over and over again, aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to the Ren family?"

"Ren Tianzang?"

"Where are you from? Why haven't you heard of it?"

People talk about it.

"People from the Ren family?" Tang Mingjing, the head of the Yang family, and the head of the Li family breathed in quietly, looking at the man in black with the paper figure on his back in unconcealed amazement.

My God!How did you provoke this kind of ghost to the Giant Elephant City?

wrong!How did he cross the border of the empire? Why did he come to the Great Zhou Empire and why did he save Tang Yan?

All kinds of doubts hovered in his mind, turning into a tremor in his eyes!
"Father, what is the Ren family?" Tang Gan asked strangely, not only him, but ninety-nine percent of the people inside and outside the city were full of doubts.

"A family that can't be offended!" Tang Mingjing obviously didn't want to say more, looked at Ren Tianzang, and then at Tang Yan who was struggling below, his eyes became extraordinarily weird.

"Have you been to Chenyuan Pavilion?" Ren Tianzang asked Tang Yan on his own, ignoring everyone, let alone Uncle Hua who was in the air.

"They came looking for me." Tang Yan climbed out of the deep pit tremblingly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and swallowed the remaining three pieces of spiritual source liquid, his whole body was filled with spiritual power again, and the broken wounds healed quickly.

"You are too impatient. Wuling's leap to Wuzong shouldn't be so fast." Ren Tianzang observed Tang Yan.

"I can't help myself." Tang Yan took a deep breath, but he didn't calm down the chaotic spiritual power in his body. He could clearly feel that the body destruction technique was reaching its limit, and he would be sucked into a mummy by it!
"Tang Yanshan, do you want to rebel?" At this moment, a roar suddenly came from a distance in the sky.

What? ?Everyone was startled and looked into the sky in amazement. A berserk cloud of fire burst out from the sky above the Tang Mansion. The entire Giant Elephant City was shrouded in its pressure, and the temperature of the sky and the earth rose sharply.

"My God, I haven't seen the ancestor of the Tang family in ten years." The people of Giant Elephant City stared at the terrifying fire cloud with awe.

(End of this chapter)

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