Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 816 Sending a Letter to Nanhuang Palace

Chapter 816 Sending a Letter to Nanhuang Palace

Tang Yan lay on the stone bed in the stone room, staring at the pale roof in a daze.

After several twists and turns, he finally stood in the wasteland and walked into this land where the new generation of the overlord empire gathered, which also attracted a lot of attention.

Ever since he left the Luoyue Mountains, visited the Gu family, and walked to the Hero Terrace, Tang Yan had a voice in his heart asking repeatedly whether he should come and whether it was worth it, but he couldn't restrain himself from fighting against the new elite of the empire. impulse.

What Tang Yan valued was not the ranking of the hero list, but the passion to compete with these empire legends. The titles and legends not only made the contemporaries of the wasteland admire, but also made Tang Yan feel irresistible. heart of challenge.

But...the challenge brings the passion, but also the danger.Judging from the ranking of the empire's heroes, even if it is to resist Chu Tianchao and Xia Beilou, he needs to use all his strength, and he may even have to give it a go.After all, they have some reservations, so they might not have a life-saving weapon at the bottom of the box.

Tang Yan believes that it won't take long for the war to start, and these empire geeks will force him to reveal his identity, that is to say... the star battlefield is over, and he must become a new focus, and he may be able to leave the wasteland safely. He may not be able to leave Heiyun City, he may be able to escape from Heiyun City, and he may not be able to be safe and sound in Tiandi City.

This is also why I repeatedly asked the Gu family to ensure that I evacuated safely.

But... the ancestor of the Gu family retreated, so he must not take action easily, whether he can protect his own safety.Also, if other old monsters get the news and jointly attack Tiandi City, will the ancestors of the Gu family work hard for themselves?
There are too many variables, too many unknowns, and the more dangers that accompany it, the more you think about it.

Tang Yan is eager to participate in the star battlefield, and he must also participate in this bloody battle. If he leaves in a hurry now, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

But he can't put his life on the unfamiliar Gu family, if he makes a mistake, he will be lost forever.

Tang Yan took out a brocade box from the golden lock, a jade-like sky-blue brocade box, solid to the touch, filled with strange space power, causing the surrounding space to distort and fluctuate, like a rippling lake.

This is the gift she got when she recognized her mother, the Immortal Phoenix, a red brocade box and a blue brocade box.Inside the red brocade box is the phoenix feather tempered by the undead phoenix, which has shocked all heroes in the Human Palace. The blue brocade box is a space tunnel, which will connect to the eternal beast mountain in the endless void.

In addition to the blue brocade box given by Immortal Phoenix, there was another brocade box gifted by Nine-tailed Tmall lying quietly inside the golden lock, which also contained surging power of space.However, the brocade box given by Tmall is even more special, with traces left behind on purpose.

Holding the blue brocade box, Tang Yan hesitated. If he really encountered a crisis, he had to call for help from the Eternal Beast Mountain, but...he had made an agreement with the Immortal Phoenix that he would not use the name of the Eternal Beast Mountain to blatantly show off, and he also agreed to see him again When the undead phoenix, he formally paid homage to his mother with glory and brilliance, but he was crying for help in embarrassment.

Tang Yan's aloof character is also not good at taking advantage of the power of others, even if he is really in danger.

But... Ghost Green Fire is like a ticking time bomb, it is easy to attract coveted eyes wherever you go, you need to have an identity, an identity that is enough to shock ordinary forces and make powerful forces feel afraid.

Tang Yan hesitated for a long time, then summoned a trace of spiritual power and poured it into the blue brocade box.

In the depths of the void where coldness and darkness coexist, a majestic giant quietly floats. The powerful space restriction shields all directions and resists the invasion of space turbulence. Existence allows this giant to last forever and hide in the depths of nothingness.

Nanhuang Immortal Palace, the ancient sacrificial altar, a dense ray of light gushed out like a spring, and gently sprinkled on the top of the mountain. The brilliance was not so dazzling, but it alarmed a demon master guarding the top of the mountain.

After a cup of tea, Skylark, who shrouded the sky, got a report and came to the top of the mountain to stare at the frequently fluctuating altar. It was a little unclear, but the altar is not only the basis for maintaining the space barrier, but also a passage to the outside world. Could it be that someone wanted to Reverse the void and unilaterally break into the mountain of eternal beasts?

With a dignified expression, Skylark rushed to the deepest part of the Immortal Palace despite the entrustment of the Death Phoenix before retreat.

But... "Skylark covering the sky, why did you trespass on the Phoenix Palace!" A low-pitched voice emerged from the front of the Phoenix Palace where the Immortal Phoenix was located. The giant phantom slowly stood up, emitting a terrifying fighting power that made the Asgard Palace tremble.

This is the image of a white ape, with a strong body, and every part contains a sense of explosive power like a volcano, but there is no exaggerated bloatedness, but a perfect posture.

It has wings on its back, a heroic face, and the end of its tail is more like a steel gun, chilling and sharp.

Just a phantom of Dao made the whole fairy palace silent for a moment, and even the noble semi-holy Skylark immediately retracted his posture and bowed respectfully to the white shadow: "There is something abnormal on the altar, it seems that there is a smell The power is reversing the empty scar tunnel, and this subordinate would like to ask His Royal Highness the Undead Phoenix for instructions."

"The Immortal Phoenix has been closed to death. Unless a strong enemy invades, don't disturb it." Bai Ying's voice was powerful, with irresistible coercion.

"But the altar has a lot to do with the stability of the Eternal Beast Mountain."

"Don't disturb His Highness's retreat." Bai Ying stared at the mountain peak where the altar was located in the distance, the light spread out and turned into dots, and then gathered on the altar thousands of meters away, overlooking the gushing glow.

Shrouding Skylark came over with him: "Do you need to notify Dongkui?"

Bai Ying was silent for a long time, with a slightly solemn expression: "The Eternal Beast Mountain is completely closed, and the altar is blocked. No one will reverse the space and forcefully break into the Beast Mountain. There is only one possibility for this to happen. This is the young master trying to contact Nanhuang."

"Young master? Young master!" Shrouding Skylark was puzzled at first, then changed color.

"Before His Highness retreated, he left a request on purpose. The young master left with a brocade box, which is the empty trace passage to the Eternal Beast Mountain. The young master wandered the mainland alone, and the ghost green fire in his body may be exposed at any time. Once the young master asks for help, It must be in danger, and Nanhuang Dingdang will do its best to help."

"But Beast Mountain has been closed, and it may face threats. It is easy to be attacked by the Temple of Demon Suppression if it is forced to appear on the mainland."

"Your Highness attaches great importance to the young master. If the ghost Qinghuo can grow up, it must be an existence beyond the saint." Bai Ying is not Pang Ren, but the new demon saint of Nanhuang Immortal Palace - Tiangang Spirit Ape!
The new demon saint who swallowed Tianluan White Ape's transformation, obtained the holy soul of the holy mountain, and melted the bones of the holy beast. It has unimaginable potential and extremely terrifying combat power.

But it has transformed without forgetting its roots, it is still loyal to the Immortal Phoenix, guarding the Southern Phoenix during its retreat!
"You mean..." Shading Skylark pondered, "Contact Dongkui?"

"I'm going to invite Zhu Qiang, turn around the Nanhuang altar, and open up the void. I don't need all the ancient beast mountains to come down to the world, I am enough!" The aura of the Tiangang Spiritual Ape was lifted, and the mighty aura shook Nanhuang.

... To the east of Black Cloud City, there is a deserted hill, the low whistle echoes for a long time, dozens of black shadows flash across the rolling hills like lightning, and gather towards the remote area.

They were all covered in black robes, with a striking blood-colored dragon pattern embroidered on their backs, in a entrenched posture, even though it was just a tattoo, it exuded a pungent blood aura.

The old slave from Jiulongling sat cross-legged in the corner, no longer as lazy as usual, with a solemn expression and hostility in his eyes.

Dozens of figures gathered together, knelt down on one knee, and offered news one after another.

"According to the news from Luoyue Mountain Range, the 'Wolf Pack' of the Star Card Club in Yunzhong Town has accepted an assassination mission, and the target is the young master. The news confirms that the young master did show up on Broken Head Mountain, and he and the five hundred wolves Yu Xing brand hunters fought fiercely, slaughtered more than [-] people, and fled into the Golden Desert. Afterwards, the Arbitration Kingdom's troops entered the desert with [-] forbidden troops, but there was no news, and no one left. meet."

The old slave looked indifferent: "Contact the evil dragon troops in Jiulongling, and gather in Yunzhong Town within three days. If you don't leave any wolves, kill them!"

Another black shadow continued to report: "Two days ago, the ancient family of Tiandicheng received a mysterious guest, and was received by its young master Gu Lingfeng. This afternoon, there was a sensation in Heiyun City, and a mysterious heir of the ancient family abolished the young master of the Di family in public. Di Lei. The Gu family announced the city to the outside world. This person is the descendant of the Gu family living outside.

But according to the investigation, there is no lost descendant of the ancient family, and [-]% of the subordinates concluded that this person is the young master! "

Another black shadow reported: "According to news from the wasteland, the mysterious heir of the ancient family accepted the test of the hero's stage in the evening, overwhelming all the heroes, and ranked ninth in the overall list."

"The young master is participating in the Star Battlefield?" The old slave's eyes were shining, and he stood up: "The Star Battlefield is full of dangers, and it is a foregone conclusion that the young master will reveal his identity. Contact your husband immediately and come to Heiyun City to meet!"

(End of this chapter)

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