Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 819 Star Battlefield

Chapter 819 Star Battlefield
Xia Beilou grabbed Tang Yan's neck, and the corroded black mist turned into dense black snakes wrapped around Tang Yan's body, eroding his flesh cruelly, like the bite of a wild beast, the scene was horrible.

Tang Yan's body was corroded in a large area, which was shocking. Due to the suppression of the surrounding domains, his body was unable to move and resist.But with a cruel smile on his face, he let the black mist 'bite' the flesh and blood, because... the flesh and blood are rapidly healing themselves, trying to balance the speed of erosion and self-healing.The situation is like resisting the poisonous mist on the surface of the body, it is difficult to get in, let alone hurt the bones.

Xia Beilou snorted and snorted coldly, and the strength of grabbing Tang Yan's neck suddenly increased.The turbulent and pervasive black mist of corrosion rapidly shrank to a range of more than ten meters, almost turning into a pond, trapping Tang Yan in it.

"That's the only way? Xia Beilou, I'm sure of you!!" Tang Yan roared, and the Immortal Yantian Art was working hard, resisting the erosion with all its strength.At the same time, his body shook suddenly, trembling with the binding force exerted on his whole body, he slammed his palm towards Xia Beilou's chest.

Although the inside of the black mist was like glue and it was very difficult to move around, Tang Yan's attack was still domineering and swift, as if he had broken free from the shackles of the domain and attacked brazenly.

But... the moment his palm print hit, Xia Beilou's body turned into a black mist with a bang, and disappeared around him without a trace or breath.

This is not only a field of corrosion, but also a field of dominance. Xia Beilou can make changes based on Xia Beilou's thoughts, and even make his body transfer between different areas instantly.

"Open it for me!!" Tang Yan clenched his teeth, roaring like a beast, forcibly resisting the binding force pouring into his whole body, and a surging beam of destruction shot out from the eyes of Nirvana, piercing through the black mist domain in an instant, leaving behind a Blank channel.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Xia Beilou flashed to intercept him, and the surrounding black fog thickened again.

But Tang Yan had already used the gap to fight out, somersaulted in the air, and the remnant sword slammed into his hands. The sword glowed like a tide, like a small sun cutting towards the black mist field.

"Boom!" The black mist was as thick as a tide, and it completely accepted the destructive power of Jianmang.

Is this poisonous fog?Or does it contain the power of devouring?

To be able to easily accept the power of the crit attack of the broken sword!
Xia Beilou showed up safe and sound, with a frightening coldness in his fox-like eyes, staring at Tang Yan coldly: "I will make you pay with blood!"

"I'm waiting for you at Star Battlefield!" Tang Yan stopped entanglement and flew back.This Xia Beilou is really not a good stubble, and it is completely impossible to subdue it easily.But with the crowds around him, he would be tied up when fighting, and would fall into a passive state instead.Anyway, the effect of the sneak attack has been achieved, so there is no need to entangle, and wait for the star battlefield to decide the high and low.

Xia Beilou did not pursue. Now that the sky and the earth are about to merge, the warriors of all races gradually adapted to the situation and launched counterattacks. The scene gradually began to turn, and the monsters began to retreat.

Next is the official unveiling of Star Battlefield, at this time blind pursuit will be very dangerous.

In the gathering place of the ancient family team, the attack of the ferocious beasts had just ended, and everyone was in a bit of a panic, but they stood proudly, with fighting spirit, deterring the disappearing beast hordes in the sky, and also vigilant against the other races around them.

However, there was a special guy in the team. His round shape was roughly like an ellipse, and his body was inlaid with tough crystals. It shone brightly in the sun and looked very hard.

Look like a revived crystal monster.

"What is this?" Tang Yan returned to the team and couldn't help punching him.

"I'm sub-Ao!" The crystal monster was caught off guard and flew into the distance. After falling, the hard gravel on the ground shattered, and immediately rolled up, pointing at Tang Yan and cursing: "Bastard, I don't know you!" Master Liang?! You are jealous, jealous that Master Liang has such a flamboyant outfit!"

"Zhuge Liang?" Tang Yan swung his bloody right hand and looked at the crystal monster in surprise.

"He can crystallize his body from the inside out. He can be called the defense supreme among fighters of the same level. Unless it is a soul attack, it is basically difficult to hurt him." Gu Lingfeng explained briefly and asked: "Where have you been?"

"Let's compete with Xia Beilou, understand the situation, and kill Xia Jie by the way." Tang Yan continued to examine Zhuge Liang, can he turn everything into crystals from the inside out?No wonder I almost broke my right hand when I punched him just now, it was hard enough!Enough quirks!

"You killed Xia Jie?" Everyone was shocked.

Boom boom boom!The collapsed sky and the ground completely merged, and the white glow flooded the entire wasteland, including all warriors inside.

"Pull the rope!" Gu Lingfeng threw out the rope, and everyone grabbed hold of it.

The sky is spinning, as if being swallowed by a force, completely uncontrollable.

In the space of just a few breaths, the chaotic environment suddenly brightened. They fell from high altitude one after another, plopping towards the forest below. At least the mid-air was controlled, but no one stayed in the air, and fell at full speed into the messy forest. Be vigilant.

The location they are in is an undulating woodland, the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth is very strong, it can directly compete with the Luoyue Mountains, through the old trees growing in disorder, you can see a river not far in front, it is not very spacious , very quiet and clear water flowing, wisps of spiritual energy transpiring on the surface of the river, a few goldfish can be faintly seen jumping up.

The high mountains in the distance are full of brilliance, and there are many mountains and mountains. It is so beautiful that there is a kind of nature and purity that has not been destroyed by creatures.

The strange thing is that the sky is full of stars, densely packed with stars dotted the sky, scattering soft brilliance, clear and beautiful.

This mountain forest is full of vigorous big trees, verdant and ancient, as if they have grown for a long time, the old roots are intertwined, like giant pythons coiled up, and most of the places also grow magical elixir, flowing with crystal brilliance.

There were also bursts of animal roars and birdsong in the distance, as well as the faint sound of fighting.

"Four-color lotus? How can there be four-color lotus here?" A team member's eyes were shining, and he rushed forward, picking a lotus with only four-color petals from the roots of an ancient twisted tree.

Tang Yan knows this precious medicine, it can be regarded as a high-level treasure in the outside world, and it often grows in places with complicated environments. The four-color petals contain very strong spiritual power.

I didn't expect it to grow here at will.

"Elephant trunk ginseng?! What did I see, an elephant trunk ginseng growing on the ground?"

"Look over there, it seems that there is a tree bearing fruit, it should not be an ordinary thing."

A group of people became more and more excited as they watched, and scattered to pick precious medicines.

It's so tempting.

For the heirs of middle and low-level families like them, although they are treated with courtesy because of their high talents, their family environment is limited, and they can't get all kinds of spiritual treasures, let alone these extremely rare treasures.

Zhuge Liang, a money fanatic, immediately wavered, his small eyes were about to pop out, like a fat cow running wildly in the woodland, almost plundering without leaving any armor behind.

Tang Yan didn't find any threatening aura around him, so he took a deep breath. Suddenly, a cool breath invaded the bones, which was very refreshing.

There is no oppression by the power of heaven, no persecution by powerful enemies, no threats from ferocious beasts, it seems that suddenly changing from a riotous and doomsday environment to such a peaceful and beautiful mountain forest, anyone will feel happy.

Gu Lingfeng said: "The wasteland is equivalent to an altar, which brings back the star battlefield from the endless void. After the two are merged, the wasteland is equivalent to an entrance passage, sending us to different areas. Randomly scattered in different areas of the battlefield."

"How big is Star Battlefield?"

"It is said that it can compete with Luoyue Mountain Range."

Tang Yan was secretly startled, the scope is really not small, almost comparable to the Eternal Beast Mountain.

But thinking back on the way the star battlefield appeared, I couldn't help but feel a little bit confused. Is it a pure small world, or a giant mountain range floating in the void?I remember that when Guo Fuyao introduced the origin of the Eternal Beast Mountain to himself, he said that the original Eternal Beast Mountain was more than three times its current size. However, due to repeated fierce battles, it collapsed and separated, and nearly two-thirds of the area was scattered. in different voids.

Huangfu Baiyue got up and said: "It's time to go, we're not here for sightseeing, first find out where it is, and then try to find a suitable treasure mountain to occupy and defend."

Gu Lingfeng asked Tang Yan: "Are you going to separate from us now, or act together temporarily?"

Huangfu Baiyue asked strangely: "Separate? Why do you want to separate?"

Gu Lingfeng hesitated, and said: "The original plan is actually two parts. We jointly occupy a treasure mountain, and Tang Yan occupies one alone."

Huangfu Baiyue looked at Gu Lingfeng, then at Tang Yan: "What mountain are you paying attention to?"

"Don't look at me like that, it's a task arranged by Gu Lingfeng - Three Sacred Mountains."

"Three Sacred Mountains?" The people who were frenziedly picking precious medicines in the distance were all taken aback. Looking back at Tang Yan, they asked again in a very tacit understanding: "You just said the Three Sacred Mountains?!"

Huangfu Baiyue said: "Three Sacred Mountain is not an ordinary treasure mountain, there must be more than one person who has paid attention to it, you can resist one, but not three or four!"

"If you don't try, how will you know? We are now separated. I will go to the Three Sacred Mountains, and you will look for other treasure mountains. The Xia family has been almost cleaned up by me. Only Xia Beilou and two clansmen are left, which should not be enough to threaten you. "

Gu Lingfeng took out a map and handed it to Tang Yan: "Be careful, don't worry about our side."

"Everyone, take your leave." Tang Yan clasped his fists and left in the opposite direction.

"Are you sure you want him to take risks? It is said that Chu Tianchao made it clear that he would fight at the Three Sacred Mountains. I'm afraid that both the Marquis of Beijiang and the Beidou Academy will also pay attention to him." Huangfu Baiyue slightly frowned. These ruthless people will definitely fight to the death with all their strength in order to become famous for the Three Sacred Mountains.

"Believe him, he is stronger than you expected, let's go." Gu Lingfeng was about to leave, but stopped with a frown, and looked back at the crowd: "Which of you is willing to help Gu Tianle guard the Three Sacred Mountains?"

A quarter of an hour later, Zhuge Liang's shout came from the dense forest behind Tang Yan: "Wait for me! I am your Master Liang, the handsome and handsome Master Liang!!"

Tang Yan stopped in his tracks: "Why are you here? They don't want you anymore?"

Zhuge Liang straightened his chest and said proudly: "Is it possible? They have entrusted Master Liang with a heavy responsibility to help you defend the Three Sacred Mountains."

Tang Yan smiled: "We are going to fight, not to rob, and your ability to be a rascal is useless."

"Hey, hey, what you said hurt Master Liang's heart. Master Liang is really capable, and his defense ability is super! Besides, if a frontal duel is not enough, we can play tricks, you said, we are going to fight, It’s not about going to a martial arts competition, as long as you can win. Let’s go, Master Liang will not let you down.” Zhuge Liang swaggered to the front.

Tang Yan thought for a while, his heart moved, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Baby Niu, I'll give you a chance to roll over, do you want to take it?"

(End of this chapter)

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