Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 828

Chapter 828
"Brother Diao, what exactly does this guy of yours do?" At a height of ten thousand meters, Zhuge Liang was ready to worship.When he saw Tang Yan's brave rescue of Luo Hu, that heroic and domineering figure made his blood boil, and when he saw the resolute and fearless bombardment of Tyrande, he was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat, but when Tang Yan 'molested' When Zhao Wenqing sneaked back to the lake to snatch the treasure again, he was only left with emotion.

This is the forerunner on the 'wretched road'.

I still have a long way to go.

"You haven't seen it yet?" The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was circling high in the sky, seeing Luo Hu's huge body coming back with madness and impatience, and ignored it.Because I can't help, is it possible that I let a bird go into the sea to fight with the anaconda?Tang Yan didn't need his help either.

"Oh!! Luo Hu is back!!" Zhuge Liang exclaimed, but he was limited to exclaiming, and continued to watch the show: "What do I see?"

"You are more ignorant than I imagined." The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle suddenly raised its height and rushed towards a higher height: "How strong is your defense?"

"What? What do you want to do?" Zhuge Liang hugged it's neck, looked anxiously at the lake below, and said dissatisfiedly, "You're lifting it too high, you can't even see clearly."

"Let me ask you, how strong is your defense? Can a complete defense state resist the attack of a third-order warrior?"

"Why do you ask? You are pure nonsense. Master Liang, I am a master of martial arts. I am a maverick in martial arts, and I rule all kinds of dissatisfaction! Do you think Master Liang's top [-] list is just bragging?
Master Liang's defensive power is said to be invincible, let alone a third-rank martial master, even a blow from a third-rank demon master, Master Liang is sure to resist. "

"You said this yourself. Do you want to know his real purpose for keeping you in the sky? I can let you understand immediately." The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle continued to rise straight up to the sky.

"What do you want to do?" Zhuge Liang immediately had an ominous premonition.

The lake is choppy, with whirlpools all over the lake, as violent as a river.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, the surface of the lake in the middle exploded, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a majestic and terrifying monster broke through the lake and rushed into the sky.His face is ferocious and fierce, his murderous aura is soaring to the sky, his body is vigorous, and his whole body is shining with tungsten gold, especially his four arms, which have a terrifying momentum like tearing the world apart.

It's a pity that there are no warriors left nearby for a long time, and no one appreciates the shocking scene.

"Get ready to start, the first blow, Bengtian!!" Tang Yan's figure that had just rushed out tumbling in the air, and with all his strength he slashed out a majestic sword glow, and slammed down on Luo Hu's head and face.

"Aww! Humble human being, you have made a big mistake!" Luo Hu roared angrily, his vicious aura shocked the soul, and the ferocious power shook the vast lake, enough to make all living beings kneel down.At this moment, the four arms bombarded towards the sky at the same time, their sharp claws were clenched, their scales were dense, and their strength was extremely violent, causing the crackling sound of the air.

Gathering the four arms towards the sky and striking with the four claws violently, the Gang Qi was suppressed and gathered in a very short time, forming a tough light curtain like a space shield high above the head.

The power of Gu Zhan Bengtian is obvious. Although Tang Yan has not exerted its full power, it is still comparable to an earth-level martial art. The blow with all his strength is shocking.But... Boom! !Click!The ear-piercing crackling sound exploded in mid-air, and the ancient sword shattered instantly, turning into dots of light, like countless tiny blades sweeping in all directions, and the stellar energy shield also shattered immediately.

With only [-]% of the strength remaining, the shield can completely counteract Bengtian, and Luo Hu's horror is revealed unintentionally.No wonder it dared to chase and kill Cang Ming, the second person in the Tianji Pavilion before. It didn't lose its mind in rage, but it did have the confidence to injure him severely.

Tang Yan immediately felt the pressure. This monster was stronger than he imagined, and he became more determined to subdue it.Stepping and stomping in the air, the whole figure shot straight up like a bow and arrow, the spiritual power in the body surged, and all the strength was completely released!

The surrounding spectators had already fled away when Luo Hu went crazy and chased after Cang Ming, and there was no one within a radius of more than ten miles, so he could give it a go.

The ghostly green fire spread high in the sky, converging into a blue lake, straddling the sky.The green fire is self-contained, swallowing the spiritual power of the heaven and earth, increasing the area and power of the flame by itself.

"A mere flame, what can I do?" Luo Hu rolled out of the lake, setting off a wave of waves, and as it rushed towards the high-altitude blue fire tide, the four arms tore out a terrifying flame with the power of splitting the sky. Gang Qi.

It has lived in this lake for nearly ten thousand years, and has long been integrated with each other. This lake is equivalent to its own domain, and it is completely free from fear of flame-like martial arts.

An eagle's cry resounded high in the sky, Tang Yan tossed proudly, displayed his shadow wings, and the sky was full of flames. A terrifying fire eagle with a size of [-] meters took shape, proudly fought high in the sky, turned abruptly and turned straight down, and blasted head-on Rahu.

The same size of [-] meters, the same domineering and wild.

Boom boom boom!The two collided, and the terrible impact stirred the sky, shaking all the ground in a radius of several kilometers. The mountains collapsed, the ground sank, and the churning lake was forced to stand still by this powerful impact.

The water and fire intertwined, the water mist roared violently, and the collision of water waves and flames caused an explosion-like momentum. The entire high altitude was filled with water vapor for the first time, but then it was mercilessly swallowed by green fire.

In an instant, the field of vision was clear, only the green fire remained.

The fire hawk melted, completely shattered, completely out of shape, but the impact it brought also caused Luo Hu to be severely injured again, and was mercilessly blasted towards the lake, and a large piece of green fire stayed on its body.

The wounds left by Tyrande and Cangming before became the best place for the blue fire group to belong to, and they gathered towards those parts autonomously, and 'drilled' towards the inside.

Like tens of thousands of ants crawling all over the body, hungry for flesh and blood.

The severe pain caused Luo Hu to scream like a ghost. The sound waves were like waves, almost shattering the space. His huge body twisted, writhed, and crashed down.

Tang Yan gulped down two pieces of Supreme Spiritual Source Liquid, took a deep breath, accelerated his experience, and prepared to take advantage of the victory to pursue.Although the power of the two consecutive extremely strong offensives was incredible, the spiritual power consumed was cut by more than half like a water pump.

But... at this moment, a sharp scream fell from a high altitude, and it flashed past Tang Yan in an instant, making him almost hit him without preparation, what the hell!

Take a closer look, is it Zhuge Liang? !
No, to be exact, it is the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle' and 'Zhuge Liang!

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle rushed to a height of more than [-] meters, and then... Before Zhuge Liang could react, two claws tightly controlled him, and then fell from the sky at a speed of [-] meters.

I even caused a terrible thunderstorm to fall from the sky!This time, it was different from the previous "click to stop" when provoking Xia Beilou. The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle was really playing, and it was completely desperate.

The speed soared to the extreme!
As for Zhuge Liang, he was directly bombarded by it in the way of 'dropping bombs'.

The height of more than [-] meters, and then the continuous acceleration, made Zhuge Liang's 'cannonball' have a terrible critical force. Zhuge Liang scolded the sky, but he couldn't break free and could only do his best to crystallize his whole body.

boom! !

Thunderbolt and Zhuge Liang were all bombarded, and the timing was just right. It was the moment when Luo Hu fell and raged, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't react.

Thunder aimed at his left eye, and Zhuge Liang aimed at his right eye.

Accurate hit! !Blood splashes everywhere! !

Luo Hu screamed and fell into the lake, causing surging waves, blood dripping from his eyes.Although the violent impact failed to smash its head, but... enough!

The rage of the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle at this moment is completely suicidal, not only triggering the thunder and lightning bombardment, but also blasting his own body firmly on it.

As for Zhuge Liang... When people are desperate, they often burst out with strength beyond imagination. Within ten seconds of falling from a high altitude, he cursed thoroughly, but the weightless fall also stimulated his blood beyond the limit. The whole person crystallizes from the inside out, like a crystal block of hundreds of catties, thrown from high altitude along with the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle and Thunderbolt.The violent impact shattered his whole body and shattered Luo Hu's entire eye socket.

At the moment of the impact, the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle let out a comforting roar: "You have played to the extreme, congratulations."

Zhuge Liang let out a moan full of emotion and sorrow: "Your sister."

This moment of impact was gorgeous and shocking, with the ultimate interpretation of speed and strength, decisiveness and madness, timing and accuracy, and the damage it caused to Luo Hu was almost fatal.

Sometimes, fighting is not only about strength, but about timing and weakness, just like now... the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle and Zhuge Liang bounced back and fell into the lake with blood all over the sky. He was hit hard again, and his brain was mushy with a bang.

Tang Yan was also shocked by this scene. He did give the Yinhuang Tiandiao a hint of using Zhuge Liang as a human cannonball, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly and so shockingly!

"Beautiful!!" Tang Yan's passionate blood exploded in his chest with a roar, and before he had time to refine and swallow the spiritual source liquid, the ancient sword danced all over the sky, rolling up all the blue fires, gathering them into a blazing eight-fold strike, and hitting Luohu To make matters worse, the disaster hit.

"Shameless! I hate it!" Accompanied by a mournful and painful roar, Luo Hu's body, which had not had time to struggle, was blasted to the bottom of the lake, and the violent impact caused hundreds of meters of water waves.

The part of the knife was still the head, and with Tang Yan's eight-fold attack, it was enough to bring about a semi-holy attack.A large number of cracks appeared on Luo Hu's huge half-dragon head. This time, the green fire blasted down also gathered the wounds, ruthlessly destroying them, and causing more serious injuries.

On the shore not far away, the drowsy Zhuge Liang twitched a few times, and murmured before coma: "I hate it too... meet people who are not nice..."

(End of this chapter)

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