Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 830 The Power of the Dragon Python

Chapter 830 The Power of the Dragon Python
Tang Yan looked at Luo Hu steadfastly, the corners of his eyes twitching.It's really a wild way of thinking, and it locks down the root of the problem in an instant.

Which hero did it?It's a shame this guy can figure it out!
Doesn't this brother Luohu have the slightest aura of a holy ancient beast?Why do I feel more and more intense ruffian energy!

"I come from Nanhuang, and I can take you back to the Eternal Beast Mountain, which is the hometown of your birth, instead of staying here and being raised as a monster. I have the ghost green fire, with unlimited potential, and can show you more exciting things. The world. You follow me, no loss!"

Tang Yan considered the words, how to lure this guy away.It's not that it is expected to provide any help in the star battlefield, but it is mainly to provide multiple new guarantees when the wasteland comes to the wasteland after the war is over.

Of course, the terrifying battle of this monster still makes Tang Yan very tempted. As a war beast at this stage, it is undoubtedly an excellent choice, and it also means that he has an extra super thug when he is active in the outside world.

"Dream! You are a thief!" Luo Hu was unmoved, still resentful and in pain. If he hadn't been really unable to fight, he would have fought Tang Yan long ago.Snatching Lao Tzu's treasure, and sneaking up on him despicably, is really intolerable.The eternal beast mountain and the undead phoenix have long been the deepest and deepest things in my memory, and I am about to forget them.

"You don't want to go home?"

"This is my home!"

"You don't want to go out and wander?"

"I don't want to! Even if I think about it, I won't be following you!"

It seems that Brother Luo is very angry. Tang Yan was silent for a long time, giving him time to calm down and think about it. "I'll give you another thing, if you really don't want to, until the end of today, you and I won't know each other, and I won't take your life. I will continue my way, and you will continue to be the overlord here."

"Huh? If you don't fight, you don't know each other? It's still a man's words."

"If you feel appropriate, from now on, follow me and don't rebel."

Tang Yan forced out a drop of blood essence from his fingertips, and it dripped on a piece of spiritual source liquid in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hu didn't pay attention at first, he closed his eyes and guessed that this little guy would have something to tempt him, and also sneered firmly that he would never give in, no matter what kind of treasure he brought out!

But... when the mist of spiritual power evaporated from the spiritual source liquid drifted into the nasal cavity with the blood energy of essence, the very strong smell of blood made it unable to resist taking a light inhalation. The breath caught the attention deeply.

Luo Hu kept shaking his nose, feeling this special breath. Gradually, Luo Hu leaned forward, with an expression of surprise and disbelief.It actually captured a very pure dragon power, which seemed to be mixed with a very unique python power.

"What is this?" Luo Hu's heart skipped a beat, trying to open his eyes to see clearly what was in front of him.

"My blood." Tang Yan's mouth curled into a smile, and it worked.

Although he hadn't fully awakened the demon spirit veins, the ancient city wooden cow presented by Jiuying was very special.It is made of the wood heart of the ancient tree that reaches the sky, absorbing the purest azure cow python blood essence and fusing part of the soul of the candle dragon. It has been bred by hundreds of blood souls in the ancient city, and the potential of the formation is complete. A new creature no less than the Demon Emperor.

Tang Yan may not be able to find the real flesh and blood souls of the two super holy beasts to stimulate the demon spirit veins, but he can continuously absorb the blood and souls of the two branch monsters of the holy beasts through the special medium of ghost blue fire, and gradually promote the real awakening .

Ghost Green Fire and Wooden Ox will include the parts that really belong to them according to their own needs.Just like Yazi who was refined in the snow mountain, Zhulong absorbed the soul power and blood energy belonging to the dragon clan, which contributed to its awakening to a certain extent.

So now Tang Yan has awakened one-tenth of the entire bloodline after going through the Blood Bull and Yazi successively, and the power of the dragon and the power of the bull python are already very strong, at least for the semi-holy Luohu, there will be a very strong temptation force.

After all, Luo Hu has a python body and a half dragon head, which happens to be related to Tang Yan's demon spirit bloodline to a certain extent. This is also Tang Yan's last trump card that Tang Yan is confident that he will follow him obediently.

Luo Hu opened his mouth and swallowed Tang Yan's blood essence, as well as the spirit source fluid attached to it.

Stinging, the blood turned into steaming blood, pouring into the blood vessels like boiling water, the pain made it convulse, almost suffocating, but... the strange quenching accompanied by the severe pain made it burst into ecstasy.The coolness that came with the spiritual source liquid made it unable to restrain itself from moaning.

The excruciating heat and the warm coolness shocked Luo Hu greatly, and he swallowed the remaining five supreme-level spiritual source liquids with great determination.One by one, the spiritual source liquid brought a cool breath, and the spiritual power contained in it watered the dry meridians to the maximum, and accelerated the healing of its injuries.

Rahu's spirit lifted, he let go of his vigilance, and sat up cross-legged to refine and repair.

Tang Yan sat beside him, concentrating on absorbing and refining the spiritual power, and also absorbing the blood energy and evil spirits from the spiritual source liquid, nourishing Wuying and Nirvana respectively.For me now, a third-order spirit source liquid is still a great tonic, whether it is Wuying and Ji Mieyan, they will get great benefits.

After a quarter of an hour of healing and relaxation, Tang Yan woke up from meditation first, and Luo Hu was still immersed in the healing process, with mist-like spiritual power bubbling all over his body, and the wounds all over his body were slowly but firmly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really immoral for you to do this. You are simply wicked and devoid of conscience. Do you play like this? Look at my delicate body, you can really do it!" Zhuge Liang gritted his teeth in hatred and lay down not far away. There is more air out than air in, and the whole body is still in a crystallized state, but it looks like glass that has been hit hard, full of shocking cracks.

Apparently, the 'high-altitude drop' of the Silver Emperor Sky Eagle has caused him very cruel damage.

"We are here to fight, not on vacation. Afraid of death? If you are afraid of death, don't come to Star Battlefield!" After waking up, the Silver Emperor Tiandiao came over weakly, accepted the two spiritual source liquids handed over by Tang Yan, concentrated on refining them, and gradually recovering from injuries.

Swallowing the spiritual source liquid is countless times faster than normal swallowing of heaven and earth spiritual power, and moreover, the power of green fire contained in it is even more comparable to some rare treasures of heaven and earth.

It was desperately trying to prove something.

Prove that you can help, that you can make a difference!

As a powerful Tier [-] Demon Venerable, but also the Eagle Falcon lineage that everyone covets, it is actually a bit ridiculous to have such an idea, but the current Silver Emperor Sky Eagle really wants to prove it.

Maybe he once resisted Tang Yan's solicitation, but he felt great benefits from continuously swallowing the spirit source liquid, and even felt that the blood vessels of his body had been washed to a certain extent.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but after continuously swallowing the spirit source liquid, it feels that its speed has increased significantly, and its ability to guide and control lightning has also strengthened, that is... its combat power has soared!
This change brings with it a strong dependency.

The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle wanted to follow forever, but after Tang Yan donated himself to Li Yi without hesitation, it felt an inexplicable sense of frustration, so... it wanted to prove, prove its own strength!
It's not that Tang Yan can take himself back, at least he will get new attention, which means that he will have more opportunities for growth.

"What precious medicine did you give them? Give it to Master Liang? Otherwise, I will never forgive you." Zhuge Liang lay weakly on his stomach, only his mouth could move.

"You haven't guessed my identity yet?" Tang Yan squatted in front of Zhuge Liang with a smile, and put the spirit source liquid into his mouth.

It melted in the mouth, and the spiritual power entered the body, Zhuge Liang let out a sultry moan unabashedly, and closed his eyes comfortably, like a puppy being tickled: "It's so cool... what is this?" baby……"

But... In just a short moment, the fat man suddenly widened his eyes and raised his head abruptly. If his body was seriously injured, he might jump up immediately.

"Remember?" Tang Yan looked at him with a smile.

Zhuge Liang stared straight at Tang Yan, and breathed in shock: "I'm a master of the sky, you... are you that Tang Yan?"

"You're really late."

"It's really you?! Did you eat bear bile? Or did you drink stewed tiger soup? How dare you blatantly enter the battlefield of stars? You don't know how to write dead words, or... Master Liang teach me you?"

Tang Yan patted his face: "From now on, hang out with me, and follow me out of Xingluo Ancient Kingdom."

Out of the ancient country?Treason?The corners of Zhuge Liang's mouth twitched, showing a dull wry smile, looking at Tang Yan like a fool, he tilted his head... fainted... only the pain echoed in his heart: "I'm on a thief ship, who will save me. "

(End of this chapter)

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