Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 840

Chapter 840

In the mountain stream, Zhao Wenqing meditated cross-legged, absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

There is no difference between day and night in Star Battlefield, but the tense killing environment and dangerous hunting of monsters make people highly stressed and easily fatigued.Unless it is a freak like Tang Yan who has the life mist baby and the Buddha's heart, everyone else needs to rest more or less.

Zhao Wenqing has just finished exploring a secret place, and it can be said that he managed to bring out a precious medicine plant that the elders of Falan Tower specially entrusted to harvest.She needs to recuperate and rest before moving on to another dangerous place.

On her shoulders, the human-shaped radish dozed off boredly, lying on its back. It has no image, but it is very cute and funny. Its mouth opened and closed, and it was crying slightly. The leaves on the top of the head fluttered from time to time. Down.

On the nearby mountains and ancient trees, there are many transparent runes engraved, which together form an invisible defense range, guarding Zhao Wenqing who is meditating.A spirit bird flew through the forest and accidentally broke into the mountain stream. The brilliance of the soldiers' characters flashed in the dim stream, and a light arrow shot out, piercing through the spirit bird, and instantly turned into a little bit of starlight, and evaporated completely; A weathered stone fell from the cliff and disappeared strangely halfway, as if it had shifted into the stacked space without attracting attention.

In the bushes outside the mountain stream, Zhuge Liang looked terrified and squatted inside with a face full of grief and anger: "It's not nice to meet people. My Lord Liang has always loved the people and loved the people all his life. He is simple and kind, so why did he end up in the current field. Fishing for radishes? Thanks to you You can figure it out!"

In the dense forest in the distance, Tang Yan popped a stone with his fingers, passed through the messy branches, and accurately hit Zhuge Liang in the bushes on the back of the head, staring at him to signal for quick action.

Zhuge Liang responded to Tang Yan's resentful gaze, begged for mercy with a wry smile, and mouthed exaggeratedly: "Brother, please forgive me. This girl can't be provoked, she really kills her."

Tang Yan gave him an encouraging look: "Believe in yourself."

Zhuge Liang cursed inwardly for being so wicked, took deep breaths continuously, collected himself, and carefully moved two steps forward, looking nervously at the beautiful figure in the mountain stream through the gaps in the bushes.

Although he likes to look at beautiful women, strange women like Zhao Wenqing are completely beyond the scope of what he can appreciate.

It would be fatal to take one more look, let alone provoke him head-on.

Tang Yan who suffered a thousand knives!
I curse you for having no women in your life!
Zhuge Liang took out a fat ginseng from the cloth bag, cut it open with a knife, and the crystal juice dripped out, exuding a strange fragrance, floating faintly in the bushes, and spreading into the mountain stream little by little.

The human-shaped radish on Zhao Wenqing's shoulder moved slightly, but he slept soundly. He just clicked his mouth, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

"Damn radish, come to Master Liang!" Zhuge Liang tied the ginseng to the wooden stick and poked it forward, then deliberately shook it to make the fragrance spread faster.

But the human-shaped radish ignored it and continued to sleep and dream.

"Brother Carrot, come to Master Liang and see what good things Master Liang has prepared for you. Come here obediently." Zhuge Liang put away the radish, and took out a precious spiritual essence 'Eight-petal Immortal Orchid', which was slightly fluffed. Puff the petals, let the unique smell spread out, and watch and wait nervously.

But for half a day, the effect was not obvious, and it didn't attract the attention of the humanoid radish.

"That's not enough? I'm spoiling you, what do you like?" Zhuge Liang dug out precious essences from the cloth bag one after another, such as black quill, black leaf lotus, ice flame fruit, and blue rock core stone, all of which are rare baby.

These things are all treasures in Tang Yan's golden lock. Today, in order to 'seduce' the human-shaped radish, I picked them all out.

Zhuge Liang tried again and again, trying to diffuse enough smell, but he didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear that he would not be able to attract carrots, and then he would attract other monsters, which woke Zhao Wenqing up.

Zhuge Liang tried more than a dozen baby plants, but none of them attracted much attention from the radish, and he was terrified of Zhao Wenqing, and finally couldn't take it anymore, turned his head to Tang Yan, and made a big mouth: "It won't take the bait. "

"There was Jiang Taigong fishing in ancient times, and now Zhuge Liang is fishing for radishes. Believe in yourself, you can do it." Tang Yan gave him an encouraging look.

"What and what?" Zhuge Liang didn't see what these complicated mouth shapes meant, and after a long time of depression, he rolled his eyes, picked up the carrot in front of him, and bit it.

There were layers of bushes blocking the sound, and the sound didn't spread too much, but it was enough to attract the attention of the mountain stream.

Zhao Wenqing ignored it, and continued to immerse himself in meditation to recover. With the barrier of runes, ordinary monsters couldn't get in.But the human-shaped radish rubbed his misty eyes and sat up.

The clear and crisp voice was so familiar that it almost thought it was a dream.

"Ha! It worked!" Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up, and he took out an extremely precious purple salvia ginseng. Although it was small, like a small radish, its medicinal effect was more than ten thousand-year-old ginseng the size of a palm.

The human-shaped radish suddenly regained its spirits, its small shiny eyes stared at the bushes outside the mountain stream, and it captured the delicious smell.

"Hey, come to Master Liang. You can have food, drink, life, wine, meat and women. Come on, come on, Master Liang will love you very much." Zhuge Liang smiled lowly, stood up and backed up cautiously, the knife Squeeze the skin of purple salvia miltiorrhiza one by one, exuding fine and crystal clear juice, exuding a refreshing fragrance, and taking a deep breath will feel refreshed and comfortable.

The small eyes of the human-shaped radish became more and more bright, and he stood there in a daze, carefully feeling the delicious smell.

Zhuge Liang kept backing away, gradually withdrawing from the bushes, and the purple salvia in his hand was also scratched more than a dozen times. He felt distressed when he saw it, it was really a waste of money.

But it can be seen that the effect is still very significant.

The human-shaped radish swished down Zhao Wenqing's shoulder, and rushed out of the mountain stream excitedly, but stopped suddenly halfway, his eyes rolled, and he hesitated.

"The delicacy is here, come and get it yourself." Zhuge Liang put the purple salvia miltiorrhiza on the ground, and slowly backed away until tens of meters away, hiding behind a big tree not far away, and secretly observed it.

The human-shaped radish hesitated for a while, but did not resist the temptation. It rushed towards the bushes, and immediately saw the purple salvia miltiorrhiza lying quietly not far away. This is its favorite delicacy.

Zhuge Liang's face became happy, and he was about to rush over.But... out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhao Wenqing in the mountain stream, who had opened his eyes and looked here.

Forehead!The corners of Zhuge Liang's eyes twitched, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he froze in place, not daring to move.

This girl is not easy to mess with, once she finds out that someone is stealing her radishes, why don't she just go all out? !

The human-shaped radish didn't notice anything unusual, and excitedly jumped at the purple salvia, hugged it happily, jumped up and down, stared at it with happiness, and almost fell intoxicated.

In the mountain stream, Zhao Wenqing slowly got up and looked at the situation in the bushes.Thoughts penetrated outwards, and the runes covered with ancient wood on the stone wall moved slowly like resurrection, exuding palpitating energy fluctuations.

Zhuge Liang swallowed hard, and wrapped the leaves around his body tightly, not daring to make any more movements.

The human-shaped radish took a bite of the purple salvia ginseng. It tasted very good. It was a treasure, and he carried it back contentedly.

But at this moment, following Tang Yan's signal in the distance, an eagle's cry came from the sky, and it tore through the sky like a thunderbolt, and went straight to the mountains at an astonishingly fast speed. The delicious food that lives in his arms stays there, not daring to move.Zhao Wenqing raised his hand and was about to attack, but the direction of the Eagle Shadow was not aiming at the human-shaped carrot, but at another direction in the distance.

Boom!The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle shattered the towering ancient trees, hit the tree roots directly, grabbed the astonished Zhuge Liang, flapped its wings, rolled up a turbulent whirlwind, and flew towards the sky at high speed, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Wenqing watched the sculpture leave, and with his cold eyes, he found that its sharp claws seemed to be grabbing someone, but its whole body was shiny and green, like a strange monster.

Maybe it was a predatory bird, Zhao Wenqing ignored it, but when she looked away to greet the human-shaped radish to come back, her cold face changed slightly.

Because... where there used to be a human-shaped carrot... there is nothing left.

The thought spread like a tide, and the forest outside the mountain stream had no breath of it at all.

Um?Zhao Wenqing was keenly aware of the conspiracy. He left the mountain stream and walked towards the forest. He tried his best to expand his thoughts to the extreme. However, except for some active monsters, there were no traces of warriors in the mountains and fields. As for the human-shaped radish, there was still no trace.

In the distant mountains, golden thunder and lightning crackled, Tang Yan stepped out of the thunder mark, with a curved mouth, holding a dazed human-shaped carrot in his hand: "Zhao Wenqing, I'm sorry."

"Brother!!" Zhuge Liang was thrown down by the Yinhuang Tiandiao, and almost knelt down to Tang Yan, crying: "Can we not play such exciting games in the future? You even dare to play with Zhao Wenqing, and you can die if you want Change the way!"

The human-shaped radish came to his senses, pinched his waist with his 'little hand', and glared at Tang Yan angrily. His mouth was chattering like he was reprimanding Tang Yan, but he couldn't make any sound.

"You are holding leaves all over your body, and your body is crystallized. She can't recognize you. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, who knows?" Tang Yan smiled and put away the human-shaped radish and put it into the golden lock: "This is for me. Wife's gift."


"There's nothing but, it's time for us to get down to business." The delay has been long enough, and it's time to go to the Three Sacred Mountains. I don't know who is guarding the Three Sacred Mountains now, and the next one will be a bitter battle.He will also face the exposure of the ghost Qinghuo, and the prying eyes of the heroes of the empire!
Tang Yan already had a plan, and also longed for this madness.

The big war... is coming...

(End of this chapter)

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