Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 853 Bloody

Chapter 853 Bloody

Click!The mountains and ravines in the connected area suddenly trembled violently.

Mountains collapsed, gullies diverted, countless cracks spread all over the field of vision, the roar was deafening, the crushed rock mass roared and rolled, and the billowing dust billowed like a tide.

Boom!The brilliant stars in the sky erupted with boundless light, connecting them into a feature film, making the sky dazzling, illuminating the sky and the earth, and covering the passage area.

The earth shakes, the sky rises and the earth sinks.

Just like the end of the world, all warriors rose to mid-air, tried their best to stretch their spiritual body shields, and resisted the mighty terrain.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the sky and the earth trembled, and they seemed to fall sharply.

Buzzing, buzzing, densely filled the sky and the earth, like hundreds of millions of courtiers chanting lightly, worshiping on the altar, chanting scriptures in the mountains, * the buzzing sound resounded in all directions, deafening, and contained majesty and solemnity.

This is the star battlefield seeing off the survivors, and this is the wasteland cheering for the return of the heroes. The tragic emotions render every hero who has fallen, and his heart feels full.


Outside the wasteland, the chaotic light curtain is gradually thinning, and it can be seen that the mountains inside are collapsing, the ground is falling, and figures are swaying and dancing inside.

"Haha, we came out!! We came out alive!!" The young heroes saw the family elders outside the light curtain, excited and excited, and rushed out quickly, regardless of the wasteland returning to peace.

"The Gu family cheated! Its descendant, Gu Tianle, is the inheritor of the ghost green fire, Tang Yan!"

"Clan elder, take down Tang Yan immediately!"

Some of the children of various clans who rushed out had no time to hug the clan elders, and shouted loudly, their emotions were more excited than before, and they pointed excitedly at the wasteland light curtain.

However, the outside of the wasteland was completely different from the "boiling" scene they expected. Thousands of elders gathered and waited, but no one showed a surprised expression. Their expressions became more and more serious, and some even frowned tightly, and their sharp eyes locked on A wasteland area being pacified.

The scene was very depressing.

Looking further away, it seems that a large army is gathering, and there are expanding ripples in the drowsy sky, like some kind of space barrier is shrouded.

"Don't talk, gather around me." The elders of the family solemnly reminded the returning children.

"What happened?" Some disciples couldn't hold back their curiosity, but the elders of all ethnic groups all looked serious, and no one responded. They frowned and stared straight ahead.

Qin Minghuang, Xuanyuan, Zhao Wenqing and other elites stepped out of China Unicom one after another, landed in the wasteland, were respectfully received by the clansmen, led them back to their respective areas, guarded them closely, and communicated in detail.

The atmosphere at the scene was so depressing that water dripped out, and the young generation with some brains gradually saw the situation clearly. I am afraid that Tang Yan's identity had already been obtained by the elders.

Judging by the current posture, they are about to be rounded up!

Gu Lingfeng and others walked out of the wasteland, the scene in front of him immediately frowned, and an ominous premonition spread in his heart, he looked around the crowd and found his uncle in the depths.

Gu Xuanji showed bitterness on his face, and slowly shook his head.

Leaked early? ! !
Gu Lingfeng frowned, and the ominous premonition came true immediately!
Leaking in advance is a completely different concept from leaking now. If it was leaked just now, you can use the panic to rush out, but if it is leaked in advance, all races are probably already prepared.

"Tang Yan, come out, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

An elder of the royal family stood high in the sky, his body was old, his expression was indifferent, but he was full of majesty.

"Children of all ethnic groups, quickly return to their elders." Following his appearance, semi-holy warriors of other ethnic groups flew into the air one after another, living in different areas of the vast wasteland, and their majestic aura was revealed and expanded, forming a terrifying iron wall. .

The survivors who had just arrived in the wasteland rushed out.

The elders of all ethnic groups have all raised their vigilance, staring at the wasteland area that is dissipating the dust, mist and light. No one dares to underestimate Tang Yan's name, which is still firmly at the top of the hero list. This ranking is enough to explain a lot question.

What will happen next?
How will the royal family deal with Tang Yan?
Will Tang Yan give in easily and detonate the ghost green fire?

How should the anger of the Xia family, Beijiang Houfu and Tianji Pavilion be vented?
Who should pay for the deaths of Xia Beilou, Mu Zixiu and others?
The scene was very tense, and many elders began to breathe rapidly.Tang Yan was terrifying, and the ghost Qinghuo was equally terrifying, but it was easy to kill Tang Yan, and they had to ensure that Qinghuo survived safely.

"Ling Feng, what are you doing? Come out!" Under the oppressive atmosphere, Gu Xuanji suddenly shouted loudly, anxious and angry, his face flushed slightly, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Gu Lingfeng?" Huangfu Baiyue looked at the wasteland from a distance.

Gu Lingfeng, who had clearly walked out of the wasteland, stood where he was, and didn't come out again, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what happened to him.

"Tang Yan did what he should do, and we should also fulfill our agreement. Uncle, the Gu family should not be ungrateful." Gu Lingfeng looked calm, and looked directly at Gu Xuanji through the crowds, his eyes sharp and sullen.

"Nonsense!! Come back!!"

"The Gu family should not be ungrateful!" Gu Lingfeng's voice was sonorous, the words were sharp, his eyes shook slightly, he resolutely looked directly at Gu Xuanji, and repeated for the second time.

"" Gu Xuanji's face darkened, and his voice was stern: "How can you ignore the overall situation of the family because of one person! You forgot the status of the Gu family? You forgot your identity? You forgot the teachings of more than 30 years ? As a big family of the empire, what is light and what is important!"

"The overall situation is the most important, righteousness is the first!"

"Since you still remember, come back to me immediately!"

"But the overall situation should not be based on shamelessness." Gu Lingfeng's extremely radical words made the audience slightly changed, and made many old people focus on this young figure.

"Bastard! It's against you!" Gu Xuanji's face turned red, and he lost his elegance.

"The Gu family begged Tang Yan from thousands of miles away to save the family's embarrassing situation, and only used 'enyi' as a betrothal gift. Tang Yan agreed to help, regardless of danger, only on the condition of 'survival'. Gu Lingfeng repeatedly emphasized that the Gu family will not be ungrateful, uncle I once solemnly stated my position, and also stated that the Gu family will not be ungrateful. But now, what is the kindness of the Gu family, what is the face of the Gu family, and what is the blood of the Gu family!"

Gu Lingfeng suddenly became emotional, his voice was like thunder, his eyes were bloody, his face was extremely serious, and his sharp voice was harsh, making Gu Xuanji's breathing short for a while, and he didn't hold back his words for a long time.

"The Gu family's revealing Tang Yan's identity is tantamount to betraying his dignity. You have no face to stand here. The Gu family is injustice and inhumane. You have no face to gain a foothold in the empire. I, Gu Lingfeng, invited friends, but I didn't do it afterwards. If you don't save them, let them be harmed, I am a human being, or a beast, so how can I have the face to lead the family far away."

"Ling Feng, you're going too far!" Gu Xuanji's expression darkened, while the family's guards and elders were at a loss, they had never seen the young master so excited, never seen the young master say such words.

Still in front of the elders of the empire's hundreds of clans, or in front of all the young heroes of the empire, this bloodiness and arrogance made them feel inexplicably terrified.

"I, Gu Lingfeng, was too much, or my uncle was too much! It was my family that I have always been proud of, too much!" Gu Lingfeng angrily pointed at the list of heroes, and his voice was like gold: "The name of the ancient family has been engraved on the Three Sacred Mountains, and the name of the ancient family has been engraved on the Three Sacred Mountains. If you don’t save yourself from death, how can you enjoy the face for 50 years? When did the Gu family degenerate to be so shameless, and when was the Gu family so unkind and unrighteous!”

Gu Xuanji counterattacked sharply: "When Tang Yan accepted the commission, he should have thought that he would face the danger of being exposed. Today's situation has half of his own factors!"

"Him is half the responsibility, but the Gu family is responsible for the other half! Tang Yan is facing a crisis, and you can't even fight for it? The Gu family doesn't even have the courage to stand up and resist? Even if the family's overall situation is the most important thing, at least make some pleas, at least Do what you can to remedy it. The ancient family has been passed down for thousands of years, is it just a group of cowards left now? Could it be that there is no blood at all? If so, it will be destroyed!"

"Bastard!" Gu Xuanji was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The heroes of all races felt an inexplicable shudder, this Gu Lingfeng was so domineering and bloody, it was rare to see the birth of such a temperament in all the giant families that were 'deadly'.From a point of view, if you think about it in depth, if such a person is really allowed to control the family, it will not be good news for other families.

"Young master, the situation is irreversible, could it be..." The chief guard of the Gu family had no choice but to come forward, but he didn't finish his sentence.

Gu Lingfeng suddenly screamed: "Let me go!!"

"Enough is enough, you should go home." The elders of the royal family probed from the air, and the invisible force of confinement trapped Gu Lingfeng, his gaze suddenly increased sharply.

"The Gu family! The face of the Gu family, the blood of the Gu family, the foundation of the Gu family's foothold! Uncle, don't let me be ashamed of being a son of the Gu family!" Between them, he froze at high altitude in a terrifying posture, fully controlled by the prisoner.

But the roar, the madness of the beast, and the ferocious bloodiness made many young people present, even the old people, darkly pale.

Perhaps it was because Gu Lingfeng was calm and cold in his impression, but today's contrast made it hard for them to accept.

"Gu family, take good care of your children, this is not a place for nonsense." The ancestor of the royal family waved his hand, and threw the invisible cage controlling Gu Lingfeng towards the Gu family area.

"Take care of him!!" Gu Xuanji was so angry that he was short of breath, and he couldn't recover from this sudden change for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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