Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 865 Sensation

Chapter 865 Sensation
"Are there other people in the Human Emperor's palace?" The forces of all parties were secretly surprised, who is eligible to enter the palace, and who can live alone with the Human Emperor's avatar?

"Keep an eye on them!" The leader of Jiulongling in Longying did not forget to raise his hand as a sign when he was vigilant against the Emperor's Palace. The fourth minister continued to keep an eye on the two saints in Tianji Pavilion, and the fifth judge joined the team of Eternal Beast Mountain to assist in guarding the saints. The powerhouse of the Soul Hall.

The random details and actions once again demonstrate the ruthlessness of this person, revenge will not be overnight, I have spotted you, and I will never give up until I kill you!

The Human Emperor's Palace was silent for a long time, the heavy palace door opened with a bang, and the dull sound echoed in the sky, causing everyone on the battlefield to focus their eyes slightly, subconsciously on guard, even the besieged Tianji Pavilion and the Holy Spirit Hall stared strangely.

Are there really other people in there? !

Under the eyes of everyone, the door of the palace was half-opened, and an old man dressed in linen clothes and cloth shoes walked out slowly, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, quite gentle, kind of the simplicity and kindness of the grandfather next door.

The old man looks very old, but his spirit is hale and hearty, and his eyes are extremely deep, as if he has seen through the vicissitudes of time and experienced the vicissitudes of life. What seems ordinary can no longer be ordinary, but it also gives people an unfathomable and strange feeling.

With his appearance, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed again. Even the leader of Jiulongling frowned slightly, because this person was...a monk!
The nine-point ring scar on the top of the head is ordinary but contains great momentum.

His right hand was erected in front of his chest, and a string of black jade Buddha beads hung on his fingertips. It was equally ordinary, but equally extraordinary, just like his overall impression.

"Old man, Chenyuan Pavilion, an old monk, you are absolutely dead! Friends from Jiulongling, everyone from Eternal Beast Mountain, I have admired you for a long time." The old monk nodded slightly, and greeted everyone kindly.

Pure Land Chen Yuan Pavilion?

Can Buddhism be absolutely perfect? !
How did you attract such a character!

The atmosphere on the scene changed suddenly, Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain were a little nervous, while Tianji Pavilion was showing their eyes.

"Is this old monk very powerful?" Luo Hu asked in a low voice, very surprised by the changes in the scene.

Guo Fuyao inhaled quietly, with a dignified expression: "This person is a powerful person at the top of Chen Yuan Pavilion, his status is extremely detached, and he can make the emperor of the ancient country treat him with courtesy. They are all saints of the same sect, and their strength is terrifying, and they were once praised in the Pure Land and even the vast Central Plains. Dukong is revered as a holy Buddha by the world, and is widely loved, while Dujue is revered as the Punisher Buddha, and is revered by the world."

"Punishment Buddha? What punishment Buddha?" The strange name made Luo Hu slightly change color.

"Sometimes I am a demon, sometimes I am a Buddha. Good is to be a Buddha, preaching the scriptures, and when I am angry, I am a demon, controlling the penal team of the Chenyuan Pavilion! The so-called demon does not mean killing, but refers to its iron and blood methods, and the rare strength of Buddhism! In short In a word, this person is extremely dangerous!"

"No wonder the human palace is acting strangely, the reason is that he is inside! What does he want to do? Intervene in the ghost Qinghuo?" Nine-tailed Tmall has also heard the name of the Pure Land Punishment Buddha for a long time.

"This guy is not easy to mess with, because he is afraid that Heiyun City is hiding his criminal punishment team." Zhu Qian was also secretly on guard. The development of today's situation may no longer be under the control of one person, just like a wild horse that has run wild!

"Master Dujue, long time no see." The two pavilion masters of Tianji Pavilion nodded in return, which was also quite polite and relaxed.

Almost all the forces at all levels of the five great empires in the Central Plains have more or less ties to the monks of the Pure Land.

This group of monks advocates peace and strives to prevent war.

Although peace is almost a joke in the cruel environment of Qitian Continent, they still use their unremitting efforts to do their best to maintain a stable relationship between local and even big countries. Prudence in the mid-term, respect until now.

No matter what the parties say on the surface, everyone must admit in their hearts that the monks of the Pure Land have to a certain extent reconciled the relationship between the five empires and the kingdoms of the mainland. Without them, the current mainland would not know what chaos it would have been like .

As a sacred place within the ancient country of Xingluo, the Tianji Pavilion is relatively close to the Pure Land, especially the Chenyuan Pavilion in the Pure Land, which can be regarded as quite close, and it can be regarded as a good friend with Du Jue, a sage and great power.

Now that Dujue is here, Jiulongling has to restrain itself a little today.

The ghost blue fire will also belong to the ancient country!

"Old monk Dujue, you don't need to intervene in today's matter." The leader of Jiulongling in Longying is not crazy, and his attitude towards Chenyuan Pavilion, who has no injustice or enmity, is slightly relaxed, but still full of sternness.

Nian Wuxin said coldly: "The ghost green fire belongs to my young master! Anyone who wants to take it for himself is a shameless robber. It is best for you Chenyuan Pavilion not to interfere, otherwise you will become a thief."

The deputy head of the Tianji Pavilion said indifferently: "Wuxin is a gentleman, don't speak too harshly. My ancient country is not afraid of Jiulongling, and Chenyuan Pavilion is even more afraid of Jiulongling."

"Dare to do it but dare not admit it?! What is the difference between your behavior today and a bully robbing a married woman? Shameless, despicable, hateful!"

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion nodded slightly towards Du Jue: "His Royal Highness must have reached an agreement with Master Du Jue, and I will work hard today, Master. When this matter is over, Tianji Pavilion will have another big thank you."

"Old monk Dujue, think twice before acting!" The four ministers said in unison, their expressions and tone all turned gloomy and stern, coupled with their feminine appearance, their aura was as dangerous as a poisonous snake at this moment.

Du Jue smiled slightly: "Everyone, don't be nervous, the poor monk is here today to find my nephew."

"Martial nephew? Where is the martial nephew from?"

Du Jue raised his hand towards Tang Yan, who was in custody at the Holy Spirit Hall, and his voice raised slightly: "My senior brother Du Kong's only direct disciple, Tang Yan! Naturally, he is also my little nephew!"

"Is Tang Yan a disciple of Du Kong?" Everyone's expressions suddenly became weird.

"The poor monk came here today to protect Tang Yan, and he also intends to reconcile this matter. Haven't you ever wondered where Tang Yan's Buddhist martial arts came from? Today I can give you a clear answer. Tang Yan's martial arts are The Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas was left by my senior brother Dukong in the Chenyuan Pavilion, and by chance, Tang Yan got it."

"Is there still such a thing?" The four ministers looked at each other, their gloomy faces suddenly turned into soft smiles, and their eyes slowly turned to the two masters of Tianji Pavilion.

Nian ruthlessly whistled wantonly and cast a charming wink.

The two pavilion masters of the Tianji Pavilion were still calm, but there were obviously slight twitches in the corners of their eyes.

"Good boy, not bad." The leader in Longying laughed, it seemed that he had come out too early.This kid has a lot of secrets, even the Holy Land Chenyuan Pavilion is involved.

But...why didn't I see him play the name of Holy Land?

Even in the most dangerous time before, didn't you use Chenyuan Pavilion to intimidate the ancient country?

Was it because he didn't have time, or...was too tough, and he didn't bother to protect himself with a false name?If it's the latter, I should give this kid a higher score!
"Tang Yan is actually a disciple of Chenyuan Pavilion?" Wangu Beast Mountain was surprised again. Although Tang Yan's Buddhist martial arts were strange, he had never thought of Chenyuan Pavilion in the Holy Land, nor had he thought of the Holy Buddha Dukong!
Du Jue added: "As early as 18 years ago in the psychedelic forest, I had already looked for Tang Yan, and personally passed on the two Buddhist seals to my senior brother, and Chen Yuan Pavilion also recognized his identity."

"You've been inside all this time? Why didn't you make a move? You're not very moral as an uncle?" Nian Wuqing asked suddenly.

They have been reluctant to make a move because they want to take advantage of this life-and-death situation to more comprehensively examine Tang Yan's character, adaptability, and growth realm, and observe what kind of backhand he deployed before he dared to enter the battlefield of stars. What kind of character is the young master Ling is waiting for.

He is even waiting to see what enemies Tang Yan has, what guardians he has, and what attitude these guardians and enemies will have at critical moments.

They refused to act because they were absolutely sure to save Tang Yan at the most critical moment!
"The old monk came here to mediate." Du never made a move, but he was persuading the human emperor avatar, from the wasteland to Heiyun City, using his own way to control the development of the situation.What's more, in the previous situation, he couldn't make a move. No matter who he helped, Chen Yuan Pavilion would fall into inappropriate doubts. He could only choose the most suitable time.

"Hey, your grandpa is really big enough, your grandson is making a lot of money." The Yinhuang Tiandiao touched the dull Zhuge Liang, and his tone no longer knew whether to sigh with emotion or envy.

Surprise after surprise, surprise within surprise.Tang Yan was still a "lone wolf" fighting alone in the wilderness the day before. At this moment, countless backgrounds appeared one after another, and countless halos were added one after another, intertwining behind Tang Yan into a huge and powerful network of forces.

Is this here to save people, or is it here to build momentum?

After today, not only will the name of Ghost Green Fire spread throughout the continent, but Tang Yan's name will also cause a sensation everywhere.

The young master of Nanhuang of the Eternal Beast Mountain, the young master of Jiulongling, and the descendant of Chenyuan Pavilion Dukong!

Triple identities are enough to be famous!
"Uh...I..." Zhuge Liang licked his dry lips and asked weakly, "Tell me, does he recognize me?"

(End of this chapter)

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