Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 871

Chapter 871

Zhu Jian and the others were waiting in the courtyard behind the hotel. The two huge giants of the reincarnation blood snake lizard and Rahu filled the spacious courtyard, as if two hills had been moved. The fierce beasts were all dissatisfied, and they were staring at each other with lantern-like eyes.

Skylark had nowhere to go, so he simply guarded the ancestor Yazi and the other two half-holy Yazi outside the city, so as not to be stolen by other forces.

"Is Yueying's situation still normal?" Tang Yan didn't show too much politeness to them. Today's rescue has shown too much. Eternal Beast Mountain doesn't regard itself as an outsider, and there is no need for him to be polite.

Even Guo Fuyao, who had feuded with Dongkui, Tang Yan intentionally sent a smile, and Guo Fuyao also smiled back.

Tang Yan has a true temperament, and his grievances and grievances are clear. Today, he smiled and wiped out his grievances and grievances.

Nine-tailed Tmall said: "Sleeping very peacefully, everything is within the expected range, and nothing unusual happened. Calculate the time, you have been away from Eternal Beast Mountain for two years, congratulations, you have been promoted to the third rank, which is faster than I expected. quick."

"I still have a few things that need to be resolved, and when they are settled, I will go back to stay with Moon Shadow no matter if it is less than five years."

Nine-tailed Tmall didn't say much, and it was two years apart, neither long nor short, but he could feel Tang Yan's maturity, which was completely different from the madness and perverseness of the Eternal Beast back then.This maturity is not a deliberate expression, but a breath from the inside out, a kind of precipitation after vicissitudes.

It can be seen that in just two years, Tang Yan has experienced many things, as well as many setbacks and tribulations, which really promoted his growth.

Zhu Jian asked, "Do you want to keep Yazi's body, or should we take it away?"

"I only left two semi-holy-level Yazis, and the ancestors will bring them back to Beast Mountain, and I will use them when I go back in the future." For Tang Yan himself, the biggest gain today is not an additional background, but The remains of the two half-holy patriarchs of the Bach family and the three half-dead half-holy Yazi were simply an unprecedented bumper harvest, a real bumper harvest.

Tiangang Spirit Ape said: "You decide for yourself, Wangu Beast Mountain welcomes you back anytime."

"Say hello to my stepmother for me, and I will go back to visit her for up to three years."

Nine-tailed Tmall said: "Jiulongling introduced your life experience?"

Sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard, Tang Yan smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's hard for me to accept that I have more relatives for no reason. I can feel that they welcome me sincerely, but... there is always a strange feeling. Maybe it will get better after spending some time together."

"With Jiulongling guarding you, we don't have to worry about your safety anymore, but there are still some things that need to be mentioned to you."

"Mother-in-law, tell me."

"Today's incident in Black Cloud City will have a wide range of sensations, but there are advantages and disadvantages. Needless to say, the advantage is that you have temporarily saved your ghost Qinghuo, and also prevented most forces from wanting to snatch Qinghuo.

But blocking the shrimp soldiers and crab generals cannot stop the top forces.

Moreover, these forces are even more difficult to deal with. They have a complex network of relationships and many powerful people.

Kowloon Ridge can protect you for a while, but cannot protect you all the time.

The last thing I want to see is that you lose the wolf nature in your blood because you have a backer, start to enjoy the sense of security brought by shelter, start to fear death, and lose the desperate wildness in battle.

If this is the case, I would rather you die in this Black Cloud City today! "

Nine-tailed Tmall's sharp tone made the atmosphere in the courtyard a little depressing, and even the Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros and Luo Hu who were facing each other at high altitude looked down to check.

"There is another point that needs to be paid special attention to. It is easy to hide with a sharp spear and difficult to defend against a hidden arrow. There are countless strong people who practice special martial arts in Qitian Continent. There are also many killers with vicious weapons, and there are not many cunning people. Can you resist it? A wave of conspiracies and tricks, how can one stop successive conspiracies?

You not only have to be vigilant as usual, but also more cunning, tactful and cruel!
You are about to face more enemies, but you must not let Jiulongling control your path, but you use them, even our Eternal Beast Mountain, with you as the leader, use the chips in your hand to face this cruel world. "

Nine-tailed Tmall is Dongkui's counselor, and has always been strict and cold. Today's conversation is even more severe, but anyone can understand the teachings in the words.

It actually admires the child Tang Yan, appreciates his blood and fighting spirit, appreciates his courage to face himself and correct himself, appreciates his gradual maturity and calmness, and sincerely does not want Tang Yan to die because of the sudden powerful protection. It is a matter of course 'to become a greenhouse flower.

Zhu Jian said indifferently: "While you get certain benefits, there will always be disadvantages that you don't pay attention to. For example, you announced the news of your young master Nanhuang of the Eternal Beast Mountain. They will regard you as a thorn in their flesh, get rid of them quickly, or catch you to threaten the Eternal Beast Mountain.

Jiulongling showed its strength today, but it also showed its extreme behavior.Although such forces are terrifying and dreadful, they often have countless powerful enemies, and these enemies will also blacklist you.

Another example is that the Tianji Pavilion has a detached status in the ancient country. The more powerful it is, the more it values ​​face.The humiliation Jiulongling brought to them today is no less than the hatred of killing their son and mother. In the future, they will definitely try their best to get it back from you.

There is also the royal family of Xingluo ancient country, facing such forces, whoever believes in their words will die a miserable death.The royal family ruled hundreds of millions of territories and controlled the life and death of tens of billions of subjects. They no longer have any feelings, and all their actions focus on one center of gravity - the prosperity of the country! "

"The Great Sage and the Holy Master are right." Tiangang Spirit Ape has turned into a strong and strong man, and said in a deep voice: "Your head is messed up now, and you can't see the situation clearly. What we said is a bit extreme, but it is all true. For your own good.

After today's fierce battle, it's not that you have no enemies, but after today, your enemies have leapfrogged to a more terrifying situation as your status has improved.In the following journey, you don't have to care about the little ones, but you must face the persecution of the top forces in the mainland. They are not afraid of the Eternal Beast Mountain and the Nine Dragon Ridge. Their methods are more cruel and terrifying.If you take one wrong step, you will be lost forever.These words are not exaggerations, but the truth. "

The teachings from Zhujian, Nine-tailed Lynx, and Tiangang Spirit Ape were harsh, merciless, and even cruel, but every word and sentence was like a hammer and file, beating on Tang Yan's head, reminding of a more violent storm coming soon.

Tang Yan was silent, he was just thinking about the left war world and Jiulongling, and he hadn't had time to calm down yet.

Indeed, my own path did not get better because of this, but became more difficult.

There is no need to face small families and small forces, and no need to pay attention to small incidents, but invisibly pushed himself into the open and secret struggles of the top forces in the Qitian Continent, and pushed himself into a more turbid vortex.

In the following time, his enemies not only have the power to covet the ghost Qinghuo, but also the enemies of the Eternal Beast Mountain, the enemies of Jiulongling, and special forces such as the Tianji Pavilion, and the most important one is the Holy Spirit Hall.

With a random calculation, five or six powerful enemies like giants can be delineated.

Nine-tailed Tmall said: "We won't stay and help you, unless you encounter something like today that you can't face independently, and you have to rely on yourself for the rest."

"I understand." Tang Yan looked at the serious attitudes of Nine-tailed Tmall and the others, and suddenly felt warm in his heart and hot in his eyes.

Whether it is the domineering guardianship of Jiulongling or the stern reprimand of Wangu Beast Mountain, it all stems from that sincere care.

Although I'm used to loneliness, feels like's good... Tang Yan bid farewell to Zhu Jian and the others outside Heiyun City, but Luo Hu stayed.The road ahead will be extremely difficult, and he needs a powerful assistant to protect him.

The four-winged purple-scaled python left with Zhu Qiang, and the Yinhuang Tiandiao stayed and continued to be Li Yi's contract beast, but Tang Yan was a little depressed by having a cheap grandson for no reason.

"What do you want to eat, what do you want to drink? I'll treat you!" Zhuge Liang was very proud, his attitude turned 180 degrees, and he made up his mind to hug Tang Yan's 'thigh'!
Before today, Tang Yan was a broom star in his heart, but after today, Zhuge Liang placed him at the mascot level.

Tang Yan joked with a smile: "It's over, why don't you go home and have a look? The town is full of young women waiting to breastfeed you."

"A man should aim everywhere and be obsessed with martial arts. How can he waste his good years because of the love of his children. Master Liang, I have made a decision. From today on, the ideal goal is no longer to be king and general, but to protect the homeland."

"What home?"

Zhuge Liang was serious: "Where there is grandpa is my home."

"Please forgive me." The Silver Emperor Sky Eagle groaned in pain, and couldn't bear it any longer.

Tang Yan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said: "Let's go, it's time to go back. You follow me temporarily, and I will introduce you to a better grandfather in two years."

"Who? Are you powerful? Do you have a background? Are you domineering?"

"Of course, I won't disappoint you. His bloodline is somewhat similar to yours, and can give you better guidance." Tang Yan thought of Du Yang's petrified bloodline, and perhaps he could get some inspiration from Zhuge Liang, or use it better To the stone forest domain.

"Tang Yan, walk with me?" Zhaoyi suddenly stopped Tang Yan.

Tang Yan looked at Zhaoyi strangely. Zhaoyi had already walked towards the hills in the distance. Tang Yan could see a little tiredness on her beautiful face.

I just remembered now that Zhaoyi should be in the Dayan Mountains, why did she come to Heiyun City for no reason?He also provided assistance in times of crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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