Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 877 Mass Graves

Chapter 877 Mass Graves

Officiate Mountain Cong!There are thousands of ravines, ancient trees are luxuriant, vastness and beauty coexist, the King of Arbitration is where the king is, and millions of soldiers are scattered in various passes and dangers, forming a defense line of barracks all over the entire mountain of the priest. It is intricate and connected layer by layer, showing the majesty of the ancient country .

Walking into the mountains of the priest, the first thing you feel is not the beautiful environment here, nor the vast landforms, but the huge and majestic momentum of iron and blood. Maybe there are hundreds of soldiers on display in a calm valley, or a cliff On cliffs and canyons, patrolling troops can be seen everywhere, and even the flocks of birds passing by at high altitudes may be patrolling bird troops.

On the vast and vast Central Plains road, except for the five overlord empires that maintain their aloof attitude, the rest of the kingdoms have been under the threat of war for years, and a large kingdom like the Arbitration Kingdom is no exception. The country is coveting, if you have any slack, they will use the cruelest war to wake you up.

Tang Yan walked into the mountains with an iron sword on his back, took Li Yi's hand, and led Zhuge Liang with arrogance and arrogance, climbed over mountains and mountains, crossed canyons and rivers, and headed toward the depths of the mountain for the priest.

At the same time, in different directions in the other mountains of the chief priest, the two top teams of Jiulongling, Dragon Claw and Dragon Thorn, were scattered all over the place. The four most powerful semi-saints, and the two saints "Dragon Head" Nian Wuxin and "Dragon Claw" Nian Wuqing also descended secretly to the officiant mountain.

'Dragon Body' Nian Wude and 'Dragon Tail' Nian Wuyi accompanied the commander Ma Yanwang back to Jiulongling, trying to contact Amber who is wandering somewhere in the world!
"Uncle, where are we going? I feel so uncomfortable." Walking in the primitive dense forest of the mountain forest, Xiao Li Yi felt familiar and sad, as if he had been here before, but he really didn't know him.

Tang Yan let go of Li Yi's hand and walked in front: "Follow me, look at the surrounding environment, don't suppress your emotions, feel here with your heart."

"Oh." Little Li Yi didn't know why, but just habitually obeyed his uncle's arrangement.

Walking through ancient mountain streams, dense forest valleys, mountain streams and ravines, and low mountain cliffs, Tang Yan deliberately led little Li Yi on an unusual path.

This is a trace left over from the war, a landform that has survived 3000 years of changes.

3000 years ago, a hero of the century revolted and led a kingdom rebellion that lasted for several years, causing a bloody battlefield that spread to millions of territories.

The name of the sage Li Bing resounded throughout the towns of the hunting country, and it has been passed down through the ages; the prestige of monsters eating dragons and loaches made the heroes fearful, and spread to the five great empires.

A rebellion turned the most loyal and brave tribe in the kingdom into the most ferocious butcher overnight, cheering and weeping, feeling proud and indignant; It was reduced to a blood-stained battlefield, and the fighting in the mountains and fields made roaring and crying resound through the sky, leaving the mountains and plains covered with scars; a rebellion turned into the most unforgettable pain in the history of the kingdom, and finally made this tribe last for 3000 years. years of suffering and tragedy.

Today, 3000 years later, Tang Yan entered the Kingdom of Arbitration for the second time, and came to this mountain full of memories of the years, and brought with him the sad last inheritor of the Contracted Clan——Li Yi!
Strolling in the mountains and valleys, Tang Yan chose the main front line where the rebels advanced, which was selected from No. [-]'s introduction.

This front has brought glory and heroism to the Covenant Clan, as well as endless sorrow and pain.

Along the way, some battlefields have been buried by the years and disappeared, while some still retain the mark of the past, and traces of the battlefield can be vaguely seen.

Tang Yan didn't speak, and walked quietly. Affected by the dull atmosphere, Zhuge Liang fell to the end in boredom.Li Yi looked blankly and walked slowly. He was very unfamiliar with the environment here and the history of the ethnic group. heavy.

In a trance, he heard the solemn and stirring shouts, the clanging of weapons, the roar of war drums, and even the never-ending footsteps.

Fluttering and flickering, seemingly real and unreal, as if in a dream.

Little Li Yi was very strange and even more at a loss, but he listened to Tang Yan's comfort and released his emotions.

Walking through familiar and unfamiliar battlefields, experiencing various complex emotions, and feeling the shouts and military orders, Li Yi gradually unfolded a magnificent picture of war in the sea of ​​confused consciousness.

The roar of thousands of war drums, the unfurling of thousands of banners, the fighting of millions of soldiers all over the mountains and plains, the billowing smoke covered the sky, and the hunting wind swept blood.

Li Yi is like a bystander, standing high above the battlefield, overlooking its magnificence, feeling its cruelty, and sniffing its sadness and determination.

He saw the familiar white eyes, but full of killing and crazy obsession; he saw the majestic palace, but it became a moon palace out of reach of the ethnic group; corpse.

This is a world of slaughter and a battlefield of tragedy. The scene after scene is shocking. Mountains and pools are soaked in blood, making his face pale and trembling with fear.

Under the transpiration of this tragic atmosphere, one after another persistent shouts awakened Li Yi's silent blood, and the unwilling faces aroused the hatred that Li Yi inherited in his soul, and the fallen figures stung Li Yi's inner sadness.

A tear slid down his cheek and dipped into the corner of his mouth.

It is a bitter taste.


All the pictures freeze, the smoke and banners, soldiers and monsters are all frozen in place, there is no shouting, no drums, and there is silence between heaven and earth.

But all the white-eyed people looked up at the sky at this moment, focusing on Li Yi, the "lonely soul", with endless fanaticism and madness, as well as terrible persistence and fighting spirit.

Li Yi looked at himself blankly, but found that he was not himself, but a thin and short man, with a pale face and gloomy eyes, staring at the king's capital wrapped in flames of war, his hands clenched tightly, fingertips embedded in his flesh, Scarlet blood kept dripping.

He felt the hatred of a strange man, and the unwillingness that was as thick as blood.

Under him, the black water was surging, and the waves were shocking. It seemed that something was tumbling inside, exuding such a terrifying power that the soul trembled.It makes the heroes fear, and makes all the beasts submit.

"In front is the mass grave, where the remains of [-] members of the Contracted Clan are buried."

Tang Yan stood on the top of the cliff, staring at the lake thousands of meters away against the cold wind.

Its area is not too large, it is triangular in shape, and its width is no more than a hundred meters, but the lake water is scarlet and bloody, exuding monstrous blood energy, which can be clearly smelled within a radius of more than ten miles.

But the surface of the lake was unusually calm, almost frozen, not to mention there was no sound, it was deathly silent.

The contradictory combination of blood and silence is creepy.

The triangular lake is surrounded by three low mountains in a triangular shape, but they are not real mountains, but altars that have been destroyed by the years and covered with vines, suppressing this lake with strong resentment!
It is the famous mass grave in the Kingdom of Arbitration!
At that time, Li Bing passed away, the dragon-eating loach was defeated, and the rebel army was fragmented and disintegrated. In less than half a year, the massive rebellion storm came to an end.All the contracted clansmen, whether direct or collateral, who were related by blood, were all captured here, massacred and thrown into the pit.

In order to avoid the resurgence of the Contracted Clan, the royal family made an astonishing decision. The remaining three semi-holy powerhouses of the Contracted Clan sacrificed themselves and turned each into an altar, which is the three low mountains seen now.

They formed a cruel sealing formation, keeping the blood of the contracted clan here.

Tang Yan brought Li Yi into the mountain of the chief priest today to let him recognize his own history, and to use the environment here to hook up the "Li disease" that may be hidden in his body. Now let's look at... his own You are right! !
Li Yi stood on the top of the mountain, his expression ended, melancholy and desolate, two tears fell down his cheeks, his lips moved, and he murmured to himself, his voice was slightly hoarse, not like the voice of pure Li Yi.

Zhuge Liang stood behind, dazed from beginning to end, but now he also felt that something was wrong with Li Yi.

"The mass grave, the sage Li Bing killed one hundred thousand children of your clan, what do you think?" Tang Yan stared at the mass grave with a calm tone and an even more calm expression.

"Li Bing, who are you talking to?" Zhuge Liang looked around blankly.

"Blood feud, we can't share the sky!" Li Yi showed an expression and voice that he definitely shouldn't have with a five-year-old child. He was gloomy and hoarse, swishing coldly, and his eyes gleamed with hostility.

"Li Bing! Saint Li Bing! Is this warmonger still alive?" Zhuge Liang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Li Yi in horror, feeling horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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