Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 880 Wangcheng Steamed Bun Shop

Chapter 880 Wangcheng Steamed Bun Shop

The Wangcheng of the Arbitration Kingdom is built close to the mountains, with the help of the topography of the vigorous mountains to outline the outline of the atmosphere. The various buildings maintain a style of militarization, and the overall structure is majestic and majestic, showing a majestic atmosphere everywhere. Even the four city gates of the capital are forcibly carved out of solid rock.

The structure of the royal capital is divided into two parts, the inner city and the outer city. The outer city is extremely bustling and noisy, with a wide variety of shops and commercial buildings, and people, men, women and children of all colors come and go; Migao Mountain is surrounded and guarded, and the interior area is extremely grand. It is the main residential area of ​​the kingdom's high-level nobles.

Moreover, every city in the Arbitration Kingdom is equipped with a very special secret weapon--Wind and Thunder!

More than a hundred crystal stones are mixed with the best black iron to construct a cylindrical outline. The texture is tough and contains violent energy. When using it, five high-level martial kings of the wind class and five high-level martial kings of the thunder class work together When triggered, a head-sized wind and thunder ball can explode in an instant to bombard the target!

The power is huge and the domineering is abnormal. With the help of treasures, ten high-level martial kings can destroy the first-level martial masters. one of the reasons.

Tang Yan entered Wangcheng and asked Zhuge Liang to accompany Li Yi to stay in the hotel. He did not wait for Zhaoyi and others to come to meet him, so he disguised himself and left with Victoria.

"I was promoted to the first-level intelligence division of Tianyan the year before last. I am fully responsible for the operation of the intelligence systems of the three kingdoms of Arbitration, Strong Strike, and Arathi Stone. I have contacted half of the high-level officials of the three kingdoms and have accepted many commissions." Victoria's loose fireworks can't hide her enchanting figure. The 1.8-meter tall figure is the focus wherever she walks. Her face is covered with a bamboo hat and veil, which is even more fascinating.This woman not only knows how to play with intelligence, but also always shows her talent in charming men intentionally or unintentionally.

"Which level is a first-level intelligence officer in Tianyan?" Tang Yan was also dressed in black and a bamboo hat, and he and Victoria shuttled through the bustling crowds.

"Tianyan's intelligence divisions are divided into five categories, from level five to level one, which are in charge of domain territories, small kingdoms, three small kingdoms, large kingdoms, and three large kingdoms. But above the five categories, there are special-level Intelligence Division and Chief Intelligence Division. They are responsible for special secret events and the huge ancient empire respectively.

In fact, your incident is a special secret incident, and it is a test for me to be entrusted to me, a first-level intelligence officer, as a first-level intelligence officer, and I am also the youngest first-level intelligence officer in Tianyan. "Victoria rarely showed a proud look.

"As a first-level intelligence officer, you suddenly disappeared, won't the upper echelons of Sky Eye be worried?"

"We have our own operating system, and I also have my own operating method. If you don't worry about it, you don't need to worry about my cheating. Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

"Not satisfied!"

"That's right." Victoria showed a playful smile, turned the corner of the street, and pointed to the unremarkable bun shop in front: "It's right there, pay attention to your attitude, and don't miss out."

"I'm better at acting than you." Tang Yan straightened his cloak and quickly got into the mood.

"The venison buns just out of the oven! Steaming venison buns! Pass by, don't miss it!" The bun shop is small, and the inside is deserted, only a few customers are eating, and the waiter sits in front of the door and yells weakly with.

"Give us two cages." Victoria walked to the door, and looked at the empty shop through the veil of the bamboo hat. The inside was slightly dim, and the atmosphere was even more depressing. It seemed that the diners were more communicating.

"Do you want more soup or less? Do you want strong braised meat or light?" The waiter raised his head and looked at the two without hesitation.

"Heavily marinated and juicy, medium rare." Victoria walked into the shop.

Um?medium well?The waiter in the shop and the diners in the shop raised their eyebrows slightly. The special signal made them vigilant, and they pointed to each other with very strange expressions.

"Overnight meat, or fresh meat?" The shop waiter quietly gestured to the diners, and walked towards the steamer while looking at Tang Yan and Victoria.

"Overnight tendon meat, three pots of Huadiao wine, two plates of sauced venison." Victoria chose a clean seat in the corner, and sat down with Tang Yan.

The shop waiter put two steaming baskets of venison buns in front of the two of them: "You two look like they are from other places, are you here to deliver or buy."

"deliver goods."

"You two wait a moment, I'll go to the back and get you food and drinks." The waiter took a deep look at the two of them, and walked to the back without haste.

"Taste the taste, it's pretty good." Victoria really picked up the buns and dipped them in the sauce, and ate them, the rich flavor was tangy.

Tang Yan's thoughts moved across the shop, focusing on the seven diners, all of whom were high-level martial kings, with their weapons on their right hands, ready to fight at any time.

While Tang Yan was investigating them, the seven of them were also secretly investigating Tang Yan.

The unfathomable deep and vigorous breath made their faces change again and again, their right hand leaned on the weapon without a trace, and their eyes drifted towards Tang Yan again and again.

After a while, a burly man opened the curtain from the backyard and came in. He turned out to be a strong martial artist. His gaze fell on Tang Yan and Victoria. After realizing that he couldn't see through Tang Yan, he frowned: "Dare to ask where the two objective people come from, and what kind of goods are they sending?"

After Victoria finished eating the steamed stuffed bun, she slowly wiped the corners of her mouth: "Master Hof, don't you know each other after half a year?"

Tang Yan took out the Sky Eye jade tablet, shook it casually in his hand, and then put it away.

"You are...Miss Victoria?" The burly man was slightly surprised, but he didn't move his majestic body, his eyes were still sharp, and he inspected Tang Yan: "We probably didn't send an invitation letter. What kind of goods did Miss Victoria come to deliver today?"

"I came here uninvited this time. You didn't send an invitation letter, but I have information that you are interested in, and I intend to cooperate with you. Help me contact Yan Lu and ask him if he wants to know about the young master of Black Cloud City If you want news from my master, don't talk nonsense and take me directly into the palace, if you are not interested, we will not force you."

"Heiyun City? Young Master? The surname Tang?!" Venerable Huo Fu looked rough and simple despite his majestic build, but as the head of the Wangdu Intelligence Department of the Arbitration Kingdom, his sense of smell was still very keen.

"I'll leave after eating two baskets of steamed stuffed buns. Venerable Hof better hurry up."

"Who is he?" Huo Fu stared coldly at Tang Yan's back.

"Special Intelligence Specialist, come here just for this incident."

Venerable Hof lifted his spirits slightly, his eyes brightened: "Wait a minute, two! Be back soon."

Victoria lowered her voice and introduced: "This person is the head of the intelligence department of the capital, and also the number two person in the entire kingdom's intelligence system. Yan Lou, who I just mentioned, is the kingdom's intelligence leader, insidious, cunning, and extremely shrewd.

But because Yan Lou was too shrewd, he often dealt with certain things privately regardless of the royal family, and coupled with the slander and instigation around the king, the royal family gradually began to suspect Yan Lou.About five years ago, the king's personal father-in-law began to intervene in the intelligence system, and the information reported by Yan Kuo was basically read by him before being transferred to the king.

Eunuch Zuo is a flatterer, with little ability, if not for some self-knowledge, Yan Lou would have been abolished long ago.However, Grandpa Zuo is very ambitious, good at performance, and he has always planned to make meritorious service, and he has always hoped to cooperate with Tianyan.As long as you can get close to him, you can find out the current situation of the kingdom.So we should try our best to avoid Yan Skull and go to the palace to meet Zuo Gonggong. "

"Are you sure this Hof will directly report to Eunuch Zuo instead of contacting Yan Lou?"

"Although I haven't entered the royal capital for half a year, I still keep reporting information from various sources. Wherever there are people, there are struggles, not to mention a mixed intelligence system. Eunuch Zuo is favored by the royal family, and his status is prominent, so there are naturally many people who fawn on him. Hof has always wanted to replace Yan Lou, so naturally he got close to Eunuch Zuo. We brought important information this time, if Hof wants to make meritorious service, he has to go to Eunuch Zuo."

Victoria winked at Tang Yan quietly, and bit down the round and juicy meat bun with her ruddy and sexy mouth. The juice soaked the corners of her mouth, and the tip of her tongue rolled slowly. The sudden and extremely charming scene made Tang Yan choke on her throat with a sip of tea. , coughing violently.

Pooh!Victoria pursed her lips and smiled delicately, deliberately teasing Tang Yan.

"Miss Victoria, it's very dangerous for you to do this! I warned you in advance, I'm not a good person, I really pissed me off, and if I did something outrageous, don't blame me for not reminding you." Tang Yan was getting more and more confused about this girl. The personality changes too quickly, and some sudden actions will catch people off guard.

If this happened five or six years ago, Tang Yan would have dragged her into a nearby hotel unceremoniously, and let her have a taste of self-immolation.

Victoria narrowed her eyes and looked at Tang Yan's face: "You don't like women?"

"I only love my wife." Tang Yan motioned to the door curtain and said, "He's back!"

Hof lifted the curtain and entered: "Yan Lu is not in the capital, I have already contacted Zuo Gonggong, he will meet you two at the Qingfeng Mingyue Tower in the outer city. But before leaving, I want to do a final verification, the information of the two is really involved Tang Yan?"

"Let's talk to Mr. Zuo." Tang Yan got up and walked out, but Victoria didn't respond.

(End of this chapter)

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