Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 889 Heroes End

Chapter 889 Heroes End
The violent impact shook the swamp wetlands!

With violent force, Chu Tianchao smashed out a deep pit tens of meters long, and the viscous mud that was stirred up was ten feet high, and the ripples caused by the impact spread to Jing Feiyu's feet thousands of meters away.

After the shock wave gradually slowed down, the scattered mud tide began to recover, submerging the motionless Chu Tianchao who was lying in the deep pit.

The impact of the final blow is completely fatal!

With Chu Tianchao's physique and blood, the damage to the armpit can be tolerated, and the fragmentation of the head can also persist. The key is that the shock wave caused by the impact caused long-term confusion of consciousness, the brain was in chaos, and even lost consciousness.

In the dangerous battlefield at this moment, a moment of silence can't be delayed, let alone Chu Tianchao's semi-comatose state.

Tang Yan danced the iron rod and fell in the air. Nearly [-] meters away, he suddenly spun wildly. The thick iron rod came out of his hand and blasted towards the fierce battle of Rahu in the distance: "The meeting ceremony is yours!!"

Ow! !
Rahu's giant python tail suddenly rolled up, and the heavy force caused it to sink slightly, almost losing its balance, but the strong force and the 'runaway' aura contained on the purple gold stick immediately affected it, The whole blood is dry and hot!
Moreover, the Zijin stick's size soared by more than five times the moment it was controlled, which was completely suitable for Luo Hu's use.

It can change size independently!It must belong to the spiritual treasure!
"Haha, what a treasure!!" Luo Hu felt the blood boiling all over his body, and even more felt the extraordinaryness of the purple gold stick. The python's tail flicked up immediately, and was clasped by his thick arms. He waved the hammer forward without saying a word. The second protector blasted away.

The big stick and heavy hammer are all supreme weapons of King Kong blood, and they are all wielded by semi-holy-level powerhouses. One can imagine their power!Clang!The loud roar was deafening, and the shock wave of terrifying power instantly shook the entire body of both sides.

Under the impact of violent force, the stormy offensive of the Second Protector was finally contained, his nose sniffed, his chest was stuffy, and blood was almost spurted out.

And in the microseconds when the two sides resisted briefly due to the impact, and were about to rebound from the shock, Luo Hu's other two arms suddenly appeared, grabbing the second guardian!

Time seemed to stand still, and the second protector's pupils narrowed slightly.

The next moment, a strong rebound came at this moment, and Luo Hu and the second guardian were violently rebounded and scattered at the same time, but Luo Hu's strong arms were also clasped tightly at this moment, and he rolled back towards the sky with the second guardian.

"Open!!" The second elder's explosive power was terrifying, and he struggled frantically to bind him.

After all, he was a warrior who was promoted to a semi-sage purely through body training, and his physical strength absolutely rivaled that of monsters of the same level. The next moment he was trapped, he erupted violently, forcefully opening Luo Hu's claws that were clenched with all his strength.

But... his power is strong, Luo Hu is also of the fighting power type, his strong claws are firmly suppressed, and he has never been able to completely open the second guardian, that is, he cannot really get out of trouble.

The second guardian's face was flushed, and his body was tense, but before he could continue exerting his strength, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, because... Luo Hu had four arms, and while two sharp claws were controlling him, the other two sharp claws were already Hold the Zijin big stick and land on top of him.

"You dare to desecrate the treasure of my vajra bloodline! You will surely die!" The second protector roared angrily.

"He'll be my baby from now on!" Luo Hu laughed ferociously, and with his arms raised high, he swung the big purple stick towards the head of the second protector.

But... the moment the impact was about to hit, the Second Elder's face turned grim, and he suddenly withdrew his strength.

When the incident happened suddenly, Luo Hu slammed his claws closed. The strong force made his whole body feel like it was about to shatter. Claw on.

Click! !Aww! !Luo Hu yelled in rage, and the iron rod suffocated so much that it almost smashed his two sharp claws, and he was released violently like an electric shock.

The Second Elder took the opportunity to get out of trouble, but the last violent closure caused him to be severely injured, his whole body twisted unnaturally, his face was pale and covered in cold sweat.

"You bastard!! How dare you play me!! I'm going to tear you apart!!!" Luo Hu was ashamed and angry. He didn't know whether it was pain or embarrassment. The second elder killed him.

"Get out! Stop pestering me, get out!!" The second elder was so shocked that blood oozes from his orifices, he hissed, and turned his head to run away.

"If I can't kill you today, I'm not the ancient beast Rahu!" Luohu was really angry, his huge body twisted in the air, like a dragon smashing into the sea, all the water in the swamp with a radius of several kilometers was lifted into the air, gathering into a ferocious wave, heading towards the two The elder slapped it with astonishing strength, and it itself rushed forward with a shocking and wild momentum.

After Tang Yan threw away the purple gold stick, he plunged into the depths of the mud, and controlled Chu Tianchao before he regained consciousness.

All of a sudden, the thick mud was churning endlessly. Tang Yan has always been the type to take advantage of your illness to kill you, and he basically kills anyone who wants to kill him, leaving no future troubles! !
"Tang Yan! Stop!!" Jing Feiyu broke free from Zhuge Liang's control, and rushed to the battlefield eagerly: "Assist immediately, let them go, I promise that Tianji Pavilion will never be your enemy!"

"Can you represent Tianji Pavilion? I'm afraid Xuanyuan can't make such a guarantee." Zhuge Liang stepped in front of Jing Feiyu, his chubby face was rare and serious.

"You ruined the Vajra Bloodline, which is equivalent to breaking an arm of the Tianji Pavilion. The Tianji Pavilion will never let it go, the hatred will only gather and deepen!" Jing Feiyu shouted eagerly, trying to make a final easing.

He and Chu Tianchao were brothers and sisters, and they had a very good relationship. He couldn't accept Chu Tianchao's death in front of him at all, not to mention that the two semi-sages who represented the highest lineage of the King Kong blood were also facing death threats.

If they fell here, it would not only be equivalent to cutting off the best inheritance of the Vajra bloodline, but also reduce the strength of Tianji Pavilion by [-]%, and the consequences would be immeasurable.

"Forget it, Tang Yan won't give up. The enmity between him and Tianji Pavilion has already been buried in Heiyun City. If you keep restraint, there may be a chance for the two sides to ease up. But in just ten days, you once again made plans If you want to kill him, he can tolerate you once, and he will never tolerate this second time.

The hatred between the two parties has always been instigated by you Tianji Pavilion, just like today, if Chu Tianchao defeated Tang Yan, would you still shout that the hatred would only get deeper and deeper?Don't treat others as fools, from our point of view, you must die today! "

Zhuge Liang's snorting words made Jing Feiyu speechless, and looked at the fat man in front of him in disbelief.

boom! !The swamp suddenly exploded in the distance, and Tang Yan lifted a majestic object to the sky, and it was Chu Tianchao who was soaked in blood!Facing Tang Yan's violent bombardment attack, his drowsy consciousness was powerless to resist, and Tang Yan bombarded his head about [-]% in just half a minute of the attack, exacerbating the drowsiness of consciousness, The joints of all the attackers' limbs and joints of the rest of Iron Fist and Dragon Tail.

It is equivalent to abolishing the main parts of the war machine one by one.

"I give you death!" Tang Yan whipped the dragon's tail, and when Chu Tianchao fell in front of him, he pierced his chest forcefully. Chu Tianchao, who had been trying to wake up and resist, finally calmed down. His majestic body was stiff at first, and his mouth opened and closed slightly. , blood fell down the corner of his mouth, and then... Gradually limp, with the recovery of the dragon's tail, it fell into the messy swamp.

The inheritance of King Kong's bloodline is not considered a martial artist, without the sea of ​​dantian Qi, this blow piercing the heart is equivalent to killing Chu Tianchao!

The third member of the young generation of Tianji Pavilion, the dazzling new star of the vast ancient country of Xingluo, fell in Tahiti in the middle of the Arbitration Kingdom ten days after the Star Battlefield ended!

The last battle can be described as extremely crazy, but the final defeat can also be regarded as miserable and embarrassing.

Tang Yan did not burn him to death with ghost green fire, but ended his life directly, which can be regarded as giving him respect and giving him the courtesy of a soldier.

Jing Feiyu closed his eyes in pain, and two drops of crystals slid down the corners of his eyes.

died!Prophecy fulfilled!

Did the Arbitration Kingdom's intelligence error harm Chu Tianchao, or did the "dignity" insisted on by Tianji Pavilion harm the King Kong's blood?
"I want your war hammer!" On the distant battlefield, Luo Hu roared like thunder, and the rampant offensive finally stopped the second guardian's intention to escape. While the four arms were entangled madly, the sharp forehead that had been preparing for a long time finally seized the opportunity , triggering a bucket-thick sky thunder, it bombarded the body of the second protector with precision.

The terrifying destructive force completely submerged it, and the second protector blasted towards the messy swamp without even making a scream, and smashed into the bottom of the swamp tens of meters away with the thunder.

For him who had already suffered heavy injuries one after another, this blow was considered fatal.

The scene completely imitated the previous Chu Tianchao, and it also heralded another disaster!

Looking further into the distance, at the moment when Luo Hu severely injured the Second Elder, the Great Guardian on the most intense peak battlefield happened to witness all this. He felt sad and roared angrily: "Little thief Tang Yan, Tianji Pavilion will never let go!" Over you! Jiulongling can't resist the anger of my Tianji Pavilion!"

This moment of absent-mindedness and laxity brought an excellent opportunity to the chief judge. The fierce and cruel attack quickly created the tragedy of the great guardian. curtain down.

(End of this chapter)

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